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The C G Jung Society of Queensland

Library List


Adler, G Jaffe, A
Allan J & Bertoia J
Ammann, R
Armstrong K
Assagioli R
Avens R
Avens R

Selected Letters of CG Jung, 1909-1961

Written Paths to Healing
Healing & Transformation in Sandplay
English Mystics of the 14th Century, The
Imagination is Reality
New Gnosis, The

Baynes H G
Bedi, A
Bedi, A
Bedi, A
Beer, B
Bell D
Birkhauser-Oeri, S
Bly R
Bly R & Woodman M
Boer, C translation
Bond, D Stephenson
Bosnak R
Bosnak, R
Breaux C
Brinton Perera, S
Burland C A

Mythology of the Soul

Awaken The Slumbering Goddess
Path to the Soul
Retire your Family Karma
Mystics Yesterday and Today: The Love that Connects Us All
Daughters of the Dreaming
Mother, The: Archetypal Image in FairyTales
Iron John: A Book About Men
Maiden King
Homeric Hymns, The
Archetype of renewal
Little Course in Dreams, A
Tracks in the Wilderness of Dreaming
Journey Into Consciousness
Scapegoat complex : towards a mythology of Shadow and guilt
Magical Arts, The: A Short History

Caldwell C
Campbell J
Campbell J
Campbell J, Ed
Campbell J, Ed
Campbell J, Ed
Campbell J, Ed
Carotenuto, A
Claxton G
Clift WB
Clift, JD & WB
Clift, JD & WB
Conger, JP
Cook B & E with San Roque, C
Covitz J
Covitz, Joel
Cowan L
Cowan J
Crawford, T
Cremen Davidson, SN

Getting our Bodies Back

Creative Mythology: The Masks of God
Hero With a Thousand Faces, The
Spirit and Nature, Papers from Eranos Yearbooks, 01
The Mysteries, Papers from Eranos Yearbooks, 02
Man and Time, Papers from Eranos Yearbooks, 03
Man and Transformation, Papers from Eranos Yearbooks, 05
Eros and pathos: shades of love and suffering
Beyond Therapy: Impact of Eastern Religions on Psychological Theory
& Practice
Jung and Christianity
Hero Journey in Dreams, The
Symbols of Transformation in Dreams
Jung & Reich: The Body as Shadow
Story about Intjartnama
Family Curse, The: Emotional Child Abuse
Visions of the night: Jungian and ancient dream interpretation
Mysteries of the Dreaming: Spiritual Life of Australian Aborigines
Secret Life of Money, The: How Money Can Be Food for the Soul
Becoming: A personal chapter in the biographyof the Sacred Feminine

Daly, M
Douglas, Claire
Dourley, JP
Dunne, Claire

The Goddess Speaks
Translate This Darkness: The Life of Christiana Morgan
Strategy for a loss of Faith: Jung's Proposal
Carl Jung: Wounded Healer of the Soul



Edinger, E
Edinger, E
Edinger, E
Edinger, E
Edinger, E
Edinger, E
Edinger, E
Edinger, E
Edinger, E
Eliade M
Eliade M
English H & English A
Erikson E
Estes C P
Fenichel O
Fihelly, S
Fordham F
Fordham M
Formaini, H (compiled by)
Freud A
Fromm E
Fromm-Reichmann F
Furth, Greg

Aion lectures
Archetype of the Apocalypse: divine vengeance, terrorism and the end
of the world
Christian archetype, The
Encounter with the self: William Blakes Illustrations of the Book of Job
Goethe's Faust : notes for a Jungian Commentary
Mysterium lectures
Mystery of the coniunctio: alchemical image of individuation
Science of the Soul: A Jungian Perspective
Transformation of the God Image: An Elucidation of Jung's Answer to
Myths Dreams and Mysteries
Rites & Symbols of Initiation
Comprehensive Dictionary of Psychological Terms
Childhood and Society
Women Who Run With the Wolves
Psychoanalytic Theory of Neurosis, The
Spasmodic Remblings of a Left Brain/Right Brain Severe Dyslexic
An Introduction to Jung's Psychology
Children as Individuals: An Analytical Psychologist's Study of Child
Landmarks: Papers by Jungian Analysts from Australia & NZ
Ego and the Mechanisms of Defence, The
Fear of Freedom, The
Principles of Intensive Psychotherapy
Secret world of drawings: a Jungian approach to healing through art

