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Cheat Codes

Although it spoils the game, cheat codes aid you in your conquest to victory. These codes can only be used in asingleplayer game. They are also not case-sensitive.


Directs to that particular mission

Motherland (race) (level)

Disable requirements


Enable research (regardless of requirements)


Fast death or decay


Gives you % Gold

Keysersoze %

Gives you % Gold and % Lumber (If not specified gives you 500

greedisgood %

Gives you % Lumber

Leafittome %

Instant Loss


Instant Win


No damage inflicted to you and you 1 hit KO (Does not apply to

your allied units)


No defeat, no matter what


No Victory, no matter what


Performs spell instantly (Mana cost applies)


Plays a special song while playing


Re-enters the last code you had entered

Remove Fog of War


Removes food limit (It is still capped at 100)


Sets to dawn


Sets to dusk


Sets your time to % hours (In a 24-hour day format)

Daylightsavings %

Speeds up construction of buildings, units, and reasearch


Unlimited Mana


Upgrades automatically goes up 1 level (no money needed)


Contributed By: Ben del Raichu.


Campaign Modes
These are the unlockables that are in the Campaign Mode.

How to Unlock

"The Crossing" Secret Campaign

Play in Human 3rd Mission. There are 3 sheeps, step onto

them in the order "Bah-Ram-You".

Play Pandaren Brewmaster in the

4th Human Mission

Complete "The Crossing" Secret Campaign.

Contributed By: Ben del Raichu.

Hari gini ternyata masih ada juga yang nyari cheat Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne? Tapi maunya Cheat Warcraft 3
Bahasa Indonesia. Ok, ini dia cheat-nya sudah saya terjemahkan kedalam bahasa Indonesia.

Cheat Warcraft III Bahasa Indonesia

Terjebak pada misi single-player? Cobalah cheat code dibawah ini. Untuk menggunakan kode cheat, tekan tombol
enter pada saat main, ketik kode, dan tekan enter lagi. Pesan Cheat Code Enabled akan muncul. Perhatikan
bahwa kode ini hanya berjalan dalam misi single-player dan custom maps.

TenthLevelTaurenChieftain Memainkan lagu khusus (Warcraft III: Cuma bisa di The Frozen Throne)

WarpTen Mempercepat konstruksi bangunan dan unit

IocainePowder Kematian Cepat / Kerusaskan

WhosYourDaddy God mode, kuat satu kali hajar dan ga bisa mati

KeyserSoze [jumlah] Memberikan Anda X Emas, tergantung jumlah yang diisikan, kalau mau 1000 gold
ketik KeyserSoze 1000

LeafitToMe [jumlah] Memberikan Anda X Lumber (kayu)

GreedIsGood [jumlah] Memberikan Anda X Emas dan Lumber (kayu)

PointBreak Menghapus batas makanan

ThereIsNoSpoon Mana tak terbatas

StrengthAndHonor kekalahan Tidak

Motherland [ras] [level] melompat melompat ke level tertentu

SomebodySetUpUsTheBomb Kekalahan Instan

AllYourBaseAreBelongToUs Kemenangan Instan

WhoIsJohnGalt Aktifkan research (penelitian)

SharpAndShiny Upgrade research (penelitian)

IseeDeadPeople Hapus kabut perang atau keliatan semua dalam peta

Synergy Nonaktifkan persyaratan tech tree

RiseAndShine Mengatur waktu hari menuju fajar

LightsOut Mengatur waktu hari menuju sore/malam

DayLightSavings [waktu] Jika waktu yang ditentukan, waktu diatur ke jam tersebut, misalkan
DayLightSavings 12 berarti ke jam 12. Kalau tidak disetting waktu maka hari dihentikan/dilanjutkan.

ada lagi nih cheatnya supaya bisa lewatin dan ganti level:motherland (nama klan) (nomor
level) contoh:motherland nightelf 8
Kebal, N' 1 kali gebuk langsung mati - whosyourdaddy
Map kelihatan semua - iseedeadpeople
Langsung menang - allyourbasearebelongtous
Langsung kalah (buseettsapa yang mau ni cheat??hahhakali aja ada) somebodysetusupthebomb
Uang - keysersoze [jumlah]
Kayu - leafittome [jumlah]
Kayu dan uang - greedisgood [jumlah]
Proses Pembangunan cepat - warpten
Cepat mati - iocainepowder
Gak perlu makanan - pointbreak << Belum dicoba
Penelitiannya jadi cepat - whoisjohngalt
Unlimited manna / MP - thereisnospoon
Pohonnya hilang - abrakadabra << Belum dicoba juga..]

