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Lecture 4 Code Samples

Eric J. Schwabe
IT 236 Spring 2008


' Comparisons.sln
' Eric J. Schwabe
' IT 236 Spring 2008
' Display the result of various numerical and string comparisons

Option Strict On

Public Class Form1

Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form

' Compares two strings (or numbers) in all possible ways,

' and displays the results...

Private Sub compareButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles compareButton.Click

Dim X, Y As String
X = xTextBox.Text()
Y = yTextBox.Text()

'Dim X, Y As Double
'X = Double.Parse(xTextBox.Text)
'Y = Double.Parse(yTextBox.Text)

displayListBox.Items.Add(X & " = " & Y & " : " & (X = Y))
displayListBox.Items.Add(X & " <> " & Y & " : " & (X <> Y))
displayListBox.Items.Add(X & " < " & Y & " : " & (X < Y))
displayListBox.Items.Add(X & " <= " & Y & " : " & (X <= Y))
displayListBox.Items.Add(X & " > " & Y & " : " & (X > Y))
displayListBox.Items.Add(X & " >= " & Y & " : " & (X >= Y))

End Sub
End Class


' CompoundComparisons.sln
' Eric J. Schwabe
' IT 236 Spring 2008
' Demonstrate compound conditions using logical operators

Option Strict On

Public Class Form1

Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form

' Checks if an input exam score is legal (in range from 0 to 100)
' and if it is either very low (<65) or very high (>90)

Private Sub checkButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)

Handles checkButton.Click

Dim score As Double = Double.Parse(scoreTextBox.Text)

displayListBox.Items.Add("Is " & score & " between 0 and 100?")
displayListBox.Items.Add((score >= 0) And (score <= 100))
displayListBox.Items.Add("Is " & score & " below 65 or above 90?")
displayListBox.Items.Add((score < 65) Or (score > 90))

' We'll do these later...

'Dim a As Integer = 2
'Dim b As Integer = 3

'displayListBox.Items.Add(3 * a = 2 * b)
'displayListBox.Items.Add((5 - a) * b < 7)
'displayListBox.Items.Add((a < b) And (b < a))
'displayListBox.Items.Add((a < b) Or (b < a))
'displayListBox.Items.Add((a * a) < b Xor (a * a) < a)
'displayListBox.Items.Add("car" < "train")
'displayListBox.Items.Add("Inspector" <= "guard")
'displayListBox.Items.Add(Not ("B" = "b"))
'displayListBox.Items.Add("pick" > "pitcher")

End Sub
End Class


' SSTax.sln
' Eric J. Schwabe
' IT 236 Spring 2008
' Uses branching to compute social security tax for a given income

Option Strict On

Public Class Form1

Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form

' When the button is clicked, the user's income is read from a
' text box and converted to a Double. If the value is at most
' maxIncome, the tax is taxRate times the income. If the value is
' more than maxIncome, the tax is taxRate times maxIncome.

Private Sub computeButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)

Handles computeButton.Click

Const maxIncome As Double = 102000 ' $102,000.00

Const taxRate As Double = 0.062 ' 6.2%
Dim income As Double
Dim ssTax As Double

income = Double.Parse(incomeTextBox.Text)

If (income <= maxIncome) Then

ssTax = taxRate * income
ssTax = taxRate * maxIncome
End If

incomeTextBox.Text = income.ToString("C")
taxTextBox.Text = ssTax.ToString("C")

End Sub

End Class


' HiLoGame.sln
' Eric J. Schwabe
' IT 236 Spring 2008
' The user tries to guess a randomly-generated number between 1 and 100

Option Strict On

Public Class Form1

Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form

' The form-level variable storing the value to be guessed

Dim target As Integer

' Sets up the initial, random value of target

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles


' Create and a random number generator

Dim randomNum As Random = New Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond)
' This line generates a random number from 1 to 100
target = randomNum.Next(1, 100)

End Sub

' Given a user's guess in the text box, first check that is in
' the range from 1 to 100. If it is, state whether the guess is
' too low, too high, or correct.