Gallegos E S

Animals of the Four Winds: Integrating Thinking Sensing Feeling &

Gallegos E S
Little Ed & Golden Bear
Gallegos E S
Personal Totem Pole, The
Gardner, Robert
Rainbow serpent: bridge to consciousness
Gombrich E H
Story of Art, The
Group for Advancement of Psychiatry Towards Therapeutic Care
Guenon R
Symbolism of the Cross
Guggenbuhl-Craig A
Eros on Crutches
Guggenbuhl-Craig A
Marriage Dead or Alive
Guggenbuhl-Craig, A
Power in the Helping Professions
Hadfield J A
Hall, J
Hall, J
Hannah B
Hannah B
Hannah, Barbara
Harding, M E
Harding, M E
Harding, M E
Harper R
Harris, Judith
Hayman, R
Henderson J
Hill G
Hillman, J
Hillman, J

Dreams & Nightmares

Jungian Dream Interpretation: Handbook of Theory & Practice
Jungian experience: analysis and individuation
Encounters with the Soul: Active Imagination: As Developed by C G
Striving Towards Wholeness
Inner journey: essays on Jungian psychology
Parental Image
The I and the Not I
The way of all Women
Psychoanalysis & Psychotherapy 36 Systems
Jung and yoga
Life of Jung
Thresholds of Initiation
Masculine & Feminine
Dream and the Underworld, The
Healing Fiction



Hillman, J
Hillman, J & Ventura M
Hollis, J
Hollis, J
Hollis, J
Hollis, J
Hollis, J
Hopcke R
Horney K
Hoult J
Hubback J
Hudson, JR
Hyde, M & McGuinness, M
Jackson, E
Jackson, G
Jackson, G
Jacobi, J
Jacobi, J
Jacobi, J
Jacobi, J & Hull, RFC Ed.

Soul's Code: In Search of Character & Calling

We've had a Hundred Years of Psychotherapy and the World's Getting
Creating a life: finding your individual path
Middle passage, The
On this journey we call our life
Swamplands of the soul
Under Saturn's shadow: the wounding and Healing of men
Odyssey, The
Guided Tour of the Collected Works of C G Jung, A
Neurosis & Human Growth
Dragons: Their History & Symbolism
People Who do Things to Each Other
Natural Spirituality: Recovering the Wisdom Tradition in Christianity
Jung for Beginners

Jacoby, M
Jacoby, M
Jaffe A
Jaffe A
Johnson, RA
Johnson, RA
Johnson, RA
Johnson, RA
Johnson, RA
Johnson, RA

Food & Transformation; Imagery & Symbolism of Eating

Living Room Mysteries: Patterns of Male Intimacy
Secret Lore of Gardening: Patterns of Male Intimacy
Complex Archetype Symbol
Psychology of CG Jung
The Way of Individuation
CG Jung: Psychological Reflections: A New Anthology of His Writings
Analytic Encounter, The
Longing for Paradise
From the Life & Work of C G Jung
Myth of Meaning, The
Ecstasy: Understandign the Psychology of Joy
He: Understanding Masculine Psychology
Inner Work: Using Dreams & Active Imagination for Personal Growth
Owning Your Own Shadow
She: Understanding Feminine Psychology
Transformation: Understanding the Three Levels of Masculine

Jung C G
Jung C G
Jung C G
Jung C G
Jung C G
Jung C G
Jung C G
Jung C G
Jung C G
Jung C G
Jung C G
Jung C G
Jung C G
Jung C G
Jung C G
Jung C G
Jung C G & Kerengi C
Jung C G CW Supp Vol A
Jung Emma

