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Fartun Issaq

Math 1010
Zeph Smith
October 30,2016
Reflection for Optimization
Some examples of real-life optimization problems that could be solved using linear
programming is a chocolate factory where you have to figure out what prices to charge for the
chocolate to maximize profits so they can minmus the cost. The second example I would like to
use is a restaurant where you figure out how many customer you are going to have by buying
supplies to minimize waste. In order for the business to be successful you have find the place
where they all meet in order to maximise profits.
This relates to the real world because it involves an advertising campaign. The purpose of
advertising project is to salt their products. therefore, their business grows and they can continue
to sale products and they can provide more employment for others.
I was taught to use optimization in my edu 1020 class. The class focused on selfdiscipline in college, managing less procrastination and better time management. These strategies
helped me succeed in college classrooms.
This project helped improve other aspects in my life for example at work if enhance for
communication it will effect my job performance for example I would greet someone to
encourage them to ask whatever question they have. This is how I would apply what I learned in
this project.
Before I did this project the perspective of algebra was hard to see because I didnt know
how all the concepts had to do with real life. Now that I did the project it all about what input
determine the output.

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