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Nihongo Web Grammar Practice Sheets for Japanese 1

After completing the five Core Modules, you will take a midterm that evaluates your
ability to use the basic grammar content of JA 101. This midterm may not fall in the
middle of the course period, as the Core Modules take a little longer to complete than
the Extra Modules (6 through 20). These are the grammar points you are required to
know to successfully complete the JA 101 Nihongo Web course:

Basic verb, noun, and adjective conjugation

mashou (lets) and tai (want to ___) verb forms
Particles wa, ga, wo, ni, de, mo, to, e, no, to
Counters satsu, mai, hon, ko, tsu, hai, nin, sai
Ko-so-a-do series: kore/koko/kono/konna/kochira
Te form (for connecting verbs and kudasai)
deshou (form of desu meaning probably)

You can review these grammar points easily by going to the Grammar Index of
Nihongo Web:
If you forget the vocabulary, go to the Vocabulary Index:
A detailed explanation of verb forms can be found in the Verb Form Forum:
Here is a quick-reference chart for consonant verbs (the troublesome ones!) from the
Verb Form Forum:
Category Verb Example Te Form Conjugations (masu, te, negative plain, past plain, if, lets)
K-Group Write: Kaku


kakimasu, kaite, kakanai, kaita, kakeba, kakou

S-Group Speak: Hanasu -shite

hanashimasu, hanashite, hanasanai, hanashita, hanaseba, hanasou

N-Group Die: Shinu


shinimasu, shinde, shinanai, shinda, shineba, shinou

B-Group Play: Asobu


asobimasu, asonde, asobanai, asonda, asobeba, asobou

M-Group Drink: Nomu


nomimasu, nonde, nomanai, nonda, nomeba, nomou

T-Group Wait: Matsu


machimasu, matte, matanai, matta, mateba, matou

R-Group Make: Tsukuru -tte

tsukurimasu, tsukutte, tsukuranai, tsukutta, tsukureba, tsukurou

W-Group Buy: Kau (Kaw) -tte

kaimasu, katte, kawanai, katta, kaeba, kaou

Practice the grammar points by doing the following exercises. You can have the answer
key by requesting it from Laurie Arizumi sensei. She may assign these practice pages
to you for extra credit if needed, in which case she will grade for you.

Basic Verb Conjugations
Write the verb in the form that works best in the sentence. Write in hiragana only. Be
sure to use the basic masu forms and not direct style conjugation.
(We will eat sukiyaki today.)
(I went to the Mall yesterday.)
(I will not drink beer !)
(I didnt see that movie.)

~mashou (lets), ~mashou ka (shall we?), ~tai (want to) Forms

Remember that tai form itself is conjugated like adjectives are conjugated! Even though
it is a verb ending.
(Shall we watch TV?)
(Lets eat.)
(I want to go.)
(I wanted to go.)
(I dont want to go.)
(Lets buy [it].)
(Shall [I] do it?)

Fill in the correct particles in the (
expressed in Japanese.
1. [We] ate sushi.

2. [We] ate sushi also.

). Write in hiragana. Words in [ ] are not

3. [Hey, thats] my sushi you know.

5. It is AIKO who ate the sushi.

6. As for Aiko, [she] eats sushi.

) (

9. [We] went to the sushi party.

10. [I] ate sushi and salad.

List the function of, or translate each particle:

wo ()
ga ()
mo ()
ni or e ( or )
de () as in ohashi de tabemasu
de () as in kissaten de tabemasu
to () as in hon to zasshi
ni () when it follows a time or date
no () as in Aiko no oneesan

7. [We] ate sushi at Aikos home. (

8. [They] will eat sushi at 7:00.

) (

Noun Conjugations
Conjugate the sentences as directed using polite (desu) forms.


(Aiko is Japanese.)

(That was a Buddhist temple.)

(That was not a hotel. It was a condominium.)

(Mr. Tanaka is not a karate teacher.)
(That red stuff is probably kim-chee.)

Basic Adjective Conjugations

Conjugate the adjectives, paying close attention to the tenses. The have already
been dropped for you!
(This car is a little bit expensive.)
(Mr. Jones is not happy.)
(Summer was not very hot.)
(From Tokyo to Yokohama was not far.)

Ko-So-A-Do Series Practice
Use the correct ko-so-a-do word to complete each sentence.

(This is Mary.)

that book [by you]?)



5. ____________

(Could you please show me

(That [by you] is a sitting cushion.)

(Where is MacDonalds?)
(This kind of car is good.)

6. __________ (How much is this?)

7. ______________ (What kind of curry do you like?)

___________ (The bath is way over there.)

9. ________________

(I dont like that kind of movie.)

10. _________ (Which [one]?)

Te Form Practice
Change the following verbs to their te-forms.

to drink (consonant verb)

to come (irregular)

to eat (vowel verb)

to write (consonant verb)

to buy (consonant verb)

______________________ to go (irregular or special)

______________________ to play (consonant verb)

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