Aion: Researches into the Phenomenology of the Self, Vol 09 ii

Alchemical Studies, Vol 13
Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, Vol 09 i
C G Jung Speaking: Interviews & Encounters
Civilization in Transition, Vol 10
Man and his Symbols
Mandala Symbolism
Memories Dreams & Reflections
Modern Man in Search of a Soul
On the Nature of the Psyche
Psychology and Religion: West and East, Vol 11
Symbols of Transformation, Vol 05
Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle
The Red Book
Uber die Psychologie des Unbewussten
Essays on a Science of Mythology
Zofingia Lectures
Animus & Anima

Kalff D M
Keirsey D & Bates M
Kelly, W L

Sandplay: A Psychotherapeutic Approach to the Psyche

Please Understand Me
Psychology of the Unconscious: Mesmer, Janet, Freud, Jung and current



Kerenya K
Keyes M
Klein M
Koltuv B B

Hermes Guide of Souls

Inward Journey: Art as Therapy
The Selected: Melanie Klein
Weaving Woman

Lao, Tze
Legge, J, translated
Leonard, LS
Leonard, LS
Levi-Strauss C
Lowe, A

Tao Te Ching
I Ching: Book of Changes
On the Way to the Wedding
Witness to the Fire: Creativity & Veil of Addiction
Jung Talks: 50 Years of the CG Jung Society of Melbourne

Marshall, J Ed.
Mattoon M
Masselos, M
May R
McConeghey H
McNeely, Deldon Anne
McNeely, Deldon Anne
Mellick, J
Meredith, ME
Miller A
Mindell, A
Mindell, A
Moacanin R
Monick E
Monick E
Mooney L F
Moore ,T
Moore, T
Moore, T
Nell, Renee

Depth Psychology, Disorder and Climate Change

Understanding Dreams
Music The Healer: Mary Masselos Seven Tone Method
Meaning of Anxiety, The
Art and Soul
Animus Aeternus
Touching: Body Therapy & Depth Psychology
Art of Dreaming, The: Tools for Creative Dream Work
Secret Garden: Temenos for Individuation
For Your Own Good
Dreambody: The bodys role in revealing the Self
Rivers Way: The process science of the dreambody
Jung's Psychology & Tibetan Buddhism
Castration & Male Rage: The Phallic Wound
Phallos: Sacred Image of the Masculine
Storming Eastern Temples
Care of the Soul: A Guide for Cultivating Depth & Sacredness in
Everyday Life
Dark Eros
Soul Mates: Honoring the Mysteries of Love & Relationship
Soul's Religion, The
Use of dreams in couple counseling: A Jungian Perspective

Neumann E
Neumann E
Neumann E
Neumann E
Neumann E
Noll, R

Amor & Psyche

Art & The Creative Unconscious
Origins & History of Consciousness
The Child
The Great Mother
Aryan Christ

O'Connor, P
O'Connor, P
O'Connor, P
O'Connor P
O'Connor, P
Oliver, P
Oppenheimer, S

Beyond the Mist

Dreams and the Search for Meaning
Inner Man: Men, Myths & Dreams
Understanding Jung
Understanding the Mid-Life Crisis
The Track Back
Eden in the East: Drowned Continent of SEAsia

Paris G
Pearson, CS

Pagan Grace
Awakening the Heroes Within: Twelve Archetypes to Help us Find
Ourselves and Transform our World
Hero Within, The
Magic at Work: A Guide to Releasing Your Highest Creative Powers
Descent to the Goddess
Mirrors of Transformation: The Self in Relationships
Being in Love
Coming to age: the croning years and late life transformation

Pearson, CS
Pearson, CS & Seivert, S
Perera SB
PAJA Papers
Pickering, J
Pretat, Jane



Progoff, I
Progoff, I
Progoff, I
Puner, H W

At a Journal Workshop: Basic text and guide for using the Intensive
Journal process
Jung's Psychology and its Social Meaning
Practice of Process Meditation
Freud: his life and his mind

