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First United Methodist Church

201 E. Hospital Street, Nacogdoches Texas 75961

Volume 9, Issue 8
October 2016
02 - Common Ground
09 - Common Ground
10 - Primetimers at
10:30 am - FLC
16 - Farewell Reception
for Trent & Katie
Common Ground
23 - Common Ground
Basketball Fish Fry
30 - Common Ground
31 - Trunk or Treat from
6-7:30 pm Perritte
Memorial UMC
Common Ground
13 - Common Ground
19 - Bishop Jones visit
to the East District at
9:30 am - ALL ARE
20 - Bishop Jones
Preaching during both
Worship Services
Church wide
Covered Dish
Luncheon in the
Family Life Center
21 - Community
Thanksgiving Service
6 pm - Sacred Heart
Catholic Church


8:45 am
Contemporary Worship Service
9:45 am
Sunday School
10:55 am
Traditional Worship Service

Church Office (936) 564-8308

Fax (936) 564-8582

Office Hours: Mon-Thur: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm; Fri: 8:30 am - 12:00 pm. Closed for lunch 12:00 -1:00 pm


Bible Studies
Sept 11 - Nov 13, 2016
This year, we listened to your feedback and have
made a few changes! The purpose, though, remains the same: gather community, build deep
relationships and grow our faith. We hope you will join us!
Dinner 5:30-6:00 pm; Studies; Activities 6:00-7:30 pm
continued on pages 3 & 4


You Are Cordially Invited to A Farewell Reception for
The Rev. Trent Oliver and Mrs. Katie Oliver
on Sunday, October 16 at 9:45 am in The Parlor.


Please join us in partnering with Perritte Memorial United
Methodist Church for Trunk or Treat on Halloween,
October 31, 2016 at 6:00pm-7:30pm in the parking lot of
Perritte Memorial United Methodist Church, 1025 Durst Street,
Nacogdoches, Texas 75964.
FUMC has a goal of providing 12 trunks, 4 parking attendants
and lots of donated candy. Please contact Elsa Jordan at 936
-564-8308 or email: if you can provide a
decorated trunk and hand out candy on Halloween night. This
is a wonderful outreach event and we are happy to serve with
our sister church to provide a safe place for Nacogdoches
children to trick or treat. Donated candy can be placed in
the basket outside of Sanctuary.

A Note From The Pastor

Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.
Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing,
but let us encourage one another. Hebrews 10:24-25
As it takes an entire village to raise a child, so also it takes an entire congregation to nurture a Christian. God has created human beings in a connection of relationships, that if
we get away from, we cannot thrive. The church is a gift from God so that we might have
a community of faith in which to grow; in the process this community holds us accountable
and encourages us in our spiritual journey. Regular participation in the life of the congregation is something that helps all of us. As others spur us on when we need it, so we
spur others on.
We come into this community through baptism. Even death does not separate us from it,
but is another piece in the journey. As Charles Wesley wrote, One family we dwell in
God, one church above, beneath, though now divided by the stream, the narrow stream of
What do you like most about your place in our congregation? What do you think are your
major contributions to others in the congregation?
I appreciate how we take care of each other within the walls of our congregation and are always looking for ways to reach
out to the community beyond our walls.