Private Sub guessButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)

Handles guessButton.Click

Dim guess As Integer = Integer.Parse(guessTextBox.Text)

Dim reply As String

If ((guess < 1) Or (guess > 100)) Then

reply = "OUT OF BOUNDS!"
ElseIf (guess < target) Then
reply = "Too low..."
ElseIf (guess > target) Then
reply = "Too high..."
reply = "RIGHT!"
End If

replyTextBox.Text = reply

End Sub

' Clears the reply box when the input is changed

Private Sub guessTextBox_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles guessTextBox.TextChanged
replyTextBox.Text = ""
End Sub
End Class


' Eric J. Schwabe

' IT 236 Section 501
' Winter 2006

Option Strict On

Public Class Form1

Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form

' When the button is clicked, the students numerical grade is

' read from a text box and converted to a Double. It is
' the converted to letter grade of A, B, C, D, or F,
' which is displayed
Private Sub btnCompute_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
Dim score As Double = CDbl(txtScore.text)
Dim grade As String = "IN"

' Using a Select Case to set the grade...

Select Case (score)

Case 90 To 100
grade = "A"
Case 80 To 89
grade = "B"
Case 70 To 79
grade = "C"
Case 60 To 69
grade = "D"
Case Else
grade = "F"
End Select

txtGrade.Text = grade

End Sub

Private Sub txtScore_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles txtScore.TextChanged
txtGrade.Text = ""
End Sub
End Class


' Envelope.sln
' Eric J. Schwabe
' IT 236 Spring 2008
' Do input validation while constructing the mailing address for an envelope

Public Class Form1

' Read the contents of the text boxes, and address the envelope as long as all of the
' required fields have been filled in. Also check if the optional fields have been
' in, and if they have not, omit them from the address.

Private Sub makeButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)

Handles makeButton.Click

Dim firstName, middleName, lastName As String

Dim address, city, state, zip As String
Dim THIRTY_SPACES As String = " "

firstName = firstTextBox.Text
middleName = middleTextBox.Text
lastName = lastTextBox.Text
address = addressTextBox.Text
city = cityTextBox.Text
state = stateTextBox.Text
zip = zipMaskedTextBox.Text

' Check that all required fields are filled in

If (firstName.Length > 0) And (lastName.Length > 0) And (address.Length > 0) _
And (city.Length > 0) And (state.Length > 0) Then

' Check that entered values have the correct length

envelopeListBox.Items.Add("DePaul CDM")
envelopeListBox.Items.Add("243 S. Wabash Ave.")
envelopeListBox.Items.Add("Chicago, IL 60604")

If (middleName.Length > 0) Then

envelopeListBox.Items.Add(THIRTY_SPACES & firstName & " " & middleName & " "
& lastName)
envelopeListBox.Items.Add(THIRTY_SPACES & firstName & " " & lastName)
End If

envelopeListBox.Items.Add(THIRTY_SPACES & address)

If (zip.Length > 0) Then

envelopeListBox.Items.Add(THIRTY_SPACES & city & ", " & state & " " & zip)
envelopeListBox.Items.Add(THIRTY_SPACES & city & ", " & state)
End If

MessageBox.Show("Some required field has not been filled in.", "Error")

End If
End Sub
End Class


' Headshot.sln
' Eric J. Schwabe
' IT 236 Spring 2008
' Demonstrate the independent checking of several check boxes with if statements

Public Class Form1

' When any of the first four check boxes are changed, check each one and display the
' name, address, and email depending on which are checked. If either the address or
' check boxes are checked, enable the highlighting check box

Private Sub pictureCheckBox_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles pictureCheckBox.CheckedChanged, _
nameCheckBox.CheckedChanged, addressCheckBox.CheckedChanged,

' Display the picture?

If pictureCheckBox.Checked Then
facePictureBox.Visible = True
facePictureBox.Visible = False
End If

' Display the name?

If nameCheckBox.Checked Then
nameLabel.Visible = True
nameLabel.Visible = False
End If

' Display the address?

If addressCheckBox.Checked Then
addressListBox.Visible = True
addressListBox.Visible = False
End If

' Display the email?

If emailCheckBox.Checked Then
emailLabel.Visible = True
emailLabel.Visible = False
End If

' Display the highlighting check box?

' (if either address or email is displayed, or both)
If addressCheckBox.Checked Or emailCheckBox.Checked Then
newInfoCheckBox.Enabled = True
newInfoCheckBox.Enabled = False
newInfoCheckBox.Checked = False
End If

End Sub

' If the highlighting check box is on, display the address and email in red,
' and if it is not, display them in black

Private Sub newInfoCheckBox_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles newInfoCheckBox.CheckedChanged
If newInfoCheckBox.Checked Then
addressListBox.ForeColor = Color.Red
emailLabel.ForeColor = Color.Red
addressListBox.ForeColor = Color.Black
emailLabel.ForeColor = Color.Black
End If
End Sub
End Class


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