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Introduction to Adverbial Clauses - 2012/2

A. Class Discussion
1. Which are signals of subordination in a sentence? Dependent clauses whose
sense only is complete after introducing another sentence with a conjunction
and a verb. ok
2. In the sentences that follow, replace the adverbial/prepositional phrase by an
adverbial clause to show the same meaning:
a) She has been a doctor since 1987.
as soon as she finished college in 1987.ok
b) She couldnt take part in the show due to her sickness.
because she had been sick.ok
c) Despite the rain, she was able to reach the station.
Although it was raining, ok
d) During the winter fall, most kids had to stay in.
When the winter fell, ok
e) She works like a teacher.
as she was a teacher. ok
B. Identification and meaning. First, underline the adverb clauses in the following
paragraph. Then, tell what kind of relationship is expressed by the adverbial word. ok
Although the institution of marriage has suffered in many countries (contrast),
in the past few years, there have been an unusually large number of divorces in the
United States. In the past, when two people married each other (time), they did so
with the idea of staying together for life, while today many individuals seen to enter
marriage (contrast) with the feeling that they can always get a divorce, provided that
the marriage does not work out (condition). In the past, a large majority of Americans
frowned at the idea of divorce. Furthermore, many people believed that getting a
divorce was a luxury that only the rich could afford. Indeed, getting a divorce was very
expensive. However (contrast), since so many people have begun to take a more
casual view of marriage (reason), it is interesting to note that the costs of getting a

divorce are lower. In fact, wherever you go in the United States today (place), it is no
unusual to see newspaper ads that provide information on how and where to go to get
a cheap divorce.
In spite of (contrast) the fact that Hollywood has always been known as the
divorce capital of the world, today the divorce rate among the movie stars is so high
that it is difficult to know who is married to whom, if you are interested in this kind of
information (condition). Today, many movie stars change husbands and wives as
though they were changing clothes (manner). Until the institution of marriage again
becomes serious and important part of many peoples lives, we will probably continue
to see a high rate divorce.
C. Rewrite the following sentences so that some of the ideas are expressed in adverb
a. Yesterday, John went to the bank after class. He had to cash a check. He would
have enough money for the weekend. He has an account at city bank. They
would let him cash a check. He could present them with the proper

Yesterday, John went to the bank after class because he had to cash a check, so that he would have
enough money for the weekend. Since he has an account at city bank, they would let him cash a
check provided that he presented them with the proper identification. ok
b. My embassy gives a student only one year to study English. I must study
diligently this quarter. I can begin academic work as soon as I can.

Since my embassy gives a student only one year to study English, I must study diligently this quarter
so that I can begin academic work. ok

The test on Chapter 2 was difficult. I received a high grade on it. I had studied
for it. Part 3 of the test was long. I almost didnt finish it. Miss person is very
nice. She permitted some of her students to finish Part 3 in her office at noon.
She was eating lunch.

Although the test on Chapter 2 was difficult, I received a high grade on it because I had
studied for it. As part 3 of the test was long, I almost didnt finish it. Since Miss is a very
nice person, she permitted some of her students to finish Part 3 in her office at noon while
she was eating lunch.ok
d. Tony and Maria have had several mishaps on their camping trip. They have
simply forgotten to bring a map and a compass with them. As a result, they got
lost on their hike.

Tony and Maria have had several mishaps on their camping trip because they have simply
forgotten to bring a map and a compass with them. The situation was so complicated that
they got lost on their hike. (May we change and add words to complete the clauses?) You
may change whatever is necessary to organize the ideas by using an adverbial clause. But
dont worry because what youve done is OK.
Paul Mackenzie graduated from high school two years ago. Since then he has
been working and studying very hard. He aims at attending a four-year university in
order to become an architect.

Paul Mackenzie graduated from high school two years ago. Since then he has been working and
studying very hard. He aims at attending a four-year university in order to become an architect.
( I did not see where I should change).
1. Because Paul Mackenzie has been working and studying very hard, he graduated from high
school. He aims
2. After working and studying very hard, Paul Mackenzie graduated high school and aims at
attending a four-year.
f. Rowland, a western farmer, was feeling discouraged by the poor crops and he
decided to leave his hometown by wagon in search of work. On his second day away
from home, he applied for a position at Springtown. They refused him the job, though.
The truth was that all jobs required skills he didnt have.

Rowland, a western farmer, was feeling discouraged by the poor crops and he decided to leave his
hometown by wagon in search of work. On his second day away from home, he applied for a
position at Springtown. They refused him the job, though. The truth was that all jobs required skills
he didnt have. ( I did not see where I should change).
Because of the poor crops, Rowland, a western farmer, decided to leave his hometown by wagon in
search of work. On his second day away from home, he applied for a position at Springtown.
Because he didnt have the required skills, they refused him the job.
g. The trains werent running on Monday, so that many commuters had trouble getting
to work. I am an incorrigible optimist, and so I thought Id be able to get to work by
bus. But the queues were very long and I couldnt get on a bus.

The trains werent running on Monday, so that many commuters had trouble getting to work. As I am
an incorrigible optimist, I thought Id be able to get to work by bus. Since the queues were very long,
I couldnt get on a bus. ok

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