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cea tea ceee FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Dneotianerten ovis lorrice of aformation Pros nd ci States Dparonent gens of Adminis ; 20520, off Jnobiletelephon eal be daw of birt in person by FB SpESaT AGERE] 4 BT Headquarers, 935 Peansyivania Avenue Nomhwes, Washi, SAREE TH WAVised ofthe identities of the interviewing Agents and the naiure ofthe interview] provided the following information regan working for IPS i be 201 S“TRITATY TPS officials were told there were TA bankers boxer of former Secreiay of Sare Hilary A CLINTON’ emuils at CLINTON's Friendship Heights office. Later, officials were told thar the boxes would be picked up from Williams & Connally, LLP. On or about December 5,201 nel picked up only 12 bankers boxes of CLINTON’ emails from Williams & Connolly. jane other IPS officals were not sure ifthe boxes were consolidsted or what eould have two other boxes. The boxes were label snges, which were accurate forthe most pan. Some ofthe documents were Fed out of order ined the documents were pre-arranged cifferently thn cone would expect ifthe documents WEE STMBIY printed out and then stacked into the boxes. IPS personnel provided copies ofthe documents to STATE’ s Bureau of Legislative Affairs, Office ofthe Legal Adviser, andthe Office of Congressional and Public Affairs, Although, CLINTON was sworn in as Secretary of State in January 2009, IPS officals were unable to jr emails from January-April 2009 inthe documents provided by Williams & Connally id not know whether CLINTON used a different email address a that time. AA preliminary TevTew of the documents didnot occur until months later. IPS had 10 wait on the Ofice of Legal Counsel 0 provide an official determination as o whether the enals would be covsidered offciel STATE records. At some point, the determination was made that the emails would not be considered | official STATE records, Based on the dates onthe boxe Tenet te box withthe Benghaxelatedincidens Ste first, There were sensitive Benghazi-elated record, some. rchives and Records fdminisicasion_ ard some personal emails in that cdsand Archive, erformed the records appraisal jaformer rere were some potential lassie emails, including some from Sidney BLUMENTHAL, that appeared to have Imertgueeon_cw73015 at ve ew Je cones a oe 26 sal bre “Turon conta ee esmintaio mr conceos ote FL. hth opty of he Bands ours it FO es, 16959 onnatin tO ot_tagnisn ol ]__onaraaas. age —_2___ ‘bee written by Tyler Drumelle, former Cent Ineligence Agency (CtA) Division het, Eur ee Tater Drumbler, former Cen! iligence Agency (CIA) Division Ce, Europe, as wall as other emails That acussel various Tfommation Telaied To various foreign governments Sometime around late January 201 officials Parick KENNEDY, Bureau of Administration cba Taformation Services, ENMED: SN rOVIgeE WA TWO IPS TT es af documents) Peiioed were possibly classified tured her binders bus KENNEDY decided 1 keep his binders following the bre vas not aware of anyone in IPS or at STATE who received the rulesor parameters the CLINTON FT aid/or Williams & Connolly used to segregate CLINTON 's personal and official work ls There were annypximately 60,000 emails, which were reduced to about 30,000 IPS had requested JLegal Adviser, STATE to ask Williams & Connelly forthe rules they used To dat, id not belie Jesivd a repose STATE Inspector General, was also tying {OWeEMHine how Williams & Connolly peered ne review and what basis they used in reducing the emails. Initially, Cheryl MILLS, forme: CLINTON Counselor and Chief of Saf, was the only CLINTON staff member to respond toa formal request by STATE for information pertsining to personal email and devices used to conduct officiel STATE. business According t| in Februnry 2015] attomeys at STATE's Office of Congressional Affairs snes approumaey] fed slong with atomeys from the Office of Legiaative Affairs, erTOrrTed Ther review oF The SOUT eral, frm which 296 emails were located and produced responsive o requests from the U.S. House of Representatives Select Committe on