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The Story of Garabandal-A Summary of the Events, 1961-1965 They Saw the Miracle by Jacques Serre ‘When Will the Miracle Happen? An interview with Rev, Frangois Turner, O.P. The Warning and Miracle: Interviews with the Seers.......+2..+-045 How to Get to Garabandal by Ed Kelly Will There Be a Miracle Flight? . What to Do After the Waring .... Preparing for the Important Vigil by Hans Lange and Marie FitzPatrick one Our Lady5 Message of Garabandal October 18, 1961—We must make many sacrifices, per- form much penance, and visit the Blessed Sacrament frequently. But first, we must lead good lives. If we do not, a chastisement will befall us. The cup is already fill- ing up, and if we do not change, a very great chastise- ment will come uponus. June 18, 1965—As my message of October 18 has not been complied with and has not been made known to the world, Tam advising you that this is the last one. Before, the cup was filling up. Now itis flowing over. Many car- dinals, many bishops and many priests are on the road to perdition and are taking many souls with them. Less and ess importance is being given to the Eucharist. You should turn the wrath of God away from yourselves by your efforts. If you ask His forgiveness with sincere hearts, He will pardon you. I, your mother, through the intercession of Saint Michael the Archangel, ask you to amend your lives. You are now receiving the last warn- ings. [love you very much and do not want your con- demnation. Pray to us with sincerity and we will grant your requests. You should make more sacrifices. Think about the passion of Jesus. Once news of the Garabandal events spread, people from the surrounding dis ‘riets and other parts of Span lined the calleja (rocky lane) t0 watch the ecsasies of the four girls > GARANANDAL, The Message of Our Lady of Mt, Carmel is published four times « year by The Workers of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, P.O. Box 606, Linden- hurst, New York 11757, US.A. Dist ‘buted through private subseription only. $13.00 per year in the United States, Canada and Mexico; $15.00 overseas. Individual copies (including previous year back issues) $3.25 each Editor-in-Chief: Joseph Lomangino Managing Editor/Co-Art Disector Barry Hanratty Co-Art Director: Jerome Matejka Editorial: Marilyan Lomangino Rhoda Van der Clute Marie FitzPatrick ‘The Purpose of GARABANDAL Magazine GARABANDAL is dedicated to promoting and expounding upon the messages given for the world by the Blessed Virgin Mary in het alleged apparitions to four child- zen in San Sebastian de Garabandal, Spain, during the years 1961 to 1965. ‘and to reporting new developments as the Garabandal events approach fullllment. round and supple: see "Garabandal Materials" in this issue This isa private publication by those who personally believe that Our Lady appeared at Garabandal even though the original investigation commissioned by the Bishop of Santander concluded that ‘no apparitions had occurred and that all phenomena were explained by natural causes. To date, this determination of the Bishop's office has not been amended by the Bishop of Santander or by The Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, The publishers of this magazine hope that the Church's official position will, aites further investigation, be amended in the future. ‘On the Cover This view of earth from outer space pro: vides another perspective of the world- wide dimension of the Wacning and Miracle, Tt was taken from the Apollo 4 spavecralt at a distance of 9,54 nautical miles, Photo courtesy of NASA. GARABANDAL 2 ape ee the Events,1961-1965 Where and what is Garabandal? It is an isoiated hamlet of some 300 people nestled in the Cantabrian Mountains of north- western Spain. Like Fatima and Lourdes, Garbandal is a place ofunearthly serenity and beauty. A fiction writer's imagination could not create a more appropriate setting for a religious event of great significance. San Sebastian de Garabandal is situated at the very end ofa winding road cut into a mountainside that leads up from the village of Cosio. A solitary cluster of nine pine trees stands out starkly against the horizon to the south. The village itself con- sists of some 80 solid, rustic stone houses huddled together ona small strip of land overlooking a wooded valley. This is the stage for “The Story of Garabandal.”” ‘The saga opens on Sunday, June 18, 1961, at 8:30 in the evening, Four simple, unsophisticated girls were playing in a sunken lane called the calleja, at the southern extremity of the village, Suddenly, a sound of thunder was heard and later a brilliant angel appeared, first to ‘Conchita (Maria Concepcion) Gonzalez and then almost immedi- ately afterwards to Mari Loli (Maria Dolores) Mazon, Jacinta Gonzalez and Mari Cruz (Maria Cruz) Gon- zalez. The angel did not speak and ina few moments disappeared, ‘The Coming of Our Lady ‘The angel appeared several times more. The first time he spoke was on July 1, 1961. He said, “Do you know why I have come? It is to announce to you that tomorrow, Sunday, the Virgin Mary will ap: pear to you as Our Lady of Mount Carmel.” The angel’s mission was to prepare the children for Our Lady’s coming and to be her messenger. He returned with her the next day, but came back much less frequently after that. However, the Blessed Virgin began appearing almost every day and occasionally was accompanied by the Infant Jesus ‘Whom she carried in her arms. Appearing as Our Lady of Mount Carmel, the Virgin wore a diadem of 12 stars on hier head, a large brown scapular ov her verist and looked 10 be about 18 years of age. Above, St. Michael prepared the way for Mary's coming. GARABANDAL HE MIRACLE §; Miracle of Garabandal before they died. the Vision). During the dialogue between the young girls and Our Lady, Conchita again asked for a proof as she had. done in the afternoon ecstasy, and becoming almost desperate said, but we did not give any proof whatsoever and the people don’t believe.” Then, as the ecstasy continued, something new and absolutely unique occurred. Fr. Luis, who ‘was intently observing the girls, “was suddenly overcome by deep emotion and we heard him say four times movingly and in a high pitched voice,’ MILAGRO! ” (testimony of Rafael Fontaneda). He looked very grave, in fact, so serious and so moved that Pepe Diez, an important witness, told Fr. Frangois Turner that at one point his face looked like a “huge tear.” ‘There was another unique fea ture of this ecstasy involving Fr. Luis as related by Conchita in her Diary:* We could soo him. Now in our ecstasios wwe never see anyone (except the Blessed Virgin). But we saw Fr. Luis and the Blessed Virgin told us that he was seeing hher and the Miracle too, Conchita also mentioned this event in a letter to Fr. Ramon Andrew dated November 27, 1964: “And the Virgin then told us that he was seeing her and the Miracle that God, Our Lord, was going to perform—iba hacer.” Although Fr. Ramon was not in Garabandal on August 8, he returned on the fourteenth and made the following * our Lady Comes to Garabandal, Joseph A. Palletion, AA 1 6, The veil that covered Padre Pio’s face was given to Conchita, entry in one of his notebooks after a conversation with the visionaries [Fr. Luis] was with the four giels who wore kneeling in eestasy. Drops of ration were falling from his foreliead. ‘The Virgin was looking at him... she seemed to be telling him, “Very shortly you will be at my side On August 16, Fr. Ramon mad another entry in his notebook after the first mysterious conversation between the seers and his deceased brother." Loli, for one, kept saying, “yes, it is your voice . .. we would like to see you tell us what you saw at the pines when you said ‘Miracle! Miracle! Miracle! Miracle!” ... you saw her on the branch of the tree in the middle A final testimony is that of Avelina Gonzalez, one of the village busing the apparition of August 16, the Blessed Virgin sul, 35 she had snnounced to the seers previously, "Fr. Lats will eome now and speak with you"" The girs dig not see him but heand his voce women who saw Fr. Luis coming own from the pines after the even- ing ecstasy of August 8: ‘The good Father climbed up to the pines that day. I must say that he did not believe in the apparitions of Garabandal, absolutely not. .. . But as he was coming beck from the pines, [heard him say. “A miracle! A miracle! What a miracle the Virgin has performed for me...” Yes, Theard him say that.