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Learning outcomes:

Describe the steps to approach the construction of multi-level DFDs

Develop context diagrams
Develop Level 0 DFDs
Develop Level 1 DFDs

Steps to Construct DFDs:

Build the context diagram

Create the level 0 diagram.
Decompose level 0 processes into level 1 DFDs
Decompose level 1 processes into level 2 DFDs and decompose further
if needed

Creating the context diagram

Identify user roles (external entities)

Identify the information that each external entity sends to the system
and receives from the system

Creating the level 0 DFD

Identify the major functions of the system (processes)

Identify which processes produce the data sent to the external entities
and which processes require the data produced by the external entities
Identify data flows and data stores and their interaction
Data flow to data store means update, data flow from data store
means retrieve

Creating level 1, level 2, etc. DFDs

Functional decomposition in an iterative process which results in DFDs

that give more details about a process
The lowest level DFDs are called primitive DFDs
Describing a process can help to decide whether it is necessary to
decompose the corresponding DFD
If a process requires to carry out several tasks (logical functions), it is a
good candidate for decomposition
Ensure the conservation of inputs and outputs (data flows) when
decomposing processes (balancing)
Ensure completeness, consistency, no timing dependence, iterative
development, creation of primitive DFDs

Example No 1
The DFD takes an input-process-output view of a system. That is, data
objects flow into the software, are transformed by processing elements, and
resultant data objects flow out of the software. Data objects are represented
by labeled arrows, and transformations are represented by circles (also
called bubbles). The DFD is presented in a hierarchical fashion. That is, the
first data flow model (sometimes called a level 0 DFD or context diagram)
represents the system as a whole

A level 0 DFD for the security function is shown in Figure. The primary
external entities (boxes) produce information for use by the system and
consume information generated by the system.
The level 0 DFD must now be expanded into a level 1 data flow model. Let us
consider the narrative of the Safehome
During installation, the SafeHome PC is used to program and configure the
system. Each sensor is assigned a number and type, a master password is
programmed for arming and disarming the system, and telephone number(s)
are input for dialing when a sensor event occurs.
When a sensor event is recognized, the software invokes an audible alarm
attached to the system. After a delay time that is specified by the
homeowner during system configuration activities, the software dials a
telephone number of a monitoring service, provides information about the
location, reporting the nature of the event that has been detected. The

telephone number will be redialed every 20 seconds until telephone

connection is obtained.

The homeowner receives security information via a control panel, the PC, or
a browser, collectively called an interface. The interface displays prompting
messages and system status information on the control panel, the PC, or the
browser window.

Level 1 DFD for Safehome

Level 2 DFD for Monitor Sensors Process

Example No. 2
Creating Data Flow Diagrams: Lemonade Stand Example
The operations of a simple lemonade stand will be used to demonstrate the
creation of dataflow diagrams. Steps are as follows:
1. Create a list of activities
2. Construct Context Level DFD
(identifies sources and sink)
3. Construct Level 0 DFD
(identifies manageable sub processes )
4. Construct Level 1- n DFD
(identifies actual data flows and data stores )

Think through the activities that take place at a lemonade stand. Create a list
of activities:

Customer Order
Serve Product
Collect Payment
Produce Product
Store Product

Also think of the additional activities needed to support the basic activities.

Customer Order
Serve Product
Collect Payment
Produce Product
Store Product
Order Raw Materials
Pay for Raw Materials
Pay for Labor

Group these activities in some logical fashion, possibly functional areas:

Group 1

Customer Order
Serve Product
Collect Payment

Group 2

Produce Product
Store Product
Order Raw Materials

Group 3

Pay for Raw Materials

Pay for Labor

Create a context level diagram identifying the sources and sinks (users).

Create a level 0 diagram identifying the logical subsystems that may exist

Create a level 1 decomposing the processes in level 0 and

identifying data stores.

Customer Order
Collect Payment

Serve Product
Produce Product
Store Product

Order Raw Materials

Pay for Raw Materials

Pay for Labor

Example No 3
University Registration System. The system should enable staff of each
academic department to examine the modules offered by their department,
add and remove modules, and change the information about them (e.g. the
maximum number of students permitted). It should permit students to
examine currently available modules, add and drop modules to and from
their schedules, and examine the modules for which they are enrolled.
Department staff should be able to print a variety of reports about the
modules and the students enrolled in them. The system should ensure that
no student takes too many modules and that students who have any unpaid
fees are not permitted to register (students can verify their fee paying
status). Note: assume that a fees data store is maintained by the universitys
financial office and this data store is accessed by the registration system but
the fees data store is not modified by the registration system.

Class Task: Draw level 0 and level 1 diagram for the following
Home Task: Bus Garage Repairs

Buses come to a garage for repairs.

A mechanic and helper perform the repair, record the reason for the
repair and record the total cost of all parts used on a Shop Repair

Information on labor, parts and repair outcome is used for billing by the
Accounting Department, parts monitoring by the inventory

management computer system and a performance review by the



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