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irect link to 15 Divine Archangels eager to grant your innermost Wishes & Desires!

Amulet has also been Spellcast with my most Powerful Wealth Drawing Spells ~ placing
you in the heavenly flow of riches, wealth & luxury! The Archangels will work hard on
your behalf, aligning the Universal forces that be so that money is funneled directly to
you! They dont just grant wealth, but allow you to build Real Financial Security! Could
you use a little extra Divine Guidance & Support right now? Have you been struggling in
certain areas? What is it you Desire? Anything you ask for will be quickly and efficiently
carried out by the appropriate Archangel! Utilize this Magick Amulet as your Gateway to
calling upon the Archangels for Assistance and Guidance whenever you need it! This
Amulet was created during months of Focused Sacred Ceremonies, aligning it with the
Vibrational Frequency of Each of these 15 Incredible Archangels!

As Lioness of God she embodies bravery, courage, focus and elegant movements and
gives us gives us courage, bravery and confidence. If you notice images of a lion or
lioness, this signals that Ariel is with you. Call upon her to boost your confidence and
courage. She is also involved in Divine Magick, which means instant manifestation of the
highest will. She will help you to attract any support you need for your lifes mission. She
is involved in divine magic, manifestation and prosperity and is especially supportive of
people who are healers, caretakers, teachers and service workers. She is devoted to nature
and protects and heals animals. She can assist you with animal communication &

Archangel Azrael supports grieving or dying people. He helps support helpers, healers
and counselors. He is patient and compassionate. Azraels primary role is to help people
cross over to heaven. Azrael surrounds you in loving white light. Ask Azrael for
assistance contacting deceased loved ones. His name means, "Whom God helps."

He who sees God Chamuels ability to see clearly helps us find positive situations and
people. Hes renowned for helping people find the career best suited to their purpose and
passion. Call upon Chamuel as your Career Counselor! He also assists in bringing
romance into your life. He can help you fall in love with your life, heal past relationship
wounds and manifest a wonderful new relationship! When you want to feel centered,
calm and peaceful, call upon him. Chamuel is the Archangel of personal and global
peace. He is very kind, loving and sweet and hell evoke a pleasant feeling of excitement

when he works with you. Know that he sees your true qualities and loves you
unconditionally. Chamuels Aura is green.

God is my Strength Gabriel is the messenger of God and the news that he bears is
significant. He announces the coming of goodness and fortune. When a phone rings with
news of support after countless days or weeks of no response, it is Gabriel that dials the
phone and speaks through the party on the other end. You might notice an increase in
emails too! He is delivering Gods gift and he is relentless in his efforts to do so. He
supports writers, journalists, authors and anyone involved with creative endeavors. He
assists parents and positively supports you through all aspects of pregnancy & childbirth.
He is incredibly purposeful but equally reserved in a very majestic and powerful way.

With her peaceful moon-like energy and presence, Haniel is a gentle and loving
Archangel who helps you recognize the true beauty of your soul, and the many blessings
in your life! Ask her for help if youre unsure about a decision. She will care for you with
nurturing Mother energy and manifest miracles through her love for you. She will help
you find and enhance your hidden talents. Haniel will help you if you want to enhance
your psychic and mystical energies by helping you to harness the Power of the Moon.
When you feel scattered or imbalanced, she will help you tune into the natural
cycles/rhythms of your body, nature and the universe, thus enabling you to feel confident,
powerful, vibrant, and alive!

Mercy of God When you call upon Archangel Jeremiel, he delivers mercy to you. He
will guide you in the most gentle and loving ways. He helps you to see a positive outlook
to any problem. What may appear as problems are actually blessings in disguise. Jeremiel
will help you to make lemonades from lemons. He assists in making transitions smooth
and harmonious. He will allow you to see problems from others points of view and to
have inner compassion for them. Jeremiel also assists with reviewing your life take
some time alone with him to review where youve been, what youve learned in your life,
what patterns youre ready to release and what steps you need to take to improve your
life. When you see sparkles of dark purple light, you will know Jeremiel is with you!

"Beauty of God" Archangel Jophiel is a beautiful, loving and caring Archangel. As the
Feng Shui Angel, she helps you clear out clutter and make your home or work
environment one of beauty and positive flowing energy! She sees beauty in everything
and everyone and inspires you to do the same. Spend more time outdoors to be close to
Jophiel. She blesses us with grace and peace in our lives. She encourages you to savor
and enjoy every moment, slow down, and appreciate lifes everyday miracles.

Prophet & Scribe, Enochs mystical text, the Book of Enoch describes his divine
journeys to Heaven to speak with God as well as visits to miraculous places such as the
Tree of Wisdom and Garden of Righteousness. Through the purification of Gods
Fire, Enoch was given wings and transformed into Archangel Metatron. Metatron is
known as the Angel of the Presence. Since hes had extensive experience as both a
human and angel, he is a magnificent intermediary between Heaven and Earth. Metatron
has a special place in his heart for all children, and especially those that are Spiritually
gifted (sometimes known as Indigo or Crystal Children). He helps newly crossed-over
children adjust to Heaven. He helps living children love themselves and teaches them
how to open their own natural spiritual gifts & understanding. His energy is strong,
focused and motivational. Hes also philosophical and can help you understand things
like other peoples motivations for action and why different situations occur. He will
assist you with parenting/children issues, recordkeeping and organization, spiritual
understanding and writing.

