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Pressure Vessel Calculations

May 26, 2005

Pressure Vessel Engineering

155 Frobisher Drive
Waterloo, ON, N2V 2E1

Steve Munn
Laurence Brundrett P. Eng.
Pressure Vessel Engineering Ltd.

1 of 16
Table of Contents 26-May-05 Page 2 of 16

Contents Page
Cover 1
Table of Contents 2
Summary 3
Material Properties 4
16" OD Shell 5
Heads 6
Nozzle A & B 7
Inlet & Outlet Flanges A&B 8-9
Coupling D 10
Coupling E In Shell 11
Body Flange 12 - 13
Weight and Volume 14
Zick 15
Pressure Vessel Design Summary 26-May-05 Page 3 of 16

Pressure Vessel Engineering Customer

Tank Vessel
1120 Part Number
1120 Drawing
PVE-1120 Job

16 Outside Diameter [inch]

5.9 Volume [cuft]
Hydrocarbon Fluid (value from Material Properties)
304 Weight Empty [lbs.]
669 Weight Full
669 Weight Under Test

Maximum Internal pressure, psi Maximum External Pressure, psi At Temperature, ºF

Maximum Allowed Working Pressure
100 0 250
Maximum Temperature, ºF Minimum Temperature, ºF At Pressure, psi
Maximum Design Metal Temperature
250 -20 100
Test Pressure, psi At a Minimum Temperature of: ºF For a Minimum Duration of:
Hydrostatic Test
130 55°F 1/2 hr

SB-209 6061-T651 Primary Material of Construction

5,900 Allowable Stress
0.0625 Minimum allowed thickness per UG-16(b)
no Material Normalized
no Material Impact Tested (not required per UNF-65 )
none Radiography required
0 Corrosion Allowance


2004 Edition
none Addenda
IID Materials
none Code Cases Required

UG-22 Loadings Considered

Yes (a) Internal pressure
- (a) External pressure
Yes (b) Vessel weight full, empty and at hydro test
- (c) Weight of attached equipment and piping
- (d)(1) Attachment of internals
Yes (d)(2) Attachment of vessel supports
- (d) Cyclic or dynamic reactions
- (f) Wind
- (f) Snow
- (f) Seismic
- (g) Fluid impact shock reactions
- (h) Temperature gradients
- (h) Differential thermal expansion
- (i) Abnormal pressures like deflagration
1 Material Properties ver 2.01 26-May-05 Page 4 of 16
2 ASME VIII, IID 2004 Edition no Addenda
3 Tank <- Vessel

5 Design Pressure UG-22(a)

6 100.0 <- P, internal operating pressure at top of vessel (psig)
7 0.0 <- mPa, external operation pressure
8 Hydrocarbon <- Operating Fluid Source - Machinery's handbook - 26th edition
9 1.5 <- h, fluid height (ft)
10 1.000 <- rho, fluid density (1.0 for water)
11 Design Pressure = P + 0.4331*rho*h = 100 + 0.4331 * 1 * 1.5 mDp = 100.6

13 Hydro Test (UG-99(b)) pressure measured at top of vessel, rounded up

14 Test Press = P * 1.3 * MR = 100 * 1.3 * 1 mTp = 130

16 Material Properties (ASME IID)

17 250 <- mTemp, design temp ºF Test at ambient temp
Material Where Used Ambient Design Strength Max ºF Ext
18 Strength Strength Ratio Graph
19 SB-209 6061-T651 plate 0.25-5", wld shell, flanges 6000 5900 1.017 400 NFA-12
20 SB-210 A96061-T6 tube 0.025-0.500", wld pipes 6000 5900 1.017 400 NFA12-13
21 SB-247 A96061-T6 forging, wld couplings 6000 5900 1.017 400 NFA12-13



25 SA-193 B7 Bolts <= 2.5" bolts 25000 25000 1.000 1000



















44 Min Ratio (MR) = 1.000




1 Pipe and Shell ver 2.38 26-May-05 Page 5 of 16
2 ASME Code VIII Div I 2004 Edition No Addenda
3 Tank <- Vessel
4 16" OD Shell <- Description

6 Dimensions:
7 16.000 <- Do - Outside Diameter
8 0.375 <- t - Nominal Wall Thickness
9 0.063 <- tminUG16(b) - Minimum Wall Thickness Per UG-16(b)
11 44.190 <- Length for volume and weight
12 0.000 <- Corr, Corrosion Allowance

14 Material and Conditions:

15 SB-209 6061-T651 <- Material
16 5,900 <- S, Allowable Stress Level (psi)
17 0.7 <- El - Longitudinal Efficiency (circ. stress)
18 0.7 <- Ec - Circ. Connecting Efficiency (longitudinal stress)
19 0.0% <- UTP, Undertolerance allowance (%) 4.67 <- Volume (cubic ft)
20 0.000 <- UTI, Undertolerance allowance (inch) 76.9 <- Material Weight (lbs cs)

22 100.6 <- P, Interior Pressure

23 0.0 <- Pa, Exterior Pressure

27 Variables:
28 UT = t*UTP+UTI = 0.375*0+0 undertollerance UT = 0.000
29 nt = t-Corr-UT = 0.375-0-0 nominal thick nt = 0.375
30 Ri = Do/2-nt = 16/2-0.375 effective inside radius Ri = 7.625
31 LDo = Le/Do = 0/16 LDo = 0.000

