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Joseph Goldsmith couldn’t write the report, no matter how much he needed to. He had
struggled so much, fearing the information that he had uncovered and how this would
affect the world. After a brandy and four cigarettes he sat down to pen the report. To
help him focus, allow him to connect all the dots, he picked up the file next to him
and thumbed through the timeline of events inside:

19 April 2010: Reports of arguments over the decided removal of

dense drilling mud from the pipes of the BP (British Petroleum) owned
Deepwater Horizon offshore oil platform and its replacement with
lighter sea water, even though a second cement plug had yet to be
placed and greatly escalating the risk of an explosion.

20 April 2010: After weeks of frequent and forceful contact with

volatile natural gasses released from the ocean bed the Deepwater
Horizon exploded, causing the deaths of 11 workers and the leakage of
several thousand tons of oil from a ruptured pipe line. Initial
investigation into the matter revealed that BP, who was leased the
platform, Transocean and Halliburton had all failed to maintain current
safety check procedures and investigate potential solutions to the ever
present problem of the flammable gas pockets which were reported as
travelling up the pipes.

26 May 2010: A US Facebook group demanding the abolition of BPs’

American stations is created; ‘Boycott BP’. It has over 1,000 active
users. Protesters have begun sitting in American BP station forecourts
to prevent the flow of custom. National outrage is pointed squarely at
BP for the damage to the environment and the repercussions it will
have in the near future.

29 May 2010: An estimated 7,000 to 10,000 tons of oil has leaked into
the Gulf of Mexico. Attempts at plugging the hole with debris such as
tyres and hair have been put into motion.

02 June 2010: BP announces it will be personally paying for all coastal

barricades around the oil-inflicted areas. The operation is set in motion
to cordon off all public access to the ravaged areas. Pressure is
increasing from the public to cut America’s ties with BP.
Today saw the launch of the first response to close up the damaged
length of piping; earlier this afternoon a diamond-tipped saw has been
sent to the source of the leak to sever the pipe and seal off the spill.
BP is confident this will pave the way to settling the incident.

03 June 2010: President Barack Obama stated during a public address

that was “angry and frustrated” by BPs’ handling of the Deepwater
Horizon incident, suspending all drilling operation in the Gulf of
Mexico’s 33 oil wells until tighter regulations have been emplaced. The
oil sheen has been sighted just 10 miles off of Florida’s white-sands
beach. Attempts to block the pipe have proven unsuccessful.
Yesterdays attempt at sealing the pipe failed when the diamond saw
became snagged. Alternative methods in closing the pipe were
employed via the use of robotic shears have since been dispatched to
clamp the ends of the pipe. Plans for the digging of two relief wells
have been discussed by the heads of BP although they fear it will be
some weeks until this project is put into operation.

05 June 2010: Plans for surface oil to be salvaged by BP trawler ships

are discussed for the following days.

Joseph skims this last page which has several of the day’s news reports paper clipped
to it and moves on to a handwritten piece. With no further information at hand the
timeline from here was merely predictions of future events; however Joseph is
increasingly inclined to believe this potential flow of events

19 June 2010: BP launches its trawler clean up procedure nearly two

weeks later than planned.

26 June: The surface water oil clean up is disbanded after minimal

progress. Only several hundred tons of oil are salvaged and provides
little to no benefit to the environmental damage.

12 July 2010: BP faces heavy profit losses across the eastern coast of
America and the southern belt within heavily Republican states.

06 August 2010: The first of two relief wells is dug successfully begins
its first day of construction, however experts argue that this provides
no solution to the 17,000 tons of oil that has escaped the burst well,
and that the project will end up costing more than the company could
possibly justify.

10 August 2010: The relief well project is disbanded. American

shareholders are abandoning the failing company, sending BP shares
into an all time low. The far reaching effect this will have on European
and Asian investors has yet to be determined.
29 August 2010: BPs’ foreign shares are at an all time low and profit
loss far outweighing profits. Domestic shares are in BP rapid decline.
With the unsalvageable loss of over 13, 000 tons of oil from the world
reserves, the Obama administration calls a crisis in global oil stocks. In
response America increases the domestic cost of oil and oil-based
products, and raise the price of foreign exports by 39%. Foreign
importers are predicted to fall as a direct result.

31 August 2010: No European investors have displayed interest in

providing relief funds for BP.

09 September 2010: BP makes a public declaration of bankruptcy. Due

to the crippling losses there is no relief fund or pension plan for its
96200+ employees. Union leadings responded by organising a
picketing of BP home office by all employees to get some form of

14 September 2010: At 16.00 MGT, Halliburton, Oil States Industries,

Tide Water, ConocoPhillips, Transocean and Baker Hughes Inc.
announce intentions to buy up BPs remaining properties and reserves.

