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Public Speaking

Name :
School :
Title :

Garnitte Tidan
SK St Michael, Entingan, Samarahan
My Ambition In Life

Thank you to Master of Ceremony. A very good morning to the honorable judges, precise time
keeper, teachers and all my fellow friends. My name is Garnitte Tidan and I am 12 years old. I
study at SK St Michael, Entingan.
Today, I would like to talk about my ambition in life. Every people especially children have their
own ambition. Different people have different ambition. Some wants to be doctors, engineers,
teachers and many more. Each one of them has their own reason why they want to be what they
want to. I too have my own ambition.
My ambition in life is not wealth, power or high social status. My ambition is simple enough. I
want to be a Speech Therapist. Ever heard or think of that ambition? Yes, that is my ambition.
Why I want to be a speech therapist?
The reason why is because I was inspired by a Speech Therapist who helped my little brother.
My little brother is 2 years old and he was diagnosed with autism. He has difficulties in speaking
so we have to send him to the specialist. There, I saw the therapist helped my little brother. Now,
he is doing fine and that make me really want to help the gifted children.
The speech therapist is the specialist in helping children with speech delay, autism and also
children who lost their sense of hearing. This job is not easy but I really meant to become it
because I could help the gifted children to live their life like others.
To achieve my ambition, of course I have to study hard. I have to be good in certain subjects like
Science, Mathematics and also English. If I excel in my exam, I could further my study to any
university in Malaysia. Then, I would be able to reach my dream.
With that, I have made up my mind and I am determined to be a good speech therapist. My
hope for the future is that all gifted children could find a job, home and be able to be
independent. By helping them I wish they could survive in this challenging world.
Before I end my topic, once again I would like to stress that I really want to help the gifted
children and I pray that God will help me to achieve it.
Thats all. Thank you.

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