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Topic: Cloning

Committee: Judy Shane Fernandez and Genesis Daquinan

In the course of human history our species has recognized many behaviors
that are counter to the interests of the survival, development and flourishing of
individuals within civilization. Technology has advanced a great deal within the past
few years. Cloning has been a rising concern on the minds of the medical and
bioethics community. We have learned so much information about animal's genes
and what can be done with them. The cloning of sheep and monkeys opens up the
specter of human cloning. The fundamental character of this activity is to transform
humans into commodities, to devalue the relationship of humans to each other and
to their culture. And since then, the idea of cloning as a result of cloning to produce
children or as a result of cloning for biomedical research has become an all too real
The word Clone derives from the Greek term Klon meaning a sprout or a
twig. It refers to a method of reproduction apart from the parental, sexual mating
process that is a characteristic of most organisms. Clones are organisms that are
exact genetic copies. Every single bit of their DNA is identical. Clones can happen
naturally identical twins are just one of many examples. On the other hand they
can be made in the lab. Cloning is a process wherein one replicates the DNA of an
organism and creates an organism, that is, physically and genetically similar to the
original. This means you are recreating an organism from scratch. The first ever
animal cloning gave rise to Dolly the sheep (back in 2003). This sheep was an exact
clone of the sheep whose mammary cell was extracted for making the clone.
Clones may share the same DNA, but they can hardly be described as
"identical copies." Developmental, environmental and social factors stamp each
living creature with the mark of individuality, even in the case of genetically
identical twins. To be human is not the simple summation of genetic, biochemical or
physiological processes. It involves the learning of language, the transmission of
historical knowledge, the generation of new knowledge, the creation and

transmission of music, art and other forms of culture. Culture and society exist
outside of physiology and are not transmitted through genes or cells, but through
human communication and interaction occurring in organized societies.
There is constantly the other side to a coin and with every blessing comes a
curse. Let us look at the other side, where we will see the ill effects of cloning. Just
imagine, you get your loved ones cloned but something goes horribly wrong. These
clones are exaggerated by some kind of mutation and are disease prone. Would you
like to see your loved ones agonize so much pain? What if the loving personality of
your loved ones is no longer conveyed into the clone? This clone is cold and
deceitful making it very difficult for you to live with it.
Cloning humans will never let the population on earth attain balance. This will
lead to depletion of natural resources, places to live and put stress on the
ecosystem. This would lead to more disputes between people and countries for
precious resources like water, coal and food to sustain life. It may so happen that
clones are prone to more types of genetic disorders and infections. These clones
may have a grotesque appearance due to some mutation within their genes. They
may be taller than normal, like giants, or may have an extra pair of limbs.
Cloning to some degree is worthy. You can clone organs and blood tissues to
save lives. But cloning humans for harvesting human organs is a corrupt thinking.
Cloning super babies with abilities beyond one's imagination will only create more
glitches. Most of the time there are many hazards of cloning involved. Clones with
blemishes die during birth or in the early stages of life. Few who may survive will
live a life full of imperfections. Until scientists are not able to clone the perfect
human, you will have many defective clones living a life of hell.
It may be illegal and unethical today to clone humans but no one knows what
the future embraces. The future can give birth to clones who are either an
advantage or a nuisance to human race. So whether we will choose to become God
or continue enduring the imperfections of being a human being, is something that
only time can tell.

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