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"XXX will assist YYY with the Program by providing the services set forth in

Attachment A, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference."

"Subject to YYY complying with the terms of this LOA and for the duration thereof,
the Program may refer to itself as receiveing education and training services from
"All materials delivered to YYY by or on behalf of XXX pursuant to the terms of this
LOA, together with all proprietary rights of ownership and use therein, shall belong
exclusively to XXX."
pursuant [p'sjnt] adverbio segn
pursuant to our agreement, segn lo acordado

pursuant to
(following on from)
conforme a loc prep
The police officers searched the house purusant to a warrant signed by a judge.
El control de calidad de los productos fue realizado conforme a las normas internacionales
en cumplimiento de loc prep
La polica allan la casa en cumplimiento de la orden emitida por el juez.

Para ponerlo en palabras claras,

herein significa dento de est(e/a/o) (o como dijo Laura, en el presente
hereof significa de est(e/a/o).
En ingls ms sencillo, herein = within this document; hereof = of this
[thing] (probablemente el mismo contrato)
Ejemplos: The provisions of Article 7 hereof (del presente contrato) shall
take effect immediately upon the execution hereof (del presente contrato).
"This contract may be terminated only in the manner set forth herein (en el
presente contrato)."
se usan para decir "en el presente contrato", ese presente es el herein.
con el hereof, lo mismo pero cuando sea una frase que te pida la preposicin of. Lo
siento es q no se muy bien como explicartelo. A ver si alguien es ms claro que yo

As set forth in the Appendix B attached hereto and incorporated and made a
part hereof by this reference, as such date may be modified pursuant to the
terms of this contract.
Como se establece en el Apndice B que aqu se adjunta y que se incorpora
a este documento y se convierte en parte del mismo mediante esta
referencia , ....

AGREEMENT made this ____________ day of ______________, 199 , between [specify seller]
(hereinafter referred to as "Seller"), a [specify state] corporation having its offices at [specify
address], [specify buyer] (hereinafter referred to as "Buyer"), a [specify state] corporation
having its offices at [specify address], and [specify guarantor], (hereinafter referred to as
"Guarantor"), a [specify state] corporation having its offices at [specify address].

All accounts receivable owned by Seller as of [specify date] as listed on "Schedule A," annexed
hereto and made a part hereof.

"Clause Two provides for a procedure whereby both parties ________ can modify
the terms of credit."
And those are the words that I've been given: hereto, hereinafter, hereunder,
hereof, hereby, hereafter, herein.
The answer can be "herein" (if the parties have already been mentioned in the
document)or "hereunder" (if the parties are to be mentioned later on with an
emphasis on them signing at the end). You could also use "hereinafter" if the
meaning in Spanish is "en lo sucesivo
hereto, a esto, a este fin
hereinafter, despues, en adelante,
hereunder, en virtud de cual,,,,en virtud de esto
hereof acerca de esto,,,de aqu, de esto
hereby por esta, poren esto,,por la presente
hereafter despues, ms abajo, ms adelante
herein incluso,,,aqu dentro

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