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Fudolig, Activities in Classical Mechanics

Adapted from the compilation of activities by Mr. Clint Bennett

Atwoods Machine
By the end of the experiment, the student should be able to:
- Relate the acceleration of the masses in an Atwoods machine from experimental data
- Compare theoretical expectations in the Atwoods machine with results from actual
Equipment and Materials needed:
clamp stand to mount photogate
Vernier computer interface
mass set
Logger Pro
Vernier Photogate with Super Pulley
Triple beam balance

Figure 1. Setup for Atwoods machine


Setting up the Atwoods machine

1. Attach the pulley to the photogate sensor. Rotate the pulley. Does the photogate
detect the slots in the pulley? If not, reposition the pulley.
2. Attach the photogate sensor to a stand. Make sure that the height of the pulley is
enough to suspend a mass that is at least 40cm above the ground.
3. Put a string over the pulley.
4. Connect the photogate sensor to DIG/SONIC 1 of the interface.
5. Open the file 10 Atwoods Machine in the _Physics with Vernier folder. A graph of
velocity vs time will be displayed.


Acceleration while keeping the total mass constant

M.I. Fudolig, Activities in Classical Mechanics

Adapted from the compilation of activities by Mr. Clint Bennett




Arrange a collection of masses totaling 100g on m2 and 100g on m1. Measure the
actual value of the masses and record your measurements.
Position one of the masses at least 40cm above the ground. Record the height above
the ground of this mass, and label this mass m1. Did the masses move?
If the masses move, repeat #7, but this time, click the COLLECT button to gather
motion data as the masses are moving.
Obtain the slope of the velocity vs. time graph. This is the magnitude of the
acceleration of each mass. Record this value in your data book.
Move roughly 5g from m2 to m1. Measure the new masses and record them in your
data table.
Position m1 in the same position recorded earlier. Click collect to begin data collection.
Steady the masses so they are not swinging. Wait one second and release the masses.
Catch the falling mass before it strikes the floor or the other mass strikes the pulley.
In the velocity vs. time graph, select the part that is fairly linear. Obtain the best fit
line, and use the slope as the acceleration.
Continue moving mass from m2 to m1 in 5g increments, keeping the total mass
constant, and repeat the same procedure until you get five different combinations of
m1 and m2. Record the data in your data book.

Acceleration while keeping the mass difference constant

14. Put 120 g on m1 and 100 g on m2. Record the actual masses. Using the same

procedure as in part B, obtain the acceleration of the masses and record the data.
15. Add a 10-g mass to m1 and a 10-g mass to m2, such that the mass difference is constant

(20g). Record the actual masses, and obtain the acceleration.

16. Repeat adding masses in 10g increments to both sides. Record the masses and the

acceleration. Repeat the procedure until you get at least five different combinations.

M.I. Fudolig, Activities in Classical Mechanics

Adapted from the compilation of activities by Mr. Clint Bennett

WORKSHEET: Atwoods machine


Date(s) performed:

ID #:


Date submitted:


Group name:



A. Raw data
NOTE: Dont forget to report measurement UNITS!!!
1. Table 1: Atwoods machine with total mass kept constant


m=m2 m1

mtot = m1 + m2


2. Table 2: Atwoods machine with mass difference kept constant



m=m2 m1

mtot = m1 + m2


M.I. Fudolig, Activities in Classical Mechanics

Adapted from the compilation of activities by Mr. Clint Bennett

B. Computations
3. For an Atwoods machine with masses m1 and m2, find the algebraic expression for the
magnitude of the acceleration of each of the masses.

M.I. Fudolig, Activities in Classical Mechanics

Adapted from the compilation of activities by Mr. Clint Bennett

C. Analysis
4. Based on your theoretical computation, what is the expected shape of the acceleration
vs. m curve for the data in Table 1 (total mass kept constant)?

5. Plot the acceleration vs. m for the data in Table 1 (total mass kept constant). Add a
best-fit line to the data. What is the significance of the slope and intercept in your bestfit line?

6. Compare your experimental findings with the expected results from theory by
computing for the percent error. Are they close? If not, explain possible sources of error.

M.I. Fudolig, Activities in Classical Mechanics

Adapted from the compilation of activities by Mr. Clint Bennett

7. Based on your theoretical computation, what is the expected shape of the acceleration
vs. mtot curve for the data in Table 2 (mass difference kept constant)?

8. Plot the acceleration vs. mtot for the data in Table 2 (mass difference kept constant). Add
a best-fit line to the data. What is the significance of the slope and intercept in your
best-fit line?

9. Compare your experimental findings with the expected results from theory by
computing for the percent error. Are they close? If not, explain possible sources of error.

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