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0African American Church History

August 23, 2007
Literature Review of the African American Church

W. E. B Dubois, The Souls of Black Folks (1903) He was not a churchman,

he was a great scholars who focused on African American Culture, born in
Barrrington, Massachutes, AA French Ancestry He was educated in the south
because that is where the HBCU were graduated from Fisk and them attend
Harvard. He recognize the importance of the church because it was apart of
the African American culture (way of life which includes, music, ethnicity,
behavior, history, language) Slavery was the helicost of the African Culture it
was designed to destroy black language, history. Culture has to do with your
beliefs, customs, practices. He realized how important the role of the Church
was therefore he dealt with the truth. In his essay the souls of black folk he
recognized the importance of the church and the role of the preacher. Three
characteristics of slavery religion are, the preacher, the music, and the frenzy
(dance, shout, and ect.). We lost it because it was against the law. Black
preacher have the longest profession than the preacher in the black
community. The uniqueness of the preacher, The preacher has the most
unique personality on American soil. The uniqueness is that he/she is a
leader, politician, orator, intriguer, idealist, boss. The most scientific African
American Scholar. He challenges Atlanta not to become greedy, he wants
them to be trained in truth and beauty. He did not want us to exchange our
souls for money. At the age of 32 he was the leading scholar in America. He
was invited by Horace Bombstead who was one of the president of CAU, to
be a professor to teach about the Negro problems. Atlanta was where Dubois
came to study the blacks. He thought that for Blacks to be lifted they needed
to develop a leadership class for blacks which was known as the Talented
Tenth. He was critique for using the word Talented Tenth. His critics believe
he was promoting elitism. He wrote Souls of Black Folks 40 years after
Slavery had ended. In 1900s he had AUC Conferences in which he wrote
Negro Church. This conference was were they addressed problems of the
Black Community. Each school was developed to address some type of
problem. AUC was the address the social problems, Gammon was to address
the problem of uneducated clergy. Howard was the address the legal problem.
Booker T. Washington was against WEB, Whites were more acceptive of
Washington because he was for educating of the hand and WED was for
educating the Head, our cognitive skills and development. As a result of
Washington he got money because whites embraced his idea and notion of
educating of the Hand therefore we have A&M universities.


Carter G. Woodson, The History of the Negro Church(1921) He is the

Founder of Black History Week which is now Black History Month. The
purpose of this was to educate the massive of the African American History.
He wanted to highlight the achievement, institutionalize, educate and
celebrate the African Americans. He wrote about the Negro Church. He focus
on the institutional aspects of the Church. He said it is a very conservative
institution. The church is not willing to make the sacrifice rather than being
proactive and doing some work.


Benjamin E. Mayes and Joseph Nicholson, The Negro Church (1931) Mayes
form president of Morehouse. They surveyed 609 churches, provided a lot
statically information about the church. As a result of their research they
concluded that their were to many black churches for the limited resources.
They found Black sermons were to other worldly. More concerned about
heaven rather than whats here in reality. Their concepts of God. They said
just trust God and he Will fix it!! Which is a panacine. They discovered the
Negro God to be a conspicatory. The use of God as a escape mechanism. They
did not make the application of God practical. Able for use in our daily lives.


E. Franklin Frazier, The Negro Church in America (1963)- African American

Sociologist from Chicago. He conclude that of Mayes, Lack of Education of
Clergy, .


C. Eric Lincoln, The Black Church Since Frazier (1973)- Was Critical of
Franklin Frazier for using the word Negro. Therefore, he respond by
writing The Negro Church has Deceased and it is time to write about the
Black Church the word Negro was coined by the portroguess because they
did not want the Africans to know that their names where in the Bible.

Our African Heritage


The Definition
A. African History what has been recorded, written about our African Past.
B. Heritage- Beliefs, and Customs, Practices which make up the culture of a
people which is passed on from one generation to the next.
C. Legacy- A combination of African History and Heritage of a people that
has been claimed and appropriated to succeeding generation.


The Definition of the term Mother Africa: because it is the birth place of all
people. Matrix or Womb from which all else developed.
A. Akebulan- The original word for Africa. It means the mother of human
B. Kemet

C. Ortegia
D. Egypt
E. Ethopia
F. Olympia
G. Oceania
It can be said that Africa is the mother of all that from which, in which, on
which continents, human kind, human civilization, religion developed or
originally evolved from Africa. All the other Continents broke off from Africa.
It is the only continent which is never divided. Pangaea- Super land mass. The
Central Continent is, was, and has been Africa. Part of Africa is in all other
continents. Africa is the Continent where the world first saw the light

Why is Africa called the Mother of Continents?

A. Pangea Super land Mass
B. Laurasia
C. Gondwanaland


Why is Africa Called the Mother of Humankind?

A. Charles Darwin- origin of the Species, Africa as the human kind
descended from Africa.
B. Louis Leakey- Supports the idea of Africa, in which it is the origin of
humankind. All forms are found in Africa.
C. Austrolopithecines- there are six and they are all found in Africa. In which
there is no other continent where you have all six but in Africa.


Why is Africa called the Mother of Civilization? Cheiekh Anta Diop- Diop
said he discovered evidence of prototypes in Africa. Eve lived in Africa 200
hundred thousand years ago. Steven Gould- asserted that all humans are
member of a single entity which originated in Africa. Africa left Africa
spreaded into the World. There skins were colored according to geographical
location. In which the darker pigmentation helped fight against the rays of the
suns. Much of the Legal system in Egypt came out of Africa. Archologist have
found that the Abicas came out of Africa 8 thosand years ago.

Civilization stated in Africa for 600 thousand year Africa and African people led the
world which show the greatness of civilization. Before civilization we were no mans.
When ypoou are a no man you are a food gather rather than producer because we did not
stay in place. Africians were the first person the use tools such as hammers, nails and ect.
In which nails are greatest fastening there ever has been. African people were the first to
paint, plant seeds and have gardens which led to farmig. They were the first to
domesticate plants.

William Wells Brown- Born a slave, never had any education. Was consider the first
African American poet, writer who wrote over nine book was the for runner of George
Washington William who was a Baptist preacher who was considered the first bonified
African writer. He wrote on History, African have attained a high civilization while
anglows were rude and barbouis people divied into various tribes dressed in skins.
Africa is the mother of civilization which was as to as early as 600 BCE.
Potegerious studied in Africa for 22 years and returned to Greece as the father of
Plato -12 years
7 liberal arts originated in Africa which are geomenty, grammer, music, rhetoric, logic,
aritimatitic and astronomy.
The World greatest library was originated in Africa which was called Alexander.
African were some of the first people to use fire in a constructive way.
Kevin Shelington, the history of Africa

Why is Africa called the Mother of Religion? Refered to as being primitative.