* It is interesting to note that Our Lady during the afternoon ecstasy remained silent to the repeated demands of the visionaries for a proof, but later gave this affirma- tive answer involving Fr. Luis, in such a remarkable way. PADRE PIO Ina letter dated July 4, 1969, addressed to Mr. Anthony O'Brien of London, England, Fr. Bernardino (continued on page 24) scarsbandal-Dhe Villege Speaks, Ramon Perez, p. 241 WhenWillthe Miracle Happen?* Many believers in Garabandal look for the great prophesied Miracle from one year to the next without giving full consider ation to those things foretold by Our Lady that must precede it. Inthe following interview, noted Garabandal historian, Fr, Francois Turner sheds some light on this important topic. Q._ Some people who appear to be at least fairly well informed about Garabandal were looking for the Miracle to take place in 1984. How could they have been expecting the Miracle when the other events fore- told by Our Lady to precede it have not yet happened? A. GARABANDAL readers should first be reminded of the following basic facts: 1) The Miracle will occur on a Thursday at 8:30 p.m. 2)In March, April or May. 3) Between the seventh and seventeenth (both ex- cluded). 4) On the feast day of a martyr of the Eucharist. He is not a ‘Spaniard, He has a name that is raro—unusual (at least in Spain). 5)It will coincide with a rare, im- portant and happy event of the Church and Christendom, which will occur on the same day as the Miracle. Q. Before the Miracle can occur, isn’t the Bishop of Santander supposed to receive a personal sign which will cause him to lift the ban on priests going up to the village? A. Yes, and the Bishop knows this hhas been announced. Will it be supernatural? Some think so while others have a different opinion. Conchita has said that it would be una prueba muy grande—a very great proof. Q. Mari Loli has said that before the Miracle, communism would dominate the world, Can one say that communism now dominates the world? Pe, Turner has to GARABANDAL ean interviow he granted 1983. A. It is spreading, It is not possible to conjecture as to what extent it will have reached just before the Miracle occurs. Q. Mari Loli has also said that shortly before the Warning, it would be very difficult for priests to say Mass. Can one say that this situation now exists? ‘A. We have not reached that point. Q. Conchita has said that the Blessed Virgin will give time before the Miracle to spread the Message with the permission of the Church. Would you say that up to this point wwe have had that permission? A. You have it. The whole section = - SS Author historian, Fr. Francois Turner, a Dominican from Blois, France, is currently working with Professor Jacques Serre on day by day chronology of the Garaban- dal events, of the book of Canon Law dealing with the censorship of books (Canons 1384 to 1405) was abro- gated in 1966 by Paul VI. When the Holy See was asked if this abroga- tion applied to Canon 1399 which dealt with private revelations, it answered ‘yes’ in 1967. Since this is a disposition of common law, no permission now has to be asked in that field, nor can it be lawfully forbidden by an edict. The Holy See mentioned, of course, that the Faith and Morals must not be put in danger. This includes full accep- tance of all the teachings of the Church, especially of the Council and Johin Paul II. Since nobody can claim that the Messages of Garaban- dal (see page 2) lack conformity with Church teaching, there is no problem, One does not have to be a specialist in Canon Law to under stand this. Q._ Another condition that must be fulfilled before the Miracle can take place is a general falling away of belief in Garabandal. Wouldn't you agree that this certainly has not yet happened? A. Surely. It has now been estab- lished beyond any reasonable doubt that this eventual disbelief in Garabandal was mentioned by the visionaries, has been predicted to happen, and that Conchita knew about it two years and three weeks before she knew about the Warning, Conchita also said in December, 1962, that before the Miracle, there would be a large number of false apparitions in rodas partes—the whole world. Why are they permit- ted by God? So that the devil may try to blur out true apparitions in the minds of many (see Mt. 24:24), Thave used the present tense “they are permitted” because they have already begun. CARABANDAL THE WARNING ANDMIRACLE: sUO AVS aval THE SEERS Con na on RRC Len Re ne Ker ee Tn ec CORR aries Conchita, Mari Loli and Jacinta have, from time to time, Fee aa anna te Aa age erate ca ec Rae ae Xen de a ren ee hace Miracle. In each of these interviews, although the same ques ey ee eee aN Can ea ate a eer am ate oa ecg perspective comes to light. With this in mind, and in an attempt to get the most complete picture on the basis of what is known POT ad ea ieee OR eee Tear ante ee oe Lae Re rEeaE necessary repetition. What follows is the result of our research with the segments from the various interviews given in eee arc Dea ea nee ee a ert ares nears eran eg eer Penn eee nae ary INTERVIEWS WITH THE SEERS THE WARNING Conchita September 14, 1965( Q. Will the Warning be a visible thing or an interior thing or both? A. The Warning is a thing that comes directly from God and will be visible throughout the entire world, in whatever place anyone ‘might be Q. Will the Warning reveal personal sins to every person in the world and to persons of all faiths, includ. ing atheists? A. Yes, the Waming will be like a revelation of our sins—es como si revelase nuestros pecados, and it will be seen and experienced equally by believers and non-believ- ers and people of any religion whatsoever. Q. [vit true that the Warning will cause many people to remember the dead? ‘A. The Warning is like a purifica tion for the Miracle. And it isa sort of a catastrophe. It will make us think of the dead, that is, we would prefer to be dead than to experi: ence the Warning. Q. Will the Warning be recognized and accepted by the world as a direct sign from God? A. Certainly claro, and for this reason L believe it is impossible that the world could be so hardened as not to change October, 1968" Q. We have heard that some say the Warning may be a natural phenomenon but will be used by God to speak to mankind. Is this true? A. The Warning is something supernatural and will not be