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Uleiuri volatile( Ulei esential)

Un ulei esenial este un lichid hidrofob concentrat coninnd compui volatili de arom din plante.
Uleiurile eseniale sunt, de asemenea, cunoscute sub numele de uleiuri volatile, uleiuri eterice sau
pur i simplu ca ulei de planta din care au fost extrase, cum ar fi uleiul de cui oare. Un ulei este
esenial, n sensul c acesta poart un miros distinctiv, sau esena plantei.
HIDROFB, -, hidrofobi, -e, adj., s. m. i f. 1. Adj. (Chim.) Care nu se combin cu apa sub
nicio form; care nu se mbib de ap, care nu are afinitate pentru ap; hidrofug. 2. S.
m. i f. (Med.) Persoan care sufer de hidrofobie. Din fr. hydrophobe.
VOLATL, -, volatili, -e, adj. (Despre lichide) Care se evapor uor la temperaturi obinuite;
volatilizabil. Din fr. volatil, lat. volatilis.
Acetona este un solvent pt uleiurile volatile si trebuie sa aiba o puritate de minim 99,5%

In cosmetica pt inlaturarea lacului de unghii

Styrofoam and acetone create an interesting reaction when combined-the Styrofoam seems to disappear
inside the acetone. This disappearance is in fact a dissolving, and the Styrofoam molecules become
interspersed in the acetone. This dissolving and the resultant solution shows potential for recycling

Acetona cu apa oxigenata(H2O2) este folosita la obtinerea explosivului Triacetatul de peroxid (APEX sau

A new terrorist explosive, triacetone triperoxide (TATP), has recently appeared as a weapon
in the Middle East. TATP has been used by suicide bombers in Israel

Formula Empirica
In 1832, French chemist Jean Baptiste Dumas and German chemist Justus von Liebig determined
the empirical formula for acetone.[18][19] ////////In 1833, the French chemist Antoine Bussy named
acetone by adding the suffix -one to the stem of the corresponding acid (viz, acetic acid).[20] By 1852,
English chemist Alexander William Williamson realized that acetone was methyl acetyl;[21] the
following year, the French chemist Charles Frdric Gerhardt concurred.[22] In 1865, the German
chemist August Kekul published the modern structural formula for acetone
In chemistry, the empirical formula of a chemical compound is the simplest
positive integer ratio of atoms present in a compound

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