Langsung menang
DayLightSavings [waktu]
Jika waktu dispesifikasikan, waktu hari akan diatur ke situ, sebaliknya waktu hari akan dihentikan atau
daylightsavings 18:00 - Menentukan waktu hari ke 18:00
GreedIsGood [jumlah]
Memberi Anda sejumlah Gold (emas) dan Lumber (kayu)
greedisgood 10000 - 10000 gold dan lumber
Kematian atau kehancuran yang cepat

Menghilangkan kabut dalam peta (semua lokasi terlihat oleh pemain)
Mendisfungsikan kondisi kemenangan
KeyserSoze [jumlah]
Memberikan Anda sejumlah gold (emas)
keysersoze 1000 - 1000 gold
LeafitToMe [jumlah]
Memberikan Anda sejumlah Lumber (kayu)
leafittome 100 - 100 lumber
Menentukan waktu hari ke petang (menjelang malam)
Motherland [ras] [level]
Meloncat ke ras dan level tertentu yang Anda tentukan
Tidak membatasi jumlah food (penduduk/pemain)
Menentukan waktu hari ke pagi hari
Meng-upgrade research (penelitian)
Langsung kalah
Tak terkalahkan
Mendisfungsikan kebutuhan terhadap pohon
Fast cooldown

Mana tak terbatas
Mempercepat pendirian bangunan dan unit
Memfungsikan research (penelitian)
God mode, yaitu menambah kekuatan merusak pemain Anda

Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne








My Games



Cheat List
In single-player games press [Enter] on your keyboard. Type the code (the word or words on the right of the colonm and then press enter.
Words in the parenthesis are to be entered without the parenthesis. After the code is typed press [Enter] again and it should say {Cheat
Enabled!} across the screen assuming you did it correctly.
Example: [Enter] greedisgood 100000 [Enter] Cheat Enabled!


Enable research



keysersoze (value)

Infinite mana


Instant doom




Instant Loss


Instant spell performance


Instant Win


Invulnerability and 1 shot kills


Level select

motherland (race) (level



leafittome (value)

Lumber and Gold

greedisgood (value)





Play after dying in campaign mode


Play the "Power of the Horde" song


Quick research


Re-enters the last cheat code you typed.

Research all upgrades


Reset the time to the hour specificed (without a

number, this toggle the day/night cycle on/off)

DaylightSavings (Insert

sets the frames per second into the set number

"maxfps(x)" where x is

Speeds up the construction of buildings and units


Turn off Tech-Tree


Turn off Victory


Units need no farms


View entire map


Contributed By: Tro77Tro, PhilSplee, Atheistic One, greatskeeve, and War4Starcraft.



Secert Level - Chapter 3 of the Blood Elf campign

In Chapter 3 of the Blood Elf campign
In your travels thrugh the dunguns you will encounter a large battle in the south center area of the map, if you go south of this battle and
through the iron gate on the left you will see three sheep, click the platforms in front of them in this order: TOP THEN BOTTEM THEN
MIDDLE, the iron get to the north will then open, pick up the question mark then beat the level normally to unlock the bonus mission
called The Crossing.
For beating The Crossing completely, you'll gain access to a Pandaren Brewmaster in Chapter Four: The Search for Illidan.
Contributed By: Mewt64.


Easter Eggs

Iron Chef Parody

In game, click on one of your Troll Witch Doctor units many times. Eventually after many clicks, voices and sounds will start to be heard
being very similar to the television show Iron Chef.
Contributed By: Throbulator.


Wirt's other leg

In the last mission of the Alliance campaign - Chapter 6 (Lord of Outland) - you can slay Diablo's The Butcher (an abomination) who drops
an item called "wirt's other leg". This is a reference to Blizzard's own Diablo 2 item "Wirt's leg" which in turn is a reference to the boy Wirt
from Diablo. The item itself is useless in The Frozen Throne.
Contributed By: odino.



Find the Penguin King!

To find the Penguin King you must first start mission 4 for the Scourge/undead. In The begining you will notice there is a fork in the road to
your left. Take the most bottom path. After you have started going down the most bottom path continue to go to the left until you reach a
tunnel ( which really isn't a tunnel because you can't go through it ). On the other side of the tunnel is the Penguin King. To get to the
Penguin King go up till you are at the edge of the cliff that blocks you from the king. Then start trailing down the opposite side of which
you came up the cliff to get to a patch trees. Make your way through the trees. Once you reach a certain point in the patch of trees the gates
Leading to the Penguin King open and the Penguin King lays down a Ring of protection+4 for all of your hard work. Make your way into
the area to grab the Item. ( Note: you could just put in the ''iseedeadpeople'' cheat with no quotes so you could see exactly where the King is
Contributed By: pet phantom.


