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Scary Science
Universal Studios Orlando has come to you to
design a brand new Scary Attraction for next years
Halloween Horror Nights. The company decided if
they could create a haunted house based off of
actual Florida Science Standards, then they could
invite 7th grade classrooms for field trips during the
day specifically to visit this indoor scare attraction
and make more money. Your assigned theme is
Scary Science, but what you do with it is up to you.
You can have jump scares, special effects, cast
members, but all guests and employees must be safe
from harm. You have certain science criteria that is
required and you must present all the information
including the design to Universal Studios
representative (Ms. Norris) by your Unit 1 Test day.
This will also count towards your nine weeks grade
in your science class. REMEMBER: The main
goal of this is for Universal to get more money by
bringing in school groups. So yes make it scary, but
it cannot be inappropriate for school groups to
visit. Fun houses use mazes, opaque mirrors,
transparent windows, smoke, flashing lights and
moving floors using different forms of energy. You
can use these ideas to help design your attraction.
Remember, sometimes the scariest things arent
blood and guts, but the fear of the unknown.

F. What is the difference between transparent,

translucent, and opaque?
G. What is the difference between reflection,
refraction and absorption?
H. Do the molecules in solids move, even if we
cannot feel it?
I. On a roller coaster, when does the car have
potential energy? Kinetic energy? When is
it transferred?
J. How is temperature related to kinetic
K. What will happen if we combine two objects
with different temperatures?
L. What happens to the chemical energy in
fireworks as they explode?
M. Which energies are kinetic? Which are

1. Questions: Answer the following questions on
here to go with your project:
A. How does the state of matter affect how
quickly a sound wave travels?
B. What happens to molecules when matter
changes its state?

N. What is the difference between radiation,

conduction and convection?
2. Written Portion: You must explain how your
attraction will include each of the following science
P11:1- Changes of state from solids-liquids-gases or

C. What law explains what happens to energy?

What does that law state?
D. What is the difference between
electromagnetic and mechanical waves?
E. What is the difference between transverse
and longitudinal waves?

P.11.2 and .3- Energy Transformations and Law of

Conservation of Energy

P.11.4- Heat Transfer from hot to cold (radiation,

conduction, convection)

P.10.1- Electromagnetic Spectrum

P10.2- Reflection, Refraction, and Absorption

Transparent, Translucent and Opaque

P.10.3- Waves

3. Scary Design: Use the rest of this sheet or

attach your design for your Scary Science
Attraction. Color is not required, but it will give
you extra credit. Make sure you label the science
aspects of your design.

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