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Filosofie contemporan 2015

Texte de seminar:
1. Fr. Nietzsche, Voina de putere, Cartea a treia, 1.c: Credina n Eu. Subiectul, trad.
C. Baciu, Ed. Aion, 1999, pp. 317-323; Idem, tiina voioas, Cartea IV: 284, 285, 290,
292, 295, 335, 341, trad. L. Micescu, Ed. Humanitas, 1994, pp. 170-171; pp. 173-178; pp.
200-203; p. 209.
2. S. Kirkegaard, Despre faptul c disperarea este boala de moarte, n Boala de moarte, trad.
M. Diaconu, Ed. Humanitas, Bucureti, 1999, pp. 53-65; 77-85; 133-144.
3. M. Heidegger, Fiin i timp, 27: Faptul-de-a-fi-sine cotidian i impersonalul se i 74:
Constituia fundamental a istoricitii, trad. G. Liiceanu i C. Cioab, Ed. Humanitas, 2003,
pp. 173-179 i pp. 506-513.
4. J.-P. Sartre, Fiina i neantul, Prima condiie a aciunii este libertatea (fragment), n Fiina i
neantul, Paralela 45, 2004, pp: 593-603.
5. R. Rorty, Freud and moral reflection, n Essays on Heidegger and others. Philosophical
Papers Volume 2, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991, pp. 143-163.
6. M. Foucault, About the Beginnings of the Hermeneutics of the Self: Two Lectures at
Dartmouth, Political Theory, Vol. 21, No. 2, 1993, pp. 198-227.
7. Rom Harr, The Discursive Production of Selves, n Theory & Psychology, vol. 1(1), 1991,
pp. 51-63.
8. D. Dennett, The Self as a Centre of Narrative Gravity, n F. Kessel, P. Cole, D. Johnson
(ed.), Self and Consciousness: Multiple Perspectives, Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 1992, disponibil la: i P. Ricoeur, Lidentit personnelle et lidentit
narrative, n Soi-mme comme un autre, Ed. du Seuil, 1990, pp. 137-166 / Oneself as Another,
Chicago UP, 1992, pp. 113-139.
9. Ch. Taylor, The self in moral space, n Sources of the Self. The Making of the Modern
Identity, Cambridge, MA: Harvard U.P., 1989, pp. 25-52.

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