ex- plained by science. It will be seen and felt Q. Conchita, can you explain the statement that during the Warning we will know ourselves and the sins we have committed? A. The Warning will be a correc- tion of the conscience of the world. Q. What about the many people who do not know Christ; how will they understand the Warning? A. For those who de not know Christ [non-Christian] they will believe it is a Warning from God. 1973 Q. What will occur on the day of the Warning? ‘A. The most important thing about that day is that everyone in the whole world will see a sign, a race, or a punishment within themselves—in other words, a Warning. They will find themselves ai} alone in the world no matter where they are at the time, alone with their conscience right before God. They will then see all their sinsand what their sins have caused Q. Will we all feel it at the same time? A. Yes, at the same ti Q. How tong will it last, a half hour, an hour? A. [really don't know. I think that five minutes would be an adequate time. Q. How witl we feet it? A. We will all feel it differently because it will depend on our conscience. The Warning will be very personal, therefore, we will all react differently to it. The most important thing will be to recognize ‘our own sins and the bad cons quences of them. You will have a different view of the Warning ‘than me because your sins are different from mine, Q. Will something happen to me be- cause of my sins? I mean will physt- cal harm come upon me as a result of them? A. No, unless it’s something that results from the shock, for example, a heart attack Q. So then it will bring no physical harm but will consist of facing God alone with my sins, How about the e004 things; will I see them also? ‘A. No. This will be only a Warning to see what you have done with your sins. It will be like a purifica- tion before the Miracle to see if with the Warning and Miracle we [ineaning the whole world) will be converted. Q. So this Warning can occur any day now? A. Yes, but I don’t know the date when it will occur. February, 1977 Q. Wher did you learn about the Warning and from whom? A. The only thing that I remember well is that it was the Virgin who told me of it Q. Would you repeat for us what vou know about the Warning? ‘A. What I remember now is that the Virgin told me that before the Miracle God will be sending us a Warning so as to purify usr prepare us fo see the Miracle and in this, way we may draw enough grace to change our lives toward God. She told me what the Warning will con- sist of but not the date. Tam not able to say what it consists of but I am able to say what it will be like, more or less. Lt is a phenomenon, which will be seen and feit in ai the world and everywhere; I have always given as an example that of Conchita in 1961 at the beginning of the events and as she Is now, pictured in the backyard of her New York home just a {few Jeet from the rear of the local parish church, Conchita and her husband, Pasrick, shave four ehilaren. CARABANDAL INTERVIEWS WITH THE SEERS two stars that collide. This phenom- enon will not cause physical damage, but it will horrify us because at that very moment we will see our souls and the harm we have done. It will be as though we were in agony but we will not die by its effects but pethaps we will die of fright orshock to see ourselves. May the Virgin for- give me if I do not explain it the way itis, but I am trying to tell you after knowing what the Waming will be like that day. Q. Did you ‘see’ or hear’ about the Warning? A. The Virgin told me ofits coming. Q. If the Wanting only lasts a short time, will the world remember tt as coming from God or will it only appear to kave been a dream or an illusion? A. [have never said that the Warn- ing will be a short moment. What I have said is that even if it were a moment it will be very impressive and terrible, No one will have doubts of it being from God, and of its not being human. I, who know what it is, am very much afraid of that day. Q. Many’ years ago you told us the event of the Warning begins with the letter “A.” Since Our Lady never told you nat to reveal it, can vou now mention tt? ‘A. She did not forbid it, but I don’t know why I haven’t said itand [don’t feel as though I should say it now. Q. You once said ro Fr. Marcelino Andreu, “When you see the Warn- ing you will know we have opened up the end of time.” Can you ex- plain what you meant by this? ‘A. The Virgin told us that the ‘Warning and Miracle will be the last warnings or public spectaculars that God will give us. This is why L believe that after them we will be near the end of time Q. Do you have any words of advice for the people in order that they might prepare for this event? ‘A. We must always be prepared with our souls in peace and not tie ourselves down so much to this world. Instead, we must think very often that we are here to go to heaven and to be saints. August, 1980 Q. It [the Warning] is not going to hurt you? A. No. To me, it’s like two stars... that crash and make a lot of noise and a lot of light but they don’t fall... I's something that’s not going to hurt us but we're going to see it. In that moment, we're going to see our conscience. You're going to see everything wrong that you're doing, Q You're going to see everything verong that you're doing? A. Yes. And you're going to see the good that you're not doing. MariLoli Suly 27, 1975 Q. You have said that you know the vear of the Warning. Can you tell us if it will occur in the next few years or is it still in the distant ‘future? ‘A. No. I can’t say anything. Q. Did the Blessed Mother tell vou not to speak about the Warning? ‘A, No, she didn’t, but, because the Warning and the Miracle are within the same year, I feel it inside not to say anything Q. How do you know the Warning and the Miracle are within the same year? ‘A. During an apparition—I don’t remember just when-the Blessed Virgin told me. Q. Reportedly, you have said that when the Warning occurs every- ‘thing will stand stitl, even planes in the sky. Is this true? A. Yes, but just for a few moments, Q. You mean that everything will stop at a given moment and at that moment the Warning will occur? AL Yes Q. When was this information revealed fo you? A. Duringan apparition the Blessed Virgin told me all this, Q. Was all the information given vou during one apparition, or did ‘Our Lady tell you this over several apparitions? A. She told me all of this during ‘one apparition, I don’t remember now if she spoke about the Waring during any other apparition Q. Do you know how long the Warning will last? A. Just a few minutes, Q Are you afraid of the Warning? A. Yes. Like everyone else, I have faults, and the Warning will show ‘me my faults and this makes me afraid Q. Can you tell us anything else about the Warning? A. All can say is that itis very close and that it is very important that we prepare ourselves because it will be a tervible thing. tt will make us feel all the wrong we have done. February, 1977 Q. Have vou ever discussed with Conchita the dates of the Warning of which you know the year, and the Miracle which she knows? A. Thave never talked to Conchita about these dates Q. Have you any words of advice for the people in order that they ‘might prepare for this event? A. To do much penance, make sacrifices, visit the Blessed Sacra ment every day that we are able to, and to pray the holy rosary daily. CARABANDAL September 