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In its most pure and pristine form, humility is the awareness and declaration on the part

of a believing person that all good qualities held by him are granted by God, the
Glorious and Merciful, and that all praise and thanks is to Him.
In order to be blessed and honoured with such virtuous characteristics, we must
comprehend the true meaning of humility. Humility and humbleness are among the
noblest virtues a believer can be blessed with, because their presence in our hearts and
actions instills in us a capacity for the closest possible intimacy with God, the most
Glorious and Merciful.
These exalted traits were personified by the God, and their modesty, graciousness, and
humility were a cogent validation of their divine righteousness.
Hinduism is a comprehensive religion and has established humility as the foundation of
all sublime moral excellence. Its absence in any soul removes any other virtue from the
believer except for the superficial qualities.
Arrogance is the Disease of the Soul. The God advised his followers to humble
themselves before Him. "And no one humbles himself before God, but He will raise him
(in status). Just as humility can lead us to heaven and join in the ranks of those men of
Acarya whom God loves, arrogance (the antagonistic force of humility) will lead us to
the deepest and most dreaded pits of hell-fire.
Arrogance is among the most destructive vices a person can be stricken with. It is a
dangerous characteristic, and we pray to the Most-Merciful to remove it from our hearts,
because arrogance leads to hypocrisy, and hypocrisy leads to complete elimination of
any faith in a human being.
Arrogance is a disease that has destroyed the faith and honour of countless individuals,
and both the pious and common people are susceptible to it unless we continuously
praise and thank God in humility for the blessings. There are several levels of
arrogance. One of them is when one's bad actions appear to him as good; he reckons
them as good and loves himself, imagining that he is performing virtuous deeds.
Another level is represented by a person who believes that by having faith in God, he
has done God a favor, whereas (in reality) it is God Almighty who has conferred a favor
on him (by endowing him with faith).

Humility and humbleness towards God manifest themselves as modesty, patience and
respect towards others. Submission to God leads a person towards a more tranquil and
meek life of purpose and substance, while self-pride and arrogance leads one to a life of
darkness and hatred. It is not possible to be in actual submission while behaving
arrogantly and in contempt towards others. Indeed, humble submission before the Most
Glorious and Eternal Lord is the most sublime and greatest source of honor and dignity a
believing person can be afforded.
Humility comes from recognising the Might of God and that all might belongs to Him.
They associated with the poor and destitute and worshiped God devotedly and
steadfastly through times of peril and blessings.
True humbleness asks that we remember God constantly, thank Him for His countless
blessings that He has conferred upon us, use our talents and abilities in the path of God,
and consider ourselves superior to no one.

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