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Linux Security: Checklist

Security control

Check installation medium (cd-rom/dvd/ISO) by using checksum
Determine integrity of the installation medium. Security starts here.

Use a minimal base installation

The less software installed on the system, the lower the attack surface. Also better for performance and decluttering of the system in

Create separated filesystems for /home, /tmp

Depending on the usage, create a separate filesystem to protect filling up the root filesystem

Boot and Disk

Use disk encryption (LUKS)
When appropriate use encryption to thwart unauthorized people having access to your data (e.g. disk stolen, repair shop, conference)

Configure mount options on some file systems like /tmp

Disable execute or binaries with suid by defining noexec,nodev,nosuid and mode on /tmp and /run.

Configure BIOS password

Limit access to BIOS by authorized people only.

Limit bootable devices

Only allow the devices to be booted (e.g. disk). Disable boot from cd/dvd or USB, if unauthorized people have access to the machine.

Harden boot loader

Set a password for accessing single user mode.


Denial of Service (DoS)

Install anti brute-force tool for authentication attempts.
Deter brute force authentication attacks (e.g. with fail2ban).

Set a login banner to warn guests of the system that it will be monitored.
Deter unauthorized people to use the system.

Check open network ports
Determine what services are listening with netstat -nlp, nmap localhost

Use firewall like iptables/NFTables

Limit access to the minimal amount of services need for the purpose of the machine. All internal or local communication should not
be possible.

Intrusion Detection
Install and configure file integrity tool (AIDE, Samhain, AFICK)
Monitor for most important files (crown jewels). If they are altered, raise an event to investigate.

Install and configure malware scanner

Although Linux is less sceptible to viruses and worms, there is plenty of malicious scripts. Run a malware scanner like ClamAV, Rootkit
Hunter, LMD or OSSEC.

Configure system logging to a remote machine

For purposes of detection, forensics and archiving, remote logging is a great method to directly store events on a remote location.

Configure password aging (chage)

Users and Permissions

Make use of sudoers (/etc/sudoers)
Limit permissions for normal users. Only allow a minimum amount of users to have root access.

Disable or remove accounts

Change shell of system accounts, so they can't have a shell. Remove old users where possible, but determine upfront if they own any

System availability
Configure monitoring
Monitor system resources and hardware status.

Disable the common combination, to prevent unexpected reboots (e.g. by Windows administrators).

Create backups and check restores

Especially after the installation, make sure your backup is working. Check your backups by performing test restores.

Remove unneeded software
Disable and remove unneeded software. Old packages or installations (including PHP based tools) can increase the risk of a
successful break-in.

Configure automated patching

Some distros can automate security patching. While there is a minimal risk of unavailability of a service, it outweighs the risk of
security break-ins due to vulnerable software.

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