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Bates Chapter 13- Male genitalia Flashcards | Quizlet

9/26/16, 1:06 PM

Bates Chapter 13- Male genitalia

76 terms by Raldog

indirect inguinal hernia

What type of hernia develops at the

internal inguinal ring, where the spermatic
cord exits the abdomen?

direct inguinal hernia

What type of hernia arises more medially

from weakness in the floor of the inguinal
canal and are associated with straining
and heavy lifting?

femoral hernia

What type of hernia is more likely to

present as an emergency with bowel
strangulation or incarceration?

May be from psychogenic causes,

especially if early morning erection is
preserved; may also reflect decreased
testosterone, decreased blood flow in the
hypogastric arterial system, impaired
neural innervation, or diabetes

What are some common causes of

erectile dysfunction?

medications, surgery, neurologic deficits

or lack of androgen

What are some common causes of

reduced or absent ejaculation?

gonorrhea, gonococcal urethritis

What is profuse yellow penile discharge

suggestive of?

non-gonococcal urethritis

What is scanty white or clear penile

discharge suggestive of?

disseminated gonorrhea

What are rash, tenosynovitis,

monoarticular arthritis, meningitis, but not
always with urogenital symptoms
suggestive of?

syphilitic chancre, herpes

What can cause ulcers on the penis?


What can cause warts on the penis?

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Bates Chapter 13- Male genitalia Flashcards | Quizlet

9/26/16, 1:06 PM

mumps orchitis, scrotal edema, testicular


What can cause swelling of the male


testicular torsion, epididymitis, orchitis

What are some common causes of pain in

the male genitalia?

gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, herpes

What are some infections a/w oral-penile


symptomatic or asymptomatic proctitis

What condition may follow anal



What is tight prepuce that cannot be

retracted over the glans?


What is a tight prepuce that, once

retracted, cannot be returned; edema


What is inflammation of the glans?


What is inflammation of the glans and


lice (crabs) or sometimes scabies

What are pubic or genital excoriations

suggestive of?


What is a congenital, ventral displacement

of the meatus on the penis?

Gram stain and culture

What is the procedure for definitive

diagnosis of gonorrhea?

urethral strictures, possibly carcinoma

What is induration along the ventral

surface of the penis suggestive of?

periurethral inflammation secondary to a

urethral stricture

What does tenderness in an indurated

area along the ventral surface of the penis

rashes, epidermoid cysts, skin cancer

(rarely seen)

What skin conditions should you inspect

for on the posterior surface of the

cryptorchidism (undescended testicle)

What does a poorly developed scrotum

on one or both sides suggest?

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Bates Chapter 13- Male genitalia Flashcards | Quizlet

9/26/16, 1:06 PM

indirect inguinal hernias, hydroceles,

scrotal edema, testicular carcinoma

What are some common causes of scrotal


acute epididymitis, acute orchitis, torsion

of the spermatic cord, strangulated
inguinal hernia

What conditions present with tender,

painful scrotal swelling?

testicular cancer

What should a painless nodule in the testis

raise your index of suspicion for?

15-34 years old

What are the peak incidence years for

testicular cancer?


What are multiple tortuous veins in the

area of the spermatic cord, from the
epididymis to the superficial inguinal ring,
suggestive of?

hydrocele of the cord

What does a cystic structure in the

spermatic cord suggest?

may feel thickened or beaded

What occurs to the vas deferens if it is

chronically infected?


Swellings containing serous fluid that light

up with red glow or transilluminate are
suggestive of what condition?

normal testes, tumors, most hernias

Swellings containing blood or tissue that

do not transilluminate include what


What does a bulge that appears with

straining suggest?

direct inguinal hernia

What does a bulge near the external

inguinal ring suggest?

indirect inguinal hernia

What does a bulge near the internal

inguinal ring suggest?

surgical evaluation

If you detect a hernia of any type, what

does this warrant?

