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Centre for Pre-University Studies, Tunku Abdul Rahman University College


: Speed of Sound in Air


: To determine the velocity of sound in air by measuring the resonant

frequencies of a closed tube.


: Resonance frequency, f in a one end closed tube is given in the formula

( 2 n1
4L )


n = 1, 2, 3,

: Retort Stand, boss, clamp, speaker, audio generator, cathode ray

oscilloscope, measuring cylinder and crocodile clip connectors.



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Procedures :


1) Set up the cylinder, microphone, audio generator and oscilloscope as shown in

Figure 1.
2) Connect the power output of the audio generator to the speaker and to channel one
on the cathode ray oscilloscope.
3) Fill the cylinder with tap water until the empty column in the cylinder, L is between 16
to 20 cm.
4) Measure length of the empty column in cylinder, L with a ruler.

L = ________________ cm

Centre for Pre-University Studies, Tunku Abdul Rahman University College

5) Vary the frequency of audio generator with the frequency knob control. Start from
lowest frequency; gradually increase the frequency of audio generator until
resonance occurs. When a resonance is found, a pronounced reinforcement of the
sound will be heard.
6) Determine and record the resonant frequency (f) from the waveform shown in
cathode ray oscilloscope in table shown below.
1st Resonance

2nd Resonance

3rd Resonance

4th Resonance

5th Resonance

6th Resonance

Period of wave, T /s

Resonance Frequency, f / Hz

7) Increase the signal frequency and determine another five resonant frequencies.
8) Plot a graph f against n.
9) Determine the gradient of graph.

gradient = ________________ s-1

10) Calculate the experimental speed of sound in air with the gradient value obtained.

Speed of Sound = ________________ ms -1

11) Use the air temperature to find the accepted speed of sound.
Given that v = 331.5 + 0.6T, where T = air temperature in C.

v = ________________ ms-1
12) Calculate the % of error for the experimental speed of sound.

% of error = _________ %

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