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Giuseppe Verdi in 1884 wrote a letter to the Commission musical Italian

government, which called for the official use of the tuning fork-432hz inA,
writing about that phrase "requirements for mathematics." What did it
mean? To understand more clearly and well is necessary to introduce a
different frequency, that of 8Hz.
1) The waves of consciousness "ordinary" human brain range from 14Hz
to 40Hz. In this operating range only a few dendrites (lower fibres of
neurones that carry nerve signals) of the brain cells that use
predominantly the left hemisphere (the rational) as a center of activity. If
our two cerebral hemispheres are synchronised to the frequency of 8Hz
would work the same way (in equilibrium), taking the maximum flow of
2) Is the frequency of 8Hz repetition of the double helix of DNA.
3) 8Hz is "broken" fundamental Earth, known as "fundamental resonance
Schumann's "global electromagnetic resonances, generated by electrical
discharges of lightning in the Earth's surface and the ionosphere.
4) The frequency of 8Hz dolphins that vibrates at a distance of 16 km from
the point of emission. In musical terms, frequency of 8Hz corresponds to a
C note. Up to five octaves, ie, using five times the seven notes of the
scale, we get a C of 256Hz, the scale on which the A has a frequency of
432Hz not 440Hz.
Playing the C to 256Hz, the principle of harmony (whereby the production
of a sound and many added submultiples of the frequency), also the gift of
the other octaves begin to vibrate in "sympathy" by resound naturally the
frequency of 8Hz.
That's why the pitch to 432 oscillations per second is defined as "scientific
tuning fork." What was approved unanimously by the Congress of Italian
musicians in 1881 and proposed by physicists Sauveur, Meerens, Savart
and by Italian scientists Montanelly Grassi and Landi.
Take careful account of all that the universe is vibrating energy. Every
subatomic particle, atom, molecular structure, cell and organ of the body
vibrate at a certain frequency.
This is a wonderful harmony own vibrational signature. Many doctors and
researchers say that if a body part is sick, the cause must be sought in the
frequency that has been altered and the body vibrates in unbalanced
Being healthy means to vibrate harmoniously in unison. Each body has its
frequency (or multiple submultiples of 432Hz), when altered in case of

illness, healing and balance when they arrive in the same organ is playing
with the correct resonant frequency.
Then play and listen to music tuned to 432Hz balances the body and also
the nature surrounding vibrational effect, becoming the primary balance
of peace and prosperity. A note for 12 harmonic resonance that brings the
12 notes of the musical scale (with halftone and sustained). The notes are
12 harmonics, when a note is played tuned to
A432 Hz when played in A440 Hz are only 8 harmonics. The music tuned
to A440 Hz is very poor music.
We know that music is "information", the amount of data created 432Hz
sound is not lost between the molecules of gases in the air carrying the
sound that is compatible with its molecular structure.
When the creators of the classic works lived, there was no A-440 as a
standard tuning, they tuned their instruments from the sound of the bells
of the cathedral, which was cast by so-called gentlemen of the Temple,
those that the time had knowledge of alloys, the mathematics sacred and
therefore were aware of things that are now obsolete. By
Holonmusic432Hz CC.

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