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Savannah College of Art and Design

Heating and Cooling Strategies

Jesus Alberto Pineda Barrientos

Applied Physics 201-02

Professor Carlos Gonzalez


Heating and Cooling Systems for Zero Waste Project in Savannah, GA

There is a variety of heating and cooling systems for the several design approaches that we might
have for this project. When used in the right manner, they can contribute in both heating and
cooling but also in the lighting of any building, from a home to a large building. We are in
desperate need for change and we need more strategies that are green and better for our
environment. Here are the following strategies (first heating and then cooling).

Passive Solar Heating System: This kind of system collects solar energy through
properly-oriented, south-facing windows, storage in thermal mass, comprised in building
materials with high heat capacity like concrete, brick and stone because of its high
density. A passive solar system does not require the use of mechanical equipment because
the heat flow is by natural means, such as radiation, convection, and conductance, and the
thermal storage is in the structure itself. As said by the National Institute of building
Active Solar Heating: This is the one we know and that has been around for many years.
Solar cells, contain photovoltaic materials that enable the absorption of sunlight and turn
into electricity and that electricity could be used to both heat and cool a house. They use
solar cells that capture photons and release electrons used for these systems.
Geothermal strategy: Earth has an almost limitless source energy with its geothermal
capacity. There is a lot of hot water and steam in the mantle up to the crust. Using this
energy we could create geo-exchange systems to heat and cool this new project. use heat
pumps to take advantage of the constant temperature of geothermal wells under the
ground. The heat pump can cool a house in the summer and warm it during the winter.
Heat pumps have a fluid inside, which could be water or a refrigerant. According to aph
Biomass strategy: what did we use to keep us warm at night in the old days? We would
light a fire with wood. This strategy explores the idea of using biomass, energy that
comes as from plants and living organisms as a form of energy and convert it into heating
energy. Modern biomass systems burn clean and it is better because it less pollutes than
for example fossil fuels since it releases the carbon that was inside Earth, when biomass
is burned it only releases the carbon released when the mass is dead. The heat created is
the one used for these systems.
Hydronic Heating These systems use hot water piped through tubes under floors and
radiators and other ways it might want to be transmitted. The hot water is boiled with
either solar energy or geothermal energy and then the heat is transferred either through
conduction from object to object, or radiation using electromagnetic waves or as we
discussed by boiling it.

This five strategies are mainly for heat, however they can be used as cooling systems as well,
and the following are for cooling.

Absorption system: This is driven by solar, geothermal as we saw or using natural gas. It
is not a heat pump First, the absorption heat pump is driven by a natural gas burner
instead of electricity. The second difference is that absorption pumps use a waterammonia solution instead of a refrigerant. During the winter, that solution absorbs Earth's
heat and the pump moves the heated liquid into the house to warm the air. In the
summertime, the heat exchange works in reverse as Jon Perritano explains.
Biodiesel: We have seen biodiesel around for a while now as an alternative to gasoline in
cars or other vehicles, however this fuel because of its components it is not only less

expensive than oil nowadays but also it has less pollutants because it is made of wheat,
corn and other sustainable ingredients.\
Ice-powered Air Conditioning: This system uses Ice as a way of cooling/ According to
Perritano, writer in the Hom& Green Construction there is a new company called Ice
Energy that developed a system that converts temperate water into ice and use it as an
air conditioner by simply turning of the AC compressor unit and uses Ice, cutting
consumption to a 30 percent.
Green Coal: Coal is one of the materials that has carbon the most, through a process
called gasification, scientists now know how to take out the oxygen from water and
therefore create a hydrogen gas fuel. This new fuel can be used to power electric free
machines used for cooling.
Wind Power: Wind is a renewable source of energy, and just like a group of students in
Oregon State University who made a wind turbine that could be used as a water heater as
well as a cooler. This is completely working on the power of sufficient wind since it
rotates magnets close to a copper plate and warming it.

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