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Vortex Meter Advantages

Vortex meters can be used for liquids, gases and steam

Low wear (relative to turbine flow meters)
Relatively low cost of installation and maintenance
Low sensitivity to variations in process conditions
Stable long term accuracy and repeatability
Applicable to a wide range of process temperatures
Available for a wide variety of pipe sizes
Vortex Flow Meter Limitations
Not suitable for very low flow rates
Minimum length of straight pipe is required upstream and downstream of the vortex meter
NB.Vortex meters require sizing according to the flow rate being measured
Vortex flow meters are suitable for a variety of applications and industries but work best with
clean, low-viscosity, medium to high speed fluids. Some of the main uses include:
Custody transfer of natural gas metering
Steam measurement
Flow of liquid suspensions
General water applications
Liquid chemicals & pharmaceuticals

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