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Insertion sort - O(n2)- Incremental approach - Sorts in place

Merge sort - (nlogn) - divide and conquer

Computing discrete Fourier transforms
Bubble sort
Horner's rule for evaluating a polynomial (given in sahni)
find the nth number in Fibonacci numbers
Maximum sub array problem - Divide and conquer -O(nlogn)
Strassen matrix multiplication algorithm - Dand C - (nlog7)
Randomized algorithm
Heap sort - sorts in place in O(nlogn) time - Heaps can be used to implement pri
oirty queues
Quick sort - sorts in place on O(n2) time -Divide and conquer
Comparison sorts - determine sorted array by comparing elements
Counting sort algorithm - linear complexity
Radix sort - doesnt sort in place, takes O(n) time
Bucket sort - linear time
Finding the ith smallest element - Order statistic - Selection problem -O(n) d a
nd C
Heap - Max heap and min heap
Dijkstras algorithm - single source shortest path - Greedy
Kruskal minimum spanning tree - Greedy
Shell sort - O(n1.5)
Decision tree
Sequential search-O(n)
Rank or count sort? Same as counting sort?
Selection sort
Bubble sort - O(n2)
Binary search- O(logn)
Searching - Binary search trees, balanced search trees, Hashing
Graphs - depth first search, breadth first search, connectivity problems, topolo
gical sorting
Prim's algorithm - minimum spanning tree-Greedy
Sollins algorithm - minimum spanning tree O(n2)- greedy
Bellmann ford algorithm - SHortest path problems
Expression evaluation - Djkistras algorithm
Array resizing
Reversing of characters
Stacks used to solve combinatorial problems using backtracking
Find the GCD of two numbers
Find te binomial coefficient
Tower of Hanoi problem
Circular queue, double ended queue
Singly linked list (chain), doubly linked list, circular linked list, circular d
oubly linked list
Addition of two polynomials
Binary tree- Maximum degree of a node is 2. Strictly binary tree, full binary tr
ee, complete binary tree, skewed binary tree
Preorder traversal, Inorder traversal, Postorder traversal, level order
Threaded binary tree
Address calculation sort O(n2)
Interpolation search
Binary search trees - Inorder travrsal leads to ascending order, Search - O(n)
Hash function maps keys to positions in the hash table
Hash table - Buckets - Slots
Collision - linear open adressing
Bin sort
Simulated pointers
Stable sort
sparse matrices

Text compression - LZW method

Union-find problem
Priority queues- min priority queue, max priority queue
Huffmann codes - Greedy
LPT scheduling - Greedy
All pairs shortest paths - Dynamic programming
Travelling salesperson- backtracking
BST, Red black trees, AVL trees,B trees
Bipartite cover
Network flow

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