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Root Chakra

The root chakra is the first chakra. Its energy is based on the earth element. Its
associated with the feeling of safety and grounding. Its at the base of the chakra
system and lays the foundation for expansion in your life.
Root chakra location
The first chakra or root chakra is located at the base of the spine. The corresponding
body locations are the perineum, along the first three vertebrae, at the pelvic plexus.
This chakra is often represented as a cone of energy stating at the base of the spine
and going downward and then slight bent up.
Behavioral characteristics of the root chakra
The first chakra is associated with the following functions or behavioral
Security, safety
Basic needs (food, sleep, shelter, self-preservation, etc.)
Physicality, physical identity and aspects of self
Support and foundation for living our lives
The root chakra provides the foundation on which we build our life. It supports us in
growing and feeling safe into exploring all the aspects of life. It is related to our
feeling of safety and security, whether its physical or regarding our bodily needs or
metaphorical regarding housing and financial safety. To sum it up, the first chakra
questions are around the idea of survival and safety.

The root chakra is where we ground ourselves into the earth and anchor our energy
into the manifest world.

Root chakra imbalance and its effect

At the emotional level, the deficiencies or imbalance in the first chakra are related to:
Excessive negativity, cynicism
Eating disorders
Greed, avarice
Excessive feeling of insecurity, living on survival mode constantly
For a person who has imbalance in the first chakra, it might be hard to feel safe in the
world and everything looks like a potential risk. The desire for security dominates and
can translate into concerns over the job situation, physical safety, shelter, health.
Ablocked root chakra may turn into behaviors ruled mainly by fear.
On the same line, when the root chakra is overactive, fear might turn into greed and
paranoia, which are extreme forms of manifestation of imbalance in the first chakra.
Issues with control over food intake and diet are related to it.
Opening the root chakra

There are many ways to open your root chakra. For example, you can engage more
in grounding and earth-related activities (for example, connection with nature,
gardening, cooking healthy, hiking).
The main idea is to work at growing your roots in a safe and comfortable
environment (i.e., surround yourself with earth colors, objects reminding you of
nature, stability; or on the contrary, if you wish to feel less stuck, do the opposite).
Yoga for the root chakra can be a more physical way to bridge the body and mind
and restore a more balanced energy flow.
Root chakra meaning
The first chakra is referred to as:
Root chakra
Its sanscrit name is muladhara can signify base, foundation, root support.

The first chakra is associated with the Earth element.

Root chakra color
The typical color used to represent the root chakra is a rich vermilion red. This is the
color of its petals. Traditionally, it is also associated with the color yellow or gold (this
is the color of its element as opposed to its petals).
Root chakra symbol

The symbol of the root chakra is composed of a four-petaled lotus flower, often
stylized as a circle with four petals with a downward-pointing triangle.
The downward-pointing triangle is a symbol of spirit connecting with matter,
grounding on the earth and our earthly existence, in our bodies. Its seen as the
center of our vital life force and is the seat where kundalini stays coiled, dormant,
until is wakes up to distribute its energy through all the other chakras.

How to open your root chakra

The root chakra is the grounding chakra and home to your primal energy. Located at
the base of the spine, the root chakra is the energy center that is associated with
your most basic survival needs.
The first chakra governs the bladder, kidneys, lower extremities, and spine. When
there is an imbalance, you can experience physical symptoms that include:
weight issues
back pain
Emotionally speaking, when the first chakra is in need of healing, you may find youre
short-tempered and unusually aggressive. Other signs you need to open up the root
chakra are:

poor decision making
Symbolized by the color red, the root chakra fosters confidence and security when it
is opened and balanced. However, when it is in need of healing, there are several
simple exercises and steps you can take to restore balance.

When youre feeling less than grounded stand with your feet shoulder-width apart
and relax your upper body. Let your arms rest comfortably at your sides and allow
your hips to rest slightly forward. Breathe deeply and with each exhale feel your
connection to the earth deepen.
Rinse Off
Simply taking a shower can help cleanse and balance the root chakra. Be aware of
your physical body as you bathe, Mindful awareness is a tremendous tool for healing
the first chakra.
Get Moving
Everyday physical movement, from running to completing chores around the house,
is a great way to heal your root chakra. The key is to be aware of your body and feel
the sensation of movement. Awareness is crucial to healing.

Mindful Walking
Whether you are walking out in nature or down a crowded city street, be aware of
every step you take. Concentrate on your breath and every footfall. With every step
take note of the sensation you feel each time your foot touches the ground.
Mindfulness of something as mundane as walking can activate the root chakra and
ground you to the earth.

