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The present investigation answers to the problem:

Are there essential

differences of Critical Thinking, according to sex, age and academic semester,

in the students of the Faculty of Ingeniera in food industries of the Universidad
Nacional Del Centro Del Per - Huancayo? And the objective was to Establish
the essential differences of Critical Thinking, according to sex, age and
academic semester, in the students of Facultad of Ingeniera in food industries
of the Universidad Nacional Del Centro Del Per - Huancayo.

The sample consisted of 200 students of 304 students. The Investigation

belongs to descriptive type in the descriptive level. It was applied the instrument
called Critical Thinkings Questionnaire. Data were processed with the average
and the standard deviation. Hypothesis testing came true by means of the
square Chi. It was concluded that the sex is not directly related to the level of
Critical thought. On the other hand, there are a significant relation between the
Critical thought and the age and the semester of study.

KEY WORD: Critical thought, university students, engineering.


A. Theorical fundaments

The theory that supports the investigation is the theory of the Critical
thought proposed by Paul Richard and Linda Elder in the year 2003.
They maintain that the Critical thought defines itself like that mode of
considering, on any theme, content or problem.

The concept of critical thought can express itself by means of a great

variety of definitions Depending of the personal purpose. The most
useful definition to evaluate the abilities of thought Critic, is the

The critical thought is the process of analyzing and

evaluating the thought In order to improve it. The
critical thought presupposes knowledge Of the
most basic structures of the thought (the elements
of the thought) and standards (standards. The key
for to trigger the creative side Of the critical thought
(the true improvement of the thought) it is in
restructuring The thought as a result of analyzing it
and evaluating it of effective way.

When promoting the abilities of the critical thought, it is important for

teachers to make it with the final purpose to develop characteristics of
the thought. The intellectual features or dispositions, distinguish a
skillful thinker but sophisticated, of a thinker skillful. The critical thinkers
are intellectually humble and intellectually empathy; They have
confidence in the reason and in the intellectual integrity. They show
intellectual courage and intellectual autonomy.

It is possible to develop some abilities of critical thought in one or more

areas inside the undeveloped content, in general, the abilities of the
critical thought. The best way of teaching is promoting both, so students
learn to reasoning well through an ample status of subjects of study and

The key of the connection between learning and the critical thought is
the following: The only capacity that we can use to learn, is the thought
human. If we thought well while we learn, we learn well. If we were bad
minded while we learn, we learn badly.

Learning the heart of the matter of a content, let's say about an

academic discipline, it amounts to think toward the inside of the same
discipline. From here than to learn biology, one has to learn how to think
Biologically; In order to learn sociology, one has to learn how to think
sociologically. If we want to unroll signatures for learning in general,
these will have to express themselves in terms of the thought that one
should develop to succeed in learning. Students need to learn how to
plan to critically to be able to learn in each educational level.
Sometimes the critical thought that it takes is elementary and
fundamental; For instance when studying one be afraid there are
fundamental concepts that define the nucleus of discipline and to start
with to adapt it, one needs to give voice to those basic concepts that's
to say, to put forward with his own words, what means the concept, with
the aim of detailing his significance, again, using his own words stops at
a later time giving examples of saying concept in real-life situations.

This improves the quality of thinking when the student takes possession
of the inherent structures of the act of thinking and when subjecting to
intellectual standards; so a critical and trained thinker is able to
formulate questions with clarity and precision, accumulating and

evaluating relevant information and using abstract ideas to interpret that

information, to arrive to findings and solutions, to think with an open
mind recognizing suppositions, implications and consequences and
finally dreaming up solutions to complex problems (Paul and Elder,
2005). An example of the the critical thought is the reflexive thought,
described for Dewey (Laiton, 2010).

The development of the the critical thought needs certain abilities,

which can turn out well through learning strategies, which can be
measured, in order to evaluate the progress of the critical thought in the
Therefore, this can be capable of:

a) Evaluating the credibility of a source,

b) Analyzing arguments,
c) Presenting a posture of an oral or written argumentation and
d) Respecting the stages of the process in problem solving, for
example: Miguel is able to discriminate between various received
information, in function to the quality of the source.

The the critical thought sustains itself in the following principles:

Principle 1: Principle of universalization, the one that all sufferers for

the attained judgment can accept his consequences and his effects not
foreseen for the satisfaction of the interests of all according to. This

Principle tries to establish conditions in order that a judgment takes


Principle 2: The conditions in order that universally valid standards of

a practical speech happen, should include the participation like the
acceptance of all that they are going to be affected by such standards.

Principle 3: It will be able to take place to a consent only if all members

participate freely.

The main issue of the the critical thought is the capacity of generating
constant and progressive reflection in the students; Students should
learn how to challenge the knowledge received, on the basis of
strategies of learning offered by the teachers reflexively.
For example, a student should know how to tell apart between inside
information between secondhand information.

It perceptible of the the critical thought is composed of a position in

relation to a determined state of affairs, whether it is about the world of
the ideas, of nature or of the society (Velsquez and Figueroa, 2012).

The learning strategies should help the student to analyze the received
arguments objectively. At the moment of arguing, a student should pay
attention to the misapplication of the fallacies.

It general of the the critical thought is the processing of ideas, that he

facilitates the generation of ideas (Milla, 2012). The the critical thought
is a superior capacity that it enables analyzing, inferring, proposing and
arguing a position. A problems are analyzed from different perspectives,
to find a pertinent solution.

The critical thought has philosophical dimensions, like logic, the

substantival dimension of the thought it is her that dialgica evaluates
truth or falseness, the dimension that allows examining the own thought
with respect to the one of the other; the contextual dimension of the
thought that allows the thought recognizing the context historic partner
that he expresses and finally; the pragmatic dimension that it enables
examining the thought in terms of the intentions and interests (Montoya,
2007). These dimensions give significance and distinction to the Critical
thought on other types of thought. A student should evaluate his own
thought, relating to his context, with the aim of using it in good time.

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