Qualls-Corbett N
Quenk, AT & NL

Sacred Prostitute: Eternal Aspect of the Feminine

Dream Thinking: The Logic, Magic and Meaning of Your Dreams

Rawson P
Regardie I
Robertson, R
Robinson JC
Ross G
Rozman D
Russack, N

Tantra: The Indian Cult of Ecstasy

Philosopher's Stone, The
Beginners Guide to Revelation: A Jungian Interpretation
Death of a Hero - Birth of the Soul
Search for the Pearl
Meditation for Children
Animal guides

Samuels A
San Roque, C
San Roque C
Sanford, J
Sanford, J
Sardello, R
Schapira LL
Schwartz-Salant, N
Selig, JL
Shalit, Erel
Sharp, D
Sharp, D
Sharp, D
Sharp, D
Sharp, D
Singer J
Singer J
Skafte D
Spiegelmann J M
Stein, M
Stevens A
Storr A
Sullivan H S

Plural Psyche, The : Personality, Morality & The Father

Placing Psyche: Exploring cultural complexes in Australia
Sugarman Song Cycle
The invisible partners: how the male and female in each of us affects
our relationships
The Kingdom within: the inner meaning of Jesus' Sayings
Freeing the Soul from Fear
The Cassandra Complex
Narcissism and character transformation
Integration: The psycholog and mythology of Martin Luther King, Jr
Complex: path of transformation
Digesting Jung: Food for the Journey
Jung Lexicon: a primer of terms and concepts
Jungian psychology unplugged
Personality types
Survival Papers, The
Androgyny: Towards a New Theory of Sexuality
Boundaries of the Soul: The Practice of Jung's Psychology
When Oracles Speak
Jungian Analysts: Their Visions & Vulnerabilities
In Midlife
Psychiatric Interview, The

Tacey David
Taimni I K
Tart C T
Tart C T
Todd, PE

Jung and the New Age

Science of Yoga, The
Altered States of Consciousness
Transpersonal Psychologies
Individuation of God: Integrating Science and Religion

van der Post, L

Van Loon H W
von Franz, M L
von Franz, M L
von Franz, M L
von Franz, M L
von Franz, M L
von Franz, M L
von Franz, M L
von Franz, M L

Jung & the Story of our Time

Arts of Mankind
Alchemy: an introduction
Animus and anima in fairy tales
Archetypal patterns in fairy tales
C.G. Jung: his myth in our time
The Cat: a tale of feminine redemption
Creation Myths
On Divination & Synchronicity: The Psychology of Meaningful Chance
Projection & Recollection in Jungian Psychology: Reflections of the



von Franz, M L
von Franz, M L
von Franz, M L
von Franz, M L
von Franz, ML & Hillman, J

Redemption motifs in fairy tales

Shadow and Evil in Fairy Tales
The Passion of Perpetua: A psychological Interpretation of Her Visions
The problem of the puer aeternus
Jung's Typology

Walker B
Watkins M
Whitmont E C
Wickes F
Wilber K
Wilhelm H
Wilhelm R & Jung C G
Wilkinson P and Philip N
Williams D

Woolger J B & R J
Woolger R J
Wyly T

Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths & Secrets, The

Waking Dreams
Return of the Goddess
Inner World of Childhood, The: Introduction by C G Jung
Brief History of Everything, A
Eight Lectures on the I Ching: Change
Secret of the Golden Flower, The
Border Crossings: A Psychological Perspective on Carlos Castaneda's
Path of Knowledge
Beauty Myth, The
Children Under Stress
Addiction to Perfection
Leaving My Father's House: Journey to Conscious Femininity
Owl was a Baker's Daughter
Pregnant Virgin, The
Ravaged Bridegroom, The: Masculinity in Women
Dancing in the Flames: The Dark Goddess in the Transformation of
Coming Home to Myself: Reflections for Nurturing a Woman's Body &
Goddess Within, The
Other Lives, Other Selves
Phallic Quest, The

