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Hilder 3919572
Applying Multimodal Learning to Unit Planning Assignment

Lesson Plan 2 Lesson 9

Year Level: 10 Subject: Science and PE Topic: Exercise and Physical Activity
Overview and Purpose
Develop an understanding of exercise/activity and the reasons
why people participate. Explore a few different types of
activities through a circuit conducted outside.
Cross Curriculum Priority Area or Second Capability
Cross Curriculum Priority
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
During this lesson, students will participate in an Aboriginal
game. This game is designed to be fun and allow them to
understand how activities vary amongst different cultures. They
will also be asked to think of reasons why people may
participate in this activity; this includes what sort of enjoyment
aboriginals get from participating in this game.

Asia and Australias Engagement with Asia
During this lesson, students will participate in two different
activities from the Asian region. These activities include Karate,
a form of Japanese martial arts, and the Chinese orientated Tugof-war activity. These two activities were chosen as they are
both popular activities in Australia and allow for a deeper
connection with the origin of these two.

Education Standards Addressed

VELS: Strands, Domain & Foci
Evaluate situations and propose
appropriate emotional
responses and then reflect on
possible outcomes of different
responses to health and
wellbeing (VCHPEP147)

Evaluate health information
from a range of sources and
apply to health decisions and
situations (VCHPEP148)

Examine the role physical
activity, outdoor recreation and
sport play in the lives of
Australians and investigate how
this has changed over
time (VCHPEM157)

Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices

50 min

Learning Objective

Outline what the types of exercises are and the reasons why people participate.
Participate and explore in different exercises/activities that originate from
different parts of the world.
The student will be able to.
Class exercise as either low, moderate or vigorous in intensity.

Determine the reasons why people participate in exercise/activity.
Explain different types of activities and exercises.

Opening Your Lesson
Complete class attendance

Outline how the lesson will be run and the learning intentions
Pre- Assessment
Ask students about what creates energy imbalances?

Stacey Hilder 3919572

Applying Multimodal Learning to Unit Planning Assignment

Question students as to how can we decrease the imbalance?

Find out why students in the class exercise?
Explore what the class thinks exercise means?
Body of Lesson

Activity 1: What do we count as exercise? Brainstorm: Student should create a
list of different activities/exercises they can think of.
Test the students to think beyond what their community thinks as exercise and
to think of other countries.
Once students have written their list down, ask them to each write 4 onto the
Once the brainstorm has finished, go through each activity and mark it with a
L,M,V to classify the activity as low, moderate or vigorous in intensity.

Activity 2: Why do people exercise? Brainstorm: Students should create a list
of different reasons that they can think of as to why people exercise?
This activity should be conducted as a whole class and be written on the board.
Students should once again be challenged to think outside of their local

Activity 3: Practical Circuit: Students will participate in a practical circuit
experiencing different activities from multiple cultures and of different
This circuit should be conducted outside of the classroom, either on an oval or a
patch of grass with trees.
Working in groups of 4 students will move around to the different stations set
up and participate in the movement for that station.
The stations will be:
o Boxing Using hand mitts
o Karate Japanese martial art: Practice leg and arm movements
o Soccer Goal Kicking
o Running/Jogging
o Fitness Station Sit-ups, push-ups, star-jumps, tuck-jumps.
o Weme Aboriginal game involving throwing an object and the other
person trying to hit it.
o Tug-of-war Chinese originated pulling of rope game.
o Capoeira Afro-Brazilian dance/martial arts
Each groups should stay at each station for 2 mins and 30 seconds.
Learner Engagement and Participation
Students work in individually to solve the cases.
Discussion of questions amongst students and their table groups about the game
I will continually walk around to monitor progress of students and assist in
approaching challenging questions/tasks
Post Assessment
Formative Assessment
Ability to take part and attempt all stations of the practical circuit.
Ability to contribute to class discussions.




Stacey Hilder 3919572

Applying Multimodal Learning to Unit Planning Assignment

Ability to accurately explain why people exercise.

Ability to understand and explain that exercise/activity means different things to
different people.

Discuss the different activities that were undertaken in the circuit. Ask students
to classify the different activities into low, moderate or vigorous intensity.
Get students to identify activities that they enjoyed and those that they might
not have enjoyed. Discuss this.
Classroom Management Strategy
Will continually walk around to see if each student is participating to the group

Will select students at random to speak if not engaged during discussions
Prompting Questions
What is classed as exercise/activity?

What is classed as low, moderate and vigorous exercise/activity?
Why do people exercise?
Supporting Resources/ Materials

Whiteboard Markers
Attendance Sheet
Boxing equipment
Karate activity card
Soccer ball
Soccer goals
Gym mats
Bean bags
Capoeira activity cards

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