He who is like God Archangel Michael is committed to seeing to it that each and every
one of us reaches their full potential as intended by God. He is considered one of the
great Princes, christened as one of the greatest of all the angels and his kingdom is all
inclusive of everything on Earth. He will do all that he can to protect the path, eliminating
evil as a part of keeping the journey directed. His greatest gift to us is the energy he
transmits within us; a positive force that leaves peace, love and beauty in its aftermath.
Michael is a true spiritual Warrior; the one you should summon when the challenge seems
a bit overwhelming. Give him the pleasure of coming to your rescue. He can bless you
with love, power, strength and unwavering faith. Michael most likes to communicate with
you through your dreams. His chief role is to remove fear from your life. He can clear
spaces, thoughts, and people of any negative or lower energies.

"Friend of God" Archangel Raguel is concerned with divine order, clairsentience and
relationship harmony. He can also help you sort your feelings and understand which path
to take. Raguel is referred to as the archangel of justice, fairness and harmony. Raguel
watches over other angels to make sure they are working well together with mortals in a
harmonious and orderly fashion according to Divine order. He can be helpful for anyone
involved in a court case or legal dispute. He is helpful for resolving disputes and creating
harmony and order.

God Heals Archangel Raphael is credited with healing the earth and its inhabitants. He
is very diligent about seeing that healing centers and hospitals have all that they need in
order to perform Gods work. Those that place an emphasis on beauty, health and fitness
are directly influenced by this Archangel. He can assist you in recreating your lifestyle,
your eating habits and the way you choose to spend negative energy so that you can
breathe and create a healthier lifestyle. He can help you stay fit for the mission. Raphael
can help you heal yourself or find a healer who can help you heal. Raphael gives
guidance through your intuitions, thoughts, ideas and dreams.

Secrets of God He is the Wizard Alchemist Archangel! He brings Magickal Powers of
Clairvoyance and brings Spiritual understanding so that you may reclaim your Inner
Power. He possesses an Astonishing amount of information on all matters Secret, Arcane,
and Mysterious! He has incredible knowledge and insight! Raziel is knowledgeable in
several Mystical Arts and can reveal the Mysteries of Thoth, Hermes, Merlin the
Magician, and countless others. Call on Raziel to soul travel in your dreams. Raziel can
also help you understand esoteric spiritual ideas and apply them in practical ways. He
will bestow you with profound messages & gifts to lighten your spiritual & magickal

Archangel Sandalphon once walked upon the earth as a mortal man as the prophet Elijah.
He lived such a remarkable Spiritual life, he ascended into Archangeldom. Ask him to
help you live in integrity, with your spiritual gifts of prophecy, healing, and manifestation
fully awakened. He can help you to be kind and gentle, yet powerful. One of
Sandalphons principal roles is to deliver our prayers. He can help you allow yourself to

receiving the blessings you deserve but unknowingly may be pushing away (do not think
youre not good enough)! He is very tall ~ some consider a Giant Angel! He is associated
with music and you will feel his presence strongly when you listen to music, dance, sing
or play a musical instrument. He can help you live with integrity, bring spiritual gifts of
prophecy, allow healing, and support manifestation.

"Fire of God" In Christianity, Uriel was the Archangel who warned Noah of the
impending flood, and some believe he even stepped in to help build the ark. Uriel is the
spirit of Ministration and Peace; always saving the day. Uriel gave the cabala to man; 'the
key to the mystical interpretation of scripture'. His mission is to help you manifest
stability and relief from lifes pressures when there doesnt seem to be any. As the
Archangel of claircognizance, he can enlighten your mind with divine inspiration. If you
have repetitive thoughts or ideas that are positive, loving, and helpful, Uriel is speaking
to you. Uriel wants you to know that he will be there to illuminate each step along your
path, one at a time.

Righteousness of God" he is the Archangel of freedom, compassion and benevolence.
He can bring emotional healing in miraculous ways. He can help us remember
information, teach us new things, and access Akashic Knowledge. He is also the
Archangel of Wealth & Riches and he brings good fortune in all matters involving
competitions & games of chance. He also offers a very Strong Protection over you, your
home and all within.

This Remarkable Amulet is also a Portal to the Heavenly Realms, thereby allowing
thousands of Angels to come through to assist you! Your prayers & wishes will be
directly carried by the Angels to the Highest Source for manifestation. By welcoming this
Amulet, you are inviting not only the 15 Archangels to bless your Life, but all the other
Angels that choose to come through the Portal to help you!
Their heavenly vibrations resonate within you creating not only a sense of magick and
joy in your world but healing, restoration and empowerment. These Archangels are Pure
and Radiant Deities who will bring you peace, love and light! They will provide you with
increased wisdom, guidance, protection, wealth, profound joy & peace and a deeper
spiritual understanding.
This vesssel is a solid .925 sterling silver Amulet with Purple Copper Turquoise, blue
opal and amethyst gemstone accents. Free sterling silver chain included! You do not have
to wear it to experience their Blessings!
This Amulet is sure to be one of, if not THE, Most Cherished Magickal you will ever
own! It can be utilized by either a Man or Woman as it will automatically align with your
Personal Energies & Aura. You do not have to wear the Amulet to experience its
miraculous blessings, you can simply carry with you or keep in a special place if honor in
your home! If you do choose to wear it, be prepared for lots of attention as it naturally
captures the interest of others and draws people to you!

An Archangel will provide you with a calmness and serenity that only their divine kind
can provide. Your stress and anxieties will melt away when you wear or hold this Amulet!
You will be cradled in the warmth, love & compassion in the arms of the Angels! They
have come together for you as instruments of peace, guidance, wisdom and bring you to a
closer connection to the Angelic Realm. Archangels are able to intuitively see areas of
your life that need help or improvement for you and will bestow you with gentle
blessings in the right direction. They are beings of pure goodness and do not possess the
ability to do evil.
The True Owner of this Amulet will feel a strong magnetism towards it & know in your
heart it was intended to bless your life! It is no coincidence you are here, reading this
listing today at this point in time ~ the Archangels brought you here for a reason!

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