29, 1978 Q. Since you are the one who knows the most about the Warning will you tell us if this event is to take place before the Miracle prom. ised through Conchita Gonzalez? A. ...Everyone will experience it wherever they may be, regardless of their condition or their know: ledge of God... It will be an interi oor petsonal experience. It will look as if the world has come to a stand- still,..however, no one will be aware of that as they will be totally absorbed in their own experience. Q. Abous rhe nature of the Warn- ing, how do you sense it? A.” It is going to be something like and interior feeling of sorrow and pain for having offended God. God will help us to see clearly the harm we are causing Him and all the evil things we do. fe will help us to sense this interior pain because often when we do something wrong wwe just ask the Lord's forgiveness ‘with our lips, but now [through the Warning] He will help us sense physically that deep sorrow, October 19, 1982!" Q. Do vou remember what the Blessed Mother said about the com- munist tribulation that is to pre- cede the Warning? A. It would look like the commu- nists have taken over the whole world and it would be very hard to practice the religion, for priests to say Mass or for the people to open the doors of the churches, ‘Mari Loli, with the other visionaries in ecstasy, Holds up a rosary for Our Lady to kiss. Now 35, Lolt says the 15 decades every day with her husband, Frank, and recommends the recitation of the rosary ‘asa means of preparation for the upeom- ing supernatural events, GARABANDAL/SPECAL EDIFION Q. fs that what you meant when ‘you said that it would seem as though the Church had disap peared? AL Yes Q. Ir would be because of the per secution and not because the people would stop practicing their religion? A. Yes, but I guess a lot of people will stop. Whoever practices it will have to go into hiding. Q. Will this only be in Europe or do you think it will be here in the United States as well? A. Idon’t know because for me at that time, Europe was the whole world. I just assumed it was that way. The Blessed Mother didn’t specify in what place. To me it looked like it was every where. Q. Approximately 67% of the earth's land is now dominated by communism. Do you think that’s sufficient to fulfill Our Lady's prophecy? A. [really don’t know. It sounded to me like it would be more thant that, Q In other words you think it will (inset) Jacinta and Mart Loli shoraly after the ecstasies commenced. Jacinta now lives in California with her husband, Jeff, and daughter, Maria Jacinta, white Lolt resides in Massachusetts with her husband and three children. be worse than it is now? A. That’s What I thought from what she said but I really don’t know exactly, To me it looked more like it was every place out there, the places f saw in my mind Ina lot of countries in Europe you can still practice your religion. Q. So, the situation in the world is not bad enough for the Warning to happen? A. The Warning is not going to happen yet so it’s probably going to get worse. Q. You said that it would be very difficult for priests to say Mass. Was this something that the Blessed Mother told you or was it some- thing that you thought yourself because of the communist tribula- tion? ‘A. From what | remember, it was something she said > INTERVIEWS WITH THE SEERS Q. And ihe Virgin said that it would seem as though the Church had disappeared? AL Yes, Q. Did the Blessed Mother ever say anything about the Holy Father having t0 leave Rome at the time of the Warning? A. No, but what it looked like to me—maybe at this time I was confusing in my mind what I was seeing and what the Blessed Mother was saying to me because it’s been So many years—but what it looked like to me was that the Pope couldn't be in Rome either, you know what I mean, out in the open, He was being persecuted, too, and had to hide just like everybody else. Q. You said that when the Warning comes, the planes would stop in the air and that all engines would stop. Is this what the Blessed Mother told you? A, She said that everything, every- where, for a moment would stop and the people would just think and look inside themselves. Q. Witt there be any noise with the Warning like a wind blowing? A. The way [saw it at the time, it was more like a big silence, like a sense of emptiness. Everything was very silent. That's the way I saw it. Q. Seven years ago you said that the Warning was soon. Many people thought tt would have happened by now. What would you say today? A. Itis soon. Everything looks soon to me because time goes by so fast Q. You'e the only one who knows the vear of the Warning, Did you ‘ever tell it 10 anyone else, like a priest for example? A. No. Q. Will people be fighting with one another when the Warning comes? A. (no answer) Jacinta August 17, 197509 Q. Did Our Lady ever speak to you about the Warning? A. Yes, she spoke to me about it but she never told me the year... February, 1977) Q. Can you tell us what the Warn- ing will be like? A. The Warning is something that is first seen in the air everywhere in the world and immediately is transmitted into the interior of our souls, It will last for a very little time, but it will seem a very long time because of its effect within us. It will be for the good of our souls, in order to see in ourselves our conscience, the good® and the bad that we've done. Then we'll feel a great love toward our heavenly parents and ask forgiveness for all our offenses. Q. Wil the Warning be felt by att people regardless of their beliefs? ‘A. The Warning is for everybody because God wants our salvation, ‘The Warning is in order for us to draw closer to Him and to increase our faith, Therefore, one should prepare for that day, but not await- ing it with fear because God doesn’t send things for the sake of fear but rather with justice and love and He does it for the good of all His children that they might enjoy eter- nal happiness and not be lost. August, 19797) Q. Do you recall anything about a great tribulation, communism....? ‘A. Yes, it was an invasion, well, something that seemed to me like an invasion; something that was a great evil in which communism *Conchita says that we will only se the bad, played a great part, but I no longer remember which countries or what region was stricken. The Blessed Virgin insisted in telling us to pray (that it be averted), These difficult events will take place before the Warning because the Warning itself will take place when the situation will be at its worst, April 16, 1983) Q. Ina 1979 interview (above), You said in describing the commu- nist tribulation that “it was like an invasion.” Did you see scenes of this invasion? ‘A. Sometimes I confuse an invasion with a persecution, Q. You have also said that when things were at their very worst then the Warning will happen. How do you know this? Did the Virgin telt you or did you see it ina vision? ‘A. The Virgin said that the Warn- ing would come when conditions were at their worst. It wouldn’t be just the persecution either because ‘many people will no longer be practicing theft religion, Q. When the Warning comes it wilt be seen and felt by everyone on earth, Does this include little chita- ren who have not yet reached the ‘age of reason? ‘A. Yes, That's why we felt sorry for them because it was such a terrifying experience. Q. Can you tell us anything about what the world will be like when the