Note From The Associate Pastor

Where could I go to get away from your spirit? Where could I go to escape your presence? If I went up to heaven, you would be there. If I went down
to the grave, you would be there too! If I could fly on the wings of dawn, stopping to rest only on the far side of the oceaneven there your hand
would guide me; even there your strong hand would hold me tight! You are the one who created my innermost parts; you knit me together while I was
still in my mothers womb. I give thanks to you that I was marvelously set apart. Your works are wonderfulI know that very well. God, your plans are
incomprehensible to me! Their total number is countless! If I tried to count themthey outnumber grains of sand! If I came to the very endId still be
with you. ~ Psalm 139:7-10,13-14,17-18 (CEB)
By now, most of you have heard that news that October 16th will be my last day at FUMC of Nacogdoches. I have
decided to withdraw from the United Methodist ordination process because I believe God is calling me to do ministry in another way. The truth is that I have always known that a large portion of my call is to seek out and draw together those who
have been hurt, rejected, or looked over by the church, but what I have realized more recently is that for me being an elder
is not the most effective means to see that happen.
By no means has this been an easy decision. It has been one that Katie and I have poured over for months and
one that has so many consequences in the practical world. We will be looking for insurance, housing, new jobs. We will be
leaving behind many many friendships, and we will be venturing into unknown territory for our ministries. But, in this decision we have peace.
The thing about the scripture verse above is that King David unapologetically declares two things about God. 1)
God is with you. No matter where you find yourself or what you happen to be doing, God is in your midst holding
you guiding you by Gods hand. 2) God knows you. God was the one who knit you together, gave you life and purpose,
and God marvelously set you apart and called each of you according to Gods will. That calling may not look like the ministry Jeff or I am called to, but you are called nonetheless. Living that call is how you do your part as a citizen of Gods Kingdom, but still living your call can be a scary thing.
Still, I want to encourage you that if you feel the Spirit tugging at your heart, take a step out in faith. It wont necessarily be easy, but it will be right. And you can bet that God will be with you in every step, and will give you the courage and
strength to keep moving forward.
As I step out on the next leg of my own journey and call, my prayers remain here in this family and with all the
friends Ive made over the past two years. For each of you, I pray that God will move among you, that God will tear down
the walls between you, and that God will empower you to be more than you can ever be on your own.


Page 2



One of my favorite scriptures comes from Pauls letter to the Ephesians, chapter 4: Therefore, as a prisoner for the Lord, I encourage you to live as people worthy of the call you received
from God. Conduct yourselves with all humility, gentleness,
and patience. Accept each other with love, and make an effort
to preserve the unity of the Spirit with the peace that ties you
together. You are one body and one spirit, just as God also
called you in one hope. There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God and Father of all, who is over all, through
all, and in all.
Have you ever wondered what it must have been like to have
heard that letter read aloud in the church at Ephesus?
Lenee and I want to invite you to join us in October of 2017 for the
Journeys of Paul Cruise aboard Royal Caribbean's Jewel of the
Seas. Sail roundtrip from Rome, Italy and stop in Sicily, Mykonos,
Ephesus, Santorini, Athens and Corinth, Naples and Pompeii, and
Ancient Rome. Guest speaker on the cruise is Rev. Adam Hamilton, author of The Call: The Life and Message of the
Apostle Paul. There will be an informational meeting in the near future where you can get all the details on this amazing journey. Peace ~ Jeff
COMMON GROUND - continued from page 1

Bible Basics (6:00 pm) - Parlor

Led by Dr. Jeff McDonald and Rev. Trent Oliver in the Parlor
Have you ever wanted to join a Bible Study but were afraid that you didnt know enough about the Bible to be a part of the discussion? The Bible Basics is the course for you. Over the course of six weeks we will cover some of the most basic themes in the Bible,
such as the Bible is divided into two parts, the Old Testament and the New Testament. We will spend three sessions on the Old Testament covering the first five books, the Prophets, Wisdom, Literature, and Poetry. There will be two sessions on the New Testament
covering the Gospels and Pauls letters. The last session will be a review.

"Uninvited" by Lysa TerKeurst (6:00 pm) in Room 202

Led by Emily Taravella and Stacy Smith
In this six-session video Bible study best-selling author, Lysa TerKeurst helps women to explore the roots of rejection, the lies we
believe as a result, and the truth about who God is, who we are, and what it looks like to live loved.

