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S-M-A-R-T Goals

SMART Goals Worksheet

Answers at time of development


What is the desired result? (who, what,

when, why, how)


How can you quantify (numerically or

descriptively) completion?
How can you measure progress?


What skills are needed?

What resources are necessary?
How does the environment impact goal
Does the goal require the right amount of


Is the goal in alignment with the overall

mission or strategy?


I want to Pass the Unit 4 test with at least an A.

What is the deadline?

Is the deadline realistic?

Want to have a 94% percent can measure progress by studying

and annotating my notebook.
I need my notebook and need to take good notes. I also need to
write better meaning to have better handwriting.

The goal is relevant because you need a 94 percentage to get

an A and Im striving for a 94 one point higher and my strategy to
do extra credit note cards if I can.
The deadline is the day of the Unit 4 test
This is realistic because we will learn everything by then.

Final Goal:
My final goal is to get a 94% on the Unit 4 Test Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration. Ill study very hard in
my note book and listen very well every day. I will repeat what I did this Unit since I got a higher score than Unit
2 on Unit 3.

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