Warning comes? A. Bad. THE MIRACLE Jacinta February, 1977) Gacinta was never told about the Miracle by the Blessed Virgin. She GARABANDAL aa said that whenever she questioned Our Lady about the Miracle, the Virgin simply replied, “Everyone will believe.”) Mari Loli February, 1977) Q. Were you told about the Miracle in an apparition, and if so, by whom? A, The most Holy Virgin told me. Q. Whar do you know about the Airacle? A. All [know is that it will take place within a year after the Warn- ing. Q. Will you and your family go to Garabandal for the Miracle? A. Ifit is God’s will. Conchita 19730) Q. What is going to happen on that day lof the Miracle|? A. [will tell you all that [can just as the Virgin told it to me. She told me that God was going to perform a great Miracle and that there would be no doubt about the fact that it was a miracle. Tt will come directly from God with no human intervention. A day will come—and she told me the day, the month and the year so I know the exact date Q. When is that day? A. It is coming soon but I can't reveal it until eight days before the date. Q. What exactly is going to happen On June 18, 1965, Conchita received the second Message from St. Michael as the crowd pressed around her. The oldest of the visionaries, she also bears the greatest responsibility having to announce the date of the Miracle eight days in advance GARABANDAL/SPECIAL EDITION on that day? A. Lam not permitted to say exactly what is going to happen. What I can reveal is that the Virgin said that everyone who would be there [in Garabandal] on that day ‘would see it, The sick who are there will be cured no mazter what their disease or religion. However, they have to be there. Q. On the day of the Miracle, did you say that those present would be converted? |A, The Virgin said that everyone present would believe. They would see that this was coming directly from God. All sinners present ‘would be converted. She also said that you would be able to take pictures and televise it. Also, from that moment on there would be a permanent sign at the pines that everyone will be able to see and touch but not feel. I can’t explain it Q. On the day of the Miracle there will be an extraordinary sign not ‘made by human hands? ‘A. Yes, And this sign will remain until the end of time, Q. Did you say that this sign could be televised and photographed but not felt by touching? A. It will be like smoke. You can touch it but not feet it Q. With respect to the sick people. the Virgin mentioned one particu- lar person, a blind man called Joe Lomangino, What did she say about him? ‘A. She said that on the day of the feat Miracle he will recover his sight, She also talked about a para- lytic boy whose parents came from my town (Garabandal]. This boy will also be cured. These are the only two people she mentioned, Q. Can you tell us something about Fr. Luis Andreu? A. Yes. This priest came frequent- ly to the village to see if the appari tions were real or not. After a while he believed in them. Once, while we were in ecstasy at the pines, he began to shout, “Miracle, miracle, miracle.” When this happened the Virgin said, “At this moment the priest is seeing me and the Miracle that will occur.” (continued on page 28) Garabandai@ @C°s° os Forty Bus route Bus ana train routes How to Get to Garabandal By Ed Kelty Garabandal is located 15 miles inland from the Cantabrian coast some 35 miles (50 miles by car becatise of the ‘winding mountain roads) west by southwest of Santander, the capital of the small Castilian province of the same name. Santander is an important port and because of its beautiful, expansive beaches and temperate summer climate, a vacation favorite for Spaniards who go there to escape the heat of the central plateau. I 250 miles straight north of Madrid and 140 miles west of the nearest port of entry from France, Hendaye-Irun, Garabandal les in the foothills of the Cantabrian Mountains at an eleva- tion of 1,630 feet. The Pea Sagra Ridge which rises to 6,000 feet behind it, is hidden by fog much of the time. “To the west are the majestic Picos de Europa and Covadonga from where the Christians launched their suecess- ful 800 year reconquest of Spain from the Moors in the eighth century. Listed on area maps as San Sebas- tian and called such by many local people, other Spaniards add “de Gara- bbandal” probably to distinguish the small “pueblo de las apariciones” from the large port city. Previous to 1961 one would have had a difficult time finding anyone in the province who could point the way to Garaban- dal. Today it would be just about as difficult to find anyone there who doesn’t know where it Passports IF you have had a previous passport, inquire about mail-in eligibility. Oth- cers must apply in person at selected post offices (in major cities), to clerk at any federal or state court or to ‘an agent at a passport agency in one of the larger cities in the U.S. You will need: 1, Proof of citizenship which can be either your birth certifi- cate, naturalization certificate or a previous passport. Birth certificates may be obtained from the recorders office of the county of the person’s birth (consult the telephone directory or information for the county recorder of birth, death and marriage records). 2. Proof of identity. A valid driver's license or Department of Motor Vehi- cles ID card, a previous passport or any other document containing your picture and signature. Parents may identify their minor children, 3. Two identical photographs. Personal iden- tical photos meeting exact standards of size and paper quality and thickness are acceptable. However, passport photos are easily obtainable at & nomi- nal cost from photographers and pho- to shops. Check the yellow pages. 4 A $42.00 fee. Passports are now valid for ten years after date of issue and for five years ($27.00) for those 17 years of age or under. A parent must apply for the passport for a child under 13 years of age Planes Aviaco Airlines has two flights a day from Madrid to Santander, leaving Madrid at 9:00 a.m, and 6:35 p.m. for the 50 minute flight. The return flights leave Santander at 10:20 a.m, and 7:55 p.m. The round trip cost as of January, 1991, was $207.00. Passengers traveling from abroad can book their flights directly to Santander. Direct flights still connect Paris and London with Bilbao, 70 riles to the east of Santander. ‘Trains Main line trains connect Paris with Hendaye-Irun, Barcelona with Bilbao. and Madrid with Santander. There are two trains a day from Madrid (at 3:20 p.m, and 11:10 p.m.), and from Bar- celonay and four from Paris. ‘The Cantabrian Line runs along the From Cosio, the road leads up 10 Garabandal. north coast from Bilbao to Galicia in the northwest corner. Four trains a ay stop at Pesués, the nearest train stop to Garabandal, and a total of 12a day go as far as Cabezén de la Sal Buses Modern, air-conditioned buses run along the coast from trun to Galicia with stops at Bilbao, Santander and San Vicente de la Barquera (near Pesués). Continental Auto (Alenza St., Madrid) runs a bus which leaves Madrid daily at 9:00 a.m. but goes direct to Santander only July 2 through September on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. The rest of the time, the connecting bus in Burgos leaves at 10:00 a.m. on the following day. A local bus leaves Cabezéin daily at 9:45 a.m, and 7:30 p.m. (connecting WillThere Bea Miracle Flight? From time to time