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1. A. C. Chitnis, The Scottish Enlightenment: A Social History (Edinburgh,

2. Arthur Murphy, An Essay on the Life and Genius of Henry Fielding, in Battestin ,
Intro, to Amelia.
3. Battestin cites an advertisement for Amelia appended to Sarah Fieldings novel The
History of the Countess of Dellwyn (1759); Intro. To Amelia
4. Battestin, Intro. To Amelia, XLVI
5. Brewer, John, The Pleasures of the Imagination: English Culture in the Eighteenth
Century (London: HarperCollins, 1997)
6. Brewer, The Pleasures of the Imagination, 168.
7. Brewer, The Pleasures of the Imagination: England in the Eighteenth
Century (London, 1997).
8. Cf. Toni Bowers, Collusive Resistance: Sexual Agency and Partisan Politics in Love in
Excess, in The Passionate Fictions of Eliza Haywood: Essays on Her Life and Work,
ed. Kirsten Saxton and Rebecca Bocchicchio (Lexington: University Press of Kentucky,
2000), 4868
9. Craig Spence, London in the 1690s: A Social Atlas (London: Institute of Historical
Research, 2000), 2. Spence is writing about the situation in the years just before 1700,
but his words apply equally well fifty years later.
10. Elwood, Henry Fielding and Eliza Haywood, 186.
11. Fielding, Covent-Garden Jounrnal, 28 January 1752, ed. Goldgar, 65.
12. Fielding, Covent-Garden Journal, 25, 28 January 1752, ed. Goldgar,
13. Fielding, Joseph Andrews, 106;II
14. Fielding, Joseph Andrews, ed. Martin C. Battestin (Oxford: Clarendon Press, and
Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 1967), 10.
15. Fielding, Tom Jones, 486
16. Fielding,Covent-Garden Journal, 28 January 1752,ed Goldgar, 65.
17. For Fords comments on Fielding, see Claude Rawson, ed., Henry Fielding: A Critical
Anthology (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973), 332,
18. Frederic T. Blanchard, Fielding the Novelist; A Study in Historical Criticism (New
Haven: Yale University Press 1926)

19. George, M. Dorothy, London Life in the Eighteenth Century (New York: 1925; reprinted
New York: Capricorn Books, 1965)
20. H. T. Dickinson, Liberty and Property: Political Ideology in EighteenthCentury Britain
(London, 1977).
21. Henry Fielding, An Apology for the Life of Mrs. Shamela Andrews (London, 1741;
facsimile ed. New York: Garland, 1974), 12
22. Henry Fielding, Joseph Andrews, ed. Martin C. Battestin( Oxford:Claredon Press,
1967),154;II,XVI. All quotations are from this edition, cited by page number, followed
by book and chapter number.
23. Henry Fielding, Preface to Sarah Fielding, Familiar Letters, vol.I
24. J. M. Beattie, Crime and the Courts in England, 16601800 (Oxford, 1986).
25. J. Paul Hunter, Occasional Form: Henry Fielding and the Chains of
Circumstance( Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1975)
26. James Boswell, Life of Johnson, ed. G. B. Hill, rev. L. F. Powell, 6 vols. (Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 1934), vol. II, 49.
27. Jill Campbell, Naturel Masques: Gender and Identity in Fieldings Plays and Novels
(Standford :Standford University Press, 1995)
28. John Brewer, The Pleasures of the Imagination: English Culture in the Eighteenth
Century (New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1997),187.
29. John Feather, A History of British Publishing (London: Routledge, 1988), 102.
30. Lance Bertelsen, Henry Fielding at Work: Magistrate, Businessman, Writer( Basingstoke
:Palgrave, 2000)
31. Macdonald, John, Memoirs of an Eighteenth-Century Footman. Travels (17451779),
1790, 1927 edition
32. Maitland, William, The History and Survey of London from its Foundation to the
Present Time, 2 vols., 1756
33. Malcolm, James Peller, Anecdotes of the Manners and Customs of London during the
Eighteenth Century, 2 vols., 1810
34. Martin C. Battestin and Clive T. Probyn, eds., The Correspondence of Henry and Sarah
Fielding (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993), 83.
35. Martin C. Battestin, Intro. To Amelia (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983)
36. Martin C. Battestin, The Moral Basis of Fieldings Art: A Study of Joseph Andrews
(Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 1959), x
37. Mige, Guy, The New State of England, under our Present Sovereign Queen Anne, 1703
38. Noorthouck, John, A New History of London, including Westminster and
39. P. Borsay, The English Urban Renaissance: Culture and Society in theEighteenthCentury Provincial Town, 16601770 (London, 1989).

40. P. Langford, A Polite and Commercial People: England 17271783, NewOxford History
of England (Oxford, 1989).
41. Paulson, Ronald, Satire and the Novel in Eighteenth-Century England (New Haven: Yale
University Press, 1967)
42. Peter Linebaugh, The Tyburn Riot against the Surgeons, in Albions Fatal Tree: Crime
and Society in Eighteenth Century England (New York: Pantheon, 1975), 89102.
43. R. Porter, English Society in the Eighteenth Century (London, 1963).
44. Ralph, James, A New Critical Review of the Public Buildings, Statues and Ornaments, in
and about the Cities of London and Westminster, 2nd edition corrected, 1736
45. Rawson, Satire and Sentiment 16601830,
46. Reviewof Amelia, London Magazine 20(1751); see Critical Heritage, ed. Paulson and
47. Roger Chartier, The Order of Books: Readers,Authors, and Libraries in Europe Between
the Fourteenth and Eighteenth Centuries, trans .Lydia G. Cochrane (Stanford, CA:
Stanford University Press, 1994), 18.
48. Samuel Johnson, Rambler, No. 4; in Yale Edition of the Works of Samuel Johnson, ed.
W. J. Bate and Albrecht B. Strauss (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1969), vol. III,
49. Samuel Richardson to Lady Bradshaight, c.Noveber 1749, in Selected Letters of Samuel
Richardson, ed. John Carrol( Oxford: Clarendon Press,1963),133
50. See W. L. Renwick, Comic Epic in Prose, (1946), in Rawson, ed., Critical Anthology,
4648; Claude Rawson, Satire and Sentiment 16601830, 1467
51. Sherwood, Thomas, A Letter from the Bishop of London, to the Clergy and People of
London and Westminster, on Occasion of the Late Earthquake, 1750
52. Terry Castle, Masquerade and Civilization: The Carnivalesque in Eighteenth-Century
English Culture and Fiction (London;Methuen, 1986)
53. William Makepeace Thackeray, The Newcomes, 2 vols. (London: Dent, 1910),vol. I, 43.

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