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Date: ______________________ Class Period: _______

Trial Notes
The Crucible Act II

Witchy Words:
Instructions: Locate the following vocabulary words in the play and write the sentence in which the word
appears. Be sure to include a parenthetical citation (Miller 24).
Magistrate: (noun) A civil officer, like a justice of the peace, who oversees minor court cases and
preliminary hearings

Example from Text:

Pallor: (noun) Unusual or extreme paleness, as from fear, ill health, or death

Example from Text:

Daft: (adjective) Senseless, crazy, insane, or foolish

Example from Text:

Grapple: (verb) To try to overcome or deal with; to engage in a struggle

Example from Text:

Providence: (noun) The foreseeing care and guidance of God; a manifestation of divine care or

Example from Text:

The Court Report:

Level One Questions: Answer in complete sentences.
1. Describe the relationship between John and Elizabeth Proctor at the beginning of Act 2.

2. What does Mary Warren reveal to the Proctors when she returns from court?

3. What happens when Reverend Hale asks John Proctor to recite the Ten Commandments?
Beth Oualline - 2014

4. On what charge is Rebecca Nurse arrested? How might Goody Putnam be responsible for this accusation?

5. Explain the significance of the needle in the poppet.

6. What will happen to John Proctor if he tries to discredit Abigail?

Transcript Analysis
Level Two/Three Questions: Circle ONE of the following questions and respond in short answer
format. Your textual evidence should be embedded and cited.
7. Explain one theme that is being developed in Act 2. (HINT: theme refers to a universal message or life
lesson that the reader can learn from the text.) Support your answer with evidence from the text.
8. Which character can be seen as dynamic in Act 2? (HINT: remember that a dynamic character is one
who changes in some way through the story.) Explain your answer and support it with textual evidence.
9. Explain the irony in Proctor forgetting one of the Ten Commandments. (HINT: irony is the opposite of
what is expected.) Support your answer with evidence from the text.
10. Explain the significance of one symbol from Act 2. (HINT: the rabbit, the golden candlesticks, and the
poppet are all symbols because they have an additional meaning and purpose beyond the literal.) Be sure
to support your answer with evidence from the text.

Beth Oualline - 2014

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