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Happy Fall!

October 2016

From room 132A

The training topic this month is manding

-Manding is commonly known as requesting. Manding is the only verbal operant that directly benefits
the speaker, in that the speaker is reinforced with what he or she requests. This could be an item,
action, information, etc.
-Mand (request): when a child asks for something because it has value to them at that moment
Ex. A child says grape because there is motivation to eat the grape

Different types of Mands:

-Ways to mand: Students can mand vocally, use sign language, use PECS (Picture Exchange
Communication System, or an AAC (Augmentative, Alternative Communication) device
-Manding for an item: asking for something that is present in the environment (and doing
something with that item when it is delivered).
Ex. Child says marker and then the child receives the marker and draws with it
-Manding for missing items: when a child realizes that something is missing from where it
usually is, or they are unable to complete a task because what they need is not there.
Ex. Its time for the child to play on the computer but the mouse not present. Child
says mouse or I need the mouse and then they receive the mouse.
-Manding for Actions: when a child requests for others to emit an action needed to enjoy a
desired activity.
Ex. open to get outside or push when on a swing

Manding for the removal of an undesirable activity or action: Politely asking for someone to
stop something or take away a very undesirable activity or action.
Ex. stop poking and then the poking stops
Manding for information: Asking who, what, when, where, why and how in order to gain an
understanding of something or information on a certain topic.
Ex. Where did mom go? and someone answers the question

What can I do at home?

Please check your childs communication sheet for any mastered targets. Manding is a
crucial part of your childs life.
When interacting with your child at home, you can help him/her practice manding by
waiting until your child asks for something before you provide it to them.
You can give small parts of the item (if possible) to provide more opportunities for your
child to request.
If possible, avoid asking what do you want? We want children initiate the request
because they are of value and are seen in the environment.
Keeping items out of reach, but still visible is a great place to start!
Provide MANY opportunities to request every day!!

Upcoming Events this month:

10/12/16: No School!
10/19/16: 1:30 PM Early Dismissal - Please be sure to let me know if there are any changes in
transportation (i.e. parent pickup instead of bus)
10/29/16: UH Fall Jamboree
10/31/16: Wacky Wardrobe Day! (No costumes)

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