Yeoman, Ann
Young-Eisendrath P
Young-Eisendrath P
Zoja, E Ed.
Zoja L
Zuckerkandl V
Zweig, C & Wolf, S

Now or Neverland: peter Pan and the myth of Eternal youth

Hags and heroes: a feminist approach to Jungian therapy with couples
You're Not What I Expected: Learning to Love the Opposite Sex
Sandplay Therapy: Treatment of Psychopathologies
Drugs, Addiction & Initiation: The Modern Search for Ritual
Sound & Symbol
Romancing the Shadow: Illuminating the Dark side of the Soul

Wolf N
Wolff S
Woodman M
Woodman M
Woodman M
Woodman M
Woodman M
Woodman M & Dickson E
Woodman M & Mellick, J

Abrams, J
Cargill-Strong, J
McGehee, JP

Dreamtime Journey: the Path of Direct Experience (3 CDs)

Stories to Light the Dark
Symbolic Life (8 CDs)

Ammann, R (Idea & Concept)
Bedi, A
Bedi, A
Grant Fay, C
Hillman, J. - Bosnak, R. Moderator
Johnson R
San Roque, C
Witty, S

Gardens of the Soul: Sandplay Therapy (DVD)

Odyssey of Individuation Of an Ancient Civilization (DVD)
Legend of the Glasshouse Mountain (2xDVD)
At The Threshold (DVD)
Birthday Conversation with James Hillman (DVD)
Slender Threads:Conversation With Robert A Johnson (DVD)
Sugerman Documentary
Where We Are: Jungian Analysts in the 21st Century

Johnson, R & Matthews, B

Johnson, R & Matthews, B
Jung, A & Stein, M

AJC #05 Psychological Type in Clinical Practice (DVD)

AJC #12 Psychopathology and Personality Type (DVD)
AJC#16 Architecture of the Soul:Inner & Outer Structures of CG Jung



Stein, M
Stein, M & Jacoby, M
Stein, M
Stein, M
Stein, M
Stein, M & Brutsche, P
Stein, M & Hill, J


AJC #01 Individuation: A Life Long Journey (DVD)

AJC #02 Transference (DVD)
AJC #09 Jung White Letters: Theatrical Performance (DVD)
AJC #10 Carl Jung's Red Book (DVD)
AJC #11 Carl Jung's Red Book, Part II (DVD)
AJC #04 Active Imagination and the Use of Images in Jungian Analysis
AJC #03 Dream Interpretation: A Jungian Approach (DVD)

Nurbakhsh, A., Ed
Nurbakhsh, A., Ed
Nurbakhsh, A., Ed
Nurbakhsh, A., Ed
Nurbakhsh, A., Ed
Nurbakhsh, A., Ed
Nurbakhsh, A., Ed

Sufi - Jnl of Sufism - I. 41 Spring 1999

Sufi - Jnl of Sufism - I. 49 Spring 2001
Sufi - Jnl of Sufism - I. 56 Winter 2002/03
Sufi - Jnl of Sufism - I. 60 Winter 2003/04
Sufi - Jnl of Sufism - I. 61 /Spring 2004
Sufi - Jnl of Sufism - I. 70 Summer 2006
Sufi - Jnl of Sufism - I. 71 Autumn 2006

Papadopoulos, R., Ed
Papadopoulos, R., Ed

Harvest Internat Jnl for Jungian Studies 2003 Vol 49(1)

Harvest Internat Jnl for Jungian Studies 2003 Vol 49(2)

Spring 64, Journal

Spring 65, Journal
Spring 66, Journal
Spring 73, Journal

Histories (1998)
Lost Souls (1999)
Divinations (1999)
Cinema & Psyche (2005)

BBC Training Video
BBC Training Video
BBC Training Video

Story of Carl Gustav Jung: 01 Mystery That Heals, The

Story of Carl Gustav Jung: 02 67,000 Dreams
Story of Carl Gustav Jung: 03 In Search of the Soul



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