Topics for Parents (6:00 pm) in Room 207

Childrens Ministries is hosting some parent classes. These are top topics chosen by parents and led by parents who have special
interest or expertise in the topic theyre leading. Please see schedule below:
September 25 Ashley and Tyler Brown Family Fitness How to include your spouse and children into your physical
activities and exercise routine for a healthier, happier family.
October 2 Trent Oliver Technology How to find balance with technology and how to protect your kids from something
they know more about than you.
October 9 Katie Blevins Keeping Nac Beautiful How to teach your child to be an active member of the Nacogdoches
Community by Keeping Nac Beautiful.
October 16 Vikki Boatman Spirituality at Home . Creating tradition and practicing faith at home with your children.
October 23 Donna Oliver Kids in the Kitchen How to involve your kids in the kitchen and teach them to have
autonomy planning, preparing and serving meals.
October 30 - Emily Taravella - Bullying The reality for children today when it comes to bullying. How not to be a bully OR
a victim; finding the in-between where you can teach your child to make a difference.

Page 3


COMMON GROUND - continued from page 1 & 3

November 6 Dawn Stover Creation Care How can you participate in Creation Care as a family? Ways to involve your
children in caring for creatures and creation.

Disciple I Bible Study (4:30 pm) Led by Mike Rigsby in Room 203 -This first Disciple Bible study serves as the basis for all
other studies in the Disciple family that follow. Over the course of 32 weeks, Disciple covers the entire Bible (Old and New Testament),
following the biblical story for Creation to the New Jerusalem.

Disciple III Bible Study (4:30 pm) Led by Dawn Rigsby in the Conference Room - In the Old Testament Prophets and the
Letters of Paul, this 32-week study examines the connection between memory and identity as the people of God. Participants will find
common themes, including calls to remember, calls to repent, calls for renewal, and calls for community. (Disciple I is a pre-requisite).

Ignite Youth Ministries

JH Ignite Youth will meet only on Sunday nights! JH Ignite Youth (7-8th Grade). We will meet in the Family Life Center.
SH Ignite Youth will meet on Wednesday nights! Youth Center doors open at 6:30 pm and the ministry program is from 7-8:30 pm.
Worship led by the Youth Band, Message and Small group discussions.

Childrens Ministries
All Children - Pre-K -5th Grade Will be preparing for our wonderful collaboration with the chancel choir for our Christmas Pageant that
will be held December 11th - All children (infants-5th Grade) will participate and be a part of this special program. 6th Grade Will attend
Confirmation, and will also have their own special role in the Christmas Pageant.

Children's Ministry (PreK - 5th Grade) - Room 210/FLC

{6:00-6:45} - Games/Drama/Music/Movement
{6:45-7:00} - Kids Devotion and Formation
{7:00-7:30} - Arts and Crafts

Confirmation Kids (6th Grade) - Room 208/FLC

{6:00-7:00} - Confirmation ClassRoom 208
{7:00-7:30} - Open Gym with the Youth


October 9Build a Sub Sandwich (turkey or ham), Chips/Banana Pudding
October 16Baked Potato Bar/Salad/ Cookies
October 23Frito Pie or Chili w/trimmings/Brownies
October 30Lasagna/Salad/Bread/Italian Cream Cake
November 6Tortilla Soup/Salad/Sopapilla Cheesecake Bars
November 13Pot Luck final meal for the fall. All are welcomed!

