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Jenna Sorsen

Prof. Anderson
ELED 459
24 October 2016
Rustic Acres Colony Grades 3-8 Classroom Observation
As far as having ELL students from six different grades all in one classroom I didnt
know what to expect in the least. I have no previous experience of working or observing in a
school that consolidates grades, so I was essentially coming with rather a blank slate for being in
this type of setting. All I could on my first visit is truly sit back, soak it all in and take extensive
Ms. Deelstra manages a classroom of 9 German/English speaking students in grades 3-8.
How she conducts the lessons to reach each child and still stay within the standard is something I
have never seen before she chooses a core standard in usually 5th or 6th grade, then teaches the
standard above it and below it as well. Essentially, she somewhat caters to each student the best
you can with 6 grades in one classroom, and expects a different level of difficulty from each
With that being said, the standard for the reading lesson she conducted was CC.6.R.I.1
Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences
drawn from the text. A possible objective would be, I can find evidence in the text that supports
my inferences.
The standard was met first through the students answering the questions on the back page
of their Scholastic Reader. To find the correct answers, the children had to go back and find the
answer in the article the answer came from. Once the students did this independently, the

students went up around the room where the questions from the Reader were taped on the wall,
and submitted the answers to each question. The teacher then went through each question with
the students to see if they got it correct or not. Then, as a class, they went back and found each
answer in the text.
The teacher manages the classroom by being both authoritative and by using a
reward/punishment system. Candy or external incentives are rewarded for correct answers or
good behavior. (Leave early for home, more computer time.) As a punishment for disobeying
class rules, computer time is taken away.
The students seem to be largely influenced by extrinsic motivators. The students realize
that displaying correct behavior not only makes for a happier teacher, but also gets them rewards.
The punishment of less computer time takes effect mostly after they have lost their first five
minutes (five minutes is lost after the first offense).
In my future classroom, I feel that I will implement different classroom management
strategies than I observed in Ms. Deelstras classroom. However, I respect that different cultures
and societies may have different strategies that are the norm for them.
I thinking that teaching a certain standard in a certain grade, and then touching on the
standard for the grade below and above that middle standard is a great way to differentiate
instruction. It works well in Ms. Deelstras classroom, based on the sole fact she has so many
differing levels of academic development present in her classroom.

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