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Reality of racism
Stanford News
Blacks 3x more likely expelled
RS allows this
Foreman: SCOTUS precedent
Anything is suspicious
PC places limits on officials
Leads to discrimination
1. Race Effect: stereotype
2. Attribution Error
Minorities actions weigh more
Rachet effect (Hartford)
Encourages more searches on miniority group
Nance: Leads to jail
1. Ind Costs - 3x incarceration rate
2. 23 Billion lost HC
II. Strip Searches
Norm to allow scope of search
Washburn Law: Legal, warrantless searches (Kelly)?
Not effective searching (13% success)
Juvenile Law Center: Child view search as abuse
U Santa Cruz: Amounts to RAPE
Student relationship harmed
Intimidated by adults
Psy Child: Results in emotional damage
Increases oppositional behavior
Dropouts; acute long-term disorders
Trauma of strip search; encourages trauma; abuse
Aggressive feelings; drug use risk to cope

Low standard doesn't go away

SCOTUS: Terry v Ohio
Just RS allows strip search/stop frisk
ASU: Stop frisk more racist - 85% minority
2. Long odds increase of lethal, non lethal force!
Bulges in clothes, lead to confrontation
3. SROs increase in AFF world
U Maryland: Schools require officer present w/ PC
Suffolk U: 1% Trained correctly to deal with youth
NANCE: SROs in school; increase 1.38X
Truancy, vandalism become more criminalized
National Center on Crime: Identical crimes 6X more for blacks
Increase risk of discrimination

NANCE: Arrests increase; dropouts increase

2009 SCOTUS (Redding)

School searches need PC
Penn: takes place before SCOTUS ruling

Not extended to schools!

No comparative analysis
Ed Week: decrease violence
Decrease arrests

RS can be used to search

Weigh abuse of rape/impx
Court case opened door?

Courts mandate SROs

SROs criminalize low level offense
NANCE: 1.38 greater scope
Courts biased against minorities once sent to jail

Small scope in Penn searches

Searching down post SCOTUS

NO SCOTUS precedent
NO stop/frisk in schools
Limited discretion; solves racism

Redding: precedent still ok to strip search

Wont manifest in RW

Can't weigh IMPX

Unreasonable scope

HR violations ALWAYS BAD


I. Narcotic K9
Drug dogs increae
Tiller: tempts kids to bring more contraband
7th Circuit: alert from dog triggers constitutional search
Police handlers trigger false positive
Source: trigger K9 response
U Chicago: Hispanics half accurate
II.Zero Tolerance
Mandates harsh punishment
Doubling of suspension rates
3x higher for color student
95% nonviolent - sent to Jvy
38 states mitigate ZT
PC reverses trend
1. Media Sensation
Source: call to action to protect children
Glasgow: Media limits info, skewed to ZT
Heitzig: Juvy systems bad
2. Stifles social movement
Saps energy for more GR movements
Loyola: Court victories signal NO MORE activism
Miami U: Community orgs create discourse; k2 root cause
3. Increase in crime
CQ: Schools need to search to maintain safety
Northwestern: Lower perceived likilihood to resolve crime
Source: Need to obtain warrant slows
Common approach is increase perception: ZT policies
UPENN: Research show, perceived solvency; oppress offenders
ZT increase in AFF world
Heitzig: ZT #1 facilitator of STPP

1. Tiller: AFF world SROs go down

2. No warrant for why search increases
3. No weighing of false positive

ZT can happen for variety of reasons


1. Media response to SCHOOL SHOOTINGS, not policy changes

Reacts negative to everyting

Increase protections for students

Historically, legislation bolsters other movements
ex: gay marriage now LGBTQ

1. Flexibility?
Schools won't operate this way
UF Law: 90% searches consented
Elanburger: RS/PC allow consented searches
Only RS allows strip searches

American U: Perceptional increases in security increase ZT

1990s crime up
ZT introduced
Perception of crime
Increases ZT

Don't happen in AFF

Can change intrusiveness
Movements work now

ZT #1 risk of STPP

ZTP: deterrence effect

Lowered perception of PC
Reactionary policies

Tool to search, flexibility?

Won't lead to ZTP

SROs increase
PC: mandate SROs
SROs criminalize more
NANCE: increase youth criminalization
Jury trials not for kids
Black kids don't have access to DP

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