33 Interior Pressure UG-27 (c) (1,2)

34 ta = P*Ri/(S*El-0.6*P) = 100.65*7.625/(5900*0.7-0.6*100.65) ta = 0.189
35 tb = P*Ri/(2*S*Ec+0.4*P) = 100.65*7.625/(2*5900*0.7+0.4*100.65) tb = 0.092
36 tmin = Max(ta,tb,tminUG16b) <= t-Corr-UT Acceptable tmin = 0.189
37 PMaxA = (S*El*nt)/(Ri+0.6*nt) = (5900*0.7*0.375)/(7.625+0.6*0.375) PMaxA = 197.3
38 PMaxB = (2*S*Ec*nt)/(Ri-0.4*nt) = (2*5900*0.7*0.375)/(7.625-0.4*0.375) PMaxB = 414.4
39 PMax = Min(PMaxA,PMaxB) Acceptable PMax = 197.3
40 tr1 = P*Ri/(S*1-0.6*P) = 100.65*7.625/(5900*1-0.6*100.65) tr1 = 0.131
39 Heads ver 4.15 Ellipsoidal 26-May-05 Page 6 of 16
40 ASME Code VIII Div I 2004 Edition No Addenda NO Appendix 1-4(f)
22 Tank <- Vessel
42 Heads <- Desc

44 Dimensions:
45 16.000 <- Do, outside diameter
50 3.829 <- h 4.17 <- ho
51 0.375 <- tb, thickness before forming
53 0.343 <- tf, thickness after forming
54 0.063 <- tminUG16(b) - Min.t. Per UG-16(b)
55 0.000 <- Corr, corrosion allowance
56 1.750 <- Skirt, straight skirt length

58 Material and Conditions:

59 SB-209 6061-T651 <- material
60 5,900 <- S, allowable stress level (psi)
61 0.85 <- E, efficiency
65 100.6 <- P, interior pressure
66 0.0 <- Pa, exterior pressure

70 Calculated Properties:
71 22.168 <- Approximate blank diameter 0.46 <- Volume (cuft, includes skirt)
72 13.7 <- Approximate weight for steel, (lbs) 12.25 <- Spherical Limit (0.8 * D)

115 Variables:
116 D= Do-2*t = 16-2*0.343 D= 15.31
117 ho = h+t = 3.829+0.343 ho = 4.17
118 D/2h = D/(2*h) UG-37 & Ap 1-4(c) = 15.314/(2*3.829) D/2h = 2.000
119 Do/2ho = Do/(2*ho) UG-37 & Ap 1-4(c) = 16/(2*4.172) Do/2ho = 1.918
120 K= Interpolated value from table 1-4.1 D/2h interior K= 1.000
121 Kone = Interpolated value from table UG-37 D/2h spherical Kone = 0.900
122 Kzero = Interpolated value from table UG-33.1 Do/2ho exterior Kzero = 0.863
123 t= tf-corr = 0.343-0 t= 0.343
127 Ro = Ko*Do UG-33(d) = 0.863*16 Ro = 13.808

133 Interior Pressure App 1-4(a), App 1-4(c), UG-37(a)(1):

135 App. 1-4(a) check: 0.0005 <= tf/(Kone*D) < 0.002 tf/(Kone*D) = 0.0249
136 = 0.0005<=0.343/(0.9*15.314)<0.002 App. 1-4(f) calculation not needed
139 TMinI = (P*D*K)/(2*S*E-0.2*P) <= t TMinI (min thickness) = 0.154
140 = (100.65*15.314*1)/(2*5900*0.85-0.2*100.65) <= 0.343
146 TMin = Max(Tminl,tminUG16(b))<=tf-corr Acceptable TMin = 0.154
147 PMax = (2*S*E*t)/(K*D+0.2*t) >= P Acceptable PMax = 223.6
148 = (2*5900*0.85*0.343)/(1*15.314+0.2*0.343) >= 101

160 Interior Pressure for Nozzles App 1-4(a), App 1-4(c), UG-37(a)(1):
161 TMinE1 = (P*D*K)/(2*S*1-0.2*P) <= t (Nozzle in Knuckle) TMinE1 = 0.131
162 = (100.65*15.314*1)/(2*5900*1-0.2*100.65) <= 0.343
163 TSpI = (P*D*Kone)/(2*S*E-0.2*P) (Nozzle in Crown) TSpI = 0.118
164 = (100.65*15.314*0.9)/(2*5900*1-0.2*100.65)

177 Head stress relief UCS-79(d), UNF-79(d), UHA-44(d)

182 % elong = ((75*t)/h)*(1-0) = ((75*0.343)/3.829)*(1-0) % elong = 7.3
184 20.0% <- Max Elongation
185 Yes <- Cold Formed 7.3% <- Elongation Required no
186 no <- Vessel carries lethal substances(Yes/no) no no
187 no <- Impact testing is required (Yes/no) no no
188 no <- Formed between 250 and 900 Degrees F no no
189 no <- Greater than 10% reduction in thickness no no
190 no <- Head is greater than 5/8" thick before forming no no
191 Stress Relieve ? no
28 Nozzle Reinforcement ver 3.81 UW16(c) <- SavedDesign 26-May-05 Page 7 of 16
29 ASME Code VIII Div I 2004 Edition No Addenda Automatic dh - not hillside
22 Tank <- Vessel Automatic Limit Diameter
31 Nozzle A & B - 3" SCH 40 <- Description Flat Plate
32 Shell:
33 SB-209 6061-T651 <- Shell Material
34 5,900 <- Sv, shell allowable stress level, PSI
35 1.00 <- Eone, efficiency of shell at nozzle Do
36 0.343 <- Vt, shell wall thick, uncorroded, UT removed
37 0.118 <- tr, required shell wall thickness int. press.(E=1) Nt
38 0.000 <- trE, required shell wall thickness ext. press.(E=1)
40 0.063 <- tmin16b, Min allowed wall per UG-16(b) t
41 Nozzle:
SB-210 6061-T6 <- Nozzle Material Leg41