Joey Lom receives letters asking about a Miracle tight.” Here is a sample ngino Deer Joey T have learied through reading the magazine, GaRABANDAL. that Conchita will be announcing eight days in advance he time the Miracle Isto take place at Garabanda). Thus. ive time in which one wil be abie ro make travel arrangements and set his personal af'sis in order so that he ean aztend che Miracle will be very short. It would seem to be of great advantage. and perhaps even necessary, to hhave al travel arangements made ahead of time. However, i is almost impos siale to make Firm tavel commitments with a commercial cartier ahead of time when departs ime is contingent on a future happening of a now uncertain dave Tam wondering whether you might have established som providing such trav words, is it possible to make advanced ravel arrangements through your organi zation $9 that one could make firm vations for transportation to go to Garabandal at the time the announce: ment of the date of the Miracle is made by Conchita? If such a service is available through your organization, 1 wou appreciate receiving further detatls about At least three members of our farily ‘would like to make such arrangements for che trip Thank you for whatever information {you van give me concerning my inquiry BS.K., Minneapolis, Minnesota The Workers of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, New York, appreci- ate the concern that people have with cegard to getting to Garaban dal for the Miracle. Prior to the publication of the July-September, 1977 edition of NEEDLES* (dedica- to the Warning and Miracle), extensive inquires were made with the major airlines into the possibib- ity of a “Miracle Flight Plan.” After mitich thave and effort exploring all the alternatives, it was detetmnined that no airline could guarantee one or more available cartiers for a future date that is now unknown Therefore, we feel that our only course of action is to wait until after the Waming before giving serious consideration to a “Miracle Flight.” This will be our poticy sntil that time. If there are any unforseen developments before- hand, we will Keep the readers of GaRABANDAL informed *NEEDLES became GARABANDAL in 1979 How to Get to Garabandal with the 8:05 a.m. and 6:20 p.m. trains from Santander) and stops at Cosio just three miles from Garabandal Boat Brittony Ferries. a French line, has the Plymouth. England, to Santander un. A 700 passenger, 170 car boat with cabins Jeaves Plymouth at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesdays and Sundays, and returns from Santander on Mon- days and Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. From Heathrow Airport, take the bus to Reading to avoid having to back- track to London’s Victoria Station to catch one of a number of trains a day for the four or five tour ride to Plym uth, The crossing to Santander takes. 24 hours. Since most of the ecenomi | budget and standby flights from the United States go to London, this is a convenient and economical way to go for the independent traveler. Car Driving hints: Driving either from Madrid, from Barcelona or the French border, one need not go into Samtances, From Madrid, leave the Burgos-Santander highway at Vargas and head west for Torrelavega, Cabezsn, Cabuerniga and Puente- nansa. From the east, bypass Santar= der at Solares and head directly for Vargas and Torrelavega Alternate routes from Madrid: (1) Burgos-Coreoate-Reinosa Cabuer- niga-Puentenansa and (2) Burgos or Palencia-Cervera de Pisuerga-Piegtas Luengas-Puentenansa. All of the above mentioned routes are over paved, two Jane highways Official road signs on both sides of the highway passing Cosio now point the way to Garabandal. The road through Cosio, until recently too narrow for large buses, has been widened and asphalted. Guard rails have been added along the two lane asphalt highway between Cosio and Garabandal Taxis Taxis are available in all cities and even in the smaller villages. Ifyou can’t spot one, ask the proprietor of any establishment 10 call one for you. Example of a common route: Inter~ national flight from New York to Madrid: Aviaco Airlines flight to San tander; airport bus to Hotel Bahia; three blocks to the Cantabrian Line Station (not to be confused with the RENFE Station Which is just to the right of it); train to Cabezsn; bus to Cosio; walk oF taxi to Garabandal N.B. If even a small fraction of those who have heard of Garabandal attempt to go there for the Miracle, i is difficult to imagine either the local transportation or the local roads bear ing the traffic. Thus, one might plan to walk from Cabez6n (22 miles} or from Pesués (17 miles). GARABANDAL What to Do After the Warming From all signs, it would appear that the Warning cannot be far away. We also know from witat the visionaries have said that it will be a terrible and awesome thing. It will be a confirmation for everyone that the events that took place in the Span- ish mountain hamlet of San Sebas- tian de Garabandal from 1961 to 1965 were truly of divine origin ‘Once the Warning has occurred what should we, the workers of Our Lady do? To help answer this ques- tion, GaRABANDaL Magazine suggests the following procedure As soon as we can pull ourselves together after experiencing the Warning and are able to act, we should spread the word about the Miracle. The first person to be notified should be our local bishop. After that, the media should be given all pertinent information ‘To make this task as easy as possible, the accompanying news release has been prepared. When the time comes, just cut it out and either mail or take it to your local newspaper, TV or radio station. 4 a Ml \ J Nv yy The pines (10 the right) overlook the village of Garabanda CGARABANDAL SPECIAL EDITION r t NEWS RELEASE Fey further information: 516-226-4408 Everyone on earth has now experienced the terrifying Warning from God foretold by the Blessed Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus Christ, dur- ing a series of apparitions from 1961 to 1965 to four young girls in the Spanish mountain village of San Sebastian de Garabandal. This fact can easily be substantiated by the millions of people around the world who knew of its coming. This Warning was not meant to be an isolated experience but to serve asa purification—“to correct the conscience of the world” —for another event soon to follow. This other event, also prophesied at Garabandal, isa Miracle, the greatest prodigy that Jesus Christ will have ever performed for the world. The location chosen by God for this great Miracle isa grove of nine pine trees situated ona bluff overlook ing the village of Garabandal. It will occur ona Thursday evening at 8:30 between the eighth and sixteenth of this March, April or May ‘The exact date entrusted by the Virgin Mary to one of the visionaries, Conchita (Gonzalez) Kena, will be announced by her eight days in ad- vance. The Miracle will be seen by all those present either in the village or on the surrounding mountains and will be able to be televised and photographed. The Virgin said of those in attendance that “‘the sick will be cured and sinners will be converted.” All the incredulous who witness it will believe. There will be no doubt that it is something from God and not of this world. After the Miracle, a permanent sign will remain at the pines until the end of time. This “sign” may be photographed and televised but not touched. Through the