Page 4



The Staff Pastor Parish Relations committee announced on Sunday, August 28th the news of Rev. Oliver's decision to
discontinue his path for ordination in the United Methodist Church. Trent will be surrendering his credentials as a provisional elder and withdrawing his candidacy for ordination.
Trent's decision was difficult and one not made in haste. Trent still has a heart for ministry, but feels God leading him in a
different direction. Trent plans to return to school and complete the computer science/software engineering degree he
began before entering seminary.
In a letter to the Staff Pastor Parish Relations Committee, Trent expressed these thoughts:
"What I want you all to hear in all of this is that First UMC of Nacogdoches has been an incredible blessing
in my life. You all have been so welcoming (and forgiving when Ive needed it)! Serving here has been a joy,
and I have learned so much about ministry. Honestly, one of the hardest parts of this decision has been
leaving all the people whom I love and with whom I have made wonderful friendships."
Trent and Katie will be returning home where they have family support during this transition time. They will need to establish state residency before returning to school and for that reason, Trent and Katie will be leaving in October. Mark
your calendar for Sunday, October 16 as we say goodbye to the Olivers. We will be asking Sunday School classes to
delay or shorten their class time in order to stop by the newly decorated parlor and offer Trent and Katie a personal wish
for God's blessings.
SPRC met on September 12th to build a profile for the associate pastor's position. Dr. McDonald and Dr. Tony Vinson,
our new District Superintendant, will work together to fill Trent's position and move closer to God's plan for FUMC.
Carolyn Davis, SPRC Chair


On Saturday. November 19th, UMW will host the reception for the Bishops visit to FUMC by providing refreshments.
The reception is scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. More information to follow. Please mark your calendars and plan to
assist in serving and/or baking for this important church event.



Jim Havard
Jan & Jimmy Griffin, Dick & Carol Voigtel, Christal Shaw, The Harris & Visnaw Families
Rudy Washburn
Dick & Carol Voigtel
Opal Cotten
Ed Cole, Floy Bousman, Laverne Creech
Katherine Beckwith
Carolyn Ericson, Jeff and Leene McDonald, Helen Shumate, Col. Alan J Shumate,
Joanne Shumate White, Floy Bousman, Laverne Creech, Dick & Pat Rayne,
Rick & Angela Whitaker, Julie & Steve Solomon
Mike Robertson, Margie Terry, Dennis Bradford and Marilyn Davis
Jeff & Lenee McDonald

Page 5



On March 5, 2016, SFA college student pianists gave a fundraiser
recital on the Steinway grand piano in the sanctuary of the First United Methodist Church for the purpose of participating in the July 1214, 2016 Interharmony International Music Festival in Tuscany (city
of Arcidosso), Italy. The FUMC-hosted recital program was an artistically and technically-difficult program of piano works by Bach, Beethoven, Debussy, Liszt, Rachmaninov, Prokofiev and Bacewicz, and
was enthusiastically acclaimed by the audience.

Left to right: Brian Davis (from Houston), Jiawei Yuan (from China),
Kyle Saunders (from Canada), Cassie DeBolt (from San Antonio),
Olga Wong (from Hong Kong), and guest pianist
Tanya Lee (from China), former student of Linda Parr.

Thanks to generous donors, several students were able to attend

and perform at the July Festival along with their professor Dr. Andrew Parr who was asked to teach, coach and give master classes.
Mrs. Parr also attended, coaching chamber music and accompanying instrumentalists. The Parrs performed on the
opening faculty concert, and everyone enjoyed wonderful concerts and chamber performances given by many worldclass musicians such as violinist Andrzej Grabiec, pianists Jean-Bernard Pommier and Bruno Canino, and cellist Misha
Quint. A highlight of the festival was a lecture on Beethovens Last Sonatas given by renowned pianist and pedagogue
Alfred Brendel.
Beautiful Arcidosso, Italy.
Site of Interharmony International Music Festival

Cassie DeBolt, SFA piano

student, in a chamber music
performance at the
Interharmony International
Music Festival in July 2016.

SFA students who attended Interharmony were Cassie DeBolt

(from San Antonio), Kyle Saunders (from Canada), Brian Davis
(from Houston), Olga Wong (from Hong Kong), and Jiawei Yuan
(from China). After the Festival the Parrs travelled with DeBolt,
Saunders and Wong to see the sights in Florence and Rome
before returning to the U.S.
Enjoying a meal in Florence, Italy. Left to right: Linda Parr,
Olga Wong, Cassie DeBolt, Kyle Saunders and Andrew Parr.

