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Base Game

Three notification tones and one ringtone
Digital Original Soundtrack
The soundtrack includes 18 tracks containing a total of 57 min from the game.
Digital High-Resolution Game Map
Exclusive Coat of Arms
Adds 4 unique coat of arms to the Fatebinder s selection of personalized war banne
rs show your allegiance with either The Disfavored, Scarlet Chorus, Tunon the Ad
judicator, or Kyros the Overlord.
Short Story Collection
A rich digital collection of ten short stories from the world of Tyranny, giving
readers a deeper look at the brutal world and powerful characters that live und
er Kyros rule. Written by the creative team behind Tyranny, these stories introdu
ce several of the game s companions and key characters. This collection includes t
hree exclusive tales never seen before, alongside seven originally published on
the official Tyranny website.
Digital High-Resolution Wallpapers
Add your desktop to Kyros domain with a selection of high-quality artwork from Ty
ranny, sized for PC desktops in high resolution. The collection includes ten dif
ferent pieces from the Tyranny art team, including one signed by the developers.
Digital Collector s Guide Book
Discover the lore and secrets of Tyranny in a comprehensive world guide from aut
hor John Helfers. Explore artwork from the game alongside the stories of the peo
ple and places of the Tiers, and discover the world that Kyros has brought to he
el. Includes a foreword from Obsidian Entertainment.
Digital Art Book
Immerse yourself in the war-torn world of Tyranny in an extensive collection of
original artwork.
Overlord Edition Forum Icon (Paradox Plaza)
Exclusive Overlord Editions Forum Avatars (Paradox Plaza)
Forum Avatars (Paradox Plaza)
About This Game
In Tyranny, the grand war between good and evil is over
and the forces of evil,
led by Kyros the Overlord, have won. The Overlord s merciless armies dominate the
face of the world, and its denizens must find their new roles within the war-tor
n realm... even as discord begins to rumble among the ranks of Kyros most powerfu
l Archons.
Players will experience the new world order under the Overlord in a reactive rol
e-playing game (RPG), interacting with the populace as a powerful Fatebinder in
the Overlord s forces -- roaming the lands to inspire loyalty or fear as they brin
g control to the last holdouts of the Tiers.
Main Features:
Branching, unique stories in an original setting: The battle between good and ev
il has already taken place, and evil stands victorious
Choices matter
make world-altering decisions with far-reaching consequence: As
a Fatebinder in the Overlord s army you wield a vast amount of power in the occupi
ed lands of the Tiers. Will you use that to inspire stability and loyalty, will
you be feared, or will you seek your own power?
Challenging, classic RPG combat: Tactical real-time-with-pause combat with new p
arty-driven mechanics and modern presentation
A rich original setting: Not just another hero s journey -- Tyranny turns the archet
ypal RPG story on its head and allows players to explore a new take on good and

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