43 5,900 <- Sn, allowable stress level (Sn)

45 1.00 <- E nozzle Leg41 Shell
46 100.6 <- P, internal design pressure
47 0.0 <- Pa, external design pressure Vt
48 3.500 <- Do, outside diameter
51 0.216 <- Nt, wall thick, uncorroded
52 12.5% <- UTp, undertolerance (%)
55 2.000 <- L, exterior Projection UW-16.1 (c)
58 Reinforcing:
68 0.250 <- Leg41, size of weld fillet
71 1.000 <- F
84 Variables:
85 UT = Nt*UTp = 0.216 * 0.125 Undertolerance UT = 0.027
87 Rn = Do/2 - (Nt-nca) + UT = 3.5/2 - (0.216-0) + 0.027 Effective Radius Rn = 1.561
92 t = Vt-sca = 0.343 - 0 Effective Shell Thickness t= 0.343
98 tn = Nt-nca = 0.216-0 Avail. Nozzle Thick. No UT tn = 0.216
101 d = Do-2*tn = 3.5 - 2*0.216 Opening Dia. d= 3.068
107 fr1 = MIN(Sn/Sv,1) = MIN(5900/5900, 1) fr1 = 1.000
110 fr2 = MIN(Sn/Sv,1) = MIN(5900/5900, 1) fr2 = 1.000
126 tcLeg41 = Min(0.25,0.7*Min(0.75,tn,t)) = Min(0.25,0.7*Min(0.75,0.216,0.343)) tc41 = 0.151
132 F = Min(Fenterered, 1) F= 1.000
140 Pipe Required Wall Thickness - trn from internal, trnE from external pressure
141 LDo = L/Do LDo = 0.571 Dot = Do/trnE Dot = 0.000
142 trn = (P*Rn)/(Sn*E - 0.6*P) <= tn-UT = (100.6*1.561)/(5900*1 - 0.6*100.6) trn = 0.027 Acceptable
143 trnR = (P*Rn)/(Sn*1 - 0.6*P) = (100.6*1.561)/(5900*1 - 0.6*100.6) E=1 trnR = 0.027
144 trnE = (3*Do*Pa)/(4*B) <= tn-ut = (3*3.5*0)/(4*1) trnE = 0.000 Acceptable
145 Geometry Constraints:
146 0.7*Leg41 >= tc41 0.7*0.25 >= 0.151 0.175 >= 0.151 Acceptable
201 Area Replacement: Fig UG-37.1 Pressure From: Internal External
202 A = 0.5*d*tr*F + 1*tn*tr*F*(1-frone) A Required (internal) = 0.181
203 = 0.5*3.068*0.118*1 + 1*0.216*0.118*1*(1-1)
206 Ae = 0.5*(d*trE*1 + 2*tn*trE*1*(1-frone)) = 0.5*(3.068*0*1 + 2*0.216*0*1*(1-1)) A Required (external) = 0.000
209 A1 = max(d, 2*(t+tn)) * (E1*t-F*tr)-2*tn*(E1*t-F*tr)*(1-fr1) A1 = 0.691
210 = max(3.068, 2*(0.343+0.216)) * (1*0.343-1*0.118)-2*0.216*(1*0.343-1*0.118)*(1-1)
213 A1e = max(d, 2*(t+tn)) * (Eone*t-F*trE)-2*tn*(Eone*t-F*trE)*(1-frone) A1e = 1.052
214 = max(3.068, 2*(0.343+0.216)) * (1*0.343-1*0)-2*0.216*(1*0.343-1*0)*(1-1)
219 A2 = min((tn-trnR)*fr2*Min(5*t,2*L) , (tn-trnR)*fr2*Min(5*tn,2*L)) A2 = 0.204
220 = min((0.216-0.027)*1*Min(5*0.343,2*2) , (0.216-0.027)*1*Min(5*0.216,2*2))
224 A2e = min((tn-trnE)*frtwo*Min(5*t,2*L) , (tn-trnE)*frtwo*Min(5*tn,2*L)) A2e = 0.233
225 = min((0.216-0)*1*Min(5*0.343,2*2) , (0.216-0)*1*Min(5*0.216,2*2))
234 A41 = Leg41^2*frTwo = 0.25^2*1 A41 = 0.063 0.063
243 Actual Area = 0.958 1.348
Acceptable Actual-Required = 0.777 1.348
325 Tstd = Standard pipe wall thickness from chart Tstd = 0.216
326 Swre = tr * Pa / P = 0.118 * 0 / 100.65 Req. Exterior pressure Swre = 0.000
327 Nact = Nt * (1-UTp) = 0.216 * (1-0.125) Actual Wall Thick. Nact = 0.189
328 Tt = 0.8/Nth = 0.8/0 Ug-31(c)(2) threads Tt = 0.000
329 UG-45 Acceptable
330 UG45 = Max(UG45a, UG45b) <= Nact = Max(0.027, 0.118) <= 0.189 UG45 = 0.118
331 UG45a = Max(trn,trnE) + Nca + Tt = Max(0.027,0) + 0 + 0 UG45a = 0.027
332 UB45b = Min(UG45b,UG45b4) 0.117761 = Min(0.118, 0.189) UB45b = 0.118
333 UG45b1 = Max(tr + Sca, Tmin16b + Sca) = Max(0.118 + 0, 0.063 + 0) UG45b1 = 0.118
334 UG45b2 = Max(Swre + Sca,Tmin + Sca) = Max(0 + 0,0.063 + 0) UG45b2 =
335 UG45b3 = Max(UG45b1,UG45b2) = Max(0.118,) UG45b3 = 0.118
336 UG45b4 = Tstd*0.875 + Nca = 0.216*0.875 + 0 UG45b4 = 0.189
18 Flanges ver 2.38 ASME VIII div 1 2004 Edition No Addenda 26-May-05 Page 8 of 16