In which the word primitative comes from the word prime which means
orginal which is not a bad connontation. Many misconsipitons about Africa is
the Creation Story by Benjamin Ray. One miscomuption is that religion is
polyothietic which means it is inferior to Judaism and christiany which is
monthesistic. John Mbiti has wriiten about African Religion and Philosphy
contents that Africa relgion containted both monthesim and polytheism. The
trinity was originated by Tertullian. The Hypothesis, On substance with
different charteristics. Similarities of article and Cretion story- Red Fox=
satan, deceit, femine and masculine, noahs ark, re creaction, seed being
planted. Impatients, the twins, Has 4 Elements of creation 1. Earth 2.Air
3.Water 4.Fire. 266 cosmic signs which represents the mind of God
A. Primus
B. Polytheism- many gods
C. Monotheism- One God, embraced also by Muslims
D. Dogon
E. Amma- God Creator, Supreme God
F. Nyama- created word in which Ogo did not have
G. Ogo- wanted to appear as powerful as God! Came out of Earth. Turned the
placentas into earth. Therefore had intercourse with earth which was
insets. He did not have the created word.
H. Nommo- Ammas son who was slain which brought about the cross and
I. Lebe- Nommos son was returned to life as a snake. His bones remained in
the ground to fertile the ground. Which his people lived in Mali in which
they became the first soliers.

What do have on the creation story in Genesis (Myth) and Dog Gone Creation
is 1. Amma and God both have creation 2. rebelliousness, impatience, 3.
reconciliation, restoration, renewal in order have the previous mentioned
which causes for atonement a separation.
Ethiopia means dark faced. Mentioned approximately 40 Egypt is mentioned
approximately 100 in the Hebrew Bible.
Africa is the birth place of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
John Mark was an evangelist in Africa. The theology for the western church
was started by Africa. 180 of the Christian church was birthed out of Corinth.
The first systematic theologian was from Africa.
The Six Prototypes of Human Kind are all found in Africa.

Austrolopithicus Robustus
Austrolopiticus Gracilis
Homo Habilis
Homo Erectus
Homo Sapien
homo Sapien Sapien (Modern Man)

The Ten African Zones Continent

1. North Africa
2. Sahara Belt
3. The Sahel Sengoi, Gumbea, Geinia, Ivory Cost. Many of our Ancestors have
come from this area.
4. Guinea Coastlands
5. Central Equatorial
6. Eastern Africa
7. South Central Africa
8. Southern African
9. Madagascar
10. The Comoros Islands
African is separated from Europe by the Med. Sea
Palestine is the bridge between Asia and Africa
Africa is about 5 thousands miles wide and long it is twice the size of the US several
times larger than Europe, It is diverse 25 percent of it desert, one of the riches in mineral
and soil. Africa is in the shape of a pear. Longest river which is the Nile,
Saharra desert which is the largest dessert. Richest continent of the world. Largest market
for Coca-cola. A lot of Exploitation going on in Africa.

An Overview of African Religions






The importance of African Ritual: Priest, Medicine Men and Women, Healers
Ritual are important in African Culture and religion. Healers are too
important. Conjurors were in the category of Group Doctor. The use to be
healthier than white people because we did not eat meat. The word Salvation
comes from the word Health. Medicine Men are skilled as ritual leaders.
Priests comes from the word pontific which means a bridge. Priest are
mediators between the people and God. Ritual leaders preside over the rites of
passage. (birth to puberty to marriage to elder hood, to death to ancestor
hood) Ritual teach what is to be taught. Rites of Passage is a cleansing ritual.
In which some do not have priest therefore the elders become their priest.
Every one from Africa is a religious carrier. They have not scripture because it
is written on the hearts and minds. They do not separate from Sunday and
African concept of time
Africans is the center of the Cosmo because God is the creator. Time is two
dimensional which are a long past (zamani) and a short present (Sasa) which
is micro time. For Africans time moves backward rather than forward. Time is
epodic in other words time has to be experienced before it makes sense and/ or
becomes real. Time in signal cal because it goes around.
African concept of history
No concept of history becsue time is signal cal.
African concept of Death and Immortality
Death is a gradual process of movement. The concept of the living dead is
embraced. People who are physically dead but live on in our memory. The
memory of our ancestors is called ancestral memory. Memory is a key
component. Having family are important because it leaves someone to hold to
African concept of Humankind, Evil, and Witchcraft
We take the death of our ancestry to be important. We must honor the spirits
of our ancestor because the spirits are looking for someone to go into and if
you do not treat the spirits right you may have to pay for it. Witches are
demonic human beings which cause evil. They are envois, dirty, mean, and
gloomy. Evil is a human persuasion of the sacrat. Concept of Person is that we
are a communal persons. Personal identify is important because a child is
given more than one names which represent who you are a spiritual person,
nick name, through rights of passage. All names represent something.
Some misconceptions of African Religions

Dogon Cosmogony (Creation) of the Universe


Creation: A) Amma, B) 266 cosmic signs, C) Failure of the first creation, D)

Second creation (Nyama), E) The seven prefigures in the womb shape like a
human being
Revolt: A) Double Placenta, B) Ogo, C) Burst from the celestial egg, D)
Incest, E) Nommo (Dogon)
Restoration: A)Pale fox, B) Lebe, C) Snake
Interpretation of the narrative
African Concept of Time

A. Time is represented in opposite time: Divine/Human, Sacred/Secular,

Immortality/Mortality, Infinte/Finite
B. African time is cyclical not linear
C. Eternity can be joined to the finite through ritual: Worship is time out of time (the
clock stops), Worship is graveyard time, reconnecting with source facilitates
healing and wholeness
D. Time is two dimensional: Past (zamani) and Present (sasa)
E. Eschatology and Afterlife consist of three phases: 1) Death, 2) Journey to the
Afterlife, 3) Achieving Paradise (Living Dead and Collective Community)
F. Responsibility for the various stages of life: 1) Birth, 2) Puberty, 3) Marriage, 4)
Elderhood, 5) Death, 6) Ancestorhood
The Atlantic Triangular Slave Trade



Christopher Colombus: Bartolome de las Casasa catholic priest. Symithezed

with the Indians and native Americans. Went to spain and said he had
sympathoty ffor North American but he had in mind who would be able to
work in which it was 12 Africain to each colony in the 15th centry Portugal
was the 1st nation to be come deeply involved, Charles IV agreed to de la
casas, Henry IV wanted to acclaim exclusive rights to Africa, Port Elimina 1st
slave port on the Gulf (Ghana), King Kwame Assa said we do not eant you to
build a permant port. It took 80 years to build the castle, baracoon the holding
place where the slaves had been captutered. Remained until they collected
about 6 thousands, King John II
The Beginning of the European Slave Trade in Benin: Ruy de Sequiera was
the 1st white to arrive in benia and intiated the trianglular slave trade, King
Oba- ruler of benin, The arrival of the Africans made the following places go
down. Mali, Ghana, Songhay got approval by bringing gifts, Balkanization of
The European Countries involved in the Slave Trade: Portugal, Spain,
Netherland, France, England All were Christian nations involved in the slave
trade therefore they had to come up with a Christian notion for doing the slave
trade by name of the ships like love, charity, brother and bishops to give it a
holy notion.