19 September 2010: BP worldwide is officially closed down and its

assets liquidated to the American and Mexican governments as
reparations for the incident.
The unionised picketing proved ultimately unsuccessful. Unemployment
is predicted to rise exponentially due to the massive layoffs and the
domino effect of BPs closure, both foreign and domestic.
Corporate buy-outs of BPs assets place a majority of British oil wells
under American ownership.

11 October 2010: Facing pressure from within and a power struggle

from the Republican Party, the Obama Administration announces
America will be reducing its exportation of domestic oil to foreign
buyers by half. Prior to this the country imported a record high of
foreign oil. Foreign backlash is set to resort to boycotting non-essential
American products in an attempt to strangle hold the country.

08 December 2010: The foreign power struggle increase between

America and the UN, who previously declared their disapproval of
Americas’ hoarding of oil in the face of dwindling reserves. America
remains steadfast in its refusal to export additional oil.

18 April 2011: In the 7 months since its forceful independence from

American oil, the EU, Middle Eastern, Russian and Asian governments
have agreed an alternate solution to world energy will be essential
within the next two decades. America is absent from these discussions.
17 December 2012: The Republican Party wins the Presidential election
by a landslide. The President Elect declares that his administration will
change the way America does international business and push the
country into a new age of prosperity.

Joseph sighs and puts down the paper. Everything from here was pure speculation yet
based on what he had uncovered so far and after hypothesising the situation from
every angle it was the only logical outcome. Dragging over his laptop he opened the
document and began to add new amendments.

12 February 2013: The Republican Party take presidential office and

make good on their electoral promise by swiftly cutting all oil exports.
Some politicians are feeling threatened by the growth of relations
within Europe and feel they can restore Americas’ dominance by
withholding oil until the nations are desperate enough to bow to
Americas’ will.

July 2014: European oil stocks are at crisis level, CNN earlier reported,
allowing Middle Eastern oil companies to demand higher export tariffs
following the unplanned destruction of several Russian oil platforms.
Russian reporters cite these incidents as a lapse in health and safety
protocols among many of their more antique stations and will hitch up
their prices, furthering the stranglehold oil exporters have over Europe.
The added knock on effect will be a drive towards a new energy source
that unites all the key players of Europe in a single goal.

January 2021: Europe is now totally free from its oil dependency,
having discovered a renewable energy source as a direct consequence
of the constraints of the oil embargo, allowing money to be invested in
better educational, public, and scientific sectors. With oil no longer a
viable export; talks are to take place with Middle Eastern and Asian
electorates to discuss joining the EU energy programme.

May 2022: European relations with the Middle East have improved but
there is no end to the persecution of Israeli and Palestinian citizens.
Despite this, the EU is confident that the strengthening of West-East
relations can be considered the first major step in ending the crisis
within the next few generations.

March 2023: American national wealth decreases for the seventh

financial year as a direct result of the oil export embargo. There is
mixed public and political reaction to possibly reopening trade with
Europe at high cost.

April 2023: America attempts talks with the EU over re-opening trade
routes, however the offer is declined due to new found self-sufficiency
between the nations of Europe and the success of the renewable
energy programme.
June 2023: In the wake of failed negotiations with Europe, American
financial experts predict an onset of depression to hit the country
within the next 2-3 years as a direct consequence of the oil trade. One
quarter of American towns and cities will become host to expanding
slum areas as poverty becomes a more widespread occurrence.

October 2023: America opens trade routs with China exporting oil for
half the desired price. Though this is predicted to bring in an initial
flood of wealth, the over all scheme will do little to solve the economic
crisis facing America.

August 2025: The total number of slum areas in the US will double that
of figures taken just 8 years prior. The areas most likely to be hit are
city districts with already low public spending and employment
prospects. Despite this many of the central metropolitan areas remain

September 2029: The first cases of civil unrest are reported in America
over dwindling oil stocks and inflation of petrol. Riots are predictable,
most likely at service stations – possibly without intent. There will be
deaths and large numbers of wounded as authorities are called in to
deal with the escalating situation. Increased incidences of rioting and
new anti-authoritarian sentimentality will appear in the north-west
coast regions first, spreading along the north-south divide states and
with lesser cases occurring on the eastern coast.

Joseph throws precaution to the wind as his typing becomes faster and his writing less
halting, predicting the future..

Autumn 2030: Petitions for a new government and a renewal of talks

with Europe are rife along social networking sites and high streets the
country over. Gas stations throughout the country face either
boycotting protesters or panicked looters as the country descends into
anarchy in all but the richer regions.
In the face of growing civil upheaval a state of emergency is
announced. America is now under martial law until the military is able
to restore civic peace. The White House and Congress go into
emergency lock-down until such time as the peace has been restored.

