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Name: ______________________________

Date: _____________________

Notes: Levels of Organization

Define multicellular:
What is all matter made of?
The major biomolecules are what kind of compounds?
What does it mean to be an organic compound?
What do molecules build inside of cells?
What do organelles allow cells to do?
Define cell:
Where can you find single-celled organisms?
What happens to cells in multicellular organisms as the organism grows and
How can cells specialize and take on such different functions if they all have
the same DNA?
Define tissue:
Define organ:
Can organs perform more than one task?

Define organ system:


Levels of Organization

What else do we call organ systems?


Molecules make organelles

What are the two main goals of every organ system?

Which go together into cells

Groups of cells are called
Define organism:


That make the organs inside

Label the diagram to show the

simplest and most complex levels.

And organs work inside
To make living organisms
This is the way were
From simple to complex

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