The Horror of the Middle Passage: Too Painful to Remember and Too
Dangerous to Forget, 1 hundred million are buried in the Atlantic. The Middle
Passage was about making money. The ship were insured and if ones family
was thrown overboud they would receive money. Sharks would follow the
ships waitng for the fest of black people. Hurricanes originated in the west
Africa which would follow the slave ships.
The vogue of enslave African across the atlantic area. The rootless uprooting
and transporting them across the middle on ships in millions. It was one of the
most monstrous in humanized against of one group of people toward another.
Many dies in Africa before the got on the ship, This was the first step to
dehumanization, de-culturalization, depersonalization. This was a systematic
process to not only take a way your freedom. The enslavement was a
physiological shock which they have never recovered. 1. The slave trade
allowed us the History of African Americain Church History. The slavey trade
left behind the myth of Negro inferiority and white superiority and as a result
we have racial haterate and racial suspicion. 2. The slave trade left the legacy
of Eureopen nations going into other countries around the world as a minority
by pretending to be their friend by spreading freedom chircitanity, democracy
and in the end the exploited themselves. The slave trade did irrepariable
damage to western chirstianity because after that it was seen as a white mans
religion. 4. The slave trade began with the first black cargo of gold which
landed in the West Indies in 1518-1865. In relatity it did not end until 1880.
This is a time period of over 300 hundred years. Blacks have been legally
freed since 1863 but the war ended in 1865. 5. Without the slave trade neither
Britian, Nor the American Colonies could have survived and prospered. 6. It
was the africains who cut the trees, planted the seeds and made possible the
production of cotton, indigo, rice, tobacco, sugar whch created the early
wealth and proseperity of America. Today is the most challengeing in the
History for Americans because for the first time we are expendable. For
example; look at what the blacks began doing now many other people are
doing it with less pay and/or automated machines are now being used.
The Major Slave Markets in the U.S.
Hati is where colubus landed and it is the oldest of all.
Africa, Europe, North America are continents apart of the triangular s slave trade.


Elimina Port
(middle Paggage)

Both the North and south profited from slavery. The involvement caused this to be called
the Trianglar slave trade.
Africa is called Mother because it is the birth of all other.. ethnicity and origins. The
black experience is bigger than the black church.
Why are the churches that embrace Pentecostalism growing more rapidly than other
churches that are more traditional?
WEB Dubois wrote a book a year for 27 years. He spent a lot of his time in the AUC.
HBCU are depositories of our culture.

September 13, 2007

American Slavery

Chattel slavery was introduced to the world by North America

We were reduced as people into property. African slavery was designed to
strip Africans of their humanity and Africiamism.
The process and rite of natal separation in American slavery/Spiritual and
Cultural holocaust/ Eradication of African culture for control of slaves:
Olorun, Bakongo, Vodun, Orisha, Candomble, Santeria, Shango, Vooudoo
1. De-humanization- To be less than Human, To be treated like animals, They
were branded, they were oiled, had teeth checked, sold, bided on, chained.
The made special attempts to examine every person especially males.
They had a very systematic approach. The slave was capital for the
owners. After the slave is examined they would then auction them off such
as they do cattle. They would sometimes cut the slaves ear off. This
process was like breaking in horses. Slaves were considered as breeders.
2. De-personalization slaves were divested as a person. They lost their
African name because their names were taken away from them which
meant that they lost their since of identity. They wanted to destroy your
name and your mind to control.
3. De-socialization (intrusiveness v. extrusiveness)- The slaves were
considered socially dead because they had non of the institutions.
Intrusiveness- Slaves could not belong to society because they were the
product of an alienation society. They had no name, culture, rights,
religion, and ect, because the whites took it away from them. They were
consider alienation. Benevolent Institution is what they were considered.
Extrusivness- they slave could be considered and insider but because of
innate inferiority they were incapable of keeping pace with society and the
expected norm of the community. Because they could not keep the norms

of the society they were social destitute and became the white mans
4. De-sexualization- there was really no distinction between the male and
female slaves. They were both expected to do the same work. If the female
was not the masters concubine she had to work along with the males. The
females sometimes had to nurse in the field. If you were denied your
motherhood than you had to work as if you were a man. Labor was
important and the slaves were capital they were money. They were denied
all the claims and obligations as parents. It helped to create and sustain
human bonding by cross breading, putting a drop of white blood in the
Childs blood, (the white man taking the sex from the black
women)through the making of cross racial persons. It destroys the male
image and when it is destroyed the black women will automatic become
independent and she will teach her female child to become independent
and the male to be dependent. Slavery created a generational curse that
generates generation after generation. Slavery becomes a machine that
manufacturers a self destructed black person. Peculiar institution
protected. Nullis filuis- which means son of nobody. African slaves were
5. De-racination (dialectical double-consciousness) The natal separation
and alienation of slaves and the loss of ties of birth in both ascending and
descending generation. By uprooting slaves and transporting them (Middle
Passage) some thousands of miles which this separation separates you
from all ties of blood except by that of the masters preference.
UPROOTED, DISCONNECTED. Slaves had a past but no heritage, They
were not allowed to integrate the experienced of their ancestors into their
lives. We were taught not to integrate because many believed they
(Ancestors) did not have nothing in which they needed and wanted to
identify with.
6. Ten systematic suppressions of African beliefs and practices in North
1. Africans were forbidden to worship African gods because they
were taught that African religion was Pagonistic.
2. they were prohibited from the honoring of African ancestors
because they were taught they had no kind folks worth honoring
3. . prohibited from drumming because the slave owners show
drumming as a means for slaves to communicate.
4. prohibited from religious dancing. This was something the
Africans brought with them from Africa. This was a form of
5. prohibited from practicing right and rituals because ceremonial
acts unify and bring people together. Where there are unification
there is strength.
6. priestly functions were prohibited because when you become in
such positions you get status and they did not want Africans to

have status. The only place priest could preach and practice was
in the invisible institution.
7. Africans were discouraged from being possessed by the spirit
because when you are posed by the spirit you fear God not man.
8. Africans were forbidden from making sacrifices because it
motivated a willingness to pay high price for their beliefs,
(spiritual discipline).
9. Africans were prohibited from practicing reign shout to celebrate
the birth and renewal. This shout symbolized you may control
my body but not my soul which the slave owners did not want
the Africans to do.
10. Africans were prohibited from divination because a person who
is gifted in divination has the gift of prophecy. They have
supernatural power, unusually gifts of insight. They could predict
what was going to happen as well as put a curse on a person.
The outcome of this Natal: 1.They developed a negative connotation about African
2. Africans began to hate themselves . Children degrade
each other.
Some names were used negatively.
The problem of duality which is sometimes refereed to the dialectical double
conciseness which refers to two-ness of African people. Two souls, tow
thoughts, two warring ideas in one body. The visible church, invisible church,
priestly function, prophetic function
E. Franklin Frazier vs. Herskovits