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Bates Chapter 13- Male genitalia Flashcards | Quizlet

9/26/16, 1:06 PM


If you detect a large scrotal mass that

does not return to the abdomen when the
patient is supine but you are able to get
your fingers above the mass in the
scrotum, what does this suggest?


If you detect a large scrotal mass and

upon auscultation of the mass you hear
bowel sounds, what does this suggest?


If you detect a large scrotal mass and

upon auscultation of the mass you do not
hear bowel sounds, what does this

incarcerated hernia

When the contents of a hernia cannot be

returned to the abdominal cavity, what is
this condition?

strangulated hernia

When the blood supply to the entrapped

contents of a hernia is compromised, what
is this condition?


What should you suspect if a hernia is

accompanied by tenderness, nausea, and

surgical intervention

What should you consider with a

strangulated hernia?

testicular carcinoma

What is the most common form of cancer

in men between the ages of 15 and 34?

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Bates Chapter 13- Male genitalia Flashcards | Quizlet

9/26/16, 1:06 PM

genital warts (condylomata acuminata)

What is the following presentation

suggestive of: single or multiple papules
or plaques of variable shapes; may be
round, acuminate (or pointed), or thin and
slender; may be raised, flat, or
cauliflowerlike (verrucous); can arise on
penis, scrotum, groin, thighs, or anus;
usually asymptomatic, occasionally cause
itching and pain; may disappear without

Human papillomavirus (HPV), usually

subtypes 6, 11

What is the causative organism of genital


weeks to months after exposure

What is the incubation period for genital


genital herpes simplex -- *need to

distinguish from genital herpes zoster
(usually in older pts with dermatomal
distribution) and candidiasis

What is the following presentation

suggestive of: small scattered or grouped
vesicles, 1 to 3 mm in size, on glans or
shaft of penis; appear as erosions if
vesicular membrane breaks; primary
episode may be asymptomatic;
recurrence usually less painful, of shorter
duration; a/w fever, malaise, headache,
arthralgias; local pain and edema,

herpes simplex virus 2 (90%)

What is the causative organism of genital

herpes simplex?

2-7 days after exposure

What is the incubation period for genital

herpes simplex?

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Bates Chapter 13- Male genitalia Flashcards | Quizlet

9/26/16, 1:06 PM

primary syphilis -- *need to distinguish

from genital herpes simplex, chancroid,
granuloma inguinale from Klebsiella
granulomatis (rare in the US)

What is the following presentation

suggestive of: small red papule that
becomes a chancre, or painless erosion,
up to 2 cm in diameter; base of chancre is
clean, red, smooth, and glistening;
borders are raised and indurated; chancre
heals within 3-8 weeks; may develop
inguinal lymphadenopathy within 7 days;
lymph nodes are rubbery, nontender,

Treponema pallidum, a spirochete

What is the causative organism of primary


9-90 days after exposure

What is the incubation period of primary


chancroid -- *need to distinguish from

primary syphilis, genital herpes simplex,
lymphomogranuloma venereum,
granuloma inguinale from Klebsiella
granulomatous (both rare in the US)

What is the following presentation

suggestive of: red papule or pustule
initially, then forms a painful deep ulcer
with ragged nonindurated margins;
contains necrotic exudate, has a friable
base; painful inguinal adenopathy;
supperative buboes in 25% of pts?


What is the following presentation

suggestive of: a congenital displacement
of the urethral meatus to the inferior
surface of the penis; a groove extends
from the actual urethral meatus to its
normal location on the tip of the glans?

scrotal edema

What is the following presentation

suggestive of: pitting edema may make
the scrotal skin taut; seen in heart failure
or nephrotic syndrome?

