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Tutorial Propio Vray - Render Interiores

Hola a todos, en este post les traigo un tutorial o manual propio de cmo realizar render
de escenas interiores.
Mis herramientas fueron 3Ds max 2011, V-ray 2, y para la post produccion utilic
Photoshop Cs4 y algunos retoques de luz con Knoll Light.
Antes que nada comenzamos configurando el 3ds max para trabajar con unidades de
cms, si bien yo trabajo en metros, dicen que trabajar con cms da mayor precisin al
momento de mapear y al clculo de las luces. En realidad esto sera cosa para discutir.
Otro factor importante que tenemos que cambiar es la correccin gama que trae por
defecto el 3ds max, hay que subirle el valor a 2.2 que es el valor ideal para la
iluminacin real.

Eso sera todo antes de empezar a trabajar en el render.

Hay dos factores que son importantsimos al momento de querer realizar renders que se

asemejen a la realidad : iluminacin y texturizacin.

En esta escena, que por cierto es bastante bsica ya que consta de una sola pieza con una
sola ventana, solo tuve que aadirle dos cosas, el Vray sun con el VraySky, y una Vray
light rectangular.
Los parmetros del vray sun y vraysky los doy a continuacin. Las de la vraylight solo
le cambi el multiplier a 120.

NOTA: A la hora de renderizar la imagen final, las subdivisiones de todas las luces
deben ser aumentadas para que las sombras se vean ms ntidas y adems para que las
texturas salgan lo ms parecidas a las configuradas en el editor de materiales. En mi
caso, aumente las de Vraysun a 16 subdivisiones, y las del Vraysky a 16 tambin.
Utilic una cmara de vray ya que ofrece un total control sobre los ajustes de la imagen,
tanto de color como de iluminacin global, los ajustes:

Tiramos un render de prueba para ver si todo va bien, ac les dejo los ajustes para
renders de baja calidad:

Y ac el render de prueba, con un material blanco para ver cmo va quedando la


La iluminacin est bastante aceptable.

Con esto, ya podemos pasar al texturizado bsico de la escena.
Como son pocos los objetos agregados a esta escena (por ser una escena de ejemplo) ,
solo se necesitaron unos cuantos materiales.
El material al que ms atencin deben de darle es al del suelo, ya que este estar durante
toda la escena y adems por ser un objeto de gran ocupacin en el render.En todos los
objetos utilic un UVW mapping de tipo Box.
En cuanto a de dnde obtengo las texturas:
A mi parecer son las mejores pginas de texturas, aunque la primera de da casi todos los
mapas que necesitas tales como diffuse, displacement, bump, y en algunos caso el
especular, as es que recomiendo la primera, o sino la segunda tambin es buena opcin
Les dejo las caps de los ajustes de los materiales que hice.



Lmparas de piso:

Tiramos un render para ver cmo nos van quedando los materiales, claro, con los ajustes
para renders de baja calidad ya dados.

Como vemos, tanto la iluminacin como el texturizado estn bastante buenos, as es que
con esto ya podemos tirar un render final.
Aqu los ajustes que us para mi render final, en la parte del secondary machine utilic
Light cach con subdivisiones 2000, y pre filtro de 5.

Y bueno, despus de un ratito, sali el render final.

Como vern no hay mucha diferencia con el render baja calidad, pero a la hora de la
post produccin s se notan las diferencias.
El tamao del render final tambin es importante a la hora de la post produccin. As
que mientras mayor sea la resolucin del render final, mejor produccin final tendr.
Para la post produccin utilic Photoshop Cs4, y solo le di algunas correcciones de
color, de contraste.
Adems de algunas mejoras en los tonos medios.

Bueno, espero les haya gustado este tutorial propio para el motor de render V-ray 2.
Si tienen alguna duda o comentario que deseen hacer, ser bienvenido.
Pronto les estar trayendo un tutorial para escenas exteriores.

Realistically Light and Render Interior

Scenes Using 3ds Max and Vray
Step 1
In this tutorial, well be using real units, so the first thing would be to open the menu
"Customize > Units Setup > US" and choose "Standard > Feet w/Decimal Inches" as the

Step 2
When you are trying to get a photorealistic quality it is very important to make sure that
your object scale is accurate. This will play an important role in achieving a good
render. Also, as you can see the scene is quite simple... just a small lobby (mostly
modeled with boxes). Note: It is important that it is a closed room, and there are no
openings for the light from environment to enter.

Step 3
Press f10, and from the "assign renderer" tab choose "Vray". This will enable "Vray" as
your renderer, and also enable Vray materials in your material editor.

Step 4
Assign a simple Vray material to all the objects in the scene, and set up basic scene
lighting and render settings. This is to finalize the lighting and render settings and save
time, since a plain material renders much faster than reflective and glossy materials
which will be added later.

Step 5
Now to work on the lighting and render settings to achieve the final result.

Step 6
Add a Vray physical camera to the scene by going to "Create Tab > Camera > Vray >
Physical Camera".

Step 7
The settings for a physical camera are:

Type - Determines the type of the camera. Set it to "Still".

Film Gate - Specifies the horizontal size of the film gate in
millimeters. Set it according to your scene.