20 Tank <- Vessel

21 Inlet and Outlet Flanges A&B <- Description

23 Dimensions and Conditions:

24 7.500 <- A - flange OD
25 3.500 <- B - ID, uncorroded
31 1.750 <- t, flange thickness
32 0.216 <- tn, nozzle wall thickness
34 0.027 <- treq - required nozzle wall
43 0.000 <- Corr - corrosion allowance
44 100.6 <- P, internal operating pressure Leg3
0.0 <- Pe, external operating pressure Leg1

47 5.000 <- GOD - gasket OD

48 3.500 <- GID - gasket ID 1
49 0.50 <- m - gasket factor 3
50 0 <- gy - gasket factor y

52 6.000 <- varC - bolt circle dia

53 0.625 <- BoltOD, bolt size
54 4.0 <- Nbolt, number of bolts
55 0.250 <- Leg1
57 0.216 <- Leg3
61 0.216 <- Setback

64 Material Properties:
65 SB-209 6061-T651 <- Flange Material
66 5,900 <- Sf - allowable flange stress at DESIGN temp.
67 5,900 <- Sfa - Allowable Flange Stress at ASSEMBLY temp.
72 SA-193 B7 <- Bolting Material
73 25,000 <- Sb - allowable bolt stress at DESIGN temp
74 25,000 <- Sba - allowable bolt stress at ASSEMBLY temp

76 Geometry Constraints:
81 tx = max(1/4,2*treq) = max(1/4,2*0.027) tx = 0.250
85 WeldC = min(0.25,min(tn,tx)) = min(0.25,min(0.216,0.25)) WeldC = 0.216
89 Min Throat = 0.7*WeldC = 0.7*0.216 mtc = 0.151
90 Throat Leg 1 = 0.7*Leg1 >= mtc = 0.7*0.25 >= 0.151 Acceptable tL1 = 0.175
92 Throat Leg 3 = 0.7*Leg3 >= mtc = 0.7*0.216 >= 0.151 Acceptable tL3 = 0.151
96 Max Setback = WeldC + 1/4 = 0.216 + 0.25 Acceptable mSet = 0.466
97 Std nut width across corners NutG = 1.083
98 Nut Clearance = varC/2-B/2-Leg1-NutG/2 > 0 Nut Clearance = 0.4585
99 = 6/2-3.5/2-0.25-1.083/2 Acceptable
111 Calculated Dimensions:
122 B = B+2*corr = 3.5+2*0 Corroded ID B= 3.500
130 varN = (GOD-GID)/2 = (5-3.5)/2 Gasket Width in Contact varN = 0.750
131 b0 = varN / 2 = 0.75 / 2 gasket seating width b0 = 0.375
132 varb = min(Sqrt(b0)/2,b0) = min(Sqrt(0.375)/2,0.375) eff seating width varb = 0.306
133 varG = max(GOD-2*varb,(GOD-GID)/2 + GID) gasket load reaction diameter varG = 4.388
134 = max(5-2*0.306,(5-3.5)/2 + 3.5)

146 Bolt Loads (VIII App 2-5):

147 H = 0.785*varG^2*P = 0.785*4.388^2*100.65 end load H= 1,521
148 He = 0.785*varG^2*Pe = 0.785*4.388^2*0 end load external pressure He = 0
149 HP = 2*varb*3.14*varG*m*P = 2*0.306*3.14*4.388*0.5*100.65 contact load HP = 425
154 HD = pi/4 * B^2 * P = pi/4 * 3.5^2 * 100.65 end load HD = 968
155 HDe = pi/4 * B^2 * Pe = pi/4 * 3.5^2 * 0 end load external pressure HDe = 0
158 HT = H - HD = 1521 - 968 face load HT = 553
159 HTe = He - Hde =0-0 HTe = 0
161 Wm1 = H + HP = 1521 + 425 bolt load Wm1 = 1,946
162 Wm2 = pi*varb*varG*gy = pi*0.306*4.388*0 seating load Wm2 = 0
167 Am = max(Wm1/Sb, Wm2/Sa) = max(1946/25000, 0/25000) req bolt area Am = 0.078
168 Ab = Root*Nbolt = 0.208*4 5/8-11 UNC 2A Acceptable Ab = 0.832
169 excess = Ab-Am = 0.832-0.078 Excess bolt area excess = 0.754
173 Tank Inlet and Outlet Flanges A&B 26-May-05 Page 9 of 16

175 Flange Loads - lbs - (app 2-5):

176 W = (Am + Ab)*Sba/2 = (0.078 + 0.832)*25000/2 seating conditions W = 11,373
177 HG = Wm1 - H = 1946 - 1521 operating conditions HG = 425
179 Flange Moment Arms - inch - (Table App 2-6 - loose flanges):
195 mhD = (varC-B)/2 = (6-3.5)/2 end pressure mhD = 1.250
196 mhT = (mhD+mhG)/2 = (1.25+0.806)/2 face pressure mhT = 1.028
197 mhG = (varC-varG)/2 = (6-4.388)/2 gasket load mhG = 0.806