The Debate of E. Franklin Frazier: white men and women in the black body.
The significance of American Slavery
Why we Study Black Slavery:
1. It focus on the uniqueness of African-Americans. The uniqueness is that
we are the only immigrants who were brought to this country in chained
and involuntarily and were systematically separated from family, ancestry,
language, name, history, belief, practices and every attribute which
contributed to our heritage. Which is why it is called chattel Slavery.
2. Slavery should help us understand why some black men do not become
good husbands. It should help us to understand why there is a growing
hostility between black males and females.

3. It will help us understand why 60 percent of black children are brought

up with out the emotional and attachment of the black male.
4. The study of black slavery will help us to understand why euro
Americans will accept a black women rather than a black male.
5. It will help us to better understand why black mother teach their
daughters to be independent and their sons to be dependent and
7. It will help to understand why 5 thousand lynching that took place between 19651968.
8. It will help us to understand the bloody race riot in Atlanta in 1906 because it eas
rumor that a black man had raped a white woman. Over 100 black men were
9. It will help us to better understand why three white men in 1998 tied up James
Byrd of Jasper Texas to pick up truck and drug him until his head was
10. It will help us to understand why the body of Benard Ketrell Burdens Body was
hanging from his white friends house in a tree in Atlanta.


1. Slavery was the major determining factor in dictating American race

relations. Jim Crow, segregation- denied African Americans the right to
belong, stero-types, all followed Slavery.
2. Discrimination- denies African Americans the right to have. Work the
same job get paid different wages.
3. Slavery has played a vital and crucial role in the transformation of African
cultural elements and the creation of unique black sub culture.
4. Slavery gave birth to the Swedish Sociologist, Gunnar Myrdall, America
The Myth of the Negro Past
Historical Significance of Slavery

There is a natural prejudice that prompt men to despise whoever has been their inferior
long after he has become equal (Alexis de Tocqueville- Democracy in America): French
Philosopher who visited in 1831 and wrote the Book, Democracy in America He wrote,
In Ancient times there was slaves, but it was not based on skin color, therefore, men and
women could move from slavery to freedom without being recognized that they were

once slaves. After slavery has been abolished God alone can alleviate the traces of

How has the legacy of slavery impacted the contemporary Black family?
It focus on the uniqueness of African-Americans. The uniqueness is that
we are the only immigrants who were brought to this country in chained
and involuntarily and were systematically separated from family, ancestry,
language, name, history, belief, practices and every attribute which
contributed to our heritage. Which is why it is called chattel Slavery.


How has slavery been the major factor in determining race relations in
How has slavery played a vital role in the creation of a unique Black
How has slavery given birth to what Gunnar Myrdal called the American
He studied the Negro problem and discovered America had a white
problem. America through the declaration of Independence has lied to
What is a slave and what were the two types of slaves in America?
A slave is a person who is held in bondage by another person against his/ her
will and denied the right and opportunity of freedom and full human growth
and development. For example, Slaves in America were deliberately kept
ignorant of their birth, name, history, culture because the less people know
about themselves the easier it would be to control you.




1. Field Negro planted, weeded, harvested tobacco, picked cotton,

cultivated the race, pulled sugar cane, worked long hours sun up to sun
2. House Negro - worked as a servant in the masters house and they were
afforded more privileges. In most case they were light skinned with a
white father and a black mother.
How long has slavery existed?
Slaves in America provide their masters with slavery for over 4 hundred years.
Affirmative Action was to pay Slaves for what they had already done. It has
always existed.

What was the uniqueness of the American enslavement of Africans

It focus on the uniqueness of African-Americans. The uniqueness is that we are
the only immigrants who were brought to this country in chained and
involuntarily and were systematically separated from family, ancestry, language,
name, history, belief, practices and every attribute which contributed to our
heritage. Which is why it is called chattel Slavery.
A Peculiar Institution by Kenneth Stand

1. In American African slaves were slaves for life. There was no process for setting
them free. In Africa there were slaves only for a certain life time.
2. In America there was no protection for slave families, For 400 years slaves had no
protection. The women were not protected from their masters they were raped
without consequences. Deterioration of the families. No legal provision for food
and housings. In Africa slavery the slaves could be sold with the accompany of
their family. They were protected from their master. The children were considered
freed from birth when parent(s) were enslaved.
3. In America whites who murdered blacks were never tried or convicted. Blacks
could not testify against whites in court. Blacks who rebelled were mutilated by
castration. They either last ears, fingers, and etc.
4. In America Slavery slaves were prohibited from congregating with out the
presence of a white person which also included religious activities.
5. In America slaves were prohibited from owning property because they were
properties themselves.
6. In America slaves were legally forbidden to speak their native language, practice
African culture and religion, denied the usage of their name.
7. Slavery was based on the stigma of the color of your skin, in other culture is
based on prisoners of war, sold into slavery for debt or punishment of crime.
Color is still alive and well. America is the color consciousness.
8. America slavery jeopardizes the freedom of the body, the mind, the soul which
was designed to preserve the African body and destroy the mind which create the
myth of the Inherent inferiority of the Negro. This was the major defense for
slavery which led to them calling slavery the benevolent institution because slaves
could not take care of themselves. They wanted to preserve the slaves bodies and
control their minds.
September 20, 2007
American Negro Slavery Offered the African no place to become somebody:
The Making of Chattel Slaves in America

Stronger African retentions in religion and culture in South and Central

America than North America
The ten systematic suppressions of African Religious beliefs and practices
The process of natal separation and making of chattel slaves in America
a. The slaves were captured in Africa, The Caboceer were the persons who
captured the slaves, They were the chained and placed in a line called the
Caffles, then they were taken to the baracoon which was the holding place
for the slaves before they were taken to the ship.
b. They lost their names and cultures; they lost their identity so that they
could be controlled. This process lasted 400 years.
c. Natal Separation was done systematically.