After her return from the Italy trip, one of our pianists, Cassie DeBolt, was diagnosed with cancer - an aggressive t-cell
lymphoblastic lymphoma and has been in intense chemo treatment in her hometown of San Antonio. She had just
moved into an apartment here for her last semester as a senior at SFA, but received the message from her doctor that
evening and had to go back home the very next day. We are continuously praying for her, (Cassie is greatly loved by so
many!), but she had to quit school for this entire school year.

Page 6



02 - UMW Unit Meeting at 12 noonLibrary

Common Ground Meal at 5:30 pm/Studies/Activities
at 6:00 pm; Confirmation Class at 6:00 pmRoom 208
03 - Heart-to-Heart Chorus rehearsal at 9 amChoir Room
followed by performance at Rock Haven at 10 am
04 - UMW Circle VI AM Meeting at 11 am Library
05 - Mens Basketball Fellowship at 6 pm - Conf. Rm/FLC
UMW Circle V Meeting at 6:30 pm
09 - Common Ground Meal at 5:30 pm/Studies/Activities
at 6:00 pm; Confirmation Class at 6:00 pmRoom 208
10 - Primetimers at 10:30 am
FUMCNAC Charge Conference at 6 pmParlor
11 - UMW Circle VII at 10:00 am
Finance Committee Meeting at 5:30 pmLibrary
UMW Circle VI Meeting at 6:00 pm
12 - Mens Basketball Fellowship at 6 pm - Conf. Rm/FLC
UMW Circle V Meeting at 6:30 pm
13 - Evangelism Committee Meeting at 4 pm - Library
16 - Farewell Reception for Rev. Trent & Mrs. Katie Oliver
at 9:45 am - Gathering Area
Common Ground Meal at 5:30 pm/Studies/Activities
at 6:00 pm; Confirmation Class at 6:00 pmRoom 208
17 - Heart-to-Heart Chorus rehearsal at 9 amChoir Room
followed by performance at Meadowview Place 10 am
UMW Circle III Meeting at 6:30 pm
18 - UMW Circle I Meeting at 9:30 am - Library
UMW Circle VII Meeting at 10:00 am - Parlor
UMW Circles II & IV Meetings at 9:30 am
19 - Mens Basketball Fellowship at 6 pm - Conf. Rm/FLC
UMW Circle V Meeting at 6:30 pm
23 - Worship Committee Meeting at 4 pm - Library
Common Ground Meal at 5:30 pm/Studies/Activities
at 6:00 pm; Confirmation Class at 6:00 pmRoom 208
25Lumberjack Basketball Fish FryFLC

26 - Mens Basketball Fellowship at 6 pm - Conf. Rm/FLC

UMW Circle V Meeting at 6:30 pm
30 - Common Ground Meal at 5:30 pm/Studies/Activities at
6:00 pm; Confirmation Class at 6:00 pmRoom 208

01 - UMW Circle VI am Meeting at 11 am - Library
Common Ground Meal at 5:30 pm/Studies/Activities at
6:00 pm; Confirmation Class at 6:00 pmRoom 208
07 - Heart-to-Heart Chorus rehearsal at 9:30 amChoir
Room followed by performance at Nacogdoches
Treatment Center at 10:30 am
UMW Circle III Meeting at 6:30 pm
08 - UMW Circle I Meeting at 9:30 am - Library
UMW Circle VII Meeting at 10:00 am - Parlor
UMW Circles II & IV Meetings at 9:30 am
If you are planning to reserve a room in the church for a meeting,
gathering, etc., or would like an offsite church-related event to be
published on the official church calendar, a request can be made by
completing a Church Event Form that can be found in the Workroom
or online at, scroll down to the bottom of the home
page and click resources, church event form. For more information
contact Jim Jenkins 936-564-8308 or email -


To obtain an ACCESS ACS user ID, log on to,

click the ACCESS ACS link at the bottom of the page. For more
information, kindly contact Sharon Bright at 936-564-8308 or email

Articles Due for Next Newsletter

The next Newsletter will be dated Thursday, November 1, 2016.