206 Flange Moments - inch*lbs - (App 2-6):

207 MD = HD * mhD = 968 * 1.25 end pressure MD = 1,210
208 MT = HT * mhT = 553 * 1.028 face pressure MT = 568
209 MG = HG * mhG = 425 * 0.806 gasket load MG = 342
214 Mo1i = MD+MT+MG = 1210 + 568 + 342 total operating Mo1i = 2,121
215 Mo1e = Hde*(mhD-mhG)+Hte*(mhT-mhG) total operating external pressure Mo1e = 0.000
216 = 0*(1.25-0.806)+0*(1.028-0.806)
217 Mo1 = Max(Mo1i,Mo1e) = Max(2120.949,0) Mo1 = 2,121
219 Mo2 = W*(varC-varG)/2 = 11373*(6-4.388)/2 total seating Mo2 = 9,169

242 Graph app 2-7.1 Value of Y

255 K = A/B = 7.5/3.5 K = 2.143
260 Y = (1/(K-1))*(0.66845+5.71690*(K^2*Log(K))/(K^2-1)) Figure 2.7-1 Y = 2.702

284 Flange Seating Stress (app 2-7):

302 STs = Y*ABS(Mo2) / (t^2*B) = 2.702*ABS(9169) / (1.75^2*3.5) STs = 2,311
305 SBs = Wm2 / Ab = 0 / 0.832 SBs = 0

309 Flange Operating Stress (app 2-7):

321 STo = y*ABS(Mo1) / (t^2*B) = 2.702*ABS(2121) / (1.75^2*3.5) STo = 535
325 SBo = Wm1 / Ab = 1946 / 0.832 SBo = 2,338

329 Allowed Stress (App2-8): Seating Allowed Operating Allowed

334 ST <= Sfa or Sf 2,311 5,900 535 5,900 Tan Flange Acceptable
336 SB <= Sba or Sb 0 25,000 2,338 25,000 Bolting Acceptable



15 Coupling ver 2.11 UW16.2L 26-May-05 Page 10 of 16
16 ASME Code VIII Div I 2004 Edition No Addenda
22 Tank <- Vessel
Coupling D <- Description
20 Shell:
21 SB-210 6061-T6 <- Shell material POD
22 5,900 <- Sv, Allowable Stress Level (psi) Outside
23 0.216 <- t, Shell Wall Thick (inch)
24 0.027 <- tMin, Min Required Wall at E=1 (inch) F1
25 0.000 <- Corr, Corrosion Allowance (inch)
26 0.540 <- D, Shell Opening Diameter (inch)
27 1.561 <- ID, Shell Inside Diameter (inch) t1 t
28 100.6 <- P,design Pressure (psi)
D Inside Vessel
30 Coupling:
31 1/4 inch 3000# <- Coupling
32 SB-247 6061-T6 <- Coupling Material UW-16.2 (L)
33 5,900 <- Sn, Allowable Stress Level (Sn)
35 0.2500 <- F1, Weld Size
37 0.063 <- tmin16b, Min allowed wall per UG-16(b)
38 0.000 <- Corrc, Coupling Corrosion Allowance (inch)
39 0.750 <- COD - Coupling OD
40 0.540 <- POD - Pipe OD
42 18.000 <- n, Treads Per Inch
44 0.119 <- pt, Corresponding sch160 Wall Thickness (inch)
45 0.088 <- tstd, Standard Pipe Wall Thickness (inch)
46 12.5% <- UT, Under Tolerence (%)

48 Geometry Restrictions UW-16 (f)(3)(a)(1),(2),(3)

56 t1 = 0.7*F1 = 0.7*0.25 t1 = 0.175
57 UW-16(f)(3)(a)(3) t1 req = Max(trn,ug45) <= t1 = Max(0.004,0.063) < 0.175 Acceptable
70 UW-16(f)(3)(a) POD <= 3.5 = 0.54 <= 3.5 Acceptable
71 UW-16(f)(3)(a)(1) t <= 0.375 = 0.216 <= 0.375 Acceptable
72 UW-16(f)(3)(a)(2) D <= POD + 0.75 = 0.54 <= 0.54 + 0.75 Acceptable
73 UW-16(f)(3)(a)(2) D <= ID/2 = 0.54 <= 1.561/2 Acceptable

75 Required Coupling Wall Thickness UG-44(c), B16.11 - 2.1.1 and UG-31(c)(2)

76 Ro = POD/2-0.8/n = 0.54/2-0.8/18 Ro = 0.226
77 tp = (1-UT)*pt-Corrc-0.8/n = (1-0.125)*0.119-0-0.8/18 tp = 0.060
78 Min Thick = P*Ro/(Sn*1+0.4*P) = 101*0.226/(5900*1+0.4*100.65) trn = 0.004
79 Acceptable
80 Pressure Weld Stress UW-18(d) - Pressure Load only UW-16(f)(3)(a)(3)(b)
81 Load = COD^2*(PI()/4)*P = 0.75^2*(PI()/4)*100.65 Load = 44
82 Weld Area = pi()*((COD+F1)^2-COD^2)/4 Weld Area = 0.344
83 = pi()*((0.75+0.25)^2-0.75^2)/4
88 Max Stress = Min(Sn,Sv) * 0.55 = Min(5900,5900) * 0.55 Max Stress = 3245
89 Weld Stress = Load / Area = 44 / 0.344 Weld Stress = 129
90 Acceptable
95 UG-45
96 Tstd = Standard pipe wall thickness from chart Tstd = 0.088
97 Nact = Pt * (1-UT) Actual Wall Thick. Nact = 0.104
98 Tt = 0.8/n Ug-31(c)(2) threads Tt = 0.044
99 UG45 = Max(UG45a, UG45b) <= Nact UG45 = 0.063
100 = Max(0.048, 0.063) <= 0.104 Acceptable
101 UG45a = trn + corrc + Tt UG45a = 0.048
102 0.004 + 0 + 0.044
103 UB45b = Min(UG45b1, UG45b4) UB45b = 0.063
104 = Min(0.063, 0.077)
105 UG45b1 = Max(tmin+ CORRC, Tmin16b + CORRC) UG45b1 = 0.063
106 = Max(0.027 + 0, 0.063 + 0)
107 UG45b4 = Tstd*0.875 + corrc = 0.088*0.875 + 0 UG45b4 = 0.077