i. Dehumanization
ii. Less than human 3/5 of a person.
Slavery: A spiritual and cultural holocaust (Jon Butler, Richard Holstadter,
Stanley Elkins)
The myth of the Negro Past
The classic debate between Melville Herskovits and E. Franklin Frazier on
African retentions in the Americas
The Classic Debate between E. Franklin Frazier and Melville Herskovits
(Read: Slave Religion, pp. 48-74)


Conflicting views on African retentions

Frazier believed that black people are so negative and small because we have
been totally striped of our culture. Herskovits argues that some of our Africanism has been retained. Enough has been retained to have a African culture. H.
believes we have retained enough culture in religion to make us have our
culture Fraizer believes that African practice and tradition did not take place in
US roots Frazier and the process of enslavement destroyed the culture. It was
then filled with American Christianity. Began with the capture(Process of
natal separation) African slavery offered no space for African American
people to become someday. Fraizer believed that the size of the plantation
helped to retain the African-ism. The majority slaves were on small
plantations. Frazier argues that the process lends itself to the process of
seizing. (Striping them of their name, language, history, culture, religion, and


At what points did Frazier and Herskovits agree?

1. That the strongest retention is fund in south and central America.
How was the acculturation process impacted by the slave population on the
plantations and the passing of succeeding generations?
The generational curse is that each generation got further and further
away. The first generation had more retention and as the generations have
gotten bigger less of our retention has been retained. As other generation
came they became less and less Africanized and more Americanized.
American born began to feel they were more superior to the African born.
Salt water negro- the slaves who were born in Africa. Fraizer contended
that the mobility of the slave population and the separation of slaves made
social cohesiveness impossible. The base line for Herskivites argument
was on the baseline of the slaves being demonstrative and the water
baptism. The slaves were attracted to Baptist churches because of their
water baptism from Africa. According to Frazier they are attracted to the
Baptist because of the evangelism and social eco status. Herskovites argue
that we did not lose our African-ism. In admitting that nothing was
retained we are saying that we are inferior. Hersokvites contends that it
was important to recognize the historical importance of African retention
in order to evaluate cultural differences of Blacks and whites in a scientific


rather than racist term. Slavery was designed to make white people in
black women and men skins. Difference betweens white and blacks values
and beliefs were due to slave cultural background which was rooted in
Africa. The evidence were derived from a study where he discovered the
strongest African retention was Guinea to the weakest retention was in the
USA. The strongest retention was in the Caribbean.
The Myth of the Negro Past
(Five Pillars for Racial Prejudice)

Negroes are naturally childlike

The poorer class of Africans were captured and enslaved- complex world in
order to survive. We were all enslaved not just the poor.
Slaves were deliberated brought from all parts of the continent of Africa
African culture was so inferior, slaves readily and willingly accepted the
European way of life- Many did not come willingly. Some killed themselves
prior to coming and in the process of coming.
Negroes have no history - Negro is a man with out not past
Some slaves did not except slavery as providential. African people are not monlific.
Every African is not alike and they do not give the same response. Ston rebellion-1739
when the slaves tried to escape from South Carolina to get to floridia so that they can be
Slave Conversion in Colonial America
The institution of slavery was designed to separate Africans from their families,
ancestors, names, culture, history, and religion. African Americans did not receive the
promise of freedom. They were interested in eradicating their culture so that they could
control them (African-Americans). American slavery is also known as the benevolent
What was Catch 22 in Christianizing African slaves in America?
Why was the first generation of slaves not attracted to American Christianity?
1. The first generation of slaves fought tenaciously to retain their religion
because American Christianity was boring. With the progression of time each
generation became more and more acculturated to American Christianity.
2. The early slaves had difficulty understanding the language and culture of
their slave masters.
3. Many slave holders themselves had little interest in Christianity because
they were uncultured and not religious.
4. Slave owners were unwilling to give slaves time off to practice their
religion. The slave owners believed that when the slaves were not working
they would loose money.
5. For the first 150 years American Christianity was not appealing because it
was dull, hypocritical, distasteful, unappealing, and insipid. Africans saw this
religion as a means of education and time off. They did take advantage of this
American Christianity.



The two factors leading to the appeal and growth of American Christianity
among Blacks (First Great Awakening, Phillip Jakob Spener- the Father of
Pietism (leader of European Pietism in the 18th century) was a Lutheran pastor
who tried to promote a global vision of Christianity. They(Spencer and
Francke) wanted to embrace the emotion side of religion, August Hermann
Francke- sadness and anxiety immediately left my heart. I praised and
magnified God a loud. a disciple of Pietism (one of the leaders of Pietism),
Pia Disideria, Friedrich Schleiermacher- wrote a book titled The Christian
Faith. A German Theologian- he defined religion as the feeling of absolute
dependency on God)
1. The assimilation of Africans being born in America and the death of the
first generation of African slaves began to die which made it easier for the
African-Americans to buy into American Christianity.
2. The advent of European and white American Great Awakening which was
initiated by the European and White Americans. The first Great
Awakening was from 1720 -1724. The Great Awakening was important it
was during this time that white Americans embraced the African beliefs
such as shouting, call and respond, and etc. which they had suppressed
they had now began to accept. The Great Awakening was a negative
respond to the Christian Orthodox and enlightenment. The emphasis was
place on the head and later became focused on the heart. This was a
pietistic. During the Great Awakening religion become known as
experiential. The Great Awakening was also an embracing of women in
ministry. If also emphasized the priesthood of all believers. During the
great awakening many slaves become accepted of the American
Christianity. This awakening brought blacks and whites together because it
was their common ground. Slaves and Slaves masters had common ground
in Sin. The Great Awakening brought excitement to white people. It marks
the first time black people embraced Christianity with enthusiasm.
Woodson, The dawn of a new day
Conversion, Pietism and the First Great Awakening (Jonathan Edwards,(graduate of Howard) the father of Pietism in America, The great Awakening
in America began in North Hampshire Massachusetts, Religion in New
England was extra ordinary dull. Before the great awakening. He preached a
sermon about justification and Sinners in The Hands of an Angry God.
George Whitefield, John came to America and preached to the slaves and
Charles Wesley, the Dawn of a New Day)
Conversion and Religious Training: Religion with Letters/Catechesis


Religious training gave Blacks the first opportunity to become literate

American Christianity and The First Great Awakening
Essay on Christianizing the Negro by Cotton Mather