Focal Length - Specifies the equivalent focal length of the camera


f-number - The width of the camera aperture and (indirectly)

exposure. If the Exposure option is checked, changing the f-number
will affect the image brightness.

Vignetting - When this option is on, the optical vignetting effect of a

real-world cameras is simulated.

White Balance - Allows additional modification of the image output

according to the color or preset chosen.

Shutter Speed - The shutter speed (in inverse seconds) for the still
photographic camera. For example, a shutter speed of 1/50 s
corresponds to a value of 50 for this parameter.

Film Speed (ISO) - Determines the film power (sensitivity). Smaller

values make the image darker, while larger values make it brighter.

Step 8
Now to place the various Vray lights. Lights 1-4 affect the scene directly, whereas light
5 has been placed in a downward direction, and will affect the scene in an indirect (in

form of bounced light).

Step 9
The basic parameters of the Vray lights are:

Color - The color of the light.

Multiplier - The multiplier for the light color. This is also the light
intensity determined by the Intensity units parameter.

Invisible - This setting controls whether the shape of the VRay light
source is visible in the render result. When this option is turned off the
source is rendered in the current light color. Otherwise it is not visible
in the scene.

Subdivs - Defines the samples, or the quality of the light. 8-10 should
be used for test renders, and 15-20 for final renders. Increasing the
samples will significantly increase your render time.

Step 10
IES stands for "Illuminating Engineering Society". The photometric data is stored in
these files. A photometric web is a 3D representation of the light intensity distribution of
a light source. Web definitions are stored in files. Many lighting manufacturers provide
web files that model their products, and these are often available on the Internet. We as
artists can use them to replicate the real life phenomena of light in 3d.
Go to the "Lights" tab, choose "Vray" from the drop down list, and create a "Vray ies"
in the right view. Then instance it below all four steel holders.

Step 11
The main settings for the ies lights are:

Browse Button - Click it and browse for the ies file that you want to
Color Mode - If you choose this option, you can change and affect
the light intensity through the color picker.

Temperature Mode - Allows you to accurately change the light

intensity through the color temperature.

Power - Determines how bright the light will be.

Step 12
Through the following steps, you will configure the rendering settings in Vray. Press
F10, then under "Global Switches", uncheck "Default Lights". This will cause the
default lights in the scene to be switched off. For the Image Sampler type select
"Adaptive DMC", and "Catmull Rom" as the filter. Also, change the min and max
subdivs as shown.
Lastly, change the "Color Mapping" type to "Exponential". This mode will saturate the
colors based on their brightness, and therefore, will not clip bright colors, but saturate
them instead. This can be useful to prevent Burn-outs in the very bright areas (for
example around light sources etc).

Step 13
Under the "Indirect Illumination" select "Irradiance Map" and use "Light Cache" as the
primary and secondary engine. Also, change the Preset to "High", "hsph subdivs" to 50,
and "interp samples" to 20.

Irradiance Map - Computes the indirect illumination only at some

points in the scene, and interpolates for the rest of the points. The
Irradiance Map is very fast compared to direct computation,
especially for scenes with large flat areas.
Current Preset - Allows you to choose from several presets for some
of the irradiance map parameters.
Hemispheric Subdivs (HSph. subdivs) - Controls the quality of
individual GI samples. Smaller values makes things faster, but may
produce blotchy results. Higher values produce smoother images.

Step 14
With a Light Cache, the light map is built by tracing many eye paths from the camera.
Each of the bounces in the path stores the illumination from the rest of the path into a 3d
structure (very similar to the photon map). In the Light Cache put 1500 for subdivs and
8 for no of passes.

The Subdivs determines how many paths are traced from the camera. The actual number
of paths is the square of the subdivs (the default 1000 subdivs mean that 1 000 000
paths will be traced from the camera).

Step 15
Your settings for the test render are done. If you hit render now, you should see the same
image that was shown before. Now all you need to do is apply the materials, and
increase the Irradiance Map and Light Cache samples for the final render.

Step 16
Now to texture the scene (actually it's quite simple). The basic parameters that will be
used in materials are:

Diffuse - The diffuse color of the material.

Roughness - Can be used to simulate rough surfaces or surfaces
covered with dust.

Reflect - The reflection color.

Reflection Glossiness - Controls the sharpness of the reflections. A

value of 1.0 means perfect mirror-like reflections; lower values
produce blurry or glossy reflections. Use the Subdivs parameter below
to control the quality of the glossy reflections.

The shader for the tiles on the base is a simple vray material with a de-saturated texture
in the diffuse and a noise map in bump.

Step 17
The wood rack is also made of a Vray material with slight reflections and glossiness.

Step 18
The material for the wall is again just simple cream and black colors with no reflections.

Step 19
The shader on the wall on which the paintings are hanging is made of steel and white
wall. The wall part also has a grainy texture assigned to it.


Step 20
Your scene is now textured! You can add any other props or objects you like to fill up
the scene. The above rendering settings are good for test renders, but for production
quality you will need to increase the samples for the image sampler, Light Cache, and
Irradiance map.

Step 21
Here is the final result! Hope you learned something new!!.

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