15 Coupling ver 2.11 UW16.2L 26-May-05 Page 11 of 16
16 ASME Code VIII Div I 2004 Edition No Addenda
22 Tank <- Vessel
Coupling E In Shell <- Description
20 Shell:
21 SB-209 6061-T651 <- Shell material POD
22 5,900 <- Sv, Allowable Stress Level (psi) Outside
23 0.375 <- t, Shell Wall Thick (inch)
24 0.131 <- tMin, Min Required Wall at E=1 (inch) F1
25 0.000 <- Corr, Corrosion Allowance (inch)
26 1.500 <- D, Shell Opening Diameter (inch)
27 15.250 <- ID, Shell Inside Diameter (inch) t1 t
28 100.6 <- P,design Pressure (psi)
D Inside Vessel
30 Coupling:
31 3/4 inch 3000# <- Coupling
32 SB-247 6061-T6 <- Coupling Material UW-16.2 (L)
33 5,900 <- Sn, Allowable Stress Level (Sn)
35 0.2500 <- F1, Weld Size
37 0.063 <- tmin16b, Min allowed wall per UG-16(b)
38 0.000 <- Corrc, Coupling Corrosion Allowance (inch)
39 1.380 <- COD - Coupling OD
40 1.050 <- POD - Pipe OD
42 14.000 <- n, Treads Per Inch
44 0.219 <- pt, Corresponding sch160 Wall Thickness (inch)
45 0.113 <- tstd, Standard Pipe Wall Thickness (inch)
46 12.5% <- UT, Under Tolerence (%)

48 Geometry Restrictions UW-16 (f)(3)(a)(1),(2),(3)

56 t1 = 0.7*F1 = 0.7*0.25 t1 = 0.175
57 UW-16(f)(3)(a)(3) t1 req = Max(trn,ug45) <= t1 = Max(0.008,0.099) < 0.175 Acceptable
70 UW-16(f)(3)(a) POD <= 3.5 = 1.05 <= 3.5 Acceptable
71 UW-16(f)(3)(a)(1) t <= 0.375 = 0.375 <= 0.375 Acceptable
72 UW-16(f)(3)(a)(2) D <= POD + 0.75 = 1.5 <= 1.05 + 0.75 Acceptable
73 UW-16(f)(3)(a)(2) D <= ID/2 = 1.5 <= 15.25/2 Acceptable

75 Required Coupling Wall Thickness UG-44(c), B16.11 - 2.1.1 and UG-31(c)(2)

76 Ro = POD/2-0.8/n = 1.05/2-0.8/14 Ro = 0.468
77 tp = (1-UT)*pt-Corrc-0.8/n = (1-0.125)*0.219-0-0.8/14 tp = 0.134
78 Min Thick = P*Ro/(Sn*1+0.4*P) = 101*0.468/(5900*1+0.4*100.65) trn = 0.008
79 Acceptable
80 Pressure Weld Stress UW-18(d) - Pressure Load only UW-16(f)(3)(a)(3)(b)
81 Load = COD^2*(PI()/4)*P = 1.38^2*(PI()/4)*100.65 Load = 151
82 Weld Area = pi()*((COD+F1)^2-COD^2)/4 Weld Area = 0.591
83 = pi()*((1.38+0.25)^2-1.38^2)/4
88 Max Stress = Min(Sn,Sv) * 0.55 = Min(5900,5900) * 0.55 Max Stress = 3245
89 Weld Stress = Load / Area = 151 / 0.591 Weld Stress = 255
90 Acceptable
95 UG-45
96 Tstd = Standard pipe wall thickness from chart Tstd = 0.113
97 Nact = Pt * (1-UT) Actual Wall Thick. Nact = 0.192
98 Tt = 0.8/n Ug-31(c)(2) threads Tt = 0.057
99 UG45 = Max(UG45a, UG45b) <= Nact UG45 = 0.099
100 = Max(0.065, 0.099) <= 0.192 Acceptable
101 UG45a = trn + corrc + Tt UG45a = 0.065
102 0.008 + 0 + 0.057
103 UB45b = Min(UG45b1, UG45b4) UB45b = 0.099
104 = Min(0.131, 0.099)
105 UG45b1 = Max(tmin+ CORRC, Tmin16b + CORRC) UG45b1 = 0.131
106 = Max(0.131 + 0, 0.063 + 0)
107 UG45b4 = Tstd*0.875 + corrc = 0.113*0.875 + 0 UG45b4 = 0.099

14 Appendix Y Flange ver 2.02 cl1-cat3 26-May-05 Page 12 of 16
15 ASME VIII Division I 2004 Edition No Addenda
17 Tank <- Vessel
18 Body Flange <- Description A

20 Dimensions: C
21 20.000 <- A - Flange OD G
22 16.000 <- B - Flange ID B
25 1.250 <- t or tIL
26 0.000 <- ts - thickness of spacer
39 0.000 <- Corr - Corrosion Allowance
40 100.6 <- P, Operating Pressure