Visualize Red
Wearing the color red or incorporating it into the decor of your home environment or
workspace is a gentle reminder to be aware of the primal, core energy of your root
chakra. You can even take this one step further by visualizing, or meditating on, the
color red. For instance, take a few seconds or even a few minutes to visualize a
radiant, red ball of energy at the base of your spine. See it brighten and radiate
downward as it illuminates your lower extremities and grounds you.
Strike a Pose
Dancing is a great way to open up your root chakra. Whether you dance in public or
behind closed doors, the key is to let the rhythm guide you. Allowing the body to be
free to move uninhibited will dispel negativity, open and balance the first chakra.
Stretch and Dont Forget to Breathe
Adopting a regular yoga routine is another great tool to open up, heal, and balance
the root chakra. Introducing simple forward bends and standing positions can help
stretch your legs, back and spine giving you a strong foundation. To ground yourself
and activate your root chakra, try these poses to foster balance and focus:

Tree (Vrksasana)
Eagle (Garudasana)
Mountain (Tadasana)
Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
Wide-Legged Forward Bend (Prasarita Padottanasana)

Root chakra healing

fosters proper energy flow throughout the body giving

the chakra system a firm foundation on which the other chakras may function. When
the root chakra is blocked or somehow off balance, it is not uncommon to exhibit
uncharacteristic behaviors, like paranoia, being short-tempered or aggressive.
Healing your root chakra empowers you to confidently face whatever life may bring.
In this article, youll learn about:

Understanding the root chakra

Why healing your second chakra?
Root chakra healing cheat sheet
Common symptoms addressed by root chakra healing
How to heal the root chakra

Key steps for in-depth healing of the root chakra

Useful questions to guide root chakra healing
References and quotes
Understanding The Root Chakra

The root chakra is sometimes referred to as the Muladhara chakra for its feminine
energy. Known as the seat for raw energy, known as Kundalini, the Muladhara chakra
is the first of seven chakras located at the base of the spine.
It governs the functioning of the lower part of the body, including the bladder, kidneys,
lower spine and back. Psychologically, it governs confidence and survival instincts,
like fight or flight.
Red is the widely accepted chakra color associated with the root chakra. According to
energy healers, the root chakra may also be associated with the colors brown, black,
and gray.
Why Healing The Root Chakra?
When the root chakra is functioning optimally, you feel grounded, secure, and at ease
with the world. But when this chakra is imbalanced or blocked several signs can
manifest, from constipation to back pain and fatigue.
Additional physical and psychological signs can include:

Feelings of insecurity
Sexual dysfunction
Eating disorders

Common Symptoms Addressed By Root Chakra Healing

1. Being constantly challenged in getting your primary needs met
Having enough money to get food or pay this months bills, having stable housing If
getting these basic needs met is a constant struggle for you, chances are that your
root chakra will benefit from healing work. Root chakra healing focuses on getting
you out of the detrimental cycle of behaviors and beliefs dominated by lack and
2. Looming feelings of insecurity
If your first chakra is out of balance, you will notice that it is hard for you to feel safe
in the world. This feeling of insecurity can manifest through constant worries about
finances, health, where the world is going. You might even feel paranoid about every
little thing.

Were not talking about transitory concerns associated with circumstances that
deserve your immediate attention, so you can address the issue at hand effectively.
First chakra concerns are more deeply rooted in your psyche and tend to persist over
time, acting as a lingering feeling of insecurity.
Root chakra healing consists in remedying these fears by allowing more supportive
energy to come into your life and providing a solid foundation on which you can rest.

3. Fear is your main motivating factor

If you notice that your life is based on fear, root chakra healing could help. It aims at
bringing a more balanced perspective, so your decision-making is more well-rounded
and not based exclusively on survival instinct or fight or flight responses.
First chakra preoccupations regarding survival can often spin out of control when
your support system and resources are not strong enough. By working at reinforcing
your foundations and rooting yourself in stronger perceptions of safety, your can gain
a greater awareness of your real needs and aspirations, and what needs to be done
in order to fulfill them.
Key steps for in-depth healing of the root chakra
1. Anchoring yourself in your environment
Root chakra preoccupations relate to feeling safe in the world. Developing a
harmonious relationship with your environment is key in fostering safety. How you
feel in your immediate surroundings, from your home to your neighborhood and
region matters in supporting the first chakra balance.
2. Connecting intimately with the earth
In order to heal root chakra imbalance, its important to connect directly to the earth.
Go outside and walk on unpaved paths, dig your hands in the earth, plant seeds
These are all examples of personal connections with the earth element.
If you do not have access to garden, walking outside to a park and pay attention to
every step you make, feeling the contact of your feet to the ground. Make it a daily
practice. The presence of plants in your immediate surrounding can also be helpful to
bring the earth closer to you. Another way to connect with this elemental energy is to
imagine grounding yourself deep into the earth by visualizing a grounding cord made
a burgundy red light, uniting your root chakra to the center of the earth.
3. Physical activity promotes root chakra health
Lets face it, the root chakra governs the quality of our physical presence and feeling
of aliveness in our body. Physical activity, no matter big or small, supports root
chakra healing. Any movement involving your feet and legs will be particularly helpful.
When you feel your vital force, you connect with the strength of root chakra energy
and grounded in your life.