Cotton Mather was a white anti slavery person in America. A abolitionist. He

advocated for slaves to be free and educated. He though slaves could be taught
to read and write.
Accomack County in Virginia was one of the schools for blacks which
allowed the slaves to receive training, The first text book for African people
was the Bible. The slave masters received a tax cut for sending their slaves to
this school. The slaves were exposed to the Apostles Creed, The Lords Prayer,
The Ten Commandments. It was like a catechism. Religion With Letters was
the First Great Awakening. The whites did not want to give the slaves these
opportunities because it increases their self esteem and gives them time off
and brings about sense of laziness, some slave master believed slaves could
not learn to read and write. The slave holders were very skeptical of learning
therefore members of the SPOG had to write a statement stating that by
baptizing and teaching the Gospel the slaves body would not be changes but
the souls would be changed. The Missionaries had to sign and create such
statement in order for the Africans to be taught.
The first organized effort to educate slaves: Society. For Propagation. Of the
Gospel., Rev. Samuel Thomas- Form England and provided the training. The
earliest training was in S. Carolina at Cooper River and Goose Creek,
Alexander Garden- white missionary who told the slave masters not to worry
about the slaves becoming high headed because we want to train the children
(Train the children and the children would then teach their parents.) Andrew
and Harry became quick learners and opened their own schools. The slaves
were hungry for education, This was important because it encounter the
charge that black children are not inferior because they could now read and
write. Blacks being educated inserted independence because they are now
knowledgeable. Stono Rebellion (1739) in South Carolina slaves from South
Carolina wanted to escape to Florida to be free., anti-literacy laws which
forbidden teaching the slaves to read and write. This revoke rekindled the fear
that education would make slaves discontent.
Why was the First Great Awakening appealing to Blacks? Jonathan Edwards,
George Whitefield was against slavery in 1740 after some years he changed
his stance against slavery and began to side in agreement of the need for
slaves. Hugh and Jonathan Bryan The Bryan family played an important role
in nurturing the black community. They were very nice to their slaves and
encouraged their education. (The first Black Church was on the Bryan
plantation in silver Buff community which was established in 1773 or 1775
and the recognized the Imagio dei of slaves.), IMAGIO DEI, PERSONAL
The Great Awakening encouraged literacy and Black preaching: William
Bolton turned his barn into a school to educate, Samuel Davies white
preacher, president of Princeton University welcomed African people to come
to their revival. The slaves saw in preaching the gospel the power to set the
captive free spiritually if not physical for the time being, the believed the
gospel that the slave holders used to enslave will be used as the ammunition to
set them free. Black people and white people share the same thing in the south

such as food, work, living arrangements, black women nursed white babies,
ironing and washing of clothing was done by black people. Black people in
the South experience more integration with the whites than in the North.
James Gronniosaw, Uncle Jack, William Lemon black preacher who served a
white congregation from Gonchester, VA, Josiah Bishops- a black preacher
who also served a white church in Portsmith, VA, Joseph Willis, John Chavis,
Henry Evans, Harry Hoosier
The profession that has had the longest tenure of service is the black preacher.
They served as a preacher and prophets; they were the first to give the church a sense
of community. As a result the slave owners were always suspicious of the black
preacher and the black church.
This period(First Great Awakening) was called religion with letters

Conversion and the Plantation Mission: Religion without Letters/ The Rule of the Gospel

Some characteristics of the Second Awakening (1780-1830)

Why American Christianity experienced unprecedented growth among Blacks
during the Second Great Awakening
During the mid-nineteenth century all of the mainline denominations divided
over the issue of slavery: abolitionists, slave revolts (Gabriel Prosser revolt
occurred in the 1800s prototype in the Bible was Sampson, organized 1000
slaves his plan was to seize the weapons to make a surprise attach to take over
a part of VA. This did not come through because of another slave who
prevented it from happening. Forty of the 1000 men including Processor were
hung. Denmark Vesey (1822) second revolt was in Charlton, SC. Vesey was
said to born in the West Indies, was member of the AME church. His pastor
was Morris Brown. Vesey was able to organize 9000 field slaves. The goal of
this revolt was to kill white people with out discrimination. He organized field
negros because he could not trust house negro. A house Negro found out
which led to the execution of Vesey and four other people. Prior to his
execution Vesey he burned the names of all the persons involved in his revolt.
Bishop Morris Brown had to escape to keep from being executed because of
the use of his church in this revolt. Nat Turner planed revolt was to take place
in South Hampton, VA was a filed slave and exotor. Had the opportunity to
preacher to slaves and his father was a maroon- (run away slave) Turner had a
calling which was on Aug, 22, 1831 attacked to home of his slave master and
killed the slave master ( Joseph Travis), three other men, his wife and a child.
Before they figured out what happened between 57 to 60 people were killed.
Turner was able to flee for about 6 months before he was captured. Thomas
Grey was the lawyer who recorded the Testimony of Nat. He had a Q and A
which led to writing of Nat Turners confession. Did not Christ Die To Save
The World? What about Me?, David Walker appeal- David Walker was a
slave in Wilmington, SC escaped to Massachusetts and became a Taylor in
Boston who taught himself to read and write. In 1829 he circulated the David
Walker Appeal which was four articles which he wrote to the slaves, preamble
to slaves in the world particular slaves in America. In his appeal was that he
encouraged slaves in the south to revolt and resist slavery by any means
necessary. He also accused whites of treating their slaves like hetteans. He
charged slave holders with being wretched and evil. He also predicted the time
when white people would curse ever so when they saw persons of African
decent. He called for the destruction of America. He said, I dont understand
why you people are still enslaved. Learning began in Africa, African people
are responsible for allowing the slave owners to rob them of their minds to
enslave their bodies..They do not know their history. The slaves were better
off dead than to be slaves. He also accused the slaves of being like crabs in a
barrow. The appeal was dangerous because he shipped this appeal in his

clothing. Some how after this appeal Walker was found dead. As a result all
main line denominations split.