43 18.500 <- C - Bolt Circle Dia

44 0.625 <- Bolt Size
45 0.750 <- D - Bolt Hole Size
46 0.207 <- Root - Bolt Root Area
24.000 <- Number of bolts


50 17.300 <- GOD - Gasket OD

51 16.700 <- GID - Gasket ID

53 Material Properties (no cast iron materials):

54 SB-209 6061-T651 <- Flange Material
55 5,900 <- Sf - Allowable Flange Stress App. Y Class 1 Flange
56 9,600,000 <- Ef - Flange Modulus (also EI)
60 SA-193 B7 <- Bolting Material
61 25,000 <- Sa - Allowable Bolt Stress at Atmospheric Temp
62 25,000 <- Sb - Allowable Bolt Stress at Design Temp
63 29,000,000 <- Eb - Bolting Modulus

69 Calculated Dimensions:
72 Corroded flange ID [Bcorr] = B + 2*Corr = 16.000
73 Gasket Load Reaction Diameter [G] = (GOD+GID)/2 = 17.000
77 Shape Factor [aS] = (A + C)/(2*B1) = 1.203
78 B1 = B (loose flange) [BOne] =B = 16.000

85 Flange Moment Arms : inch

86 gasket load hG = (C-G)/2 = ( 18.5 - 17)/2 = 0.750
87 face pressure hT = (hD + hG)/2 = (1.25 + 0.75)/2 = 1.000
88 end pressure hD = (C-B)/2 = (18.5-16)/2 = 1.250
101 Appendix Y Flange ver 2.02 26-May-05 Page 13 of 16
102 Flange Loads :
103 end load HD = 0.785 * B^2 * P = 0.785 * 16^2 * 100.64965 = 20,227
106 end load H = 0.785*G^2*P = 0.785 * 17^2 * 100.64965 = 22,834
107 face load HT = H - Hd = 22834 - 20227 = 2,607

109 Flange Moments (inch -lb) (app 2-6): inch*lbs

111 end pressure MD = HD * hD = 20226.554 * 1.25 = 25283
112 face pressure MT = HT * hT = 2607.329 * 1 = 2607
113 gasket load MG = HG * hG = 0 * 0.75 = 0
114 total operating MP = MD + MT + MG = 25283 + 2607 + 0 = 27891

117 Variables
118 Hg = 0 = 0.000
120 re = Ef/Eb = 9600000/29000000 = 3.021
121 hCmax = (A-varC)/2 = (20-18.5)/2 = 0.750
129 l= 2*t+ts+0.5*boltod = 2*1.25+0+0.5*0.625 = 2.813
135 F' = 0 0 = 0.000
144 Ab = Root*n = 0.207 * 24 = 4.970

146 C Factors
147 hC = hCmax = (20-18.5)/2 = 0.750
148 Beta = (varC+ BOne)/(2*BOne) = (18.5+ 16)/(2*16) = 1.078
149 AR = (n*D)/(Pi()*varC) = (24*0.75)/(Pi()*18.5) = 0.310
150 rB = (1/n)*(4/(sqrt(1-AR^2))*atan(sqrt((1+AR)/(1-AR)))-Pi()-2*AR) = 0.009
151 = (1/24)*(4/(sqrt(1-0.31^2)*atan(sqrt((1+0.31)/(1-0.31))-Pi()-2*0.31)
152 Js = (1/BOne)*(2*hD/Beta+hC/aS)+Pi()*rB = 0.211
153 = (1/16)*(2*1.25/1.078+0.75/1.203)+Pi()*0.009
154 Jp = (1/BOne)*(smallhD/Beta+hC/aS)+Pi()*rB = 0.138
155 = (1/16)*(2*1.25/1.078+0.75/1.203)+Pi()*0.009
177 Ms = (Jp*Fp*Mp)/(t^3+Js*Fp) Ms = 0
178 = (0.138*0*27890.521)/(1.25^3+0.211*0)
179 EThetaB = 5.46/(pi()*t^3)*(Js*Ms+Jp*Mp) EThetaB = 3,433
180 = 5.46/(pi()*1.25^3)*(0.211*0+0*27891)
181 HC = (Mp + Ms)/hc = (27891 + 0)/0.75 HC = 37,187
184 Wm1 = H + Hg + Hc = 22834 + 0 + 37187 Wm1 = 60,021
185 SigmaB = Wm1/Ab =60021/4.97 Acceptable SigmaB = 12,078
186 Si = SigmaB-(1.159*hC^2*(Mp+Ms))/(aS*t^3*l*re*BOne) Acceptable Si = 12,021
187 = 12078-(1.159*0.75^2*(27891+0))/(1*1.25^3*2.813*3.021*16)
188 Sr = (6*(Mp + Ms))/(t^2*(Pi()*varC-n*D)) Acceptable Sr = 2,670
189 = (6*(27891 + 0))/(1.25^2*(Pi()*18.5-24*0.75))
194 Sr = 0 Acceptable Sr = 0
199 St = t*EThetaB/BOne =1.25*3433/16 Acceptable St = 268
204 Sh = 0 Acceptable Sh = 0
Vessel Weight and Volume ver. 1.1 26-May-05 Page 14 of 16
Tank <- Vessel

1.00 <- Fluid Specific Gravity
0.46 <- Head each (cuft) 0.92 2 heads
4.93 <- Shell (cuft) 4.93
5.85 <- cuft
36.45 <- Imp Gallons
43.77 <- US Gallons
365 <- fluid wt 365

