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Sana Khan

ISM- Period 6

UNICEF. Vaccination/Immunizations. Despite major progress, the full potential of immunization

continues to elude many of the worlds children., 16 Aug. 2016.
Web. 2 Oct. 2016. (Immunizations is one of the most cost-effective public
health interventions to date,, August 16, 2016)

Immunizations have saved millions of children and adults around the world.<>
Immunization has helped polio become nonexistent. <

Immunization coverage for the six major vaccine-preventable diseases- pertussis,
childhood tuberculosis, tetanus, polio, measles, and diphtheria- has risen significantly
since the Expanded Programme on immunization began in 1974.<>
The percentage of children receiving diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis containing
vaccine, is often used as an indicator of how well countries are providing routine

immunization services.<>

Global coverage for three doses of DTP increased from 21% in 1980 to 72% in 2000 to
an estimated 86% by the end of 2015.<

The World Health Organization created the Expand Program to make sure that children
get their vaccines.<>

This source will help me learn more about the types of immunizations that are necessary and
the statistics of how they are being given around the world and how they have improved or
not improved a society as a whole.

Sana Khan
ISM- Period 6

"K.N.O.W. Vaccines." Weblog post. Religious Exemption. Vaccine Awareness of North Florida,
n.d. Web. 2 Oct. 2016. (A religious exemption for vaccination is a written form
certifying that the parents objection to immunization for religious reasons
exempts the

parent and child from state vaccination requirements, Know-

A religious exemption is for people that truly believe that there is a problem with getting

their vaccines.<>

The statutory language for Florida vaccine policy clearly states that religious exemption
must be granted without question if vaccination conflicts with a persons religious

To get an exemption from being vaccinated you have to go to your county health

department. <

Whether you make an appointment or request an exemption on demand by walk-in,
know that all county health department has been directed by the Bureau of Immunization
to issue a religious exemption when requested.<

A parent may desire to vaccinate for only the diseases with which a child is likely to be

infected or feared to be infected.<>

The school employees have no authority to check your documents on file and shouldnt
talk about confidential things.<>
This source will help me because this information is based by the questions that people
want to know about regarding vaccine exemptions and laws that are mandatory and laws
that arent mandatory and also it will give me insight on what people dont know about.

Sana Khan
ISM- Period 6
"Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism." There Is No Link between Vaccines and Autism. Ed. CDC.
Centers of Disease Control & Prevention, 27 Oct. 2015. Web. 2 Oct. 2016.
< >. (Some people have

concerns that ASD might be linked to the vaccines children receive, but studies have
shown that there is no link between receiving vaccines and developing ASD,,

October 27, 2015)

ASD is a disability that effects the brain and how it functions.<>
Recent estimates from CDCs autism and developmental disabilities monitoring network
found out about 1 of 68 children have been identified with the ASD and communities

across the United States.<>

A 2013 CDC study added to the research showing that vaccines do not cause ASD, the
study looked at the number of antigens (substances in vaccines that cause the bodys
immune system to produce disease-fighting anti-bodies) from vaccines during the first

two years of life.<>

One vaccine ingredient that has been studied specifically is Thimerosal, a mercurybased preservative used to prevent contamination of multidose vials of vaccines.<>
There is no connection between the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) to autism.<>

This source will help me learn as to why people say that vaccines cause ASD, and
scientifically proven vaccines do not relate to ASD in any way, but they are going to keep
doing tests on this matter since people do get scared that it may cause it, so they want to fully
prove that vaccines dont cause Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Sana Khan
ISM- Period 6
"Five Important Reasons to Vaccinate Your Child." Five Important Reasons to Vaccinate
Your Child. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, n.d. Web. 2 Oct. 2016.
(Immunizations protect future generations,)

Some diseases that have killed a lot of people and children have been eliminated or
are close to elimination.<

Polio was once Americas most-feared disease, causing death and paralysis across
the country, but today, thanks to vaccinations, there are no more reports of Polio in
the United States.<

Vaccines will involve pain and discomfort, redness, tenderness at the site of the
injection but this is minimal compared to the pain, trauma these vaccines prevent.<

To help keep your children safe, it is important for you and your children that are
able to get vaccinated get fully immunized.<

People dont have to take their kids to get the smallpox vaccine anymore because now
that disease is nowhere to be found.<>

This source will help me get facts and information about why people should get vaccines
and how it benefits their life and is financially better for all parents in families. This will
also help me prove to people that it is important for families to get there immunizations
so in the future no one else gets infected.

Sana Khan
ISM- Period 6

Sana Khan
ISM- Period 6

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