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How do you account for MacTemps success?

Does it have a sustainable source of

competitive advantage?
McTemps Success is due to

Highly skilled temp workers resulting in repeat business from clients

Availability of a skilled labour force which works outside of full time
Advantage of the Harvard network
Strategies of reducing labor costs adopted by corporations in 90s due to
fierce competition
A temp-centric philosophy
Timely and good service to the clients
Small group of full time employees who assigned the temporaries
Aggressively soliciting new business
It does have a sustainable source of competitive advantage as there is a good
labour market available which supplies temps. Also some temps are made
permanent which might be seen as an incentive for higher productivity by
other temps.

What actions would you recommend to strengthen MacTemps performance?

Make pay performance and market based: In a dynamic market with short
employment contracts, the price of a Temp employee in the market could be
made variable contingent to his performance in the previous contract as well
as market conditions.
Focus on specialization: MacTemps must be niche experts immersed in the
latest trends and technology
MacTemp must provide scope for continuous learning and skill up gradation
via relevant sponsored training programs
Expansion into new markets : ThoughMacTempsintendstocatertotheMacgraphics
Hiring practices must test, screen and select only the best candidates with
excellent knowledge and skills
MacTemps must hire employees with the right attitude who wish to work as
Temps as a career and not between jobs. Therefore, it must try to avoid
students and people temping to pay the rent
Ensure that the matching between clients and job seekers makes the right
candidates available to clients
Total Rewards : MacTemp already has a leading benefits program. It can
however reward loyalty among employees who have spent considerable
amount of years working with MacTemp. To increase informal ties and

relationships, impromptu social gatherings can be organized for enhanced


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