The spread of the Plantation Missions: Religion without letters, oral religion,
judicious religion, Charles C. Jones, William Capers
The slaves response to judicious religious training
Religious Life in the Slave Community


Southern white denominational response to the slave revolts, David Walkers

Appeal, and Northern Abolitionists
The slaves response to plantation missions (religion without letters)
Steal Away (Visible and Invisible Institution)
Come Sunday Morning: Annual revival meeting, camp meetings, Christimas
The Bible and slaves
Slave spirituals: communal songs, code language, linked to biblical characters,
The slave preacher: Soul of Black Folks, conjurer, Thaumaturgus, herbalists,
Religious Life in the Slave Community


The Black Preacher has the longest tenure of leadership in the Black
Some of the best known early Black Preachers were: Harry Hoosier known
as the best preachers in the African American community, was a servant of
Thomas Ashburry, Richard Allen, Absalom Jones, Daniel Coke, Andrew
Bryan, Andrew Marshall, John Jasper


The role of conjurers and spiritual healers- The great awakening accompanied
the improvisation of the spirit. The black preacher was known to have to most
unique personality of the world according to WEB Dubious. The Last of the
18 century and beginning of the 10 century was known for the great preachers.
The functions of the slave preacher
The genesis of the Negro spirituals
Andrew Bryant began to preach to whites and blacks and built a church in Yamcrow, GA.
His act was not looked upon by white people. To build a black church was radical which
led to him being prosecuted by a mob which almost beat him death but he was willing to
give his life for God. He prayed for forgiveness of the Mob which led to him receiving
the support of his slave master and his slave masters son who later set him free. He later
became the first black pastor of the first black church in Savannah.
1780-1830 2nd Great Awakening

During this period all main line denominations will take religious training into their hand
to protect the slaves from
1. the Northern abolitionist propagations.
2. Southern were not concerned about the spiritual welfare of their slaves but
were concerned about free labor of their slaves.
3. White southern felt that slavery was a temporary institution. The cotton
Gin changed the idea of the longevity of slavery.
The second great awakening ushered in humanitarian intuitive and social reforms. It
stimulated anti-slavery sentiment. It also encouraged womens rights, social reform.
The training would be done through and by the plantation missions which is where they
received oral traditional training, Slaves came up with oral theology which led to them
sending the slaves to Yale, Princeton, and duke.
First great awakening focused on the conversion of individuals. The second awakening
dealt with the conversion of the world and social systems of the society.
Womens Rights, Prisoner reformed and the improvement of womens role in society and
the antislavery movement.
Both awakenings were focused on the motif of new birth, revivalism and immediate
conversions experiences which meant anyone who encounter a religious experience had a
testimonies which open the women to being seen and heard.
The south became very paranoid because they thought they were going to loose their
property. Therefore they came up with a way to train their slaves by developing Religion
with out letter. During the 2nd great awakening Elii Wheatly developed the cotton gin
which made slavery a permanent institution which led to the theology of slavery by using
the Bible. Also there was the initiation of the plantation mission which was to implement
religion without letters.
The 1st Great Awakening promoted religion with letters. SOPG accord during the 1st great
awakening. SOPG came out of the Anglicans church which came from England and those
who did not come from England were from the North.
The 2nd Great Awakening the missionaries came from the south and they did not want the
northerner to be a part of it because they wanted to save the south that which what the
Northerners were doing.
In the mid 19 century all the mainline denominations divided over slavery. The southern
charged the northerner for not being involved in the religious orientation of their slaves.
To demonstrate they were committed and concerned with the spatial being of Religion
With out letters was oral learning where the teacher asked questions and the students
were to respond orally. We have no school and teachers because the anti literacy laws
were passed in the south. Each plantation mission was assigned a white minister. Who
used a conversion-ers language which appeased the slaves and showed some
consideration to the slaves.

Along with the plantation missions we still had the invisible institution where the slaves
would gather to worship away from the big house because this was were they received
their emotional outlet. Africans people may not have survived with out religion and the
religious expression.
The two denominations who benefited the most from the plantation mission were the
Methodist and the Baptist because of the worship style of these missions. They were also
successful because many of the ministers lived on the plantation and protected the slaves.
They were also successful because Africans were more teachable because they were now
American born. The southerns wanted to enhance the image of slavery to show they
cared for their slaves. William Cappers and Charles C. Jones were very helpful to the
plantation mission which is sponsored by the denominations which allowed the ministers
to be paid and provide the slaves with clothing food and religious training. It was the
duty of the slave to honor, fear and subject themselves to the slave masters. The religious
training gave the slavery the opportunity to express themselves. The Methodist observed
the love feast which another opportunity for slaves and women to express themselves
because of their experience. Un licensed preachers were called exhorts (most of the
black preachers). Only two black persons in attendance of the Christmas conference at
Lovely Lane were Richard Allen and Harry.
With the conversion motif the empowerment of black clergy was informed and validated.
Manny of the plantation missions slavery owners built little places of worship called
praise houses where the slaves worshiped.
The church is the first place where blacks learn the root aments (basics) for leadership.
WEB DuBois says the AME church is the best institution we have in the world.

The purpose of the plantation mission:

1. The purpose of the plantation mission was to defend the attack by the
2. To give the masters title control over their slaves.
3. To improve the moral and spiritual welfare of their slaves with out altering
their status as slaves.
4. Was a systematic approach to teaching and preaching to slaves to be
content and to make them to feel that God had ordained them to be in a
subordinate place in society.
This is the reason why this training was called judicious.
Evangelical Christianity:

It encourages lay participation, individualism and independence, the priesthood of all

believers, great emphasizes was placed on democratic governance.
The slaves responded to the two messages by looking at American Christianity as a white
mans religion. Some slaves took on a dialectical approach. They saw the messages which
were being preached by the masters as in compatible and was hypocritical. Others
received it while trying to sort through it and choosing which could be positive by
shifting through the masters message. Some also used this to developed their own
leadership skills and rudiments about the Bible which taught and equipped them to
become educators, preachers, and pioneers of their own churches. Some slaves made the
best of the bad situations. This training allowed the slaves to vent to an extend, tell their
stories,. Slaves never complete conformed to Euro forms of worship.
The plantation mission and invisible institution served as a survival mechanisms. The
plantation mission brought blacks under the umbrella of American Christianity.
Out of this experience African people were able to communicate, improvise, and
developed their own language, music grew out of this slave religion.
The church was very important and significant. The churches served as a place where
they were free spiritually rather than physical. They sung the ole hymns which gave them
an outlet. Come Sunday Morning they would put on their best clothes and cook the best
meal. These services gave the slaves a sense of dignity and enhanced their self-esteem.
The annual revival meeting was very important to the slaves religious experienced. The
most festive time of the year was Christmas. The Bible was the first textbook for the
African Americans. They carried the Bible in their hands even if they could not read it.
The Bible was considered to be a lucky charm. The hunger for literacy was developed
from the hunger to read the Bible.
Sunday school was the place were slaves became literate. Sunday School was important.
The black church was the birth place of Black Education. The first school teachers were
black preachers. His/ Her ability to be literate allowed for the preacher/ teacher to teach.
Funerals- even when the slave masters did not recognize the death of a slave. The black
preacher would somehow find ways to have funeral services for the slave whom they
found and knew died. The black preachers wanted give the slave a respectable funeral.
Sometimes they would have three to four funeral services at one time.
The Church gave blacks their first sense of solidarity and unity. James W. Johnson wrote
Gods Trombone and Lift Every Voice and Sing. Explain the explainable and unscrew the
un-screw able. Gods Trombone is a book of seven sermons. He made this book because
he felt that this type of preaching should be reserved.
The black preacher has been the mediator between the community and the black preacher
has had the longest tenure in leadership. The image of black preachers is pervasive. Two
types of preachers: The Exhort and the licensed preachers. The black preachers were

called to preach. They were usually articulate and could read, write and were frequently
granted freedom to go preach. The slave leaders often looked to the preacher to mediate
disputes between the slave communities and slave owners. Some slave masters accused
slave preachers as being up to no good.
The slave spirituals really speak volumes as to whats going on in slavery.
Form of secret messages and encouragement to provide hope-Negro Spirituals emanate
out of experience. These spirituals are communal songs.
Migrating from place to place
Contemporary Gospels
Hip Hop

