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EdTPA Indirect Instruction Lesson Plan Template

Parts of a Plant

Central Focus/Big Idea:

To explain the function of plant structures and how it relates to survival.

Grade Level:


Rationale: Why are you teaching this content? Why are students learning this material?
Why is it important for students to learn? How does it connect to their lives?
It is in the standards
My CT briefly gave the students a power point with all the information they need
to complete the worksheet. I am reviewing it with them and having them compete
the assessment.
It is important for students to understand the parts of a plant because plants are all
around them.
o Can someone tell me parts of a plant that you discussed with Mrs. Terrell?
Student responses:
NC Essential Standard(s): What specific standards are you going to address in this

3.L.2.1 Remember the function of the following plant structures as it relates to the
survival of plants in their environments:
o Roots- absorb nutrients
o Stems- provide support
o Leaves- synthesize (make) food
o Flowers- attract pollinators and produce seeds for reproduction

Next Generation Science Standard(s): What K-5 performance expectation is

addressed? Please list the full code (i.e. K-PS2-1) and the statement.

SC.3.L.14.1- Describe structures in plants and their roles in food production,

support, water and nutrient transport, and reproduction.

Instructional Objective: What specific learning objective are you going to use? What
are the students going to do? Does your instructional objective include: conditions,
performance, and criteria?

Conditions: Students will identify the parts of a plant and how they are used for
Performance: Centers
Criteria: Students are expected to earn at least 16 of the possible 20 points from
the worksheet. They will receive 10 points for the work sheet that they complete
in the centers, 5 points for labeling each part of the plant, and 5 for writing the
two facts per part. The other 10 points will come from the students plant, 5 points
for drawing their plant, and 5 for labeling it.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills: What knowledge and skills should students already
have to be successful in this lesson? What background knowledge does the teacher need
to have?
What a plant is
What a plant looks like
Teacher needs to know the parts of a plant and how it helps the plant survive.
Materials/Resources: What materials do you (as teacher) and students need? What
resources will be used? If materials are exotic, where can they be found? You need to
be specific with the amount of stuff you will need.
Teacher: Answer Key, doccam
Students: Worksheet, Pencil, computer paper
Each Center: coloring materials, scissors, glue, fact sheet
Source of your lesson: Where did you get this idea?
I got the worksheet from my CT, and I made up the concept of having the students
write down at each center the two out of the four facts that are true on the fact
Centers were necessary: Dr. Alston
Estimated Time: How long do you think your lesson will take?
45 min- 1 hour
Accommodation for Special Needs/different learning styles: What should be done for
students with special needs (both physical and emotional)? Different learning styles? ESL
Read all instructions aloud before they begin.
I am using a picture of the plant so ESL students have a representation of the

I am doing one with the students (seed) so they know my expectations (Auditory
and Visual)
They are moving around in centers (Kinesthetic)
Safety considerations: How will you make sure students are safe in your lesson?
I will give them a short lesson on scissor safety.
Anna Zinkann
ELED 3221- 003
21 October 2016
Content and Strategies (Procedure)
Engage: How will students attention or interest be captured? How will you identify prior
Can someone tell me parts of the plant that you remember from your PowerPoint
with Mrs. Terrell?
o Student Responses
Can someone tell me what the Stem does?
o Student Responses
Holds the plant up
Keeps it sturdy
Does anyone remember what plants need to survive?
o Student Responses
I will engage the students by doing the seed part of the plant on the worksheet.
This will help students know what they are supposed to be doing when I break
them off into centers.
Explore: What common concrete experience will the students have that allows all
students access to materials? What questions will you ask to facilitate exploration?
CENTERS: the students jobs are to pick which 2 of the four facts are true about
the part that is on the top of the page. They will then write the two down on a
piece of notebook paper that is stapled to their worksheet. They will then cut out
the name of the part of the center they are at and paste it to the appropriate visual
representation on their worksheet
o Center One: Flower
o Center Two: Stem

o Center Three: Leaf

o Center Four: Roots
I will walk around and ask questions as the students are working:
o Why do you think that these facts represent the . (Stem)?
Student Responses:
I know this because the . (Stem) helps the plant (it
supports it.
Can these other two facts also be true about
Not because they do not do with they are true about
another part of the plant.
Explanation: How will you structure student sharing from exploration? How will you
facilitate students conceptual development? How will you help students connect
explanations back to their experience? How will you build on students explanations to
help students use appropriate vocabulary to label concepts and ideas?
Class will gather on the floor with their worksheets and we will have a class
discussion and label a plant together on the board using proper vocabulary.
o As we label each part of the plant we will discuss what two facts are true
about this part.
If students do not provide the correct response I will read all four
out to them and we will reason on which two are correct for that
Elaborate: What opportunities will there be for students to apply newly learned ideas,
concepts, and skills? (Another activity is ideal)
Students will be given a piece of computer paper
o They will draw a plant
o Label their plant
o Write a description for what that part does
Evaluate: How will you assess each students progress toward the stated objective(s)?
What evidence will be collected? What type of assessment will be used (formal,
informal, formative, summative)?
Students will have to receive 16 out of 20 points to show mastery.
o 10 points from the centers worksheet
5 for labeling, 5 for facts
o 10 points come from their drawing
5 points for labeling, 5 points for drawing
Closure: How are you going to close your lesson? Briefly describe how you will close
the lesson, help students understand the purpose of the lesson, and show how it will
connect to future learning. (Rather than an administrative closure, interact with learners
to elicit evidence of student understanding of purpose(s) for learning and mastery of
I would do a review and ask questions to see where the class is on the subject:

o Who can tell me what part of the plant holds it in the ground?
Student responses:
o Who can tell me which part of the plant makes food for the plant?
Student responses:
o Who can tell me which part of the plant holds it above the ground?
Student response:
o Does anyone know what part of the plant it could do without?
Student response:
It needs all to survive!



You plant this to

grow a new plant
Is the colored part of
the plant
Part of the plant that
allows the plant to
make more plants like

Makes food for

plants- Sugar

Has petals, the

colored part of the
Holds the plant
above ground
Takes in water and
nutrients for the plants

The smell attracts

bees/ insects


Holds up the plant

parts above the ground
Makes food for the
Has tiny tubes to
transport water and
nutrients to the plants

Holds the plant in

the ground

Takes in carbon
dioxide though tiny
Holds up the plant
above ground
You plant this to
grow a new plant

Makes food for the


Takes in carbon
dioxide through tiny
Holds the plant
parts above the ground
Holds the plant in
the ground

Takes in water and

nutrients for the plant
to grow


Example- Seeds
You plant this to grow a new plant
Part of the plant that allows the plant to make more
plants like itself

Center One- Flower

Has petals, the colored part of the plant
The smell attracts bees/ insects

Center Two- Stem

Holds up the plant parts above the ground
Has tiny tubes to transport water and nutrients to the
plants parts

Center Three- Leaf

Takes in carbon dioxide though tiny openings
Makes food for the plant

Center Four- Roots

Holds the plant in the ground
Takes in water and nutrients for the plant to grow

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