Benghazi. The ‘manuel pepe search was done using keywords “Libya,” “Benghazi,” and “security.” Prior to [OIA review by IPS ofthe 296 emails, Congress threatened to release the 296 cerals based put that her team had alr ted with the approprate STATE ‘bureaus and interagency reviewing of Jand her team did not work with the "i cy reviewers emia ce of Infoenation MarSEETE 5 TanageneA Division, FBL bstieved Ty TE DHOTETRTET With DOD, but not with the FBL In or around March and fre 1S felt pressure by both Cengress and Internally foe KENNEDY ane Fea Approve the 296 emails for release, tially, Me 26 Be v6 bs ost.) set twine ————1__ xa rae 3 ats cam wes ls odo igi rew ‘rind bythe OHGTaF Liga Couns! to pecorm separ FOIA review Po il cts fare Teves epovinn 40 flcinccnltaen eaves NTT WIT ppp reson possible classified information and sent the proper referals to the United States Intelligence Community (USIC) partners Jide hin Jand the Office of Legislative AMkirsattomeys hed the appropiate Taliing and experience 0 Teview, edact and produce emails responsive 1p Conuressional inquiries and especially not expert enough fo respond to FOIA request, freee Pe her team performed their entice review, redacted what they did, and then copied the 296 @ATETSa pe ile fn an unclasified network any information was later found to be classified, then they would have not ‘only corruped every computer that touched that classified information, bu they might have contributed to ‘loss of classified date. [PS always pushed their mateal to the SIPRNET network and used their" F2"” enclave to perform their FOIA review before disseminating their products. Also, the 296 emails provided by via af included redactions done for CLINTON privacy but unrelated to rational security. eieved there was interference with the formal FOIA review process. Specifical'y, STATETTET Ea As ny ppned seve of CLINTON sone ct vl with 1B) release exemptio long with atiomey, Office of Legal Counsel called ‘STATE’ s Near East Affairs Bure and told WERT TREYZBuld use a B(S) exemption on ax upgraded email to protect itinstead of the B(I) exemption. However, the use ofthe B(S) exemption, which is usually used for executive privilege-rlated information, was incorrectas the information actually was classified and related 1 national security, which would be & B(1) exemption, Inocaround Match Anil 2015 th unser aud “HOTTA SENTE| Depermente aes OOTT Ta Tar Se Rad wootdinated the review ofthe 296 emeils with the appropnave STATE bureaus andThter-agencies. The enails “were _alteady ceviewed and there was nothing classified in them, so the FOIA review should go quickly.” [vas unsure why the FOIA review was taking so long gain stressed Feview and coordination were done with people unfamiliar tof nd lh noqal polis of contact tha IPS used for other agencies. More imporaly although Jind Phought their quick initial review showed none ofthe 296 emails were sensitive TITRuRR the FAERALEOIA review, one document hed been upgraded to classified based on input rom nd| [There were other documens IPS recommended for parade, including one speeTealy related tothe Department of Defense's United States Centra Command (CENTCOM), and others thet were sill in the reteral stage, including emails that have FBI and CIA equities involved thet oxigiated from BLUMENTHAL, be Bie Bre Possta Re. Ws) com inn ino on gau7n018 ee fidnet know why Re and IPS were not per ofthe intial Con few forthe 296 BengFaa-Ted emis ike they ad ben fo past Congresiona ngs | agut out oop forthe matecals intial ‘Congress and had no ides what kind oF Fev land her team performed. jal scorned to have been placed in their specific pasTTOTSDY top STATE officals; they appeared to RAVER Very narrow focus on all CLINTON-elated ites, end were put in positions that were nt advenised In easly May 2015, KENNEDY called an interagency meeting regarding the scheduled release of all the CLINTON-telated emails by the Janu line and asked for quick turnarounds on any future requests. People in attendance nc “a epresentatives From White House Counsel, CIA, FBI, Office ofthe Secretary of Defense