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Minutes for the Incorporation of Hammermen Property Meeting.

The above meeting was held in the County Hotel on Wednesday 5 th October at
Members present 18
Alan Wheelans, Jake Wheelans, Scott Tough, Fraser Tough.
Deacons Remarks:
Deacon Fairbairn outlined the reason for the meeting informing the wider
membership of the opportunity the Craft has been given to take possession of its
own building in the West Port. It was explained to the meeting that the building
was in a poor state of repair with the urgent need for stone work, roofing and
damp proofing just to ensure its viability in the short term. The Deacon informed
the attendees of the previous meetings the committee has had since June in
order to explore the various scenarios and opportunities which the project may
present. After a meeting on October 5th, it was decided to call a full members
meeting to present the information we have at present and seek the members
views on whether or not the project was viable. Deacon Fairbairn informed the
meeting of the funding in principle of certain elements of the project by the
Selkirk Conservation Regeneration Scheme as long as the building was in
condition to hold meetings in by March 2018. It was also made clear that all
other funding would have to be raised by the Hammermen. Some of the
proposed uses were explained during the Deacons remarks with a call for
support from the entire membership in the delivery of the project.
Deacon Fairbairn then opened the floor to any questions.
Rodney Pow: what would the likely running costs be?
Cameron Cochrane: 100 per month.
Keith Riddell: No works should be undertaken before the CARS funding is formally
Rodney Pow: How will running costs be raised in subsequent years?
Alan Tough: Membership will have to work hard raising funds and recovering cost
from other user groups.
Les Millar: Concerned about cash flow required to start the project and stated
fundraising would be on going, but with variety over the years.
Arnold Henderson : Concerned that members and the public may become
fatigued if faced with constant fundraising demands.
Duncan MacDougal: Suggested that Lottery Funding could be an option, but
constitution would have to undergo change in order to further demonstrate
community inclusion.

Alan Tough proposed that the membership go forward with the project to develop
3 West Port into a meeting hub for the Incorporation and wider Community.
The Proposal was seconded by Dave Firth.
There being no counter proposal, the proposal was carried by the membership.
The Deacon requested members to put their names forward for a subcommittee
to manage the project:
Alan Wheelans (in absentia), Graham Legge, Alan Tough, Rodney Pow and Leith
Riddell all put their names forward to assist.
Keith Ridddell reminded the group of the need for membership engagement in
order to spread the workload.
Gordon Cochrane requested that the Incorporation explore the possibility of
becoming a registered charity in order to take advantage of rates exemptions
etc. This request was reinforced by Keith Riddell suggesting that there may also
be a VAT reduction available and by Ian Fairbairn where there may be a gift aid
option available to the project.
Rodney Pow suggested that we may put the cost of membership up at the next
AGM in order to raise some revenue to assist with running costs.
Deacon Fairbairn suggested that the shop at the front of 3 West Port be rented
on the 3rd of December, the day of the Selkirk Christmas Lights Switch on. with
view to launching our fund raising campaign. There could be cake and candy,
coffees and a display with our plans for the building.
Gordon Cochrane suggested that other organisations in the town be written to in
order to engage the wider community.
Deacon Fairbairn suggested that we ensue we can make a news story out of the
launch to increase engagement further.
Dave Firth suggested that we have a notice board in the High Street in order to
reach as many folk as possible, and that Colin Turnbull may be amenable to his
shop being used.
Rodney Pow once more called for assurance of the funding before any cash be
committed to the project.
In closing the meeting Deacon Fairbairn did express some disappointment at the
number attending the meeting, but as it was sufficient to form a quorum, then
the wishes of the attendees must be acted upon.
The meeting was closed with a vote of thanks to the chair.

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