Articles for this issue should be emailed to by
3:00 pm Wednesday, October 12, 2016.


Please email all information to for our weekly

Bulletin/E-News by 3:00 pm on Tuesdays.

Regularly-Scheduled Meetings
Heart-to-Heart Chorus at 9:00 am in the Choir Room and performances at Nursing Homes at 10:00 am (1st & 3 Mondays)
HRT Emmaus Reunion Group meets on Mondays at 5:15 pm - Barbara LaFours
Celebrate Service Rehearsal at 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary
Christian Writers Fellowship at 5:45 pm
Sr. High Youth Ignite - Doors Open at 6:30 pm and Ministry Program is at 7-8:30 pm
Mens Basketball Fellowship at 6:30 pm - Conference Room/Family Life Center
Bell Choir Rehearsal at 6:00 pm in Room 207
Chancel Choir Rehearsal at 7:00 pm in the Choir Room.
Grace Emmaus Reunion Group meeting at 8:30 am in the Library
Youth Praise Band practice at 4:30 pm in the Youth Lounge
Common Ground Bible Studies in the Fall and Spring (5:30 - 7:30 pm)
Jr. High Ignite (7-8 graders) 5:30-7:30 pm - Family life Center

Page 7


Our Staff
Senior Pastor
Associate Pastor
Director of Youth Ministry
Director of Childrens Ministry
Director of Preschool
Director of Music Ministry
Praise Team Leader
Office Manager
Financial Secretary
Building Manager

PRAYER CONCERNSUPDATED, Monday, September 26, 2016 (9 am)

Dick Voigtel, David Scott, Brandi Hunt (Jan Griffins sister-in-law), Samantha Hein, Gene
Milford, Janet Clark, Rev. Lani Rousseau, Robert Orr (Betty Yarbroughs brother), Bill
Larison, Carolyn Mitchell, Martin Houser, Mazie Farmer, Barbara Kimbrough, Jacob
Vohs, Ruth Williams, Claudia Whitley, Kerry Wrench, Laura Wrench, Ronie Kiss, Lynn
Carter, Sammie Smith, Joan Pennebaker, John Bates (Helen Browns brother), Jean
Dodge, Rheanna Watson (requested by Gale White), Judy Williamson, Bill Lewis, Russ
Hairston, Brynn Law, Charlene Hubbard (Carla Coffees mom), Steven Russell (Lynn
Teagues brother), Leon Dorsey, Jim Hall (requested by Bill Teague), Corey Jones
(requested by Kathryn Salas), Bill Tucker, Lawton Miller (requested by Becca Anthony),
Hannah Hopson, Miller Reder, Richard Buxton (requested by Al Smiths Niece), Mike
Willingham (Tip and Nannys son-in-law), Mark Stephens (Stephanie Stephens brother),
Austyn (requested by Carolyn Davis), Charles Warlick.
Military Personnel in Combat Zone
Jake Trotter, Westen Kuenstler
Our Hearts Go Out to
Leland House and family on the passing of his wife, Dianne House
Paul Drawhorn and family on the passing of his wife, Aline Drawhorn
Tanya Kelly and family on the passing of her mother, Rosemary Moffat
Connie Howe and family on the passing of her mother, Katherine Beckwith
Names will remain on a published prayer team list for 90 days. The prayer team
appreciates current updates on requests. Please email your requests and updates
to If you know of a member of FUMC who is in the hospital or
who will be having surgery, kindly contact the Church Office - 936-564-8308.
EMERGENCIES, call 936-585-2294.

The mission of the First United Methodist Church of Nacogdoches is to make disciples through
Christ-centered service and outreach. With Gods help, we will do this through witnessing,
teaching and loving.


First United Methodist Church

201 E Hospital Street
Nacogdoches, TX 75961


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