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Bates Chapter 13- Male genitalia Flashcards | Quizlet

9/26/16, 1:06 PM

Peyronie's disease

What is the following presentation

suggestive of: palpable, nontender, hard
plaques are found just beneath the skin,
usually along the dorsum of the penis; the
pt complains of crooked, painful


What is the following presentations

suggestive of: a nontender, fluid-filled
mass within the tunica vaginalis; it
transilluminates, and the examining fingers
can get above the mass within the

carcinoma of the penis

What is the following presentation

suggestive of: an indurated nodule or
ulcer that is usually nontender; limited
almost completely to men who are not
circumcised, it may be masked by the
prepuce; any persistent penile sore is

scrotal hernia

What is the following presentation

suggestive of: usually an indirect inguinal
hernia, that comes through the external
inguinal ring, so the examining fingers
cannot get above it within the scrotum?


What is the following presentation

suggestive of: the testis is atrophied and
may lie in the inguinal canal or the
abdomen, resulting in an unfilled scrotum;
there is no palpable left/right testis or
epididymis; markedly raises the risk for
testicular cancer?

Klinefelter's syndrome

What is a condition that may result in

small, firm testes?

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Bates Chapter 13- Male genitalia Flashcards | Quizlet

9/26/16, 1:06 PM

cirrhosis, myotonic dystrophy, use of

estrogens, hypopituitarism; may also
follow orchitis

What are conditions that may cause small,

soft testes suggesting atrophy?


What is the following presentation

suggestive of: testis is acutely inflamed,
painful, tender, and swollen; it may be
dicult to distinguish from the epididymis;
seen in mumps and other viral infections;
usually unilateral?

tumor of the testis

What is the following condition suggestive

of: usually appears initially with a painless
nodule in the testis; as it progresses and
spreads, it may seem to replace the entire
organ; characteristically feels heavier than

spermatocele (contains sperm) or

epididymal cyst (does not contain sperm)
-- clinically indistinguishable

What is the following presentation

suggestive of: a painless, moveable cystic
mass just above the testis that
transilluminates; +/- sperm-containing?

acute epididymitis

What is the following presentation

suggestive of: acutely inflamed structure
that is tender and swollen and may be
dicult to distinguish from the testis;
scrotum may be reddened and vas
deferens inflamed; occurs chiefly in adults,
most commonly with Chlamydia infection;
coexisting UTI or prostatitis supports the

tuberculous epididymitis

What is the following presentation

suggestive of: chronic inflammation of TB
produces a firm enlargement of this
structure, which is sometimes tender, with
thickening or beading of the vas

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Bates Chapter 13- Male genitalia Flashcards | Quizlet

9/26/16, 1:06 PM

varicocele of the spermatic cord

What is the following presentation

suggestive of: varicose veins of this
structure, usually found on the left; feels
like a soft "bag of worms" separate from
the testis, and slowly collapses when the
scrotum is elevated in the supine pt;
infertility may be a/w this?

torsion of the spermatic cord

What is the following presentation

suggestive of: acutely painful, tender and
swollen organ that is retracted upward in
the scrotum; scrotum becomes red and
edematous; no associated urinary
infection; most common in adolescents;
surgical emergency due to obstructed

indirect inguinal hernia

What is the following presentation

suggestive of: all ages, most common
type, seen in both sexes; often in children,
may be in adults; point of origin above the
internal inguinal ligament, near its
midpoint (internal inguinal ring); often into
the scrotum; comes down and touches
the inguinal canal and touches the

direct inguinal hernia

What is the following presentation

suggestive of: less common type, usually
seen in men over 40, rare in women; point
of origin above the inguinal ligament,
close to the pubic tubercle (near the
external inguinal ring); rarely into the
scrotum; bulges anteriorly and pushes the
side of the finger forward?

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Bates Chapter 13- Male genitalia Flashcards | Quizlet

9/26/16, 1:06 PM

femoral hernia

What is the following presentation

suggestive of: least common type, more
common in women than men; point of
origin below the inguinal ligament;
appears more lateral than an inguinal
hernia; can be hard to dierentiate from
lymph nodes; never into the scrotum;
inguinal canal is empty?

Psychogenic causes such as depression,

endocrine dysfunction, or side eects of

What are causes of lack of libido?

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