4. Overcoming feelings of insecurity by learning self-reliance

To counter the tendency to worry about safety and well-being, an element
characteristic of first chakra imbalance, long-lasting healing consists in reinforcing
your belief that youre OK in this world and can get what you need when you need it.
Working on self-reliance, confidence, perceptions about resourcefulness in your life
are key in healing the root chakra.
5. Discovering your true needs and aspirations
To heal the first chakra, you need to know what your true needs and aspirations are.
This generally helps guide your course of action and decisions with regards to the
place you want to live in, the work you want to do, and the people you want to
surround yourself with. Without this awareness, you have more chances to be
swayed by others opinions or circumstances, and miss the opportunity to meet your
deepest needs.
Introspection and clarity are therefore keys to healing the root chakra. This is no
small task, but with some time given to personal reflection and friendly advice, you
will get in the right direction. Pay attention to limiting beliefs about yourself, and trust
possibilities towards a better life.
6. Going from a psychology of scarcity to personal abundance
Remember that a psychology of lack and scarcity tends to self-perpetuate and
reinforces limiting beliefs about your chances of success. Healing your root chakra
aims at restoring confidence in your ability to provide for yourself and meet your
basic needs easily.
An important step in healing root chakra concerns is to re-center the notion of
material abundance on inner and non-material abundance. For instance, instead of
assessing your level of wealth just base on your bank account, consider all the other
types of riches you have in your life, from friendships to enjoyment of everyday
pleasures. In the process, you will like have to reconsider personal beliefs about
money and physical safety.
7. The root chakra and embodying the energy of manifestation
When healing the root chakra, its important to remember that the outer world is often
a reflection of what is happening inside you. Your notion about what it means to be
abundant in the material world is affected and affects your notion of inner balance
and resourcefulness. In other words, your state of being translates into your ability to
manifest in the material world.
How To Heal Your Root Chakra
Several steps may be taken to heal a blocked or imbalanced first chakra. Depending
on the severity of the blockage, you may opt to use chakra healing meditation, yoga,
or even a variety of forms of energy healing, from reiki to acupuncture and sound
therapy such as the use of chakra tuning forks.

Aromatherapy For The First Chakra

Aromatherapy is another useful tool for first chakra balancing. To heal the root
chakra, consider using flowering, earthy-scented essential oils to ground and
balance, including;
When exploring every day steps you can take to restore balance to your chakra
system, consider adding healing food to your diet.

Root Chakra Healing Foods

Just as each chakra has its own vibrational frequency, color, and function, so too are
there foods that help bolster individual chakra function.
When concentrating on the root chakra, consider adding naturally red-colored foods,
root vegetables, and animal protein such as:

rainbow chard

Root Chakra Healing Stones

The use of chakra crystals and healing stones for chakra cleansing is also common.
Healing stones vibrational frequencies can help restore balance when there is a
deficiency or excess of energy. Like the chakras, each stone has its own frequency.
Although it is common practice to choose stones of the same color as their
corresponding chakra, it isnt always necessary shades of the same color will also
work. The key is that the stone has the same vibrational frequency as its associated
When choosing red stones to heal the root chakra, some choices are red jasper,
bloodstone, red carnelian, and garnet. Other options for stones include:

Smokey quartz

Useful questions to guide first chakra healing

Do you feel you have all you need to live comfortably?

How are you doing financially? Are you constantly struggling or do you have
strong foundations?
How are your current living conditions? Do you feel supported enough?
Do you feel connected to the natural environment around you?
Do you feel threatened by looming fears about the end of the world? Or do
you trust that no matter what happens, you and your family will be OK?
How resourceful do you feel when you meet life challenges (whether they are
financial, health-related, job-related, etc.)?
Do you find yourself in situations that others deemed right for you, but do not
truly meet your deepest needs and aspirations?
Do you feel you have enough support where you live?
Are your roots strong enough to support you wherever you are?

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