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Material Mie Titi (Dry Noodles) :

- 3 wrap Egg Noodles
- 5 grain meatballs, slice correspond favors
- 3 spoon cornstarch or slice dose, consistency which are
- 2 stick murstad, be cut
- 2 seed carrot, thinly sliced
- 2 grain eggs
- shrimp according to taste
- oil for frying
seasoning :

3 clove garlic
2 clove shallot
1 seed candlenut
Paper taste
salt suffclienty
2 grain tomato
chili suffciently
soy sauce
sugar suffcienty

tools :


How To Make Mie Titi :

1. first step heat oil on a pan then fried egg noodles until it
looks brown and intricate after that lift, drain and set aside
2. second step cut mustard, carrot, and meatballs. Then
wash murtard and carrot to clean.
3. Third step mash until refined garlic, shallot and paper then
add salt suffciently. Then pour 3 tablespoons oil then
saute until
later enter seasonig that has been mashed and mix shimp
until the prawns change. Last enter murstard, carrot, and
meatballs until vegetables withered. Next add as much
water 200 ml wait for it to boil withered. After that enter
cornstarch solution that has been mixed with water than
stir to bubbling.
Next before approaching break it eggs then stir slowing
until stringy and then lift.
4. Fourth step make condiment us. Mix chili, tomato, and salt
suffciently pass pestle to refined then saute to fragnant
and add some sugar.
5. Finally stack the egg noodles that are deep fried on a
bowl. enter soup into a bowl. Pass add soy sauce and
condiment us
mie tiiti (dry Noodles) ready to be served and enter into a
soup bowl enjoyed...

Thank you very much for attention

Bye..See you at the next time

Hello guys..

Oke we are from group 4 wil explain about how to make mie titi
or (dry noodles)
Before explain, we will introduce self

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