Secret Area: Tomes of Ancient

On the second level of the Night Elf campaign there is a secret area containing two tomes of intelligence and one tome of strength along
with two mana runes. Just kill all the Makrura's in the top left hand corner of the map. Then to get the tomes use Maiev's blink ability to get
on top of the wall at the northernmost part of the base. ''Secret Area Tomes of Ancients Discovered'' will flash up on the screen. Now just
grab the tomes.
Contributed By: Conkermon.


Secret Areas in Night Elf Chapter 4

In the Night Elf Chapter 4 (Wrath of the Betrayer), there are 4 secret areas that Maiev could go into using her blink ability.
The first one is below your base, just north east of the southernmost Naga base. It has a statue that looks like a keeper of the grove hero. The
message ''Secret Area Found'' will show up if you correctly found it. The second one is at the center of the map. It has a large gate that can
be destroyed, and you will battle an infernal there. This is also the only secret area where you can go to without using the blink ability. The
third is a garden just east of the area where you finish the mission. It has a critter named ''Grank the Rat'' that cannot be destroyed. The last

one is at the southwestern most part of the map. It has a level 1 pandaren at a platform with the message ''Pandaren drinking area'' appearing
if you are at the correct place. The pandaren will leave, leaving behind a treasure box.
Contributed By: Number 25.


Secret Island
This secret island is in Chapter 1: Rise Of The Naga in the Sentinel Campaign.
To find this secret island you have to go near the coast where the burning boats are and note the patch of land across the water. You then use
Maiev's Blink skill to teleport her over to this island where you will engage with one of Illidan's Naga. Destroy the Naga (Using you Fan of
Knives makes it a lot easier) and you will earn a Rune of Mana and a Tome of Strength.
Contributed By: TehSpecialVet0rz.


Secret Shop
Undead Mission 1
On the left side of the topmost town on Arthas' side of the map there is an opening in the trees big enough for one person. It's
hidden by the branches and leaves. Through the path you'll find a shop that takes the form of a villiage boy named Timmy who
sells Ice Shards to summon Ice Revenants.
Contributed By: JJ912.

Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos








My Games




Various Cheat Codes

Press Enter and type in the code and press enter again. If you did it correctly the words ''Cheat Enabled!'' will appear at the
lower left hand corner. To disable a cheat after enabling it, simply put the code back in. This will only work for iseedeadpeople,
whosyourdaddy, and thereisnospoon.


Automatic Daylight


Automatic Night


Cannot Win


Die Really Fast


Disable the Tech Tree


Enable research


Get X amount of gold

keysersoze X

Get X amount of wood

leafittome X

Level Select (Example: motherland human 06. This

will transport you to level 6 of the human campaign. )

motherland [RACE]

Re-enters the last code you typed.

Reset the time to the hour specificed (without a

number, this toggle the day/night cycle on/off)


Super Fast Build


Takes away the food limit


This code Disables the defeat trigger, so you can't



This takes all of the cooldown time (time delay before

the spell can be casted again) from the spell
previously casted.


This will give you 500 gold and 500 lumber (add a
number after the code to specify a resource amount)


This will give you and instant victory


This will give your units unlimited mana


This will make you lose instantly


This will make your units invincible and give them

one hit kills


This will reveal the entire map


Upgrade Everything 1 Level


Contributed By: drxia00, Person, greatskeeve, dralf, OniKun, ironical, and The Game7.


Easter Eggs

Extra scene in the ending

If you beat the final Night Elves mission on Hard mode, there will be an extra scene in the ending that shows what several
Starcraft (and an Orc in a space suit) units would look like on Warcraft 3's engine. (Note: This is NOT a scene from Starcraft 2,
it is just an example of what Starcraft units would look like on WC3's engine, nothing more.)
Contributed By: Nobody.


Secret mini-game
Select Custom game from the Single Player menu and then double click the Senerio Folder at the top of the list that appears. 2
new maps will appear one being a Mini-Game of Called Sheep Of Death. Where you run back and forth dodgeing explosive
sheep. use S to move left H to move right and esc to use a smart-bomb type attack.
Contributed By: nomad701.


