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Roosevelt Roundup


The Roosevelt Roundup is
published by the newspaper staff
of Theodore Roosevelt high
school, and exists to serve as an
open forum for the students, faculty, staff, administration, and community.

All state and federal laws
regarding the publication of students materials shall apply, and
the Roosevelt Roundup will not
publish materials which also fall
under the guidlines established by
the Des Moines Public School system, and are deemed libelous, obscene, or a meterial and substantial
disruption to normal classroom activities.

The views expressed are
not those of Des Moines Public
Schools, faculty, staff, or administration.

All articles are researched,
written, edited, and designed by
the staff, and are the result of editorial decisions made by the entire

Any student, faculty, staff,
or community member wishing
to contribute materials within
deadline restrictions; hovever, final publication is at the discretion
of the staff. Letters to the editor
are encouraged, and must be 255
words or less in length and signed;
letters may be edited for length,
grammar, spelling, etc. Every attempt will be made to verify the
authenticity of the author, and no
anonymous letters will be published.

Advertising will be accepted for all products or services that
are legal for minors to posess or
utilize. Advertisers wishing to reserve space should call 242-7279
and leave a message.

Note from the Editor

Thank you for picking up the first edition
of the 2016 Roosevelt Roundup. We have been
working diligently to produce this issue, and
many more are on their way as the year unfolds.
We will try to produce quality content with a
very wide range of variety; from sports and entertainment to in-depth opinion pieces and hard
hitting stories.

My expectations for the newspaper this year
are to have less filler material and more real
stories, while still maintaing a fair balance of
entertainment and journalism. This means we
will possibly be covering stories that are outside
of Roosevelt, and writing opinion pieces on controversial topics that relate to students and young

Last year, Mrs. Dunbars newspaper class
had only 5 students. This year, our numbers
have more than doubled. Hopefully we can write
many more stories with more members. However, we are always looking for more people to join
the newspaper staff. If you have any questions,
please stop by after or before school, or during
4th block if you have some free time.

Everybody on the Roosvelt Roundup staff,
including myself, look forward to an exciting
and productive year and hope everything goes
smoothly! We will do everything in our power
to keep the newspaper a reliable and credible
source, and only use reliable and credible sources to write our stories as well. We all wish you a
fulfilling and productive school year!

-Cameron Clark, Editor-In-Chief

Cameron Clark
Chloe OConnor
Dylan Lerch
Kate Claypool
Riley Dean
Zeke Egherman
Sadie Johnson
Aaron Kleinhesselink
Caleb Punelli
Escher Sutherland
Nash VanBibber
Leslie Dunbar
Michaela Cross
Cover Photo
DM Schools
Wilcox Printing
2016 Publication Dates
October 2016
December 2016
January 2017
February 2017
April 2017
May 2017
Theodore Roosevelt High
4419 Center Street
Des Moines, IA 50312

2016-17 ad rates
1/4 page $100
1/2 page $200

full page $400

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