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Braylyn Skidmore

Case Study:

I. Subject
a. Name (Use initials only): N.U.
b. Age: 4 years old
c. Race, ancestry: Hispanic
d. Gender: Male

II. Information Source

Describe the method or tool you used to gather information about the subject and any
additional sources you used (interviews, observations, informal conversations with
parents, checklists, state or national milestone resources)
I used the four year old checklist to gather information about this child. I also used
additional sources such as observations, checklists, developmental milestones, and I
asked the childs mother a few questions as well. I asked the childs mother about his
home life, his siblings and other family members, and his eating habits at home. I
observed this child for many days during different activities throughout the day; circle
time, small group, outside play, etc. I also used a developmental checklist for ages 3
to 4 year olds as well.

III. Background Information

a. Describe significant characteristics of child; family; socioeconomic level;
parents education; occupation; etc think of any information that might
influence the childs development during your time of observation

N.T. is a four year old who lives with his mother and father. This childs mother
is currently a student at Glendale Community College and when she does not
have class, she drops off her son. If his mother is not dropping him off, then the
childs father will drop him off. This is also what happens when it is time for the
child to be picked up. If his mother is in class, then his father will come and pick
him up. If his mother is out of class, then she will come and pick up her son. N.T.
mentions to both his mother and teachers how he wants a younger brother. Both
of his parents ask the teacher how their son is doing in class. If there was a
situation that happened at school, his father talks with him and makes sure he
understands what is appropriate at school and what is appropriate at home. This
child interacts well with his peers of twenty in the classroom and his teachers.
b. Describe childs physical characteristics (size in relationship to others the same
age, health, and abilities)
This child is the same size in relationship to others who are the same age as him.
For example, a couple of days ago in the classroom, the children had to stand in
front of the number of pumpkins tall they were. All of the children were as tall as
the same pumpkin when they stood against the number. Each child had to
correctly guess the number they were standing against and N.T. was one of the
children who answered the number correctly. N.T. is also at school every day,
aside from an occasional doctor appointment or dentist appointment that may
have been scheduled during the school day.
c. Describe the childs attendance and participation patterns

N.T. arrives to school daily, unless he has had an appointment during the school
day. This child has a positive relationship with both peers and teachers. At times,
this child mentions how he misses his mother. He communicates wants and needs
to his peers as well as to adults in the classroom. This child recently turned four
years old, but has a lot of developmental milestones as many of the other four
year olds in the classroom.
d. Describe behavioral characteristics and performances from the checklist
completed that you feel identify the child as typically developing; atypical
delayed or gifted
N.T. is typically developing as a four year old child. He recently turned four
years old and can do many things that a typical four year old can do. He can
identify his colors and even mentions how green is his favorite color. He also
compares colors as well. For example, when this child sees brown he will say
like brown bear with a smile on his face. N.T. can also draw a person and
recognizable objects, typically his mother.

IV. Developmental Performance

a. Describe the childs key areas of interest; support these statements with
observations or examples
This childs key areas of interest are small group and circle time. There are
typically a couple of different areas where the children are able to do their small
group, which is typically writing in their journal or doing an art activity. N.T.
bounces from table to table after he has finished that specific task during small

group. N.T. also shows an interest in circle time. He sits up nicely and participates
when the teacher asks a question.
b. Describe the childs areas of limitation; support these statements with
observations or examples
N.T. avoids the library area. His mother says her child does enjoy books and
being read to, however, he does not have much interest in looking at the books
when he is by himself. He wants an adult with him. I have also noticed with this
child that he does not go to the library area that often. At circle he shows interest
in the book the teacher is reading. However, when it is just N.T. and a book, he
tends to avoid it.
c. Describe the childs overall personality/temperament; support these with
observations or examples
N.T. is very affectionate and friendly to both his peers and the adults he is around.
He gives the other children, his parents, and teachers hugs and reaches for their
hands. At times, he even touches the other childrens hair in the classroom, with
his mother mentioning how he is always playing with her hair when he is at home.
This child can be told to do a task once and will simply say okay and complete
the task. Throughout the day, he mentions how he misses his mother but I always
reassure this child that his mother will be back to pick him up soon. He then
returns to the task he is working on.

V. Conclusion and Recommendations

a. In one paragraph, write your own appraisal of the child based on the information
you have gathered and presented

Based on the information I have gathered and presented, I can say how I believe
N.T. is developing very well for his age. Since he recently turned four, I knew he
would not be able to do everything that a typical four year old can do. However,
he was able to do a lot that a four year old should be able to do and I feel like he is
developing great for his age. At times, he can be very quiet and shy. But a lot of
the children in the classroom are quiet and shy so he might behave this way
because that is what he is seeing when he is at school.
b. Make recommendations for meeting the childs current developmental needs in
the classroom
One recommendation I would make for meeting N.T.s current developmental
needs in the classroom is to find a particular book that this child is interested in
and help him read it. Then over time, he can sit in the library area and look
through the book by himself and possibly try and read the book as well. Another
recommendation I would make for meeting this childs current needs in the
classroom is showing this child one on one and potentially at home as well, to
practice handling scissors properly and holding his pencil properly.
c. Make suggestions for family activities that promotes growth in the future
A great suggestion for family activities that can promote growth in the future for
this child is to continue keeping this child with other children his age. It is great
that N.T.s parents already put their child in preschool, but they can also do other
activities outside of school, like activities with other children at the library, and
doing sports with other children his age would promote growth in the future.
Another suggestion for family activities that can promote growth in the future for

this child is to take walks together. Even reading a specific book that N.T. may
have an interest in and reading it each night before bed would be a great
suggestion to give.

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