Voice Overs
Not much of anything, but just for fun. Select a unit, then, without giving it any real orders, click it again so it keeps talking. It
will cycle through the three normal voice overs, and after four or five clicks, the unit will begin to say something interesting,
funny, or just wierd.
Contributed By: Venserra.



Animal Explosions
To make one of the various animals in the game explode simply click on them a bunch of times and finally they will blow up in a
big explosion.
Contributed By: The Game7.


More Easter Eggs

Again, the ''iseedeadpeople'' cheat is very useful in finding most of these.
Undead Campaign: Chapter 1
In the main town area after you get your shade, there are 2 civilians fighting with a large crowd watching. Named: Robert and
Tyler. (from the movie Fight Club)
Undead Campaign: Chapter 2
After the cut scene in the middle where you find you need the urn, knock down the trees to the west of the green human base.
When you bring a unit to the waterfall you see a flash of a baby panda sitting on the shoulders of another panda wearing a
sword. It'll have the text written: ''SECRET FOUND Panderan Relaxation Area''
Knockdown the trees in the curve in the path which leads to the Rogue Wizard. A path to the left will lead to a cutscene with the
Sasquatch and Elder Sasquatch. The elder Sasquatch leaves behind Claws of Attack +6.
Tichondrius is also on this map and will kill some humans.
Orc Campaign: Chapter 7

Your tauren units will eventually run into a large salamander named 'Hungry Hungry Lizard,' a play on an old board game
'Hungry Hungry Hippos.' He'll eat his way through a large patch of mushrooms if you watch him long enough. When he's done
eating, he will pop into a splash of green goo, revealing a path that leads to a nifty item, The Lion Horn of Stormwind, which
generates a protective aura around your hero.
Night Elf Campaign: Chapter 2
In the area where you get the first set of ballistas. Knock down the trees in a north easterly direction. Near the back, among the
trees will be a hydralisk. Bring your hero to it to let it join your party.
Night Elf Campaign: Chapter 5
In the cavern, try and go as far right as possible when you start out. Look for a bunch of mushrooms on the right side with a
skull and bone in the ground in front of it. If you hear the priestess comments about the demon bile, you've gone too far. Use
force of nature on the mushroom sto clear a path. You will see the path is littered with bones. When you bring units into the
path you'll get another cut scene and The Largest Panda Ever (level 10) will come to attack you. It'll leave behind a Necklace
of Spell Immunity.
Extra Credits: After completing the game on hard mode and normal mode, check the credits, you'll see a parade of units while
the credits roll, ending in some hydralisks coming out and kill them (not the same as the marine/hydrlisk battle listed elsewhere
Most of the units say something humorous if you click them multiple times.
All of these have been taken from several different posts on the message boards, then verified and edited together by myself.
Contributed By: damn posting limit.


More Secrets
Human Campaign: Chapter 1
Bring Arthas to the graveyard toward the eastern edge of the map. Any villagers or sheep that you killed will appear there at
Human Campaign: Chapter 6
Go to the western edge of the map to find a zoo. In one of the cages is a rat with a special name. If you attack him, you will
always miss, but he is a critter, so keep clicking him to blow him up and receive a Talisman of Evasion.
Contributed By: BlakeTBAO.


More Secrets
Human Campaign: Chapter 3
At the start of the map, after you obtain Jaina, go east and kill the Ogres. Click rapidly on the sheep the ogre mauler (level 5)
was guarding, eventually the critter will explode and drop ''Bracer of Agility''.
Contributed By: scglass.


Go the first mission of the prologue, and use the ''iseedeadpeople'' code to reveal the map, look at the island at the top of the
screen to see some pirates guarding ''phat lewt''

Contributed By: damn posting limit.


Sheepish Suprise
In the second Undead level, "Digging up the Dead", go south of where Uther the Lightbringer is waiting for you. You may have
to kill him first, but do not pick up the urn or the level will end. Go south, and you will find a pen of four sheep. Kill them, and
one carrys a Goblin Night Scope.
Contributed By: q13qq.


Timmy the Friendly Ghoul Secret

On chapter four ''The Cult of the Damned'' of the human campaign there is a cage in the city past the first undead
encampment. If you attack it it will break open and a Undead ghoul will break out. He acts as a neutral unit. If you kill him you
will get an item.
Contributed By: francounamerican.


Undead Ring
In the Undead mission, Trudging Through the Ashes, on the land where you get the shade, there is a blue barracks buildling
guarded by two knights. If you manage to kill them both, destroy the barracks. After you destroy the barracks, kill all the
riderless horses. One drops a Ring of Protection +2.
Contributed By: Relinus.

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