Warning we have just experienced, we all know the power of God. The purpose of the Miracle therefore, is to convert the whole world so that souls may be saved and peace exist. Please publicize this information as soon as possible so that people may begin preparation for the most unforgettable journey of their lives, to Spain, to witness the great MIRACLE OF GARABANDAL! ie GARABANDAL THEY SAW THE MIRACLE (oontinued from page 9) Cennamo, 0.FM., attested to Padre Pio’s belief in Garabandal: 1 was in Garabsndal May 30 of this year [1969] and I saw Conchita (again), The same Padre Pio during his lifetime hiad guaranteed the authenticity of the apparitions ofthe Virgin. He met Conchita in San Giovanni Rotondo [1966] and furthermore, during the last days of his life, he spoke with his brothers, leaving a personal message for the principal protagonist of the appar tions. The message, entrusted to Padre Pellegrino, was... given to Conchita at Lourdes in October of the past year, I 100 being present We know from the notes of Fr. Valentin Marichalar and those of Dr. Celestino Ortiz that Padre Pio’s anticipated vision of the Miracle of Garabandal was an- nounced on September 8, 1962. But, it is possible that the famed stigmatist—and Conchita as well— knew it earlier Conchita received her first letter from Padre Pio on March 3, 1962, and answered him the same day, her letter containing a personal ‘message from Our Lady. The pro- phetic words of the Virgin through Conchita," . . and Padre Pio also will see the Miracle,” could be ascribed to either of the above two dates. ‘The actual fact that Padre Pio did see the Miracle in advance is ascertained by the testimony of Fr, Bernardino Cennamo men- tioned above. In October, 1968, Conchita met Fr. Cennamo at Lourdes. She had received a telegram requesting that she go there, and left immedi- ately with her mother in the car driven by Fr. Alfred Combe, an important witness of all that transpired. Fr. Cennamo said to Conchita that he did not believe in the apparitions until Padre Pio told him to give her the veil that would cover his face after his death. The conversation ended like this: Conchita: How is it that the Virgia told ‘me that Padte Pio is supposed to see the Miracle and le has died? Fr. Cennamo: He saw the Miracle before he died. He told me so himself.* 1) NEEDLES, Spring 1975 (Conchita Speaks of Pade Pio), and Conchita Pare du Padre Pio, a Frenc wansation of the NEI article with additions and cortectio Aulea Combe. THE STORYOF GARABANDAL (continued from page 7) them had done or were thinking; the kissing of objects by Our Lady and the amazing way they were distributed to people during the apparitions—these are some of the exceptional unexplainable pheno- mena encountered at Garabandal Garabandal—A Unique Event Garabandal is unique in the history of Marian apparitions for a number of reasons. 1) The number of apparitions, somewhere in the vieinity of 2,000 is amazing. 2) The appearance and extensive use of a new means of heavenly communica- tion (not usvally encountered along with apparitions having a public message) namely the locution (an interior voice), sets Garabandal apart from Lourdes and Fatima. 3) The span of time over which the apparitions (June 18, 1961 to No- vember 13, 1965) and locutions Giune 19, 1961 to February 13 1966) occurred, is exceptional. 4) The things announced for the future and yet to come—the Warning, the great Miracle and the permanent sign at the pines, and the conditional Chastisement—are most unusual. 5) The variety of the sites where the visions took place— in the church, at the door of the cchurehi, in homes on various streets of the village, at the pines, in the cemetery-is astonishing, 6) The time at which they took place, literally at every hour of the day and night, is quite uncommon. 7) The abundance of secondary or supporting mystical phenomena, such as the miracle of the visible Host, the lamadas of calls and the ecstatic marches and falls. is almost overwhelming. 8) The trials of the Visionaries, the difficulties and opposition that have accompanied the events almost continually are so unusual that there does not seem to be any natural explanation for them. 9) The manner in which Garabandal has managed to over- come all obstacles and become more and more widely known and accepted is another of the almost unbelievable happenings connected with it. 10) Finally, and most important of all, this spreading of the Garabandal Message has been accompanied everywhere with an amazing explosion of grace manifested in cures, conversions and tremendous growth in love of God, of neighbor, of the Blessed Virgin and of the Eucharist on the part of both those who disseminate the Message and those who heed it. ‘These are what are known as the “fruits of Garabandal."C. Mass Offering for Subscribers Special provisions have been made so that on the eighteenth of every month, Masses are offered for all Garabandal workers and benefactors and for GARABANDAL Magazine subscribers, GARABANDAL GARABANDAL MATERIALS Books [BL The Apparitions of Garabundal by F. Sanchez Veoturay Pascual Excellent account by aneje= wits ofthe evens, Very good as first book on the subject. $1099 [B2Star on the Mountalaby Fe M.Laieut, ‘Account ofthe events from {961 to 1967, by 8 wit ‘oss. Mach yaabe formation, $107 183 0 Children Listen to Me by Robert Panjos ‘Shows how the teachings ofthe Church eae alive and were ated out at Garabaadal. Many marvelous psodes fom the eens. $1099 'BS Our Lady Comes te Garubandal by Fe Josep ‘A. Pelletier. Conchita’ entire Diary and related ‘doeumets with valuable commentary by Fr. Pelle let The whole sory upto August 1971. $9.95 GAQAWANDAL ‘6 Garabundal—The Vilage Speaks by Ramon Perez If you really wan to now what happened st CGarahandal, his hook sa nas. Chack-fal of eye witness aecouns not found in any eter book. One tthe rea classics! 39 phoograhs. $1395 187 Miracle at Garabandal by Hy Daley. Includes detailed accounts ofthe appaitions by ‘Conchita eset, prophecy ofthe csi inthe ‘Church, the real prophecies a he Padre Pio connection” el, ol apo fable The book re- czived exelent reviews by Fe. Rober Fox, Mala chi Manin (author and TV commentator) andthe lee Vinceot Miceli (author and professor ar Christendom Colege) $1099 1S Padre Plo (bokletby Cal Wagner. $4.50 19 acharistc Vial Guide Numerous payers, {guides fora haly hour oral night vigil $8.25. ‘BAL Sacred Heart Enthronement booklet. Se BI2 Your Rosary BookMesittions, 43. 13 SU Bridge's and ther payers. He BBL Purgatory by Fr. FX. Shouppe, SJ. Remarkable accogats from tbe ives ofthe sits You wil be ammzed ac owe much i know about the place of parfieaion 5750, ‘Special Discounts on Books and Videos Books: 100 20 copies, 10%; 20 or mere, 405% ‘Videos: 10 or more, 05% GARABANDAL/SPECIAL EDITION Foreign Language Books ‘Bés Garsbandal—E! Pusblo Habla (Garbanal — ‘The Village Speaks). Spanish, $13 95 [BES EL Padre Pio by Cat Wagser 40 pps, $4.50 'Bi6 Diario de Conchita de Garahandal. ‘Cones Diary in Spanish 5.00, [BIB Mi Tértént Garubandaban? (What Hap- pened ot Garahandl”) Hungarian, 4 pages 81.75, ‘BID EL Aviso y el Milagro (The Waring and the Miracle) Spanish. 4.50, Leaflets (oi 219 109 each; 20 fr $1 40; 100 tor 4.00, Fora single copy, snd self-addressed stapes envelope) LL What is Garabandal2—Free. Any donation o oft the cos of posta would be appreciated. 