Nov. 1, 2007
After Mid-Term
The Conclusion of The Invisible Institution
I. Religion, Rebellion, and Docility
a. The double-edged sword of slavery (Lincoln pp. 10-16)
Black Religion is considered to be:
to emotional, the whites have a lot to pay for and to answer forthe way in which they
have treated the blacks, To timely, to heavenly bound and not earthly good, Heaven vs
hell, like a drug- the opa of the people, to passive, slavery was designed to make people
passive, submissive, and it was to make the African Americans like comedians, dancers,
and actors and/ or actress such as the sambo type.
Survival Mechanisms for people who are being oppressed.
1. Deception
Through the conversion experiences the slaves realized you can control my body but not
my soul. It brought about a sense of equality in regards to sin, it also brought about a
legaltarian society for the slaves and women. The role of the black preacher- (Gerena
Lee, Amanda Smith) in this conversion process in improving the welfare of the slaves
was to communicate because they saw hypocrisy in the white preacher. The black
preacher gave a new found sense of hope, spiritual renewal, and taught them(slaves) that
are children of God which kept hope alive. The black preacher was a citadel of hope for
people on the break of despair. Black religion help to carver out a space for meaning,
purpose. Through black religion it was able to carve out a place for freedom, unity.
Blacks were hungry for black preachers. Slave religion was the forerunner of the black
church. The black church became the major social center in the black community.
b. The rise of independent black Churches
19th century. Three types of slave churches:
1. The mixed churches with slaves as members who did not have in rights and
opportunities but could attend. In north with Richard Allen who was leader for the
Blacks in which Richard Allen could have a early services for the colored which later
led to the development of the AME church.
2. Separate churches- The blacks had their separate church under white
leadership. William Sherman liberated many churches and people in Georgia on his
march to end the civil war.
3. Separate church under black leadership- when the invisible church can become
In addition there were some black preachers who were the pastor of black and
white congregations. Joesia. Bishop in 1792 in Portsland, VA in which the church
raised money to buy his freedom.
William Lemmon also served the white church.

Joseph Willis in LA who served the white and black church.

Old captain who did not really have name was in a black congregation.
John Chavis was the grandfather of Ben Chavis, John Chavis was the first seminarian
trained from Princeton University. He became a missionary in VA and NC. Was
prohibited from preaching therefore he became a tutor and linguist.
Henry Evans a great preacher in Fayetteville, NC who was bi vocational in late 1700. He
was Methodist was popular amongst whites and blacks. Was ran out of town and later
they sent for him to come back in which he did and built AME Zion Evan Metropolitan
AME in NC. He was one of the first to build a parsonage.
The first independent Black church in America was in Sliver Bluff, SC in which it was
organized between 1773-1775. Beech, SC. On a plantation where there was a white
preacher by the name of palmer who preacher the slaves owned by Gavan. The white
preacher was very friendly to the exhorters. He was very friendly to David George from
VA and he was the one who founded the first Independent black church. The war began in
1775 when the British came into SC and the slave owners fled the plantations which led
to slaves being freed. When the British migrated to Savannah the slaves also went which
led to the finding of the first independent Black Baptist church in Savannah. Georgle
Leile was an assistant to David George. When David left Savannah he left it to George
Leile. When George was being considered to be placed back into slavery he fled to
Jamaica starting the first Black church in Jamaica. David George also fled because of a
lot hostility.
Some of the charter members decided to go back to Silver Bluff to continue their church.
Later they went across the river which led into Augusta which led to the finding of other
Baptist churches and also Morehouse College.
George Leiles Assistant was Andrew Bryant which led to Bryant being the pastor of the
first African Baptist church of Savannah, GA. Bryant was severely beaten by the mob
because the mob did not want blacks to worship under the leadership of a black preacher.
He was not beaten as they thought but he prayed for the mob and asked for their
forgiveness. In which members of the mob began to protect him and support him.
Many felt like freedom was very essential to their humanity and that slavery embraced by
the white church was not compatible with Christianity. In the north and south blacks were
not accepted as equal by the whites. Therefore we have the independent churches. The
black church became the only institution that was free of white power. Therefore the main
agenda of the black church was to push for freedom and equality. Place where the
suppressed emotions of the black people could be released. The black church provided
the first opportunity for leadership developments for African Americans. It was the black
preacher who kept hope alive because God would abolish slavery in his own time. A
Presbyterian name Henry Highland Gurinett who was a great leader and freedom fighter
who said that if slaves were to be free they must strike the first blow.
Many of the early black preacher believed that God called the black church to be the
gadfly (troublers, critiques and etc.) of society. (America is the place where missionary
needs be done rather than Africa.)

c. The black church before the civil war

II. The cause of the civil war (1861-1865)
One of the causes was slavery. Slavery was about free labor that made cotton king, and
produced a fixed southern economy based on the plantation system. As the south was
moving toward an agricultural economy the north was moving toward an industrial
economy. In adition there was an increasing inequality between the north and the south.
They both benefited from slavery. They rationalized slavery as being a necessary evil.
The most radical group were called to abolitionist because they wanted social change.
They also said that slave holders and owners were going to go to hell. Sectional
Animosity. The South produced raw material. The south wanted states rights, the north
wanted . , The dread scott decision (was a slave) in 1850 was to protect the growth of
slavery. Scott went to IL, and later returned to Missouri and when he returned back to
Missouri he sued because he did not want to go back into slavery. No Negro had a right
to question the rights that could be questioned to the whites. This was intended to make
the institution of slavery a permanent institution. Lincoln opposed the scott decision
which led to the civil war. Over 200 thousand people were killed.
III.The outcome of the civil war
Over 200 thousand people were killed during this war.
IV.The Emancipation Proclamation (1863)- 20 Religious leader and 13 were black
preachers. When asked what we wanted the preachers said mule and land therefore we
got 40 acres and a mule. (special order number 15)
V. The attitude of whites toward blacks after emancipation

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