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1. A short umbilical cord is a factor in?

a. Abruption placenta
b. Umbilical cord prolapse
c. True knot formation
2. Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn may be corrected by:
a. Heparin
b. Breastfeeding
c. I.M. injection of Vitamin K after delivery
3. Vaginal discharge in normal pregnancy is?
a. Foamy yellow
b. White mucoid
c. Frothy red tinged
4. According to Naeges rule, if the pregnant womans last menstrual period is
February 9, 2014, the expected date of confinement is?
a. November 16, 2014
b. November 9, 2014
c. October 23, 2014
5. The cervix is fully dilated when it has opened about?
a. 8cm
b. 12cm
c. 10cm
6. Fetal distress is suspected if the fatal heart rate/min is?
a. 100
b. 130
c. 160

7. The obstetric maneuver by which the delivery of the head is facilitated is

known as?
a. Credes maneuver
b. Ritgens maneuver
c. Leopolds maneuver
8. The organ which frequently injured during traumatic vaginal delivery of
breech presentation is the?
a. Spleen
b. Brain
c. Liver
9. Fetal macrosomia is associated with?

a. A large father
b. Maternal diabetes
c. Primiparity
10.Fetal macrosomia is defined as an infant weighing
a. 3000gm
b. 3500gm
c. 4500gm
11.First degree of laceration of the perineum involves
a. Anal sphincter
b. The fascial and muscles of the perineal bod
c. Vaginal mucuos membrane and perineal skin
12.If the most dependent portion of the head is at the level of the ischial spines,
the station is said to be?
a. =1
b. 0
c. +1
13.The most common position for vaginal delivery is
a. Dorosal lithotomy
b. Squatting
c. Sims lateral position

14.In cephalic presentation, the fetal heart tones are best heard at the
a. Level of umbilicus
b. Upper quadrant
c. Lower quadrant
15.The most favorable type of vaginal delivery is
a. Gynecoid
b. Android
c. Platypelloid
16.Premature separation of normally implanted placenta is the half of pregnancy
results in
a. Placenta previa
b. Abruption placenta
c. Abortion
17.In the eclamptic convulsion, the 1st thing midwife should do is
a. Prevent self injury
b. Stimulate labor
c. Give a glass of water
18.In early pregnancy bleeding with the cervical dilation and rupture of
membrane is known as
a. Threatened abortion
b. Inevitable abortion
c. Incomplete abortion
19.Credes prophylaxis is to prevent
a. Respiratory distress syndrome
b. Opthalma neonatorum

c. Infection of the cord

20.Condition where there is a cord coil around the neck is known as
a. Nuchal cord
b. Prolapse cord
c. Occult prolapse of the cord
21.The drugs stimulate uterine contractions are known as
a. Ocytoxis
b. Antispasmodics
c. Analgesics
22.The second maneuver of Leopold determines:
a. The fetal part occupying the fundus
b. Plane of the back
c. Engagement of the head
23.Voluntary increase in abdominal pressure (bearing down) is useful in the?
a. 2nd stage
b. 3rd stage
c. 1st stage
24.An apgar score of 10 in newborn means?
a. The baby is depressed at birth
b. The baby is healthy
c. The baby will develop cerebral palsy
25.The average blood loss after vaginal delivery is approximately?
a. 500cc
b. 900cc
c. 300cc
26.The normal umbilical cord contains?
a. 2 veins and 1 artery
b. 1 artery and 1 vein
c. 2 arteries and 1 vein
27.Stillbirth is defined as?
a. An infant who at birth breathes spontaneously
b. An infant who at birth after 20 weeks shows no sign of life
c. An infant born after the 25th week with the presence of heart beat
28.Which of the following is not a criterion for live birth?
a. Weight at birth greater than 2500mgm
b. Spontaneous breathing
c. Presence of heartbeat
29.Which of the following is likely to happen when the membranes rupture
a. Imminent onset labor
b. Risk of cord prolapse
c. Maternal hypovolemia
30.If there is bleeding and the cervix is closed, this is known as
a. Imminent
b. Incomplete
c. Threatened
31.In the spontaneous abortion, If membranes have ruptures and cervix is open,
it is known as?
a. Inevitable
b. Imminent
c. Threatened

32.Premature rupture of bag of water may cause this problem in the neonate
a. Sepsis neonatorum
b. Opthalmia neonatorum
c. Tetanus neonatorum
33.This condition is not normal in newborn skin an hour after birth
a. White pinpoint papules on nose and chin
b. Cyanosis of the lips, hand and feet
c. Jaundice
34.The biggest body part of the baby at birth
a. Trunk
b. Head
c. Extremities
35.The bluish discoloration of the palm and sole is called?
a. Cyanosis
b. Mongolian spot
c. Acrocyanosis
36.The bluish area on the buttock of the infant is called
a. Milia
b. Mongolian spot
c. Birthmark
37.Which of the following intervention the midwives should do to help prevent
postpartum hemorrhage if their parents uterus becomes soft?
a. Massaging the uterus
b. Postponing breast feeding the baby
c. Applying an ice bag to the patients abdomen
38.Oxytocin drug given after the delivery of the placenta primarily to help
a. Hasten process of involution
b. Prevent the uterus from inverting
c. Strengthen contraction of the uterus
39.The term used to describe the period when the uterus begins contraction
until contraction ends is called
a. Duration
b. Interval
c. Frequency
40.In order to prevent or treat shock due to bleeding the ff. can be done, except?
a. Cover him with blanket to keep warm
b. Lay the person down with the blanket to keep warm
c. Lay the person down with head higher than the rest of the body
41.The most probably cause of frequent urination in late pregnancy is
a. Developing a urinary tract infection
b. Enlarging uterus is causing pressure on the bladder
c. Growing fetus is excreting increased amounts of wastes
42.Physiological change that take place during puerperium includes the ff.,
a. Involution of the uterus and other soft parts of the genital tract
b. Secretion of milk in the breast
c. Offensive lochia

43.The following that the midwife should consider when placenta is about to be
a. Bleeding from the vagina stops
b. The uterus becomes soft
c. The cord lengthens outside the vulva
44.The primary reason for obtaining a newborns first temperature rectally is to
a. Determine whether the anus is open
b. Obtain accurate temperature
c. Break up meconium plug
45.Breastfeeding is encouraged because it provides the baby with
a. Natural active immunity
b. Natural passive immunity
c. Artificial active immunity
46.To strengthen the perineal muscle prenatally is to prevent laceration during
labor, the mother is taught to do
a. Kegel
b. Relaxation technique
c. Mouth breathing
47.Refers to delivery at 38 to less than 42 weeks gestation
a. Abortion
b. Term
c. Post term
48.Newborn whose birth weight is above intrauterine growth charts is classified
a. Small gestational age
b. Large gestational age
c. Full term
49.Jaundice is in the first 24 hours of life may be caused by all of the following,
a. Rh incompatibility
b. Hemolytic disease of the newborn
c. Breastfeeding
50.Vitamin K is given to neonate in order to prevent
a. Infection
b. Rickets
c. Bleeding

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