12 The Mystery of Garabandl 13 The Apparitions of Our Lady at Garabandal. Joseph A. Poletie, AA. LA "The Warning of Garabandal, Fe Pelletier. LS The Church's Position on Garabandal, Fr Pelcier [Ls Padre Pio and Garabanda, Fr. Peller LT How to Sew a Seapular, with spb step ilastations, L9 Morning Offering of Reparation card 1Li0 Book Mark. il Ten Commandments, L12 One Day Closer—Free LLIB Seapue Lele, English o Spanish LLL St Biche! Chaplet ial [E1Sp Garabandal Sayed My Priestly Life Foreign Language Leaflets LIS Garabandal Expicado(Spaaish) LIGEI Mister de Garabanda (Spanish) LIT The Appartlons of Our Lady at Garaban dal unganan) LAS The Apparitions of Our Lady at Garaban- dal (Korea) LI The Mystery of Garabandal (Russian) 1120 What # Gorsbanda? (lian) LL What is Garabandal? (Polish) 122 What is Garabandal? (Portaguese) 122 The Warning of Garabandal (Swi Blessed Articles (These tices are blessed before shiping) LI Rosary wit centerpiece cntiniog a piee of msl Kissed! hy Our Lay at Garabandal. Oly ne ‘er oner Donation ol. ‘BL2 Medal conning piece of miss kissed by ‘Oar Lady at Garabanda. Only one pe nde. Donation oly BL3 Scapulars (packaged in bundles of 20, Al Scapulars blesed and touced to medal kissed by {he Blessed Virgina Gaabandal. Sapgested dons: tions are 20: cach $3.00 for 20, $13.50 fr 10). For one scalar a self adresse stamped envelope ‘woeld be appreciated [BLAS Michael Cale wth leaflet. Sugpested Sooation $250 Slides ‘1 Garabandal Side/Caesette Program, Specify Engh, Spanish, German o French $59 00 Audio Cassettes (Cl Garabandal—Mhe story of the appions in English, Spanish, German or French, $8.0. ‘C2198 Australian National Garabandal ‘Conference. Four 90 minut apes earring Joey and Mayan Lomangino Joeys conversion (rough Pace io how he met Maryn std ar tie, Joey’ letures on prayer, study and action, plus nach more! Set of four pes, $10.95 {C3 The Message of Garabandal—Conpice Sound tack fom the vdeo shown oa EWTN See Vie (below) for dal, $9.00 Video Cassettes ‘Vie The Mestage of Garabandal A cleat expos Son of the events including the Waring, Miracle snd Messages, Film foomge fom the de ofthe p- Fattions, Joey Lomangino'sestimony, fms fom the visionaries’ weddings and mach more. English, ‘Spanish, Fresc, Pomugusse, Ukrainian, Rania, ‘German Colovlack nd white, $4 min $24.95 Special Materials SSM The October 18,1961 and June 18, 1965 ‘Garabandal Messages printed in brown and blue on sulted pochinent, 892" x (1°, 1.5. SSM2 Sacred Heart at Garabandal 1961, Fall ‘solr print with story of origin on eves, irs7-3235, ‘SMD Sacred Heart at Garahandal 1961, Holy card size with Message on reverse ether Engst or ‘Spanish, Plate speciy. for $1.00. SSM Our Lady of Mount Carmel ptr, large (15/0) $2.05 seal (5° x77) $150, ‘SMS Garabandal Poster 20" x26". incluces beau photo ofthe cilren in esas. oth For- mal Messages. $2.50 [SMG New Our Lady of Mount Came! pire, Jag (18" 4227 $795; small 8" x10") 583.98 SMT New Our Lady of Mount Carmel picture, oly card sine (2" 4°) with Meneage on ‘eves. English o Spanish. $ for 1.00 ‘SMB Madan ofthe Pines pica, hoy car size (Qi x42") with Message ou revere. Engh or ‘Spanish, Please specify for $1.00. BUI Eucharist Pin, fears Hos with chalice, lage be "G” for Garabardal and” fr Mary in ts of chalice, pink backround. Cold pled with soloed coum saily made. $8.95 "EU2 Eucharlstle Pendant. Same as above with sing fr chain instead of pi. Gold backround, Si95, 'ST1 Our Lady of Mount Carmel de Garabandat Statue 89 high, $1295 Garabandal Magazine G1GARAMANDAL Magan Pld crane 813 0perger ihe U3 31800 Sects Rr cseae nal str speoa ce Aleph wecs roe eer Special Eins of CARABANDAL Mapan, ‘owannpaed aioe Os bee Bet oop Su BS pea S533 prey Greek noes orCARABANDAL'SS 25 percopy atest peer omeee To as Ap Se 100 Jan Mar pt Tun Oc Bee 190d At Tu yep. se Toe Jan Map uy eb toe: Apt eS Oe 13: ar Ae Sep. ee "ho: agit Se sce Too: ha es top Jar Ma ptr, Sep Oc Dec top. dar Alun, 9 Sch ore Jost Apu Se ORDER FORM wai to: The worers ot ur Lay of Mount Carmel Office Use Only ME; P.O. Box 606, Lindenhurst, NY 11757 s16-2064408 ne N Name (please print) Apt. i ‘Msg. Street, Phone ( ) TowvStateZip T pecsbie slonas ncuge hal api Zp Code DO NOT WRITE IN THIS BOX oo ea ie Taine Tear CGARABANDAL WAGAZINE SLIDES a ate) Satan © $13, orion S18 Si GarabandlSielassete Progam $5800 Ge Bot spec dtes) 3.25 each Foi Cenih Depensh CO rench German Loatets — ioe a, 20 br 84010468400 BOOKS iat Graber? Br Aopitions of Garabandl $109 howe @2 9 one Moriah $1075 ee 230 Ghition sono Me $1099 {_aporiores estan 35 Lady Comes Grabancal 3035 Le rit Se : 86 __Garabandai ~The Village Speaks $13.95 wich’ Postion on Gav 87 Miracle at Garabandal $10.99 16 _ Pacis Pio and Garabandal a U7 Howto Sew a Seapr B9 Eucharistic Vigil Guide $5.25 La Morning Offering B11 Sacred Heart Enthronement 55¢ (10 _Bock Marto, 12 Your Rosy Socket 4 Lit__TenConnandnars B13 _ St Bigot and Ober Payers SOP L12 Ove Day Coser Fea) Bit Pagar 4750 Lis Sapdarteaet_— Engh Spash FOREIGN LANGUAGE BOOKS Lia St Meta tase alt FJ Bar maken”) Punts al (pais) $1095 Socal een ae Ue as Pt Py Ga gr Sprit) $450 Ee 516. Dao de Goes (pans) $400 Li Garand Exped (Spe) B16 MTs Grabber? saa le tistonge smn Span Domestic $2.50 Foreign $3.75 ste Gs _— y 819 El Aviso y of Milagro (The Warning and Miracle) L17_Aepertiore of Gerebencel (Hungarian) (Sou) one 94.80 {8 Apion Garner ren ‘UBIO CASSETTES Le Myst Gaara C1. Garand $800 English — OSpanish French OGerman 120 _Whatis Garaband (Raben) CZ__ Australian Conference Tapes $19.95 set of 4 L21_What ie Garabandal (Polish) (63_ Message of Garabandal, soundtrack $9.9 L22_Whatis Gosbandel Ponuguete) Sones (a__The Wang Gastar Sua View the Merge! Garaband $2455 BLESSED ARTICLES ‘SPECIAL MATERIALS: BL1__Reliquary Rosary, donation only SMI Two Messages ol Garand $1.85 8L2 lay a Sonten ony [ME Sacred at at Garba] ele) $225 LS Scapulars (ih ten), doen oy ‘SOA. Sand et (oy ae se BLAS: Mehae Chal vih Pye Lest otro Gtmieh Cspangh_or81.00 ‘SM3__ Our Lady of Mount Carmel (etre) Tota Baye 2200 Coral 3180 —_ A Garber Poser $350 Ne Yok St resend Seles Tax {316 New Our Lady of Mow Cae OE) Citamge 8728, Cima $308 Postage ana tang | $900 SAT New Our Lady of Moan Carel cra) Cenalsh Spanish Stor $1.00 ‘Donan for Spreasing Our Lady's Message SME Madan Psa card oe) Dingle gpannStar$1.00 TOTAL ORDER (US. a Et EoaisiePn 0.95, EU2 _Evsharete Peon $935 Foren ores roo be pa th an enon Pestl Money Oren STi Our Layo Mou Carmel Saw E98 Oe GARABANDAL By Hans Lange and Marie FitzPatrick What does one need when preparing to attend the Miracle prophesied to take place in Garabandal on a date not yet revealed? Firstly, a plan based on thought and research to determine the minimum number of items needed for such a trip and secondly, patience to wait for the best time to purchase within a 12 month period after the Garabandal (altitude 1,630 ft.) is Warning, it is recommended that _located in the foothills of the Canta- you wait until after the Warning _brian Mountains in what is consid- equipment and supplies. Since the Miracle will take place A Mountain Setting before investing in camping equip- _ ered the “damp” part of Spain. ment for your pilgrimage. ‘Therefore, in March, April or May ‘San Sebastian de Garabandal, a mountain setting. shen the Miracle is prophesied to take place, which are months of heavy precipitation, one should be prepared for moist and cool weath- er, Infact, it can be quite cold espe-

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