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Fasting - a source of health!

Why "Dry fasting"?

The body needs rest .
The body spends vital resources for processing food. The more we eat, the more energy is spent on
processing. You've probably noticed that a strong man, which no one can win, after a hearty dinner, falls to the ground and
unable to do anything until they digest food. In fact, the body does not need as much food, but he carefully all of its
processes. More forces from that person does not receive and spend on recycling more. Therefore, to produce a "Food
paradox" - the more we eat, the more we get tired. Compounding this situation the feeling of hunger. In fact, the feeling of
hunger occurs when the stomach is compressed. Therefore, those who eat large portions eventually feel the incessant
hunger as much stretching from the stomach to shrink immediately after a meal there and then starts to give signals to the
brain, "there I want!". However, after eating, the situation you do not fix, after some time again begins to want to
eat. Therefore, the recommendations in this case is very simple:
Eat slowly, even more often, but small portions
Remember that feeling of "saturation" comes later, try to measure the portion of the mind.
Do not eat if you do not want to eat : "for the company", "on track", "not to leave", etc.
Do not eat after 18.00
Try to eat less fatty food and meat - it is heavier than the second and the it for a long time to
process. Besides that 50% of all deaths in the country - a cardiovascular disease, heart attacks and
strokes.The main reason - the excess of fat (cholesterol) levels and smoking.
When we eat, the liver and kidneys. The liver filters out through a fine sieve all the food, the kidney - a
liquid. When bodies are not busy, they can treat themselves. If you go hungry, while drinking, the entire digestive
tract is alert, so treat yourself it can not.

I of . Colon Cleansing:
1. The pure water - 1.5 -. 1.8 liter, temperature of about + 37 degrees, add 1 - 1.5 tablespoons of salt.
2. We hang water bottle (mug douches) at the level of 1 to 1.5 meters above the floor.
3. Tie a length of 10 - 12 cm, grease with vegetable oil or petroleum jelly.
4. Open the valve, near the tip, and pull the air.
5. Stand up to his knees, to enter all the tip into the anus, the shoulders drop down as much as possible and slowly pour in
all the water in the intestine.
6. Lie on your back, raise your legs and stand on the shoulder or put your feet behind your head as possible. So stand 30
- 60 seconds. Then slowly lower legs and lie down on his right side. So lie 10 - 15 min. If there are desires before running
to the toilet.

7. Next, make a second enema, with urine. The urine is collected one day before the procedure, in a single container, 0.8 1.2 liters. Before use, it must be heated, and administered at + 37 degrees. Next, the method of application is the same as
that of water.
8. One procedure consists of two enemas. The procedure is done after a light dinner, at 18.00 -19.00. It is necessary to do
5-7 treatments. Procedures for doing every other day. If the urine is collected for more than a day, or taken from a healthy
person, it is necessary to bring to a boil in an enamel pot and administered at + 37 degrees.
After the procedure, and before the next breakfast we eat only fruits and vegetables, drink juice, water and tea.
II . Liver Cleansing:
1. It is important to prepare liver. Therefore, three days you must eat only fruits and vegetables in any form, little biscuits,
cereals, liquid water, drinking chamomile tea and fresh juices.
EXCLUDE salt, sugar, spices, mayonnaise, dairy products, onions, garlic, fish and meat in any form, alcohol, tobacco,
grain products, vegetable oils and butters, seeds and nuts, physical work and exercise. Take a hot bath, walk-in bath,
sauna, walk in the woods or park.
2. On the third day, after a light dinner, at 18.00 - 19.00 do an enema of salt water. We do not eat, drink only pure, noncarbonated water.
3. On the morning of the fourth day, do an enema of salt water. Drink only pure water as needed.
4. 16.00 - 17.00 start warming the liver with the help of heating pads.
5. At 19.00 you face a 200 gram glass with fresh, warm lemon juice and 200 gram glass of olive oil. Make 1-2 gulp and
immediately oil 1-2 large sip of lemon juice. We are waiting for 15 - 20 minutes if you do not feel sick, then repeat.. If sick,
we wait until the nausea will pass, and continue to drink. You do not need to hurry. We drink to the end. If nausea persists,
no longer drink. The liver is constantly warm. Take a comfortable position, better lying down and continue to heat the liver,
but not burn. After 23.00 you should be loosening, and will be released through the anus sand, stones, cork, dirt which
has been hammered by your liver.
At 03.00 do an enema of salt water. Liver Gray constantly.
In 0700 do an enema of salt water. Drink weak tea without sugar with crackers.
The liquid 10 -11.00 eat buckwheat. Drink freshly squeezed juices. Liver Gray 14.00.
The following 3 days we eat as well as the previous ones. It is very important! Your liver is weakened, its power must be
restored. After dinner, at 18.00 -19.00 make last enema. Clean intestine and the liver needs to be done once, but if you
want, repeat in 2-3 months. This completes the preliminary stage and the main purification begins.
III . Saturday and New Moon Days.

Every Friday, after a light supper at 18.00 and before breakfast on Sunday, you do not eat, drink, wash, make love, smoke,
take drugs. Do not wash, if possible. This is the law of the Sabbath. In New Moon the same. This day you will find in the
tear-off calendar. Just a month you keep 5 days, 4 days - Saturday and 1 day -Novolunie.The first results you will feel
immediately after 1- 2 procedure bowel cleansing. Gradually leave all your diseases.Do not worry, if there's a sore, kill. We
must be patient, it is the uprooting of another disease. This is not a diet.It's a lifestyle. Your body will be waiting for these
days. The rest of the week eat anything you want. We must deeply believe in success, and you will succeed. You will live a
long time, have excellent health and look at 25. The secret, in a nutshell, it is that these days we do not waste energy on
digestion, and sexual function, and all the energy is spent on the removal of disease, removal of toxins, excretion
radioactive water, due to which we age, strengthening the immune system, DNA purification. Please do everything in order
- intestinal cleansing, followed by liver cleansing and then the Sabbath and new moon days. Do not clean the liver and
observe the Sabbath and new moon days only to pregnant women - will miscarriage and during breastfeeding. No age
restrictions, from 8 days and up to a ripe old age. Teens 10 -12 years, unless there is obesity, we can immediately observe
the Sabbath and the new moon.
Never try to force or persuade someone - either to change their lifestyle. To each his own. By the above, nothing can
neither add nor take away. It is not sold and not bought. It is given freely. Who knew - he knew.

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