14 <- Head (ea, lbs) 27.4 2 heads
77 <- Shell 76.9
200 <- Misc 200
304 <- lbs 304
Total 669 lbs
1 Zick Analysis - Unstiffened Vessel ver 1.03 26-May-05 Page 15 of 16
2 L.P. Zick - 1951

4 Tank <- Vessel

5 Saddle <- Description

7 44.000 <- L - Length (inch)

8 8.000 <- R - Radius of Shell (inch)
9 6.500 <- H - depth of Head b
10 120.000 <- Theta - Saddle Contact Angleº
11 0.375 <- b - Saddle Width (inch)
12 7.000 <- A - Overhang (inch)
13 0.375 <- ts - Nominal Shell Thickness (inch)
14 0.343 <- th - Nominal Head Thickness (inch)

16 335 <- Q, Load on one saddle (lbs)

17 101 <- P, Design Pressure, (psi)
18 SB-209 6061-T651 <- Shell Material
19 5,900 <- Sa, Allowable Shell Stress (psi)
20 32,000 <- Sy, Yield Point (psi)
21 9,830 <- Comp Limit for Shell, psi
22 0.70 <- E, Circ Joint Efficiency

24 K Factors - From Charts

25 K1 = 0.335 K4 = 0.880 K5 = 0.401 K7 = 0.760
26 K2 = 1.171 K3 = 0.319 K6 = 0.044 K8 = 0.603

28 Stress - Longitudinal Bending - Tension

29 S1a top saddle = ((Q*A)(K1*Rvar^2*ts))*(*(1-(1-A/L+(Rvar^2-H^2)/(2*A*L))/(1+(4*H)/(3*L)))) S1a = 78
30 = (334.5*7/(0.335*8^2*0.375))*(1-(1-7/44+(8^2-6.5^2)/(2*7*44)/(1+(4*6.5)/(3*44)
31 S1b bot. saddle = ((Q*A)(K8*Rvar^2*ts))*(*(1-(1-A/L+(Rvar^2-H^2)/(2*A*L))/(1+(4*H)/(3*L)))) S1b = 43
32 = (334.5*7/(0.603*8^2*0.375))*(1-(1-7/44+(8^2-6.5^2)/(2*7*44)/(1+(4*6.5)/(3*44)
33 S1c midspan = ((Q*L/4)/(Pi()*Rvar^2*ts))*(1+(2*(Rvar^2-H^2)/L^2/(1+(4*H)/(3*L))-(4*A/L)) S1c = 19
34 = ((334.5*44/4)/(3.14*8^2*0.375))*(1+(2*(8^2-6.5^2)/44^2/(1+(4*6.5)/(3*44))-(4*7/44))
35 S1max = Max(S1a, S1b, S1c) = Max(78, 43, 19) S1max = 78
36 S1from Press. = P*R/(2*ts) = 100.64965*8/(2*0.375) S1p = 1,074
37 S1total = S1max + S1p = 78 + 1074 S1total = 1,152
38 S1Limit = Sa * E = 5900 * 0.7 S1Limit = 4,130
39 Acceptable
40 Stress - Longitudinal Bending - Compression
41 A = 0.125/(R/t) = 0.125/(8/0.375) A = 0.00586
42 Max Comp = max(S1b, S1c) = Max(43, 19) Max Comp = 43
43 Comp Limit = 9,830
44 Acceptable
45 Stress - Tangential Shear - Shell
46 S2a in Shell = ((K2*Q)/(R*ts))*((L-2*A)/(L+4/3*H) S2a = 74
47 = ((1.171*334.5)/(8*0.375))*((44-2*7/(44+4/3*6.5)
48 S2b in Shell = ((K3*Q)/(R*ts))*((L-2*A)/(L+4/3*H) S2b = 20
49 = ((0.319*334.5)/(8*0.375))*((44-2*7/(44+4/3*6.5)
50 S2c in Shell = (K4*Q)/(R*ts) = (0.88*334.5)/(8*0.375) S2c = 98
51 S2d in Head = (K4*Q)/(R*th) = (0.88*334.5)/(8*0.343) S2d = 107
52 S2e (A>R/2) = max(S2a, S2b) = max(74, 20) S2e = 74
53 S2f (A<=R/2) = max(S2c, S2d) = max(98, 107) S2f = 107
54 S2 = Use S2e S2 = 74
55 S2 limit = 0.8*Sa = 0.8*5900 S2 limit = 4,720
56 Acceptable
60 Tank Saddle 26-May-05 Page 16 of 16

67 Stress - Circumferential Bending - Saddle Horn

68 S4a (L >= 8R) = (Q/(4*ts*(b+1.56*sqrt(R*ts))))-((3*K6*Q)/(2*ts^2)) S4a = 84
69 = (334.5/(4*0.375*(0.375+1.56*sqrt(8*0.375))))-((3*0.044*334.5)/(2*0.375^2))
70 S4b (L < 8R) = (Q/(4*ts*(b+1.56*sqrt(R*ts))))-((12*K6*Q*Rvar)/(2*L*ts^2)) S4b = 42
71 = (334.5/(4*0.375*(0.375+1.56*sqrt(8*0.375))))-((12*0.044*334.5*8)/(2*44*0.375^2))
72 S4 = Use S4b S4 = 42
73 S4 limit = 1.5*Sa = 1.5*5900 S4 limit = 8,850
74 Acceptable
75 Stress - Circumferential Bending - Bottom of Shell
76 S5 = Q*K7/(ts*(b+1.56*sqrt(R*ts))) S5 = 220
77 = (334.5*0.76)/(0.375*(0.375+1.56*SQRT(8*0.375)))
78 S5 limit = 0.5*Sy = 0.5*Sy S5 limit = 16,000
79 Acceptable


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