Winter 2030: Amidst rising civil unrest the President holds a public
address from the steps of Congress, his first public appearance since
martial law was declared last month. Although the Secret Service were
clearly expecting to see a riot no one could have predicted the crowds
surge en mass and assault the podium. From what sources close to the
incident are saying, the guards opened fire after warning the crowd
several times. Anarchy reigns supreme. America tears itself apart and
enters a new pre-industrial decline as the united world watches.
Report ends.

Joseph saves the document and closes the laptop. He couldn’t believe that in this
period of economic crisis the rich oil barons were crushing the poor like some throw
back to Catholicism in the 11th century. Yet back then there was less chance of the
sanario self-cannibalising, unlike nowadays where information is readily available for
all those dedicated enough to search for it. Problems only happen when people are
blind sighted by their own ignorance, and what better way for keeping a populous
ignorant than an age of instant gratification, commodification and consumerism that
keep them contented while the bureaucrats and politicians work out how to screw the
next guy over. Scratch that – Joseph could believe it, after all; why use weapons of
mass destruction when you can convert the people to weapons of mass consumption?
This all came about while digging deeper into the Deepwater incident, specifically the
direction of funding and demolition equipment from American oil companies with
direct links to the Republican Party during the salvage attempts. The trail had led him
through various contacts he had with former congressmen who had since fled
underground. In the end it all came down to the bottom dollar. Oil was and is still the
easiest and quickest way to retrieve the money owed America by other countries for
war aid loans, and so the world is made increasingly dependent on US oil. America
had been getting uncomfortable around the western drive towards cheap renewable
energy when the sale of oil kept the country afloat. Political and financial figures
agreed that gluttonously draining the world’s raw resources and sinking other
countries deeper into debt over extortionate oil prices was a small price compared to
the continuation of the American Dream. In order to achieve this they had driven
away foreign oil companies from wells within the American territories, sabotaging all
attempts at closing off the Deepwater leak they had instigated using their men on the
inside, and ruining the reputation of BP internationally until the company had no
choice but to withdraw and sell off its remaining assets to the highest bidders –
naturally these buyers would be American. His theory of a Russian oil platform
catastrophe and the knock-on effect this would have on increasing Eastern export
prices was one Joseph was proud of, in the most cynical of ways; America’s attempt
to make Europe pay dear when cheaper options were available elsewhere was a
foolhardy notion, and so by setting off events that would in turn make Russia an
equally expensive supplier America could tighten its income from Europe in a classic
stranglehold manoeuvre.

Joseph smiled grimly to himself. Naturally America’s downfall would be its inability
to look for alternative fuels ready for the time of dwindling reserves. There was no
chance of risking its proud and lofty position by admitting they could be heading
down a path of destruction and squandering its precious reserves. Yet still he could
save this from becoming reality. By publishing his findings he could save BPs foreign
reputation and thus negating the destructive inflation of oil prices. But what if it
failed? What if instead there was a worldwide backlash that ended up causing more
problems than those America alone could face on this current course?
“Better the devil you know?” he exhaled with head perched contemplatively on palm,
flicking off the table lamp and brooding in the silent darkness.

Joseph needed council. The following day Joseph handed the report into Adam Quist.
At the moment only a select few had seen it and there were mixed feelings on what
exactly to do with the information. Exposure could prove disastrous yet the public had
the right to be informed. As Adam read the report Joseph was surprised at the lack of
emotion his face displayed displayed.
“Well, what do you think Mr Quist?”
Adam hesitated.
“This could all be true?”
“We believe it to be so”.
“I have relatives who own shares in various oil companies BP, Dezak and such. Five
years ago I began an auditing position. It has always been encouraged that we should
apply creative accounting to our charters. I have little doubt as to the levels that these
people would go to”.
Adam leaned back in his chair.
“I see. So it seems that the stereotypical capitalist fat cats have nothing on these
criminals. Question is where do we go from here? This Intel could no damage
seriously shatter Anglo-American relations. If we could get people to believe it of
“I’ve thought about the problems it could cause among the world powers. Worst case
sanario isn’t a pretty one. We’re talking anarchy that could tear America down from
within in less than thirty years”.
Adam stood up tall and put the kettle on. He noticed a pigeon fly past the window.
“The personal danger on you once they find out you were the one who published the
conspiracy only adds to the problem”.
“What about if I leak the document anomalously?” Joseph inquired.
“The exact same reaction: heads will roll officially and unofficially. And they’d find a
way of discovering who you are, no matter the lengths you go to. My friend you are in
an impossible situation. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. In the end it’s for
you to decide what is more important to you: your life or your soul?”
With that Joseph seized the file and left. As the door closed Adam wished he could
have been of more assistance but he had his own demons to fight. He switched the
kettle off and then opened a nearby draw and pulled out a bottle of whisky.

That night Joseph sat in his home by the fire watching the document burn.


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