FeGor of National Intelligence (DNI) and the National Security Council (NSC) is s KENNEDY dace oor eng wi ——— Bors Office of Information Programs whece pomvedly ask IO CRATGE WE FBI's cassfication determination regarding one of CLINTON 's emails, which the FBTCOtsidered classified. The email was related 1o FBI counter-terrorism operations [——“2yney called fretly on one occasion. The purpose of that call wasto ask [questions rewiTaTng presse from the Office ofthe Inspector General ofthe Inte igence "ORTATATY (ICIG) 10 complete the review ofthe approximately 30,000 emails. Specifically, KENNEDY wanted je vas precedent 1o have outside reviewers help STATE with the FOIA process. At tha eel as unaware of STA 19, 2015 joat recommendation 10 STATE regarding We FOIA review process Ic1G, offered land IPS extra reviewers from the intelligence community 1 Falp review the 30,000 emails. However, many of those reviewing officials arrived untrained to formally review items. After the inital raining, those reviewers ‘beeame instrumental to the review process Jned not Fett as much pressure regarding the review and release ofthe 30,090 emails es Thstead of presse, TTT more Tike GaToaly as 16 Re raw nunibes oFemails ‘ready revewed, upgraded from unclassified to classified, referred to outside agencies, andr released publicly. To date, approximately 1,600 referals were made to USIC partners. Many of those emails iscussed foreign governments and their leaders along with various sensitive telephone calls. Other ‘emsils existed that would later be referred to the USIC., Those emails inckided emails from SATE. personnel discussing information lost asa result ofthe “Wikileaks” scandal Some material from the 30,000 emails, though unmarked as such, were definitely classified back {in 2009-2012 and sill remained clessfied On the other hard, it was tr some material (in general, not specific tothe 30,000 emails) could have been previously classified, but were inter downgraded. An be rosin ee, 35) Comino FO of ten Congaanis. age _S ‘example would be CLINTON’ wave schedule Or security-related inforration based on spectie times and places. I: was avery large security concer for IPS when they heard some STATE employees assumed all documents or unclassified system were unclassified, based on being onan unclassified system and having no porion markings Oe email shat was an formet éuals used their personal email addresses To dscuss matters related 10 RUS Tis. fesponded to KENNEDY’ request forall STATE-related personal emails with letter that state fad no STATE-elated emails in his personal email aceoun STATE was normally able to complet classification upurades very quickly. The upgrade would happen after STATE bureaus and other agencies determined, 1) how the information was obtsned: (2) ‘what the information was; (3) based on curent global evensstuatons, or (4) because the information ‘was, initially, improperly marked as unclassified heard the argument that some of CLINTON’ emails were unclassified buck in the 20097OTZTieTfame when they were initiated, but were later classified due to various crcumsian Soc somethine th vunclasified to become classified years afer the ec JNational Archives would be a good point a ‘conlacl Tor Knowledge on he upgrading process Th gener een po Offs of te Seay of ese (5D) clad Creede tstethresarmt nine iow rauet nates TURTON rie cosinor nad oTRALS ree Commanae ar eNTEDNN al Setar l ee iaetehemer emir Sober reg a miei reapers SETnAtog wal einnd otoa NET Race becca tebe Tee elec Bets MEDONGUG are ay eed a ce ee seme rae Jsced Jacb SULLIVAN and Chey! MILLS as “xtkese for sndng CLINTON erallsnacerisl; they would er or re ms th’ CLINTON would recive, fecommendet ie FB alk ohis bos specifically about individuals at STATE WROTATE weekly mestrg about Congressional eSTOTESFIOTTttion and the FOIA process aswell as fit pressure came from regarding upgrading any ofthe 296 Benghaz\-related emails, -ommende¢ the FBI should tlk wit} Fegarding the alleged 1,000 emails between CLINTON and PETREAUS. bs bie bs be

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